
Kingdom Of God Quotes

There are 694 quotes

"It's only those who are born again who will enter God's kingdom, According to Jesus."
"The kingdom of God is within you; it's not about establishing a government in the world but establishing people who are part of God's kingdom."
"This is how we will bring the kingdom of God into the world."
"In the kingdom of God, we only get to keep what we give away."
"The kingdom offers eternal life, everlasting joy and peace."
"The kingdom of God is here... don't look here, don't look there, for the kingdom is within you."
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?"
"He presented Himself alive to them after His suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during 40 days and speaking about the kingdom of God."
"To operate in the supernatural is to operate in the atmosphere of the kingdom of God."
"I'm challenging you, as your brother in Christ, to instead of supporting the things of this world, support the kingdom."
"The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit."
"You want to be part of that kingdom, only way that happens, friends, is you come to Christ and you ask Him to be your Savior."
"What does Jesus say? Love God with everything you have and love your neighbor as yourself. Where is that love? God, love neighbor, lift self. And that's the kingdom of God."
"The gospel is the focus. So whatever nation, whatever government we're in, there we spread the kingdom of God that is not of this world."
"The gospel is the gospel of the kingdom... it's good news of his reign, good news of course of his salvation, but Jesus is the ruler of the kings of the earth."
"It's God's people and Jesus says you pray like this: 'Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.'"
"Help me to seek first the kingdom of God and all its righteousness."
"We don't have to choose between socialism and nationalism. We choose the Kingdom. We seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness."
"The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ."
"At the end of time, the kingdom of God will come in its fullness. Then the just will reign with Christ forever, glorified in body and soul, and the material universe itself will be transformed. God will then be all in all in eternal life."
"The Kingdom of God is not meat or drink, but it's righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit."
"The kingdom of God is as practical as money, houses, neighborhoods, jobs, hospitals, schools."
"The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed when you plant in the ground yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants."
"Proclaim the kingdom of God after you have demonstrated the kingdom of God, and everyone will want to know the king."
"The kingdom of God is not just something you see physically, but it is within you."
"Not everyone who says, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of God, but those who do the will of my Father."
"We understand that the Kingdom of God is something that Jesus is the king of and we are citizens of."
"The kingdom of God must be where God is the King and His law is implemented."
"God's judgment in the last days purifies all His people, and accomplishes the emergence of His kingdom on the earth."
"God's Sovereign over the Nations but the nations are not part of Christ's Kingdom."
"The kingdom is about God bringing you the secret of your identity to show you who you are."
"You're not just saved to go to heaven; you're saved to live out God's kingdom."
"What kingdom are you longing for? Which kingdom are you a servant of?"
"The church has been seduced into abandoning the greater kingdom for the lesser kingdom."
"Welcome to the family of God. Welcome to the kingdom of God."
"Jesus only preached one message: He never preached a religion, he preached a kingdom."
"The kingdom of God is the most beautiful message in the world."
"Jesus is starting up the kingdom here on earth."
"God is taking us into divine currency, one of the biggest currencies in the kingdom is favor."
"Boldly and without hindrance, he preached the kingdom of God."
"God is releasing a decree for the kingdom that is going to intercept the decrees of individuals that are hostile to his purposes."
"Setting up the kingdom of God on earth will be part of our assignment."
"When you preach the gospel, you're basically preaching the kingdom."
"The kingdom of God is working right here, right now."
"The kingdom of God will be radically inclusive."
"The kingdom of God has a king, territory, purpose, people, and laws."
"A reset is never any fun in anything except for the kingdom."
"The ultimate culmination of God's plan is the return of his kingdom to earth."
"The gates of Hell cannot prevail. Write this down: in the kingdom of God, death cannot separate the citizen from the jurisdiction of the king."
"Jesus's Miracles were to demonstrate the power of the kingdom of God."
"We are Kingdom, we are Sons and Daughters of the government of Heaven."
"Make me hunger and thirst for the kingdom of God, bring about a new desire and a new passion for Christ within me."
"I think it's more about a definition of power, it's about what God's Kingdom looks like."
"The kingdom of God is undefeated and not only is it undefeated, it's undefeatable."
