
Parental Rights Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"Parents determine the education of their children."
"The Justice Department subjected moms and dads to the opening of an FBI investigation about them...as a direct result of their exercise of their fundamental constitutional right to speak and advocate for their children."
"Parents have that right and responsibility to determine how their children are raised and what ideas they're exposed to."
"The First Amendment also protects a parent's right to speak and advocate for their children."
"But if they want to be pushing trans ideology, if they want teachers to be able to hide gender transition from parents, if they want students to even chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice, again, I don't like it, but I respect that if that is the democratic will, if that is the duly passed curriculum standard, they're entitled to it."
"The child has a right to be raised by his parents."
"The right to the custody and control of one's child is a fiercely guarded right in our society, in our law. It is a right that should only be infringed upon under most compelling circumstances."
"You can't take my children like this, and I just cannot believe that we're going to say that you have a lawyer, even if they're not present, you got a lawyer, and that's good enough for due process to lose your children."
"What kind of woman would tear down a dad who's trying to have a relationship with their kids? You know how many kids need a relationship with their father?"
"We support the right of parents to choose the educational setting for their children, with funding following the student."
"I support choice, I support true choice, and that includes the ability to put your kid in a public school, a private school, a religious school, or a charter school."
"Your exercise of a constitutional right should never ever be grounds to deprive you of custody of your child, period."
"The courts actually stripping the parents of parental rights if they exercise their parental rights in a way that the courts don't agree with, in the absence of any compelling, urgent, and dire need."
"My right to raise my child in my faith is my right."
"Our rights and as parents and our Authority as parents were being constantly undermine the entire time she was in the hospital."
"None of our wishes were respected or upheld."
"Parental rights are being stripped away and we are not allowed to parent our own children."
"It's absolutely disgusting that the parents were kept in the dark."
"The Democrats are turning parents into a voting block."
"My son is James and my ex-wife has been trying to transition him to a girl since he was two years old."
"If women have the absolute right to end a pregnancy because it's their body then there is no legal argument for the man having any responsibility at all."
"I think parents across this country are going to be stunned to learn... that if they show up at a local school board meeting... you are attempting to intimidate them, you are attempting to silence them."
"You're the Attorney General of the United States. You said you can't think of anything harassing. You directed the G-man, the FBI, to go after parents."
"We're really concerned that a government statement is going to now kind of subvert the ability of a parent to have a shot at kind of making their case."
"Parents have a right to some say over how their kids are raised."
"The couple stuck to their guns and presumably horns and cloven hooves and won the battle to name their child after the Lord of Darkness."
"I want to explore the balance of Rights between a parent's right to educate a child in their own faith and the children's rights to determine their own beliefs and approach the world with a genuinely open mind."
"It's troubling that there's a push to force parents out of their kids' lives in education."
"Parents should be able to send their kids to school without someone trying to shove an agenda down their throats."
"Arrest me then. I'm kicking that door open and taking my kids out of there."
"Parents should be empowered to make decisions about their children's education, not the federal government."
"The reality is that when someone wants to make it possible for your 12-year-old daughter to be injected secretly at school with testosterone while at school, she is called Jeff, but they don't tell you." - Speaker
"If you step over that line and start messing with my kids, there are no boundaries anymore."
"Every man then deserves to at least know if that child is his if he can't even opt out of parenthood right."
"Parental rights are a thing that's as important as it gets."
"The child was taken out of the country over Father's Day without my permission."
"Parents should have a say over what our children are exposed to."
"Parents should have no say in whether children under 16 decide to transition."
"Trudeau says the state now owns your kids, not the parents."
"Who can make a better decision about what schools their kids should go to, Elizabeth Warren or the parents of those kids?"
"If the government can use access to children through schools to circumvent parental control over their bodily integrity, then we're in a scary new place."
"But I hope these tips were helpful for you guys. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and as always, don't forget sunscreen and subscribe."
"No family should be forced to send their kid into a school system that doesn't align with their values."
"Randy Weingarten did more to advance the concept of homeschooling parental rights and school choice than anyone could have ever imagined."
