
Wizardry Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. He arrives exactly when he proceeds."
"How did young wizards begin their journey to fame?"
"Ron Weasley is like a regular guy amongst these wizards... I can relate."
"The wizard's unique way of thinking became quite popular."
"The wizard may be the king when it comes to the sheer volume of spells he has access to."
"I'm sure I will love this film because all I wanted was weird freaky wizard stuff."
"A wizard is never late, Mr. Baggins, he arrives exactly on time."
"A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives exactly when he means to."
"Wizards are masters of magic capable of wielding immense power that can be devastating to both enemies and potentially friends alike."
"Now, this isn't science. This is wizardry, this is actual magic."
"With the right knowledge, talent, and willpower can truly claim to be the most powerful wizards."
"Their success means the destruction of this world." - Wizard Elder
"Who's the one wizard Voldemort always feared? Dumbledore. Oh, as long as Dumbledore's around, you can't be touched."
"Dumbledore is unquestionably one of the most powerful and intelligent Wizards to have ever lived."
"Does he respect his skills as a wizard? No doubt."
"...you'll get to watch this interactive experience and see the process of the wand choosing its wizard."
"Honestly who makes this place though like the amount of flames and everything Wizards excuse me I'm head boy."
"I don't know, I just found out I'm a wizard and I'm rich today."
"He was like a zombie and it was like a biker, yes, and then he became like a zombie again because he's just really old now at this time more Wizarding, he's a wizard now."
"You are a wizard Harry wizard see I thought the Wizarding came from the wand but I guess you've got to have a certain summing aren't you."
"I make things happen from dirt to Diamonds. I'm a wizard."
"The wizard is all about slow spell cooldowns, big AOE explosions, and a bunch of utility magic."
"It really got to show you just how creative you have to be to be a powerful wizard."
"There are many mysteries to being a wizard, but I'll try to keep your training as straightforward as possible," Falrick assured him.
"Additionally, any Undead creature that you create using any necromancy spell gets additional hit points equal to your wizard level and bonus weapon damage equal to your proficiency bonus."
"If you walked into my office and this was on my desk, along with like some other things that I'm going to show today, I would look like a straight up wizard."
"He must've been at Voxhall Road. He's Muggle-born, probably." "That's odd," said Harry."
"What wizard designed this thing because he mastered the sculpt the paint the materials the accessories."
"You can't act like the guy didn't work. There's some fast hand-fingered wizardry on those albums."
"I need to regain control of the portals. I spoke with Otto Shenk, chief advisor and a wizard of considerable power. I suspect he is the architect of your difficulties."
"If they can't accept that, no wizard will be safe."
"See, I think he has a lot of power. This, yeah, look at what he's doing. Clouds are turning black. He must be like a very high wizard."
"You are going to be a note-taking wizard so powerful even Gandalf would be scared."
"It's magic, but you now know how to do it, so that makes you... you're a wizard, a code wizard, a magician!"
"Magic is strong enough in Ooo to stop comets and Wizardry has been revitalized."
"I'm a very powerful wizard but I like to stay humble."
"She dueled Voldemort himself to a stalemate."
"Harry decided that he was going to call himself the wizard of Chicago."
"You're a wizard Harry You're a hairy wizard"
"The wizard will kind of do the rest, and you're done."
"He came walking through the thunderstorm and you could tell he was a wizard partly because of the long cloak and Craven staff but mainly because the raindrops were stopping several feet from his head and steaming."
"Where does it say women can't be Wizards?"
"Your grandfather was a wizard and he [__] got killed by Voldemort!"
"For the true wizard, knowledge is obvious, obviously."
"It's like being a modern-day wizard, extracting invaluable insights from a sea of data."
"Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age."
"Severus Snape," said Lupine. "Severus Snape. Severus Snape. Severus Snape. Severus Snape. Severus Snape. Severus Snape."
"Knowledge is the most valuable asset to a wizard."
"Why hasn't there ever been a wizard wrestler?"
