
Authoritarianism Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Nothing exists except an endless present in which the party is always right."
"The reason people don't like it... is because it's an authoritarian, quasi-religious movement that preaches at people and does not tolerate any kind of criticism or dissent."
"The Democratic Party is not liberal anymore. They're not liberal or conservative; they're authoritarians."
"The authoritarianism that popped out of after 9/11 really changed how we live in work and view law enforcement authorities."
"For decades, President Alexander Lukashenko has been the undisputed ruler of Belarus, known for his authoritarian style of rule and strict grip on power."
"The tyrants of the world win. They have one more reason to celebrate Donald Trump and his cult followers who have completely lost their way."
"I still highly recommend this book to everyone because it's just such a great story about authoritarianism, brainwashing, and society."
"All societies, no matter how democratic, become authoritarian in times of war."
"The destiny of civilization will pass... almost unremarkable and unnoticed to an authoritarian no to unnoticed."
"There's something about it which one just has the impression that there's a certain kind of authoritarian that likes spoiling people's fun."
"Sure, China was still an authoritarian disaster on paper and had an absolute joke of a human rights record, but hey, things were only going to get better."
"Authoritarianism is brittle; democracies are resilient."
"The great psychologist Carl Jung believed that the fundamental threat posed to the integrity of the Catholic Church was associated with the temptations of centralized power, so the pull of authoritarianism."
"A humiliated nation drawing on a past that does not exist and being promised a return to greatness if they follow a strongman authoritarian is the model of a fascist movement."
"Despite approaching 40 years old, V for Vendetta was unusually prescient in understanding not only what a powerful tool for authoritarianism a centralized computerized surveillance state would be but how the false allure of a computer's supposed objectivity can accelerate and self-justify the erosion of individual liberty."
"Socialism, collectivism, authoritarianism, I don't care what you call it, it's a death cult."
"You create these systems, and then you slide into authoritarianism, and you don't even realize that you're doing it."
"Our nation was founded as a rejection to king-like community and authoritarians."
"You're an authoritarian; you don't believe the average person is intelligent enough to meaningfully dictate or guide the society that they live in."
"These people are authoritarian; they fear democracy because they know they can't win."
"I think that fascism is broadly defined as being highly nationalistic, very much oriented around a populist figure, very much oriented around a 'for the people, for your country' type of ideology, and it's always authoritarian in nature."
"What lies behind this is a wider worldwide trend of authoritarian states trying to impose their way of thinking on others."
"I think Trump would end democracy in one second flat if he got back into office; he's not leaving, so that's a mortal threat."
"Fascism is widely considered bad due to its association with authoritarianism, discrimination, and the suppression of human rights."
"I don't want to own the libs because I consider myself a lib... What it really is, is a view of society where you value liberty or you value authority. It's liberalism against authoritarianism."
"Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people." - Heinrich Heine
"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear."
"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power."
"The ongoing shift towards authoritarianism is evident in actions like firing democratically elected officials and eroding rights, signifying a move towards autocracy."
"Forcing your will onto other people isn't cool. Being a statist and authoritarian is not cool."
"We can think of democracy as people's immune system against viruses of authoritarianism and totalitarianism."
"We could very easily slip into a more authoritarian digital command economy that would diminish the kinds of personal freedoms that we've fought for many generations to have."
"The way technology has gone is actually it's reinforcing the surveillance state. It's actually shoring up their authoritarian power in a way that's almost unprecedented."
"Western civilization cannot abide the authoritarians who now have decided that because they are the elite, they get to control not only how you act and what you do but also what you see, what you watch, how you think."
"If America falls to an authoritarian government, it will be because the American people have said we accept this."
"It's amazing, and this is the type of authoritarian elitist gatekeepers that exist in some of the communities."
"If a bunch of people in Washington D.C. get to decide what the truth is and then enforce it on the country, we are drifting more toward authoritarianism."
"The battle for freedom now is between the authoritarians and the libertarian."
"Any ideology can be used as a force for good or for evil, and that's why we should be reigning in authoritarianism of any kind, even when it's your sort of authoritarianism in charge."
"Authoritarianism is predicated on this idea: you should not be allowed to control your own life; you don't know what you're doing; you need to be controlled, and they are going to control you."
"The problem is, when you take the authoritarian structure that Trump came to represent and built around himself, and you hand that to somebody who looks good in pictures, that's terrifying."
"This anti-democratic crisis, rising authoritarianism... I really wanted to go back in time and understand the forces at play here, the ideologies, the philosophies, the politics, the movements that are putting us in danger."
"Tyranny and authoritarianism come in many forms and develop differently. What we want to achieve with our two videos is not to provide absolute answers but rather to facilitate a larger and more mature conversation about authoritarianism."
