
Acknowledgement Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Acknowledgement is the main aspect of healing. It's the first step of any kind of healing."
"A huge albeit long overdue step in the right direction."
"The solution to evil, if you really care to stop it, is to acknowledge that you are the devil yourself."
"We need to acknowledge the problem in a clear, sober, unflinching way."
"I think that by using someone's pronouns you are acknowledging their gender identity, their subjective sense of 'I am a woman, I am a man.'"
"Despite all the bad things, it should not discredit all the good things that she has seen and that she has made."
"It's actually like a realistic thing for some people. So incredibly brave."
"Your voice has been heard and thank you for your bravery."
"The culture is here, let me give you a round of applause, the culture is here."
"Does it suck? Yes. Does it have a place? Yes."
"Even if it's something we'd rather forget, it's good we can always look back on what's happened and what has been made."
"The era of acting like there's nothing wrong is dead."
"Start to deal with the racial problems in the country in a way that acknowledges that there are legitimate concerns."
"You matter. I see you. You exist. I care that you're here on the planet Earth alive."
"We're not allowed to bet, but I acknowledged I think a few of the mates and a few of the fans had."
"What a goal, man! To our opponent: GG's, fair play."
"Big thank you here for the input you know who you are."
"You are absolutely recognizing and number one congratulations like good for you for showing up and noticing this and doing this and it sounds like you've really really tried."
"Thank you for finally acknowledging this. It's better to hear something like this than nothing at all."
"This marks the first time Vatican Representatives have publicly acknowledged the possibility of extraterrestrial life."
"Huge thank you to everyone at Ford Motor Company."
"Damn that's a harsh way of putting it but like facts yo facts."
"Acknowledge and grieve all that it has affected in your life."
"Don't be so fixated on your hatred for people on the right to the point where you can't even admit when they're right on a particular issue."
"Even Paul Krugman has to admit that these economies are closer together."
"Hey, like always, credit where credit is due."
"Trisha deserves a lot more credit than people give her."
"We need to say to them thank you now that you guys are acknowledging America's history of medical malpractice intentional and malicious that also is a reason for reparations."
"I think we've all done a fantastic job, but the credit has to go to Greta."
"Our editor of the show is Josh Murphy, special thanks to Geoffrey Palmer who does all the animations."
"You cannot skip the process, exactly Shannon."
"Emotions are stupid but they do exist and we must talk about them."
"People will eventually lose confidence in you if you lack the courage and integrity to give credit to your sources."
"They knew it too. Stephen was a very prominent presence."
"Acknowledging the complexity of historical circumstances."
"Sometimes we might hold on to pain hoping to gain acknowledgement from a certain person who may just lack the emotional capacity."
"This bad [ __ ] [ __ ] happened we can't pretend it didn't happen you can't because we can't ever get better we can't grow we can't do any of those things."
"If you acknowledge that risk exists, it ought to acknowledge people's fundamental rights."
"These videos are a huge team effort and I want to make sure everyone who is involved is appropriately credited."
"Credit where credit's due to James Baldwin there. Well behaved."
"Thank you so much, let me see if I missed anyone."
"It is better to be realistic and say we live in troubled times."
"A central theme of Sonic Frontiers is acknowledged in the past and working towards a new future."
"Plus one for a cool acknowledgment of living in a winter city... things that can be done about it."
"You are so appreciated, thank you so so much."
"I acknowledge my past, but my past does not forfeit my right to be heard when I'm in pain."
"We have the problem that brings me here because the theory of all of those programs is that you can't solve a problem if you can't first admit that you got it."
"Recognize that things are really turbulent right now."
"Sometimes it's okay to say 'I have no idea.'"
"There is luck involved in being fortunate enough to have that happen and I I think that is important to acknowledge."
"Our forefathers did a lot of good and we just need to acknowledge they were men of their time with the flaws and faults of their time."
"The first step to solving any problem is admitting that it exists."
"Salutes go out to Repart because he played super strong."
"Thank you for your support, I know this video was well overdue."
"I feel like you did the best with what you had."
"I have a lot of respect, I never want to overshone anyone."
"That's a great observation on your part."
"All I wanted was a thank you or even a little welcome dance for me, Nate."
"When you deny a specific crime that people with whom you identify carried out in the past, you are affirming that crime."
"We just want to say thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for taking a little bit of time out of your day to come and watch us crazy north on us."
"But you'll forever be the guy who is unmasked Michael Myers, who was an ungrateful jackass."
"Fantastic stuff, thank you very much for watching."
"It's universally acknowledged how talented you are."
"Losing you is their biggest regret."
"I've made many terrible mistakes."
"Thank you all, great class, appreciate you."
"Caesar acknowledges the sins of the Apes, explaining that they have incited a war that humans will not easily forgive."
"Thanks so much for watching and to Brambleberry for having me."
"Every single teacher in spirituality acknowledges the lower Realm of mischief."
"...you have to be able to look at what you love and acknowledge its problems."
