
Attention-seeking Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"When you're always looking for attention and trying to rage bait people, you become kind of like the boy who cried wolf."
"Milo Yiannopoulos is an attention seeker first and foremost."
"Mental illness is real. Attention-seeking, especially living in social media times, is at an all-time high."
"The best thing you could do is not say anything, but they are too addicted to the attention."
"The thirst for attention is a disease. If you have that disease, you need to cure yourself."
"Naruto just loved to cause trouble. Maybe people looked at him badly, but he loved it, at least they were looking."
"Viral is the loudest. Crazy girls, the girls that are quiet, that aren't like that, they don't get no one."
"The number one thing a narcissist craves above all is attention and excessive need for admiration."
"They're desperate to try to bring some attention to their little tired-ass broadcasts."
"A dress covered in sequins should draw attention to the wearer for all the right reasons."
"We have to stop gravitating towards the dumbest [__] we can gravitate towards in making it a trend just for attention."
"What I need right now is for everyone to sit their ass in their seats and pay attention to me. This is the biggest show in pro wrestling history."
"The loudest people are never the smartest people. They are just the ones that want to be heard because they want attention for some other set of reasons." - Chamath Palihapitiya
"Attention can always be achieved by bold actions."
"It's like I can get attention and likes for being horrible."
"This is them saying please, please look at me."
"People love attention, it's the biggest drug on the planet."
"Joy causes constant drama wherever she goes because she needs to be at the center of attention."
"I'm somebody who is obsessed with attention."
"At the end of the day, everyone wants attention. It's just whether we agree or disagree with what they're saying to get the attention is when we're like, well, that's you're just doing that to get attention."
"Being a genuine person doesn't mean putting everybody in your business no that's not being genuine that's wanting attention and not controlling your emotions."
"There is a happy outcome...life...people are trying to outdo themselves to get your attention."
"That is the difference between courting attention and just getting on with life."
"Say no to those that want a divider. Say no to those seeking attention, or you can just be respectful and stop being a big baby."
"They just came back for attention and to get their supply, their narcissism."
"This is someone that is very attracted to you. They're trying to get your attention. They're trying to have some form of victory here."
"This is a cry for attention, a cry for help."
"Hypocrisy is The Hangover of an addiction to attention."
"I demand extra special attention because I am really ill right now and I've still managed to do this."
"If reality doesn't change your life, what does that say about your life?"
"Everyone that goes on socials wants their views, feelings, and opinions to be heard."
"Nobody tweets or posts a video that doesn't want attention."
"You need to get as much attention as you possibly can. All the Capricorn energy we have right now says if you get attention or if you learn even, you will get a raise, promotion, career growth."
"I think now that I've seen it in writing, the fact that [Laughter] is that attention please mummy?"
"Humans are addicted to attention. Like, if you could get attention from other humans, that's one of people's favorite things."
"Women love attention, and social media is the ultimate form of it."
"They're trying to make themselves look like they're the [expletive], they like to have attention."
"Jealousy towards someone, feeling unwelcomed, trying to get their attention."
"Who claims somebody like that? Who looks for attention in this type of situation? It's a weird girl."
"This is the selfie narcissistic generation, we're all caught up in it, all of us, this dopamine that comes from social media and comes from just getting attention by any means necessary..."
"It's like the haters ball... it's because they want your attention."
"It's a shame that people who do actually feel this way and do have heightened amounts of empathy can be very easily just lumped in with people on TikTok looking for some quick attention."
"I realized that my YouTube channel is partially a reflection of the lack of attention that I got growing up."
"Gerbolt loves to be the center of attention and puts all their efforts into saving others and fighting evil doers."
"It must be said that when you need to exploit a cat to get attention, then you know, do that because a cat, it's a cat."
"I wear this kind of stuff just to get your attention but also just because I like pretty things."
"It's a lot of mess that goes on in the industry... decipher between who's being honest, who's saying things just for attention."