"But men like expatriarch still want to argue there's no bias against fathers, right?"
"Parental rights are under attack, our children have never been in this much danger from inside the house."
"It is clearly untenable to claim that parents who are hesitant to rush their children into risky controversial Medical Treatments of unproven efficacy are guilty of medical neglect."
"Do parents have the right to mutilate their children or do children have the right to not be mutilated?"
"Parents should have the right to send their kids to a school where they're not going to be murdered in their classroom."
"Education freedom means that parents have the power and choice to set their children up for a lifetime of success."
"There's the potential for a new fault line in America's ever-growing debate about parental rights."
"I will fight to give every parent a choice in education so their children have a better chance in life."
"I feel sorry for him and I don't think he should be deprived of his daughter."
"Democrat's saying for years well these republicans they have no standards let's be real about this no one has had standards since bill clinton."
"If you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way. I'm not going to let you get away with it."
"Give parents the power to choose what's right for their kids, but don't tell adults what's right for them."
"I'm totally on the side of the father who was there to pick up his child. It is a crazy story, but I think this is a good example of how broken our child custody, you know, family court system is."
"Parents must be informed if their child wants to identify differently, but nothing to be said about consent."
"A clear majority of people don't think this should be allowed in schools."
"Parental authority for the education of their children belongs to the parents."
"Virginia spoke loud and clear last night that parental rights is an issue that we can run on and we can win on when it comes to education."
"This is about saying that a few parents can't make a decision to censor a book for every other parent."
"We proudly stand for parents as the driving decision makers for their kids' education."
"This bill should have passed unanimously, but unfortunately, some members are more concerned with appeasing the teachers' unions and radical activists in their party rather than standing with parents."
"Terry McAuliffe got mauled last night. He doubled and tripled down on parents not having a say in their kids' education."
"Refuse to take your own child and trans the kid without any evidence."
"When you do that, any parent doesn't go along with this is now going to be targeted for destruction."
"No parent should ever be forced to send their child to a failing government school."
"We are parents. We have fundamental rights to raise our children."
"We are fighting for school choice because no parent should ever be forced to send their child to a failing government school."
"I favor radical school choice in this country. Every parent deserves to send their kids to the best possible school."
"Once parents no longer have the absolute authority over the essential decision making for their children, that's a line that you can't come back from."
"Parents would like to be in charge of their children's education."
"Do the parents have the right to know what their kids are being taught?"
"Parental rights, particularly in education, are increasingly under attack. It's time to give control back to parents, not woke bureaucrats, and empower them to start a new era of openness in education."
"Parents deserve to know what is happening in schools."
"The idea of having your child taken away to a quarantine camp is appalling."
"He believes that government and not parents should decide what values are taught to our children."
"When men say 'I don't want to pay for it,' and 'I'll give up all rights,' that's also offensive."
"You can lose your children; they don't belong to the state. They have no say in what they're going to learn and how to be brainwashed by the state."
"What happened to the mom's get to claim the child on the taxes but the fathers can't? Makes sense."
"Parents alone should have the authority within reason to decide how their child is brought up in these matters."
"The Biden administration is using our country's top law enforcement agency to go after parents."
"Republicans believe that parents should have the right to send their kids to the school of their choice."
"That's not really the point, the point is the federal government is effectively stealing kids away from their parents."
"Parents have a fundamental right to direct the education and upbringing of their kids."
"No parent should be required to send their child to a failing school."
"Parents have the right to determine what their children can read."
"All children should receive an outstanding education in a safe school of their family's choice."
"They never told the parents that their children's data would even be compromised."
"Parents have a right to guide and direct the upbringing of their children, and courts have honored and upheld this right."
"Children, their parents, and their doctors should have the freedom to make the medical decisions that are best for each young person."
"Men have little to no control over their parental destiny."
"Sweden became the first country to explicitly ban spanking, sparking contentious debate about parental rights versus state responsibilities."
"School systems are important but they do not supersede the rights of parents to raise their own children."
"The burden is on parents here and parents should have the right to choose whether or not their kid is on social media."
"You have a constitutional right to control your children's education."