"Singleness is actually better for the sake of the kingdom of God."
"Our allegiance is to the kingdom of God... Not to any particular nation."
"Jesus: preacher of the coming kingdom of God."
"The kingdom is a precious commodity, worth sacrificing everything for."
"The kingdom of God is not about meat and drink but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."
"The church must get back to demonstrating the kingdom of God."
"Unity and holiness serve the mission of God, which is the establishment of the kingdom of God."
"You can have 50 billion dollars as all you just say it's not for my comfort convenience and security it's for your kingdom and I want to use it that way."
"God is building his kingdom on the earth and he is inviting you to join him."
"It is his pleasure to give you the mysteries of the kingdom."
"What are we waiting for? His kingdom is a present reality."
"I want your name to be great... I want your kingdom here on this earth."
"You can believe that the kingdom is coming, it's coming on earth in the glorious era of peace."
"The catechism is clearly not condemning the notion that the kingdom can come more fully on earth than it has yet."
"The kingdom of God advances in the world against the world one soul at a time."
"If you have the kingdom, all these things will be added. Who is adding it? The owner of the Kingdom will give you everything."
"Now is the time. Jesus for the kingdom of God has come near to your repair."
"Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God... You'll never understand it nor will you enter into it."
"God did not come and say, 'I am coming to give you a church.' Listen to what he said, he said, 'I'm coming to give you a kingdom.' Mark 1 and 15. I want you to build your whole lives around this kingdom, not around the church."
"Taking sides for a worldly kingdom is not what we're here to do. We're here to take the side of the kingdom of God."
"I'm not just a child of God, I am an heir of the Kingdom."
"He came to restore the kingdom rulership of God on earth through mankind."
"The church is not the kingdom. The church is basically, listen to this, the educational wing of the kingdom."
"It wasn't a policy... it was a revelation from God."
"Detachment from their agendas and preparation for Yah's Kingdom is essential."
"Saints, the Lord is on the throne, directing our path. I'm so blessed that we are part of the kingdom of God."
"Jesus brought back and bought back and reclaimed the kingdom for himself."
"God's kingdom is not limited by the kingdoms of the world."
"You must be born again spiritually into the kingdom of God."
"We are God's co-workers. We are co-workers in the kingdom of God."
"What we're looking for is right here, the reality that Jesus came to announce, to die for, and to rise for. He called it the kingdom of God."
"Fear not, little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
"Until I return, stay alert and watch for my kingdom, work for my kingdom."
"Thank you for bringing your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Amen."
"Our duty before God is to lay our lives down, to live godly risky lives for the sake of the kingdom of God."
"Living amongst Messiah, being in his kingdom with him ruling over us, is a true privilege and gift."
"The transfiguration is a representation of his coming kingdom in its fullness."
"You're not developed into the kingdom, you're not earned into the kingdom, you're burst into the kingdom."
"The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed... for behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst."
"The kingdom of God is near; repent and believe the good news."
"The kingdom of God is at hand, it's within your reach, it's here, we're already positioned."
"An angel appeared to Jesus from heaven, strengthening him. Angels work with us for the sake of the kingdom of God."
"The kingdom is here already, but not yet."
"Apply yourself to the fullest. This definitely will help you do your pastoral work in a more efficient way and a more useful way for the kingdom of God."
"I believe it's of great importance, dire that we communicate the kingdom of God."
"Let's not try to bring people back to church, let's move people forward into the kingdom of God."
"Justice comes to destroy the work of the evil one and to advance the kingdom of God."
"Thou art not far from the kingdom of God."
"We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God."
"This world is going to be completely redeemed and the work of the kingdom of God because that was Jesus's main message in the Bible the kingdom of God is about spreading God's Kingdom right here and now in anticipation of when Jesus is going to come back and restore all things."
"The kingdom of God is incorruptible. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God."
"You don't have to spend your life imagining you're a second-class citizen in the kingdom of God. It's wrong to imagine that God wouldn't do something valuable through you because you are not valuable. It's a lie."
"What's the value attached to doing the will of God? Well, I'm all in if it's easy or convenient or comfortable or doesn't interrupt my whatever. We are soldiers for the kingdom."