"This eclipses that as a massive 'look at me' moment."
"How do you guys feel about the fact that these other young boys tried to claim killing him for attention, only to find out they had nothing to do with the situation?"
"I think Megan really wants obviously all the attention as much as it can be her."
"God will allow the things we trust in to be shaken... to get our attention."
"The things that you do to get noticed, they're not always things that make a perfect total sense or seem hunky-dory out of that context."
"If you didn't want attention and clout, then why upload things on the Internet?"
"Professionals don't believe it. Professionals think that he was just crying for attention that whole time."
"The squeaky wheel gets the grease, grease me up man."
"Think of it like having a conversation with a friend or a thousand of them. I'm giving you attention, girl, that's willing. Are you happy now? You love me."
"It was like something was trying really hard to get my attention."
"They likely enjoyed the attention and shock from the others... they may have believed that they were smarter than police."
"He's absolutely desired and craved all of the attention that he's gotten."
"Sometimes you have to be okay with being confused as loud annoying obnoxious attention seeking to get somebody's attention that may really need your help."
"People will stoop low for views and attention, man. They're willing to sell their own grandma for views and attention."
"If you're a parent and you're cracking eggs on your children's heads for attention just don't do that."
"He's desperate for the attention. He's as addicted to that as any reality TV star becomes."
"I need to run around in the streets with my hair on fire to get people's attention. It's very strange not being able to get people's attention." - Tom
"The dramatic post people make about wanting to leave social media so people will validate them and beg them to stay."
"Funny is a nice word for us. We stand in the corner in the shadows and desperately scream, 'Hey, pay attention to us, look at us!'"
"Pleasure is any form of attention, love, it could be sex also."
"As a kid growing up I was very isolated and very lonely and very starved for attention."
"It wasn't enough for me... I wanted to just have every listener and everybody's focus on me."
"Who do you know that commands that kind of attention bro like [ __ ] gonna kind of start giving this [ __ ] to me."
"If you want the attention, you best have invention."
"You don't mind being at the center of attention."
"Flamboyant individuals are confident, outgoing, and like to be the center of attention."
"This constant desire to appear different, right? And because Society, oh God, I think we are in an attention-craving world. It's gotten worse."
"Narcissists are unrelenting in their pursuit to always be right and always at the center of attention."
"The bag is a purse filled with money, security, and attention."
"The worst thing you could ever do to a person who is narcissistic is to give them the attention that they seek."
"You're just looking for attention and that's really all trolling is about."
"Attention certainly is a big factor in it because people wanna feel a sense of belonging."
"Court attention at all costs; make yourself a magnet of attention."
"He will want to be the one that people pay attention to."
"It's just the same high that they're gonna get That's why they always say and narcissists needs attention."
"I am deathly I am here and your eye should be on me I'm loving this."
"She wants their attention, and maybe this is the only way that she can get it."
"Look at me, look at me, look at me. Facebook picture, take your picture, picture, picture, picture, picture."
"Either go get them or stop messing with them if they're not giving you the attention you want."
"Women will go through extreme lengths to get your attention."
"It's quite histrionic-like, an easy way of getting attention. That would fit in with histrionic personality disorder."
"It's 2020, people will do anything for clout."
"What we see on social media is a narcissism epidemic, fueled by the vulnerable narcissist's desire for attention."
"They want success, they want victory, they want your attention."
"You're not allowing anyone who comes in just for attention."
"Something had been clearly knocking on the door and whatever it was, it wanted my attention."
"They don't want nobody else to get the credit; they don't want nobody else to have attention."
"In exceptional cases, people may fake an abduction for attention-seeking purposes."
"You don't have to act like a fool to get attention."
"I want to be remarkable in any way... attention is the name of the game."
"The covert borderline's plea for attention is actually a plea for love and intimacy."
"Munchausen by proxy is a syndrome in which somebody harms someone else or exaggerate an existing injury for the purpose of obtaining attention and to feel special about themselves."
