
Fear Of Unknown Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"This person, you're going to have this relationship with, it's going to be scary and unknown to you initially."
"What most people don't want to face is that discomfort... that unknown is what people are afraid of because they'd rather live in guilt... than take a chance in possibility."
"We have a fear of the unknown and the unusual...if we didn't know what it was, it was likely to try and kill us or eat us."
"The fear of the unknown makes 'Under the Skin' scary."
"The one thing that man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a world government, a new world order."
"The fear of the unknown is far worse than being shot at."
"Love works in mysterious ways, and mysterious scares me a lot."
"It's amazing what the unknown does to minds."
"When your second mouth shuts up - all it is is a fear of the unknown."
"People fear what they don't know, they fear the unknown, and if there's a topic within witchcraft, if there's a topic within the world that you are quite fearful of, take the time to learn a little bit more about it."
"There are unexplained phenomena in this world, and if we don't keep investigating, we'll just live in fear and never know anything for certain."
"People are intimidated they fears of something they don't know, you know, and this is ignorance ultimately it's ignorance."
"The only scary thing is you don't know and you don't understand, but you know, get to know different people, get to find out a bit about them."
"The uncertainty and suspense in this video remind us that sometimes the scariest things are the ones we can't comprehend."
"Change can be scary, but it can also be exciting. You never know what's around the corner."
"Not knowing is more scary to me than knowing something hard." - Dave Ramsey
"It's all just fear of the unknown. It's all just fear of being somewhere you're not comfortable."
"The fear of the unknown, that's why these stories terrify us and keep us up at night."
"We won't be there when we are dead, and this itself can be frightening."
"The idea that at any given moment we could be surrounded by beings that we can't see and that we know nothing about is both fascinating and terrifying."
"People imagine themselves into the future, and it can be terrifying."
"People often loathe what they can't understand because it scares them."
"Ideas change based on new evidence. But the fear of the unknown remains."
"We won't ever see what monsters are under the bed, so we'll always be running."
"It's unfortunate, but I suppose it is human to be afraid of the unknown."
"The Paranormal is subtle and strange and for many far beyond what we are used to experiencing. It can, in short, be terrifying."
"The fear of the unknown really makes the older horror movies stand out."
"People are afraid of the unknown, people are afraid of things they can't control."
"It's a terror of what you know is in the darkness."
"In this world there are many things that can strike fear into our hearts but none quite so much as the fear of the unknown, the inability to understand what might lie beyond."
"People fear China because they don't understand it."
"The uncertainty, the unknown, is everyone's greatest fear."
"It’s an inherent terror of the unknown and the uncontrollable."
"Not knowing... it's almost one of the worst things that can happen to an individual."
"Don't miss out on it because you're scared of the unknown. Just try it."
"There's a fear of the unknown, right? And this movie takes full advantage of it."
"The first step can be the most difficult, it's the most scary because it's the most unknown."
"I hurried back before Sunset to my hotel, unwilling to have the stars come out above me in the open."
"The distrust of the sea and water is very closely associated with their general forgetfulness of the world outside."
"There's nothing quite like the fear of the unknown causing your heart to race within your chest."
"That which is unknown and unseen commands the greatest fear."
"There is always fear of unknown because for the known things you have no fear."
"Living in the unknown is a lot scarier than living in the known."
"We are afraid of a thing that we do not know. And then when you become familiar with it, you start to see it as being more normal."
"The unknown can be more terrifying than anything else."
"There are incredible landscapes pooled around us, but so few of us dare to venture into sets seemingly inhospitable lands for fear of failure or becoming lost."
"Horror, of course, is all in the discovery of the unknown."
"Humans were always afraid of what we don't understand."
"People are afraid of things they don't know; new things can be very, very scary."
"Humans will always fear what they cannot understand, and all hatred stems from fear."
"The unknown is scary, but what does give me comfort is if I know my closest friends are coming with."
"People are scared of what they don't know, but if you take the time to explain, you usually find they listen."
"The people of Raven's Cove made the choice to destroy something they did not understand."
"Humanity's curiosity hates the unknown."
"The unknown is the most frightening thing of all."