"Forfeit his life in the kingdom of God."
"Be after the interest of the Kingdom of God in every field you're in."
"The greatest in the Kingdom of God can put the devil under your feet."
"The kingdom of God has arrived because you walked in there."
"The Kingdom of God is spread out on the earth, and most people don't see it."
"That's why we evangelize. That's why we plant. That's why we build congregations. That's why we reach out to the poor. That's why we train the children. The 'why' is so that the kingdom of God will come, and the nations will serve Him once again."
"Anytime you talk about the kingdom of God, keep in mind what the old folks say: If the kingdom of God is within you and everywhere you go, you ought to leave a little Heaven behind."
"The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
"Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God."
"Every gal who quotes a verse isn't necessarily filled with the Holy Spirit, every gal who has ministry experience was not necessarily serving the kingdom of God."
"The kingdom of God is like a weed, once you start spreading this around, it's going to be a refuge for birds and other little animals."
"The impact of the Kingdom acts 28 verse 7, the evidence of the Kingdom, is its impact on circumstance."
"When the kingdom of God is present, it impacts people and makes them come running to see what's going on."
"We must make a stand for truth, we must make a stand for the kingdom of God."
"The kingdom of God functions by spiritual law."
"...the kingdom of God has to do with social applications of the ethical teaching of Jesus."
"Pressing into the kingdom of God requires persistence and a refusal to quit when faced with obstacles."
"Okay, it's not like that. The images that Jesus uses, the mustard seed becoming a great plant or the yeast put in the loaf, the kingdom of God does not arrive like the 82nd airborne, right? The kingdom of God arrives slowly, quietly."
"I think the main theme is the kingdom of God... redemption is a means to accomplish God's kingdom."
"Many times you find that this whole theme of the present presence of a kingdom now... as present applications."
"Humility is such an important thing in the kingdom of God because without humility we are in trouble."
"The kingdom of God is designed for those who want to serve others."
"Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God."
"You can't experience the fullness of the kingdom of God operating in a spirit of dishonor."
"The Age to Come has already begun; in a sense, we are the people of the future, we are already in the Kingdom and yet we don't yet see it fully established because we still see the present evil age continuing."
"The Kingdom of God’s getting stronger too. Both are growing together."
"The kingdom of God comes to earth through the person and work of Jesus."
"He values the souls of men more than anything else."
"Unless you're born again, you'll not see the kingdom of God."
"The kingdom of God is joy in believing."
"I rain. Jesus in a human person reigning. That is the kingdom of God."
"The kingdom of God is come unto you."
"Multiply! The kingdom of God has to continue to multiply."
"This is true, as we have here and we do that, that's how you lay up Treasures in Heaven, you do it by sewing into the kingdom of God."
"The church as an abstract thing... is actually the ordinary praying people in every place who are getting on and doing the stuff that the kingdom of God is actually all about."
"The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand."
"Unless you're born again, you won't see the kingdom of God."
"When we seek the kingdom, it means that our aim and our efforts are for the success and the promotion of the kingdom of God."
"The kingdom of God is in your midst; it's already here, it already has come."
"If I'm casting out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has overtaken you, that has arrived and you didn't notice it."
"Humans, if you're not involved in promoting the kingdom of God, you're not involved in reality."
"There's only one thing we have to be aimed at, and that is the promotion of the kingdom of God."
"The whole message of the Bible is the kingdom of God and the ramifications it has for us."
"If it saves one baby, then it's worth it. If it saves one marriage, if it brings one prodigal son or daughter home, it's not about the numbers. It's about the fact that maybe just maybe if I throw my full life in with the kingdom of God, it will make a difference for somebody."
"Celibacy is a recognition of a virgin birth that we belong to the kingdom of God and not to nature."
"Miracles point us to the kingdom of God. One day when Jesus comes back, the curse is lifted and everything is miraculously supernaturally eternally healed."
"If you teach it according to the kingdom of God, you far outrun the normal teachings."
"Trust is the currency in the Kingdom of God. Everything Faith is made available to you, it requires faith and trust. Those words faith and trust are used synonymously. There is no faith without trust and vice versa."