"A lot of people just want attention; they think attention is the fastest way to get a come up."
"There's an energy of this person really wanting your attention, not only do they feel very attracted to you and they have emotions for you, they really want to speak to you."
"This person wants your attention, they like your attention, they're trying to get your attention, very attracted to you."
"You've made this entire night about you and finding your soulmate."
"Some people really have the audacity to be such idiots in scenarios of emergency for nothing but attention and drama."
"I need to go on stage and groove and get attention and have people like me."
"I want to cover this area and take the attention away from this area because that's probably my biggest insecurity."
"They do anything for clout, these people are sick."
"He's not getting views because people enjoy his content. He's getting views because he's making people mad."
"He literally pats himself on the back and measures his success by how upset he can make people."
"They constantly need attention, validation or approval from other people."
"She lives to be part of controversy."
"I mean, at the moment it's like an organized particular type of protest that I maintain just brings out a bunch of weirdos, yeah, sure, because there's like fire twirlers and anybody who's like I would like some attention, please."
"Tampon on head, 65 million views. Maybe I should start doing that, guys."
"All I need's an audience. I'm an exhibitionist. I'm the goddamn governor's son."
"I want a free slurpee," she loudly said, looking around at other patrons as if to elicit attention to herself.
"Obviously, they're doing this for attention. They're playing up the angle that they're step-brother and sister, and it is working. People seem to be watching, whether they love it or hate it."
"His whole thing is to get attention from the media."
"It kind of makes me feel like this person would try to get your attention, try to kind of call you back into them."
"Someone meddled in your business because they couldn't have you."
"I wanted attention... I craved that so much."
"I love attention seeking. It's fun, it's great, isn't it?"
"Focused on being the center of attention."
"A threat is part of attention-seeking behavior."
"You know, I do a thing, I like to leave stuff all over the place. I think that psychologically, it's so that people won't forget that I'm there or forget me."
"Pay attention to me instead; I'm cool."
"You kind of had a lot of men who or like people in particular who just really just want your attention all the time."
"I'm just trying to funny do peacocks I don't mean a rough night meaning that our ego like we need to be the main centres of attention mm-hmm and I agree."
"...her outfits seemed to yell look at me making many people remember her over-the-top red gown look."
"I'm literally just rubbing mayonnaise on my feet and people are going crazy."
"People like that only want attention."
"The least amount of attention that you give them, the more attention they give you."
"They're desperate for attention but feel embarrassed by their actions."
"That just showed a fake look, that's what a fake love coming at you, you know what I'm saying? [ __ ] do anything for attention."
"Crazy makers use conflict to get your attention."
"Someone regrets causing all of this drama, pitching for attention or energy from others."
"Most serial killers are attention-seeking and thrill-seeking."
"They used you to make others jealous, to make them compete for attention."
"Law Number 6: Court Attention at all Cost."
"So many people live to suffer because that's the only way that they can get attention. Find another way to get attention. How about being successful? How about looking extra good that day? How about being artistic? Instead, find a new way to create."
"If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention."
"These people will say anything for clout and they will do anything for clout and they will make unbelievable claims."
"...he knows that if he says something crazy he's gonna get a reaction out of people he's gonna get more attention which is ultimately gonna lead to more people paying to join his alpha male group memberships."
"They hijacked your celebration and made it about them."
"If he gets ghosted by the girl, he's gonna try to get her back just so he could ghost her again, just to get that attention again for his reply."
"Shelter cat loved attention. That is rare to find a cat that actually likes to have a lot of attention."
"I'm such a stage hog it's embarrassing."
"It's like they felt like they had to knock you down before they could actually give you some attention or something."
"Someone wants your attention badly, and I don't feel like they're going to get the outcome that they think."
"Why is no one helping me? I'm a star!"
"She just clout chased nice, she just threw it in like it was nothing."