"The first step towards a solution is maybe to admit that it's a difficult problem. If both sides admit that it's a problem, maybe something can be done."
"Thank you so much, Jared. You are the best."
"Thank you, Joseph, and everyone keep watching."
"Grasp this nettle Danger and don't pretend it isn't there."
"He made a couple of media appearances, nodded vaguely at some immaturity and some anger, but he never acknowledged the names, faces, families, and lives that were in that pile of dead bodies behind the Mars Hill bus."
"...before I go, I just want to thank my Patreon supporters and channel members, the people who are responsible for keeping these videos coming and keeping this channel alive in general."
"I do want to shout her video out, make sure you subscribe to her Channel."
"Carol acknowledged saki's abilities."
"But if they're like why not I was like yeah Touche."
"Because you saw me when I was invisible."
"Thank you, you have to stand lower than everyone else we've decided."
"You're over there acting like it's not a big deal when the event organizer is telling you it is a big deal."
"Just want to say thank you guys for everything on the subathon. It meant a lot."
"So, Arcane creative team, from the bottom of my heart: thank you."
"I'm glad your talents have evolved as I predicted and congrats to the three of you for saving the bridge this morning"
"So thank you to everybody. Thank you to our own staff. Thank you to our subcontractors. Thank you to our amazing marketing team. Thank you to everybody, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much."
"There is something so central to American democracy in concession speeches."
"You did it better than me or something."
"Thank you for sticking around to see how I have styled all of these beautiful pieces."
"I mean, she didn't say I deserve this, she said I need this."
"If you've actually made it this far, you're a real one."
"Thank you to anyone who has messaged or commented and asked where I've been."
"It's so normal Congress actually said we're going to make sure everybody knows that."
"Truthfully, I knew this was screwed up. My mind knew full well that this was not okay and I just ignored it."
"It is only by looking directly at and acknowledging a problem that we have any chance of addressing it or changing the outcome."
"It's time for us to come face to face."
"How could you let it go if you don't acknowledge it's there?"
"We have to begin with an acceptance of something which we feel or believe to be important."
"In order to get yourself all gassed up, riled up, and move towards the future, sometimes you gotta acknowledge the mistakes that you made in the past."
"That was it, baby, you said it all for me, thank you, sir."
"Think about it. I'd like to give a huge thank you to my lovely patrons for their continued help and support. It really does mean a lot."
"I apologize. UK and Ireland, I did not know that."
"What a guy, but yeah, he had a good day."
"When you hit that point in a project where you say 'yeah this isn't meant to be.'" "
"They're too horrible for her to acknowledge."
"Thank you for even the people who don't like me, I know some of you don't like me and you watch my videos because you don't like me but I kind of like you anyway."
"Shout out to CH for requesting this."
"I thank you so much for being here."
"...the justice might never have been served in the case at all had it not been for the impressive work of Akron police."
"everyone saw what happened and he admitted it"
"Ichigo expresses gratitude to Zangetsu, acknowledging their interconnectedness by stating, 'You are me.'"
"She paved a path of blood to get to wherever she's trying to go, and you can't deny that."
"I also just wanted to say that all my links are below. I'll put it in the bio with my Patreon and thank you guys so much to my existing Patreons. You guys are amazing."
"I really do appreciate that Magath also shouted out the shifters from the Marley because I feel like they don't ever get recognition for the fact that they've had to carry like the most weight of the sins."
"I appreciate your support for real, for real."
"It's hard to argue with that, huh?"
"He said yeah he goes you know we've been watching you and we think that um you know you're pretty far ahead of the rest of the guys here."
"Thank you so much for being here, man. Without y'all, there's no me, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart."
"God reaching out to us to help us, right? So it's to acknowledge you do need help."
"Thank you so much, Soph. It has been an absolute pleasure."
"I couldn't ignore it anymore. Now it's all exploding, and I'm trying to handle having all of these feelings."
"They realize now that you were right."
"First thing when you wake up, look around you at the space you're in, and if you are in a space that you're satisfied with, acknowledge everything that had to happen in your life to get you to the exact spot and space that you are in right now."
"You're right, I admitted. He was a slimy double-dealing monster. He used Anissa as a Slayer because she wanted to protect her sister. He was capable of terrible things. I couldn't underestimate him anymore."
"I appreciate everybody that donated and everything like that."
"Thank you again first and foremost for sharing all that information that that was a ton of great information."
"But this is just sad. I mean, you have to admit it."
"Okay, all right," he said, holding up a hand. "You can't say this was a fair fight but you got me."
"I see you, the rancher's form said again."
"When he was told how many people he had murdered, he just nodded repeatedly and said, 'It's sad isn't it? It horrendous. It beggars belief. It's horrific for anyone to go down there and do a thing like that.'"
"I read them though and man it's so awesome so thank you guys."
"Nope, that's great for you, good job, thank you."
"That's a real she kept it cuz she didn't have to call me up."
"John is literally doing my work for me here. Thank you, my humble stupid philosopher."