"Forgiveness is one of the biggest deals in the kingdom of God."
"You should always be happy when I see God using other people in the Kingdom of God for the benefit of the Body of Christ."
"Q focuses on Jesus' teachings about the kingdom of God and justice."
"The kingdom of God has no poverty."
"We are His colony, and wealth in the kingdom is supposed to be a reflection."
"Faith is like the fuel that runs everything in the kingdom of God."
"When you embrace the way of the cross, you participate in the kingdom of God right now."
"The kingdom of God, and the life that Jesus exemplified by the Sermon on the Mount, is real."
"The kingdom of God doesn't look like the empires of the world. It doesn't have the same political or military or economic Grandeur."
"Jesus's Kingdom is like a mustard seed. It starts small, it spreads rapidly like weeds do once they're planted."
"The kingdom doesn't look like we expect it to look. It's mysterious."
"Find a 12 Barrel gift to the kingdom of God and stand back and watch God spring into action."
"Think of a parable like a political cartoon. If you're not a citizen of the kingdom of God, the parables of Jesus are like political cartoons."
"He presented himself alive after his suffering by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of 40 days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God."
"The kingdom of God has arrived among you, for who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man like Satan and plunder his goods? Only someone even stronger, someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house,"
"In Jesus's vision of the kingdom of God, life is not a zero-sum game."
"The kingdom is here, and where the kingdom is, there is power."
"Giving to the poor is one of the most potent strategies for the kingdom disciple in the kingdom of God."
"...having tasted the kingdom, nothing else will satisfy..."
"...we should pray that this kingdom God is setting up will take rulership and reign here on earth..."
"When we pray, we're calling down not budget from our treasurer, but where the budget of the Trinity is available to us. The entire power of the Trinity is available to us, ready for us to access through prayer, especially when it comes to advancing the Kingdom of God forward."
"He was waiting for the kingdom of God, believing in the promise of Jesus' resurrection."
"God has created His Kingdom to operate under spiritual laws just the same way that the physical world operates under natural laws."
"But kingdoms of this world shall yet become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ."
"Our purpose with all the present victory, reign, and power of the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts and in the world: pushing that line out."
"...no entrance into the kingdom of God is possible unless Christ is owned as Lord."
"God doesn't have anything other than normal people. There are no superstars in the Kingdom, just people who learn how to surrender to King Jesus."
"He said, the kingdom of God in Romans, chapter 14, verse 17. He said, the kingdom of God is three things: its righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit."
"The kingdom of God is the influence of God in another territory, and that's what God wants to bring to earth."
"There's more to the gospel than Acts 2:38. Acts 2:38 just gives you an entrance into the kingdom, but once you're into the kingdom, you have certain birthrights that have been given to you."
"The kingdom of God, in essence, is God’s own rule. It is the reign of God over all: over individuals and over nations and over history and over everything."
"His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven."
"The kingdom of God is the effects of the kingdom of heaven, the impact of the kingdom of heaven."
"The kingdom of God is where the impact of the kingdom of heaven is manifested."
"Let the children come to me, don't stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
"God wants something more important than your church, and it's the kingdom."
"The kingdom of God is a family on Earth worshiping the Lord Jesus together."
"The kingdom of God coming with power and great Glory is a manifestation of the Holiness of God."
"Prayer contracts with God, repossesses the kingdom, invades the impossible."
"He began to see the kingdom in everything."
"The kingdom is like a treasure in a field."
"Jesus said the stunningly original statement that the kingdom of God is not near, imminent, soon, or tomorrow. It has already arrived, and you're called to participate in it."
"The kingdom of God cannot be found by observation, but looking externally here or there. It cannot be found in any place outside us, either here in this world or there in heaven."
"The kingdom of God can really only be identified as what would this world be like if Jesus was on the throne and Caesar wasn't."
"Jesus sort of blows all that by continuing if my kingdom was of this world my followers would be in here using Force to get me out the kingdom of Caesar is a kingdom of force and violence the kingdom of Jesus the kingdom of God is a kingdom of nonviolence and justice."