
Dangerous Quotes

Dangerous by Amanda Quick

"It was the darkest hour of the night, nearly three o'clock in the morning, and the chilling fog clung to the city like a ghost."
"She knew she must not falter now. Her brother's life was at stake."
"Prudence knew from her experience with him on the dance floor that Sebastian moved with a lazy, dangerous masculine grace."
"Everyone knew the devil preferred the cover of night."
"You are a most unusual woman, Miss Merryweather."
"I had to see you alone. I am here on a very private matter."
"Genuine honor is a rare enough commodity in either men or women."
"The lady might not appreciate being labeled an Original, but she most definitely qualified as one."
"A most fascinating creature. And now she owed him a favor."
"If your name is linked to Angelstone’s, there will be no end to the gossip."
"Everyone knows you found my jewels when you investigated the Pembroke ghost. The ton is quite enthralled with the tale."
"I cannot comprehend why you do not take more of an interest in your clothes. You would look lovely in lavender."
"You make the selections. I don’t really care which parties we attend. They all seem the same, somehow."
"The assumption is that Angelstone is refraining from putting a bullet in poor Trevor because he is reluctant to cause you distress."
"I’ll leave such philosophical decisions up to you."
"Unlike many others here tonight, I know how to take care of my toys. I do not take pleasure in breaking them and then discarding them."
"I envy you the sights you must have seen and things you must have learned."
"You’ve been very observant. But I cannot say I’m surprised. You are a most amazing female."
"Look on the bright side. Perhaps now your pest of a brother will stop issuing a challenge every time I dance with you."
"It’s quite true. The necklace did not belong to Lady Thornbridge, however."
"I see. I can understand why you wish to keep your hobby a secret."
"You are quite correct, my dear. I should be on my way. Your reputation is already hanging by a thread, is it not?"
"I am not at all certain that is a compliment."
"I had a feeling you would appreciate my efforts."
"It’s all right, my sweet. Everything will be all right."
"Of course not, Flowers. He is my future brother-in-law. We can hardly have him tossed out on his ear every time he shows up."
"He is attempting to protect his sister from me. Some would say that makes him a rather brave young man."
"I have every intention of carrying her off, Underbrink. So I would advise you to release my fiancee’s hand at once."
"I assure you, Prue, I am bloody well not teasing."
"You are a very creative and intelligent woman, my dear. Such talents sometimes have their drawbacks."
"I admit I do not believe in ghosts. I also admit that I have a strong preference for solid evidence before I reach my conclusions."
"My dear, the fact that you have chosen to investigate spectral phenomena as a hobby would indicate that your imagination is very active, indeed."
"Perhaps not in cases of spectral phenomena, but when it comes to investigating a crime, most definitely."
"I think we will leave your stockings in place. I find I rather like you in them."
"You are the most incredible woman I have ever known."
"After all, there is much less evidence for the existence of love than there is for the existence of spectral phenomena."
"He wondered ruefully what had happened to the well-honed self-control that he had taken for granted for years."
"Sebastian knew of no one else who would have gone out of his or her way to save his neck."
"Seizing such opportunities requires more energy than I wish to exert this evening."
"Never fear, Prue. I will always find you, regardless of where you go or how well hidden you may be."
"Any man can be driven to murder if there is sufficient motivation."
"I am not trying to connect you to it. The snuffbox does that all by itself."
"No matter how angry you become, you cannot walk out on me."
"Until you realized that what you and I have together is all that matters."
"If one of them steps too far over the line, the promise I made to my mother will not protect them."
"I am crushed by your lack of faith in my social tact."
"It is no concern of mine if Jeremy gets himself arrested for murder."
"I received word early in the evening of what had happened up in the mountains."
"It was so cold, Prue. And there was a heavy fog. I will never forget the damned fog."
"She knew that someday I would inherit the title. And she guessed that when I did, I would use the power it would give me to punish the rest of the family for what they had done to my father and to her."
"As the Countess of Angel-stone you may set the fashion, not be a slave to it."
"I did not choose this gown in an attempt to attract the attention of other men."
"Your arrogance leaves one breathless, my lord."
"You’re trying to forestall insults from that old witch Drucilla, aren’t you?"
"I am merely trying to dress in the sort of style that the polite world considers appropriate for your wife, Angelstone."
"You think that if you can keep my aunt from insulting you in public, you can prevent me from punishing the Fleetwoods, don’t you?"
"I promise to give you a full report when I get home."
"The hell he won’t. Please, ma’am, I beg ye on bended knee. Get back in the coach."
"Always knew that when he married, his lordship would pick a female as bloody-minded as himself."
"It is not obvious what Curling’s role is in all this. Nor do we know the role my cousin is playing."
"You may lecture me later, my lord. Tell me what you found."
"I just want to take a quick look at his desk."
"It’s possible that someone who cared about the mysterious Lillian has decided that The Princes of Virtue were responsible for her death."
"It cannot be easy being wed to the Fallen Angel."
"He knows what the scandal of a murder charge would do to the family."
"I happen to know for a fact that Angelstone has no intention of avenging himself on the Fleetwoods because of what happened in the past. You are safe enough on that score, madam."
"But you never knew his side of the family. You never met Angelstone’s father."
"The man had no respect for family tradition. No sense of his responsibilities. He was cruel and callous and his son takes after him."
"A man of his station does not marry for love."
"Do not think to amuse yourself by playing your devil’s games with my son."
"Surely even you would not let an innocent man hang for murder."
"I vow I do not know what you hope to accomplish by frightening Jeremy into thinking he will be arrested at any moment, but I insist you stop it at once."
"I do not believe there ever was any evidence implicating Jeremy at the scene of the deaths. Angelstone has fabricated the entire business."
"That gown you wore to the Hollington ball last night was positively indecent. Not at all suitable to your station."
"Very well, my dear. If we are apprehended, I shall let you handle all the explanations."
"Do you always carry that with you?" "Always."
"He already is mad, in case you failed to notice."
"Naturally. You and a fine, clever lock have much in common. You are both endlessly amusing."
"There are only a handful of motives for murder. Revenge, greed, and madness."
"I shall take him aside and give him a very stern lecture."
"A lecture on the evils of leaving behind evidence that can identify him as the killer."
"Does this mean you have decided you do not wish to see him arrested?"
"I have concluded that it would not be particularly amusing."
"Well, Sebastian? Do not keep me in suspense."
"You will not come with me." "You know damn well that you cannot enter a gentlemen’s club."
"It concerns Lillian," Sebastian said quietly.
"Your beloved Lillian did not drown. She was driven to her death by four terrible men."
"My dear, there are occasions when I do not know quite which it is that I admire most about you: your cleverness or your passionate response to me in bed."
"This makes no sense. I don’t understand any of it."
"Because if you do not I shall take it upon myself to inform your creditors that the company you have formed with the other Princes of Virtue is insolvent and that the shares are worthless."
"She looked soft and warm and forever innocent. Because of her he was no longer completely alone."
"I could never figure out why, if you hated your relatives so much, you had not already used your power to crush them."
"I have loved you since the moment I met you. I shall love you all the days of my life."
"Knowing that you love me is not a source of amusement. It is my salvation."
"It was safe, after all, to look into the dark place inside himself that had once been so very cold."
"I think, my dearest Sebastian, that you and I were meant for each other."