"Yeah man, it's pretty chill here. I'm the only one at the hotel. He's like swimming in the pool by himself in like this empty hotel and a country that's like going to war, uh just to get like attention. It's so bizarre."
"They don't care, it doesn't even, they're like, we thought we'd get their attention. Nope, they don't care at all."
"This is going to get attention, grab attention, hold attention."
"From a very early age, he just really craved attention."
"...it's a fascinating story and weird insight into the psyche of a person so desperate for attention."
"They are both attention seekers and crave some sort of power."
"The little sister stole the moment from the bride and groom."
"He just needed it. He couldn't let go. He was somebody who couldn't let go and he needed the glam, the glitz in his life. He needed that attention. He needed to be the center of attention, the superstar, to be top of his game for everything that he had."
"I want to piss people off, just for the clicks."
"He's really trying to catch his attention."
"...just never underestimate the links people will go to to go viral nowadays..."
"It's a cry for help. Truly we need attention."
"Hey, everyone, come and see how good I look!"
"All I did them, so that sort of sent me in a bit of a headspin. I thought, oh well, maybe he's not telling me the truth or he's just seeking attention."
"Everybody wants their five minutes of fame. You can watch whatever platform and you see people doing all kind of [__] just to get that five minutes of fame."
"Y'all be eating lamb chops for attention. Them ho taste like missing people."
"Nobody gives a [ __ ] where he is. Put him on TV."
"I secretly like it, love the painful attention."
"Nothing feels right, nothing looks right, because your friend can wear an actual potato sack and she will be the one that gets most of the attention."
"She cooked up this whole thing to get his attention."
"Why does everybody need to see that? I don't understand. He's just-- it's like he's seeking attention."
"Nicholas loves attention. Nicholas won't stop dancing in everyone's face."
"He's a guy who likes the Limelight."
"Am I the star of the show at this point? Anyway, fabulous."
"They seem super spiritual in an exaggerated way to gain acceptance and attention."
"They'd rather be in the spotlight than the comedian."
"Narcissists don't read the room; they just want to know that they're the focus of attention."
"People are just filming other people for views and likes on different social media platforms."
"I think it goes back to psychopathy because they want as much attention as they can possibly get."
"People in general just having babies for views."
"Begging for attention is something a lot of us have been conditioned to do by people who have manipulated us into chasing, who have manipulated us into being into using us as their source of positive emotions."
"Your haters are in competition with you, whether it's your body, your success, or your energy. They're angry and impatient, unable to wait for your attention."
"It's this really weird mental disorder where a parent usually parents will make their kids sick in order to get attention."
"She'll do anything for attention when they're going to your funeral."
"You mean you, the one that is still trying to suck everybody's attention in the room to you."
"That's what they want. They want to be seen, they want to be heard, they want the delights, they want the oohs and the aahs, they want the claps. They want all that. And if they don't, you don't want them."
"He brought the attention to himself. And he also can get under people's skin very effectively."
"He's delusional, I mean, do you just think it's kind of a cry for attention?"
"Rob just likes any attention at all, including everyone in the room hating him."
"Seriously doing it for attention, I could go and have a fabulous fun life. Why would I choose this journey for attention?"
"...clowns and aggressors and bullies will enjoy their minutes of glory."
"I'm not stupid, I just pretend to be on the internet for attention."
"You want to hear the truth? No one is truly actually offended, they just want attention."
"What if it's all been a big fat lie? You have to admit, if you're looking for attention, that's a great title."
"People hate you want your attention, your energy, and your reaction."
"The whole joke with Summer's workaround here to get him to let them use it, it's just more her taking advantage of his need to always have the coolest thing and be the center of attention."
"I guess that's a big part of it that if you discard shame, you can get more attention by just acting in more of a shameless way, doing things that nobody ever did before."
"On Sunday morning, everyone's going to be talking about me. That's simple. I'm going to steal the show."
"The fact of the matter is people are looking for attention."
"I could have told him what you did to Meek Mills if I really wanted to clout chase."