"Stand back sir, I'm a level 72 wizard."
"Tom Thomas, you're a powerful wizard!"
"I just thought it would look like something that would be in Dumbledore's office."
"Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad."
"Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now: students."
"Any good wizard needs some badass wizard robes."
"Hello Rebecca, before we go on our date, I must warn you, I am an absolutely dastardly wizard."
"If you were a wizard, what would your wizard name be and what would you use your magical powers for?"
"Dear Magical Council, we the students Daria, Dorma, and Lisa believe that wizards don't need to run, jump, and walk on balance beams, so we ask you to cancel physical education; it's outdated."
"Did this mean that Filch wasn't a proper wizard?"
"A wizard is never late, only grey."
"I'm the wizard of love and this man believes in himself."
"The archmage Nex, once a low-born child, rose to become one of the great wizard Kings of Eastern Garund."
"I'm no wizard, but this seems to me like the spell is related to an individual."
"A wizard arrives exactly when he intends to."
"The great wizard wasn't as perfect as he seemed, and he, like everyone else, has made many mistakes."
"He's the greatest wizard of all time."
"Only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it."
"Study hard, Cross. I hope you become a great wizard."
"I've played my part well, so well I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time."
"Balthazar Gelt is without a doubt the most powerful wizard in the Empire."
"The hat analyzed abilities of each wizard and decided which kind of wizard they would be from now on."
"A wizard always keeps his promises."
"As Merlin is a wizard, high magics will attract you."
"Harry Potter's supposed to be the sad story. He is the most famous, good-looking wizard in a wizard world."
"You are a musical wizard when it comes to music."
"Wizards are always troubled about the future. I do not like worrying about the future."
"Dr. Harris Bonkers was once the greatest wizard who ever walked the face of the earth."
"Your scar is legend, as of course is the wizard who gave it to you."
"The wand chooses the wizard, that much has always been clear."
"You're gonna be the wizard king, aren't you?"
"I may never become a proper wizard, but I won't let you hurt her."
"Merlin, the most famous wizard of all time."
"Voldemort's not the greatest wizard in the world, Dumbledore is."
"I'm a champion wizard from the future on that one."
"Who's daddy's truly a wizard, man. Absolute wizard."
"You are a wizard of the first order; I would defer to your expertise in such matters."
"Dave is a sort of wizard of Excel, he's the Gandalf of Excel."
"A good wizard studies his fantastic beasts."
"Past, present, and future surged through the wizard's mind, bringing a flood of possibilities."
"Your local wizard is feeling kind of bad for all the mean things he has done to you."
"Merlin's book of Magic, the lifelong painstaking efforts of the legendary Mage Merlin."
"Wizards' work, using people. The worst of it was using people he liked, especially people he liked deeply."
"You are a marvel, my husband, a marvel of the best kind. You will make a remarkable wizard, truly remarkable."
"A wizard is never early nor late; he arrives precisely when he means to."
"That's the way a wizard looks at life."
"Passion is an important quality in a wizard, Remus," Dumbledore was saying.
"It is in the hands of someone with real strength, whether he is a purer blood wizard or not."
"And that is the power of a wizard."
"Many of the best and brightest witches and wizards came from Hogwarts."
"I hope you know what a wizard is."
"A wizard is never late, he arrives exactly when he intends to."
"Many of the greatest wizards didn't possess an ounce of logic."
"Young wizard saying an engineering marvel it is indeed."
"Never forget where the wizard came from."
"...he assumed he would become a wizard."
"Uh, you're all wrong," says the little man quietly. "I am the wizard, but I'm not a real wizard."
"You're a bad man," says Dorothy. "No, I'm a good man, but I am a very bad wizard," he says.
"You want to know what the strongest wizard looks like? You're looking right at it."
"Shadow son, prove that she is in fact the Supreme Wizard and leader and legend."
"Sometimes you just need a wizard."
"The wizard lived a solitary existence."
"As always, Gringotts is a lot of fun."