"This battle against authoritarianism... by presenting these human stories, it is a way to push back against autocracy because autocracy dehumanizes."
"Without America opposing the rise of these authoritarian forces around the world... autocracy will be unstoppable."
"This does not seem like America; to expel voices of opposition and dissent is a signal of authoritarianism and it is very dangerous."
"China is using technology to monitor all of its people. The world's first digital dictatorship."
"The studies done on the emotional and intellectual predilections of people who tend to support authoritarianism are pretty substantiated."
"Who wishes that that were true? Who wants to live the life of a serf in a celestial North Korea?"
"It doesn't matter what little good thing you can say, authoritarian dictatorships are bad, period."
"Communism failed, and the authoritarian dictatorships all fail."
"I think that the rise of strongmen authoritarians around the world is very worrying."
"The contrast between free and unfree society has never been clearer, and free nations must work together to confront authoritarian threats."
"This is a crackdown on local Hong Kong media and journalists...will seriously impede press freedom in Hong Kong, leading the city toward authoritarian rule."
"I find it bizarre that somebody who is as power-hungry as Putin, who is an authoritarian, why does he have private armies working for him?"
"The true threat to the country is the authoritarian takeover of every major institution."
"Trump isn't a dictator, he's essentially had half the country in revolt against him for his entire tenure."
"It's important to remember, Trump isn't a dictator."
"American leadership internationally... a beacon of light in a world of authoritarianism."
"This is about exercising power. It's about control for control's sake."
"Communism realized only authoritarian societies."
"I completely agree and I reject all of the authoritarian socialists who reject freedom of speech as like a value."
"The Ministry basically just turned into Nazi Germany. Wizards are interrogating other wizards, trying to weed out any muggles in their family tree."
"Grant surpasses Lincoln in authoritarianism, having expanded the use of federal Authority in domestic peacekeeping."
"It's a common tactic for authoritarian governments...they need a scapegoat to fall back on."
"It's the gap between a freedom mindset versus a totalitarian mindset."
"He's going to have control of both houses and in some senses, he's going to have almost dictatorial power."
"We can do very deep legal analysis, we can do complex economic analyses, but I think it is also important to point out that one of the weaknesses that wannabe authoritarians have is to point out their weaknesses and that is historically true."
"If the Chinese government says from now on you must do this, people have to do it; you can't write your congressman and say 'I don't like that'."
"Putin is a gangster and a despot who has been trying to undermine and subvert democracy across the world for years..."
"We must do everything we can to end the tyranny of Putin..."
"The way the West responds to this aggression will have repercussions not just for Russia and Ukraine but for other bullies like China as well."
"An unarmed population is much easier to exploit and torture after the guns go."
"Putin is not acting in their name. He is a dictator, he is an imperialist, he is a tyrant."
"They hate the United States of America. They worship Vladimir Putin. They are fascists. They are traitors."
"They really do want a society where disobeying their superior judgment results in severe restrictions on your life."
"Authoritarians are oftentimes the weakest and most terrified individuals out there in the political world."
"It's hate speech because the authoritarian left doesn't want you using these terms."
"Words matter, and when he talks about fake news... that gives aid and comfort to authoritarians around the world." - Jeff Flake
"I mean this is about as 1984 as you can get and it's a real serious threat."
"We recognize that real change is coming, either that, or a sort of centralized authoritarian dystopia."
"It's now American liberalism in which real authoritarianism resides." - Glenn Greenwald
"You ever wondered how what was happening in Germany uh happened, how you convince all those people of Madness? It's happening again. Totalitarianism is on the rise and that is different than authoritarianism."
"If we are not careful, the outcome might be the rise of digital dictatorships."
"If the United States can do this to journalists, then certainly we can too."
"At the heart of it, liberty is freedom from authoritarianism, from those who would restrict or eliminate our freedoms."
"He's like the authoritarian sidekick right like he looks up to Kim Jong-un right he looks up to Vladimir Putin he looks up to Victor Orban he looks up to president X in China and how do I know that because he says that he says that in his speech."
"I think people should not follow a man on a white horse. That's what the cardios do in authoritarian societies."
"Censorship, openness, political correctness, it all points in one direction: authoritarianism cloaked as moral righteousness."
"We're seeing real democracy when people resist authoritarianism."
"It's total control and the use of total control to advance a singular agenda."
"Civil war means that there's a chance at preventing totalitarian takeover."
"This is not about keeping peace. This is about old school racist fascist law and order."
"It is a totalitarian belief. It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that they're being unalterable, unchallengeable tyrannical authority who can convict you of thought crime while you are asleep."
"All authoritarian regimes can survive until there's an alternative to them."
"Ending cancel culture would be extraordinarily authoritarian."
"Behind door number two is the Chinese Communist AI and it's the big eye of Sauron that we're watching you at all times in all places."