"If a case where a father says my wife thinks that my seven-year-old son has the ability to consent to be a girl... goes up to the Supreme Court."
"What kaboo did was take away a child's innocence, taking away her life and her freedom from her parents for two years."
"We're rolling dice with our children who can't even discuss it with anybody."
"I hope at some point in some way there are laws passed so other parents cannot do this to their children."
"If you are not comfortable with something being done to your child, you don't let it happen."
"We need to respect parental rights nationwide."
"We need to get the basics right here in the state of Florida. That's why we signed the parental rights and education bill."
"Parents are not going to vote for candidates who are running on injecting sexuality in elementary school."
"It's the same freaking blob. Silicon Valley and the military and intelligence communities have openly fused now."
"Taking parents out of the equation when it comes to children's interventions and on children's bodies and their health is very dangerous."
"They're trying to prove that parents' rights over their kids are more important than kids' rights to privacy."
"There are no parental rights or obligations until there is an actual child that's living independently of a woman's body."
"It's not about gay it's not about straight it's not even about any one specific thing it's about saying don't let parents know what we're doing in general."
"You should not take away children from parents and put them into the hands of the state."
"I'm somebody who believes that the state should not be deciding for the parents how the kids are educated."
"Neglecting the fundamental rights parents have to raise their children is wrong."
"If you chain them together, it's instant wire."
"I think we should protect the rights of parents to make their own decisions."
"No parents should be forced to send their child to a failing government school."
"Parents know what is best for their kids. They should be making these decisions for themselves."
"America's moms and dads must be given a veto over anyone teaching far-left gender theories to their children in school without parental wow wow."
"In Paris, parents protested today against mask mandates in schools and the push for children to get the COVID-19 vaccine."
"Parents have an undisputed right to direct the upbringing and education of children."
"Why doesn't he get a right not to be a father?"
"There are often times where there are evil vindictive women who have had a baby with a man... and they think that that child gives them rights privileges that they just really don't have."
"Socialism is really communism with lipstick."
"I want the freedom to accept or reject vaccinations for myself and my minor children."
"All parents are capable of making mistakes and that making a mistake does not mean your children are always to be removed from the home."
"These girls are girls. There are no parents in my view. I don't know any of them besides they buried their daughters and this is where I believe their rights over them finished."
"Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child."
"This week is known as national school choice week and it's time for Virginia to give parents like me the ability to just leave this school system that very clearly doesn't want us anyway."
"I don't think the kids need to be taken away from either of them."
"Every parent, not just the wealthy, should have the ability to take their kids out of the local public school and put their kid into a school that reflects their values. It is imperative at this point."
"Parents the fundamental right to know what's being taught to their children."
"Parental rights do not stop at the classroom door."
"The traditionalist provider gender role has nestled into it a default setting of parental alienation of the fathers from their children."
"There's a system trying to take away the parental rights."
"If every parent said you're not going to take away our rights as parents, that would shake things up."
"Your right to be free of vaccination and your right to be a dope with the health of your child because you believe Jenny McCarthy's idiocy ends where my child's right to live begins."
"Parents do have a right to participate in school agendas, no matter how it comes out."
"President Biden's DOJ today is going to start investigating upset parents who show up at school board meetings."
"We just believe as parents we should be able to send our kids to school have them watch cartoons without having somebody's agenda shove down their throats."
"One party rule in one year has denied the American public of having a safe street Schools where parents have a say."
"This attack on parental rights is totalitarianism to the extreme."
"That's a winning point. If you go into a debate against somebody and they cannot concede that giving hormones to a child without the parents' consent is unacceptable, you sound unhinged to everyone else."
"All kids deserve parents, but not all parents deserve kids."
"I should be allowed to... keep my children away from the father," one argues.
"Don't ever feel like you have to hand your baby over to someone when you don't want to."
"How dare pundits join forces with uh that superintendent and condemn parents who were standing up for their children who had been raped how dare you."
"We need to empower all parents with the right to choose the educational systems for their children."
"I want to take my children's education dollars to a private school that does a better job or maybe another public school that's doing a little better."