"Thanks so very much for making the film."
"Someone's trying to act like your absence isn't affecting them, but it is."
"This power is an evil power, but it is the only thing we have to stop these guys," Vegeta acknowledges.
"You don't have to memorize anything, just acknowledge that it's possible."
"They realize that they've made a mistake."
"They are separated by a chasm of time, but for this moment - upon seeing the flowers - Frieren acknowledges the gap."
"Fair enough, I tried my best and I actually got out. Fair play to me. Josh is out."
"You've done such a good job, okay, I still have 66 bookshelves to go through but I'm not gonna go through them in this video."
"Thank you so much for uh, for that warm welcome. I appreciate it. I hope you felt that too."
"Bobby Heenan didn't have to make his stuff the center of attention when it shouldn't have been because somebody else's stuff was trying to get over."
"Thank you to all of you that have ordered."
"I was clearly wrong. Matt Hardy was right. He's still doing great work."
"The notorious B.I.G., the only Christopher we acknowledge is Wallace."
"You know it's really funny all right so look no John coffee you rock."
"I tell you to win big, you hit a straight flush. Way to follow directions. Thank you so much."
"Give me a little credit, I do know!"
"I can barely meet his eyes, but I nod."
"You played it very well, man. Thank you."
"We heard you loud and clear. You wanted the setback."
"Well done Cranchy, well done guys."
"When I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong. Respect."
"I just wanted to shout out Pamela Card, thank you so much because this is like what a statement."
"Thank you all so much for joining us. Check out Mal Bread also, links to all of our socials down below."
"Shout out to my boy Shrimp Life, y'all some real ones in the game and [stuff] with y'all."
"You see us, and you came today to encounter each and every one of us."
"I'd like to take a moment to thank today's sponsor."
"I mean, over 150 indictments, and I [__] up."
"Your perspective, your point of view matters. It matters bro. Thank you."
"He said, 'Okay, Binder.'" - Elvis Presley
"I just want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Flaherty for bringing me to Atlanta. You know I stand here a lucky guy which is unusual for a man with my background."
"All they had to do was to make him acknowledge their magic abilities."
"Human beings are capable of doing these terrible things to each other."
"I just want to say thank you fellas for embracing me tonight."
"Thank you so much for all of your support and love and kindness."
"My prayer is tonight that none of us ever, ever have a heart that's willing to ignore him because he's too small."
"I want to congratulate Representative Michael Peterson of North Logan for exercising restraint in not requesting that Captain Moroni's Title of Liberty or the Articles of Faith from the LDS church be posted on every wall."
"I'm a perfectionist, so I messed up. We only got two."
"You know what? That's a good point. That's a great point. He's not crazy."
"Even the master recognized that he was indeed a monster."
"...thank you all very much for being here I really would not be here with any of you without any wait."
"I want to appreciate all of you for coming and let's all thank Dan for a wonderful talk."
"Mistakes were made. What can you do?"
"I told y'all 238 records. If I don't get another song from him, all I can say is thank you."
"Acknowledgement of the ecosystem changing and how to change it is the first step before understanding exactly how to tactfully adapt it."
"I gave as I received, you saw what he did tonight, and I never saw it done better."
"Thanks for doing this. It's highly unusual but I appreciate you thinking of me."
"Good game to our opponent. They defended well but couldn't come back from it."
"One behalf of our thousands of attendees, on behalf of about a hundred thousand Air Force Association members worldwide, we want to thank you for dignifying our conference with your presence. I'm so happy to do it."
"Thank you all for liking, sharing, and subscribing."
"Thank you all who are already there. I am so so appreciative of you."
"Don't thank us. Thank Shaun Gilmore."
"Shout out to my man KK, my man Aaron. We don't shout them out enough."
"If Jesus acknowledges that Satan has a kingdom, we better believe that Satan has a Kingdom operating in our midst."
"This happened and you know what, everyone knows it."
"I absolutely in love with this set I put well it's not a set these two pieces that I paired together well Michael's pair them together so thank you Miss Micah thank you very much for that."
"your kind comments really mean so much to me and I'm very grateful"
"David Combs, shout out to David Combs. Yes, David Combs."
"Thank you Marcelo for the wonderful work. I could only dream to be able to organize such a nice event."
"Big Ups to you if you're going to do that."
"Thank you everybody for sticking with us. We love you guys."
"Yo, he won. You gotta give him that. You gotta give him that."
"Nobody thought the writer the producers of the editor the person who put it on the show nobody thought that this was offensive thank you for pointing out I would never do it today but no one had pointed it out in 2008."
"I'm ready to get home in the AC but before I head out I'm gonna give a quick shout out to all the people that join my patreon so far."
"Speaking of whoopsie, I'll admit you got me."
"You can give credit where credit's due without saying something's perfect."
"Supporters in favor of the concept of German guilt believe that acknowledging the guilt is necessary to prevent the Resurgence of extremist ideologies by openly addressing its past."