"In countries where there's no freedom of speech, you can get thrown in jail for saying the wrong thing."
"Being able to define the narrative becomes critical because in an authoritarian dictatorial system is really what they are now a fascist dictatorial system."
"The rules were absurd, dystopian, and tyrannical."
"The reason it worked in Russia and Soviet Germany was because everybody knew there was a secret police."
"That's exactly what everyone always says they think their ideas are better and they have a right to suppress other people I disagree that is authoritarianism."
"It is their right, it is their duty to throw off a totalitarian government that is not responsive."
"Behind the futuristic facade of glass-clad skyscrapers and mega-projects, the Chinese government is unfortunately regressing back towards an increasingly authoritarian rule."
"The Biden regime's weaponization of law enforcement against their political opponent is something straight out of the stalinist Russian Horror Show."
"We are experiencing what I'm calling the authoritarian moment."
"The true enemy of Liberty is not the Democrats, it is authoritarians."
"This is what autocrats do. This is what happens in countries before a collapse. It unnerves me."
"Everything that's happening right now is almost like right out of a socialist totalitarian playbook."
"Fascism sucks... it's authoritarian, it's illiberal."
"If we allow the despair to continue to be fomented and elevate, there will be a degree of fear where many people will acquiesce to another authoritarian leader." - Rob Johnson
"Resistance breeds the failure of the authoritarian State; people who refuse to go along to get along are going to be the people who end up pushing back against the regulations in such a way that Liberty is preserved."
"Authoritarianism will often win because it exhausts a society."
"When it comes to something like that, yeah, I truly believe we are in a fight against authoritarianism right on the verge of fascism. Advertising for the other party to keep the flashy people out, yeah to me that's totally in game like that's fine."
"The only power we have left is to put a spotlight on such evil and call out big tech censorship for what it truly is: authoritarianism."
"It gives an answer to one of the central questions: is Putin more of a Stalin figure or more of a Hitler?"
"Joe Biden appears to be at least in his rhetoric going full dictator on us, complete with the Optics of dictatorship and all."
"That dark time is not going to be alleviated by a president of the United States with actual authoritarian ambitions speaking falsely on behalf of democracy and equality while ripping half the country as actual moral enemies."
"No good can come out of reinitiating an authoritarian leadership."
"I believe that people have to unite against the totalitarian governments that are coming."
"Fascism and socialism have similarities, both lead to state control and oppression."
"People are standing up and they are saying we have had enough of this authoritarianism."
"The Reichstag fire shows how quickly a modern Republic can be transformed into an authoritarian regime."
"It's a sad story of unprincipled compromise in the face of an authoritarian regime."
"The good old politics of fear says support me and I'll protect you from those scary things. The New Politics of authoritarian fear says support me or else."
"They'll decide which businesses can exist and which will be outlawed."
"They'll decide which rights you can keep and which are going to be revoked."
"As authoritarian governments work to close space that citizens depend upon to organize and have their voices heard, we've begun the work of empowering civil society."
"Fascism, hate, bigotry, and authoritarianism will always in the end lose."
"People of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, struggling against authoritarianism."
"The plan is to erode freedom and centralize power."
"The irony is that these elites now believe in the use of authoritarian tactics to preserve their cultural power."
"It's simple: politicians forced the entire population indoors at gunpoint."
"They're opening the door for a real smart fascist."
"An unseen dictatorship is possible, still using the trappings of democracy."
"Authoritarians have always said you are free to speak your mind however you are not free from the consequences of that speech."
"When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism but demand it."
"It looks like you've got police who are trained to be excessively authoritarian."
"It's happening in public, in plain view. Trump is plotting an open coup to steal the election and hold on to power."
"Trudeau is increasingly authoritarian and completely disregards Canada's Democratic Traditions."
"We are living in what's becoming more and more of a police state with a petulant loser in charge of the nuclear arsenal."
"Iran going back to its cultural heritage of thousands of years is, in fact, a radical departure from those towards a much more authoritarian ultra-conservative Islam."
"This is authoritarian takeover of the mind where now even doctors with medical degrees that are respected aren't allowed to speak."
"It's incredibly worrying how the Chinese government enforces censorship abroad, even using tactics like calling the police."
"It's ironic that at the same time we say we're in a global struggle against autocracy and authoritarianism, that we increasingly are embracing authoritarian tactics at home."
"The answer to authoritarianism is not more authoritarianism. The answer to CCP style propaganda is not CCP style oppression." - Representative Tom McClintock
"It is not an exaggeration to say that we're heading down the path of dictatorship."
"Our Czech friends know better than we British ever will the realities of dictatorship and the bleak, pitiless mentality of conquest and domination that lay behind the tragedy of 1968 and drives Vladimir Putin today."