"Every family is very unique and I think parents have the right, within reason, to make decisions that they believe are in the best interest of their child."
"That's literally all this bill did, was say parents should be able to know."
"They cannot deprive you of rights to your child unless they have proven you unfit or that they have proven that you are a harm to your child."
"The parents freedom of speech slash religious beliefs do not Trump the child's medical and or psychological needs."
"Our daughter had the right to having two parents."
"It is about our right to be able to teach and educate our children the way we see fit, and no one should take that right away from us."
"Medical child abuse leading to the wrongful unwarranted accusations against parents."
"You do not have the right to mask our children, and you do not have the right to order people to be vaccinated or to be tested and make them lose their job as a result of these."
"The parents' constitutional interest to direct the moral upbringing of their children does not end at the schoolhouse door."
"No one had parental responsibilities. He was on the birth certificate, so he had, by law, the right to take her."
"They're tired of politicians who tell parents they should sit down be silent and let government control their kids' education and future."
"He shouldn't get parental rights because he doesn't deserve them. He put me through hell to have them."
"Parents should have the ability to choose what kind of education works best for their specific child."
"It's very concerning... that we're not allowed to make our own choices for our children."
"From the minute that they did a non-consensual drug test on my son, my motherhood was removed. Compromised."
"I don't know, that needs to be looked at. And what's unfortunate is my motherhood was then removed."
"It's hard to imagine a right that's more fundamental than the right to raise your children as you see fit, and yet that's an unenumerated right that, happily, the Supreme Court protected in Troxel versus Granville."
"I filed for joint custody and finally managed to get 15 days."
"I'm advocating for parents to get equal opportunity with their children."
"Do you understand of the things that CPS is asking you to do that if you do not complete these family plans of service they could ask that the court terminate your parental rights or severely limit your parental rights, do you understand that?"
"The longer this case drags on, the more determined Angie is to prove she's the parent who deserves the final say on everything."
"A parent should have a right to give education to their child."
"We live in a country that still has this threatened right to educate your own children."
"I need to know, am I going to be able to keep my son, Samuel?"
"No man can tell me I can't advocate what I think is best for the future of my child in this nation."
"They can't force you to hand over your child."
"We support the right of parents to home educate their children, and we know many do well."
"They will take your kid, they will take your rights."
"It's the most difficult decision of whether it's safer for a child to remain with their parents or whether that child should be taken away forever."
"We believe in the rights of parents to be involved in the education of their children."
"If you don't think you can get my kids away from me by framing me, you've got another thing coming because I will fight this all the way."
"The judge will decide who will make the major decisions in the child's life, such as health care, education, and religious upbringing."
"Parents have a fundamental right enshrined in law to make decisions with regard to their child's upbringing, education, and care."
"Religious freedom is limited, as is parental autonomy, when we require children to be vaccinated before boarding school."
"It is illegal custody when the state becomes the parent."
"I love my children, I miss them every day, and I will not stop fighting for our right to be a family."
"The parents have the fundamental right to educate their children in the way that they want."
"If she decided to give up her parental rights so that Ikeisha could have a better life, I think that's amazing."
"Fight for custody. Like you have to fight for custody, don't just give up."
"I fought vigorously to maintain my time with our daughter."
"People have the rights to listen to whatever they want to listen to, but parents also have the right to know what their kids are going to listen to."
"The parents shall be entitled to reasonable phone telephone communications with the children."
"It's not in the best interest of children or parents to be alienated from being separated from their parents."
"I'll give parents the choice to educate their kids the way they want to."
"I'm in favor of parental rights. I want parents to be able to work with their doctor with a plan and make sure that children are not being driven to suicidal ideation."
"Sarah's law basically means the parents... are within their right to ask the police if a convicted sex offender is in their area."
"With kids under age 18, I do not think parents should be allowed to deny them things like blood transfusions, regardless of religion."
"They would not allow me to see my children; all my parental rights were violated."
"The standard is higher than if we were deciding whether or not to revoke her rights to her children."
"It's also important for fathers to be educated about their parental rights."
"Every parent has a fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their child."