"All the things in culture, all the things in life must reflect the dictats of the woke left. It's the most authoritarian force in American life right now."
"The country realizes that neutrality will not work against a power-hungry dictator that has no issues with invading neighboring nations to create a new Russian Empire."
"It's about right versus wrong and democracy versus authoritarianism."
"This is exactly how you should react to the ever growing authoritarianism of the left."
"There's nothing more anti-democratic than arbitrary power, especially police power."
"We've got Trump who's just like, 'F you, I don't care, I'm an authoritarian.'"
"The Chinese Communist Party, an authoritarian regime, is willing to jeopardize the economy in order to maintain its ruling position."
"Violence is inherent in authoritarian power grabs."
"Those who can get you to believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
"You need higher levels of authoritarianism to overcome higher levels of technology."
"Putin is a very dangerous president and I think he's fighting the idea of democracy."
"The type of authoritarianism on the right is quite a bit more dangerous in the moment."
"It's fascistic stuff... when you call for the actual prosecution of your political opponents specifically based on the fact that they are doing things like reporting the things that you say."
"It's just fundamentally anti-democracy, it is just fascism in plain sight."
"Every time they try these fascist moves, I always think, 'Oh man, we're so lucky that they are as stupid as they are evil.'"
"Would they go at so far as to actually abolish democracy... that's essentially the central issue of our political conflict right now."
"Well, that just sounds like a dictator with extra steps."
"The world needs to revolt and show these Psychopaths that they can't rule over us."
"Trump runs this White House, by extension, like some sort of feudal lord."
"Attempting to define reality is a core feature of authoritarianism." - "This is what the Soviets did when they erased political dissidents from historical photos, this is what happens in George Orwell's classic novel 1984."
"There will always be in democracies strong men who will... create an external enemy and then tell people we got to get rid of this Freedom."
"Putin has proven to dictators all over the world: if you want to win an election, all you have to do is murder or imprison anyone who disagrees with you. It's a pretty effective strategy."
"North Korea has elections and, surprise surprise, Kim Jong-un got 100% of the votes."
"Lee's authoritarian rule stabilized Singapore, curbing violence and setting it on a path to prosperity."
"While criticized for its authoritarian governance, Singapore's success is undeniable."
"Joe Biden stands for American democracy. Donald Trump stands for the proposition that he will be America's dictator."
"Forced vaccinations are tyrannical. A forced vaccination passport is the stuff of Nazism and Stalinism."
"This sounds like North Korea. That is what Justin Trudeau proposes to Canada. It's real." - Ezra Levant
"We've never had a president who has attempted to completely convert the government into an instrument of his personal will."
"I sure hope they do have the appetite to put him in prison because that will deter tomorrow's wannabe dictator."
"If you're concerned about an authoritarian president, wouldn't you want to dismantle a government and law enforcement apparatus that allows the government to control what we can read on social media?"
"Anti-Semitism and authoritarianism are always sistered together, always always always."
"Putin's just awarded himself his 87% election victory, what the Russians are now calling the 'world majority.'"
"Putin is real Hitler so absolutely everything is possible if the world will not stop him."
"If you don't do every single thing they say particularly on anything connected to their political goals and Donald Trump then you will be completely tossed aside."
"We are not going to let a genocidal dictatorship dictate what we can say or do."
"Americans will never comprehend the reality of despising the authoritarian government that you were born into and escaping them."
"Donald Trump has to be stopped the guy has aligned himself with authoritarians and dictators around the world."
"The great dividing line now is between do you believe in freedom or are you an authoritarian."
"Authoritarianism depends on the facade of strength and power and big crowds of support and a media that is willing to spread or is compliant in the spread of propaganda."
"At the end of the day, the first three words of the Constitution are ultimately the stop gap that protects us from declining into a more authoritarian form of government."
"The CCP has extended that same exact database overseas."
"Let's go Brandon! 2032: The authoritarian moment."
"That's right, and that's what aspiring authoritarians, that's what Tucker Carlson of the world, the right-wing echo chamber, that is what they want you to believe."
"It's important not to grow another authoritarian aggressor out of this war."
"The Chinese Communist Party is again burning books, arresting religious believers, carrying out different types of abuses."
"Trump's statements parrot many of those from Adolf Hitler and Mussolini."
"Trump is a menace to the world, he is a menace to democracy who needs to be locked up yesterday." - Ben Micellis
"I'd rather have bickering senators than people ruling with an iron fist."
"The ccp reached over the great firewall of china... made an authoritarian government shut up and be happy by apologizing... to make the ccp happy."
"When you have an authoritarian government that dictates what companies can do... that's ultimate censorship."
"Stalin's control over the lives of those who worked for him... was so pervasive."