
Medical Advancements Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"We've made groundbreaking advancements in medicine."
"Our understanding of the human body, illnesses, medical best practices, and treatments has come a very long way in the past 200 years, and that has helped us enjoy lives that are longer, on average, massively reducing mortality and increased living standards for people suffering from medical conditions."
"We gain mastery over terrible things: smallpox, polio, measles, mumps. Things that killed kids, things that permanently paralyzed kids."
"Antibiotics are one of the greatest medical advancements in human history."
"The word 'tumor' may disappear from the human language."
"It was their activism, their fighting, that helped turn HIV and AIDS from a death sentence to a condition you can not only live with but live a perfectly normal life with."
"This is absolute proof, of how advanced ancient technology was in India, especially in the medical field."
"You are inspiring many by your return to self-empowerment."
"You're not hiding it anymore and the firmly can catch up the social network can catch up earth can catch up because Taurus has entered the building."
"You could solve blindness, paralysis, hearing loss, you can solve a lot."
"Vaccine may be rolled out earlier with positive data."
"Vaccines have been one of the most important medical advancements in human history."
"Understanding the importance of clinical research and trials can provide hope for new treatments and benefit society as a whole."
"The disease that we could not solve in the past would be cured."
"A boost in protection is on the way for vaccinated Americans."
"How did we get here? And how is the same process that helped us overcome that disease letting us overcome our current plague?"
"Advancements in science have meant that there's now treatments that can combat the symptoms of hair loss and help you keep the hair that you have."
"In the next two to five years... we may see the end of cancer."
"Our people are feeling good about therapeutics and possible vaccines."
"See only love. Look past the seeming errors, mistakes, and misunderstandings and see only the love within each person, including yourself."
"Now this is huge. I mean having worked in healthcare for 40 years, we've always dreamed about an antiviral."
"New therapeutic perspectives...muscle injury sarcopenia."
"We have therapies and we have vaccines utilizing these advances and the skill of our doctors and nurses."
"Many great things are going to come out, tremendous discoveries in medicine and other fields."
"We hear good news about a successful vaccine trial."
"I'm just so grateful that he was born now and that we have access to the science that we have now."
"We have vaccines and boosters now, treatments and other tools to mitigate risk and lessen the severity of illness."
"The first 150-year-old person is alive right now."
"A very exciting phase in gender affirming care where we're learning more and more all the time."
"Heart transplantation took off like wildfire."
"I'm seeing the pictures of my own grandkids. But I'll tell you, take it a step further, the doctors that are performing surgery in utero now are using more than 3D imaging."
"Advancements in medicine will ultimately defeat cancer and other incurable diseases, thus significantly elevating the longevity of human life."
"We're reaching points of medicine treatments that have never been seen for nearly anything you suffer now."
"We will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine finding new cures for childhood cancer and ending the AIDS epidemic in America within ten years."
"Medical science has advanced an astounding amount in the last 50 years or so and we can do things today that a half a century ago even in that era’s science fiction would have been considered science fiction."
"The therapies that I've told you about so far, I believe, have a respectable chance of giving us an additional 30 years or so of extra life."
"Premature babies surviving used to be a 36 week baby would have a limited chance for survival and in modern times I've seen 26 week babies survive and go on to be perfectly healthy."
"It's nothing short of a miracle that we can change something in the human body that was once unchangeable."
"Tremendous progress is being made on vaccines and therapeutics."
"The more that gender affirming doctors and, uh, the more that like this sort of gender stuff becomes more prevalent, the more we know about this field of study."
"We used to think that you could not reverse heart disease, you could not reverse cancer, but we're seeing it today, you can."
"These new dual and triple incretin agonists are likely to permit more patients with type 2 diabetes to meet their individualized glycemic goals and weight loss goals."
"Consistently, over the last basically almost 2 and 1 half weeks to 3 weeks, this has been able to give me a much longer life than what we had in the past."
"It's probably something where we're doing clinical trials in the end of this decade or beginning of the 2030s to actually have something that really works to restore vision for patients."
"LMWH and fondaparinux: the next generation of anticoagulants, offering predictability and efficacy."
"We have treatment options for thyroid eye disease currently...but what is even more exciting is the future of thyroid eye disease."
"Every single study published on stem cells has shown benefits."
"There was no way at that point to keep lymphocytes alive outside the body. You could take them out, they would die in a day or two, and you had no way to keep them alive."
"Keeping up with new treatments and new medications as they come out I think that there's always hope."
"Thanks to the ingenuity our brain demonstrates every day, scientists are developing new ways to listen to and even repair that damage."
"We're on track to having a medicine for aging and diseases that are related to aging and inflammation."
"It's really an exciting time to be an oncologist or researcher."
"Putting cancer in check with immunotherapy: melanoma and beyond."
"Over the past 10 years the use of immunotherapies in the treatment of cancers has exploded."
"So we've seen that these checkpoint inhibitors are not only active in metastatic setting but are now showing signs of activity in locally advanced and earlier disease stage settings."
"This has been an exciting trip for us in restless legs because we know patients now who have good treatment that they didn't have 25 years ago and we want to offer that to people and this is an example of how sleep medicine has progressed over the last quarter century."
"almost all previously incurable diseases are now being cured around the world"
"I refuse to accept that aging is just something we have to live with because 100 years ago we used to say the same thing about cancer and heart disease and Alzheimer's."
"A promising new class of drugs is based on large biomolecules - peptides, proteins, or antibodies - that are engineered to address difficult targets. These drugs are called biologics, and there are already several of them on the market."
"So, as you can see, since the discovery of levodopa in the 1960s, there's been more and more approval for medications used to treat Parkinson's disease."
"The indications for transcatheter aortic valve replacement are expanding as we have had multiple randomized trials that have shown the benefit."
"The availability of TAVR has expanded the number of patients for aortic valve stenosis, and I think we'll continue to expand it significantly in the years to come."
"What's likely happened in the next five years is further advancements in immunotherapy, targeting the tumor suppressing environment, and metabolic interventions."
"This is an area probably more than any other I can think of, where the new developments in treatments, not only meds, but also devices, is probably more exciting and more transformative than in almost any other area of medicine."
"We will continue to get better and better treatments with far less side effects."
"Similarly, we've developed endovascular techniques."
"We've managed to address medical comorbidity better, which means that individuals might be more prone to conditions like Alzheimer's disease."
"In other news, a new paper published in the British Medical Journal shows that media reports of medical advancements reached through animal testing are more bust than breakthrough."
"A cure is around the corner if not already possible."
"One reason it's near-term is just that if you live long enough as we were saying earlier to benefit from the early sort of normal drug-based therapy, then you can start to benefit from these things that sound like they're further in the future."
"Maybe we will win and people will have cancer as chronic diseases not as not having it at all hopefully."
"...we are seeing an amazingly expanded toolbox of how we're going to treat disease."
"Between the research and the technology that's coming about, really nobody wants to have an aneurysm but now more than any other time in human history, we have tools to address them safer than we ever have before."
"We've lost all that now you don't even have to be fit to survive they just keep sticking a new lung on you."
"The COVID mRNA vaccines were so unexpectedly great. People are working like crazy now to do a breast cancer vaccine. It's going to happen."
"What is new in targeted therapies? I told you this list is getting bigger every year."
"Amen, the days of IVF yes are over."
"You can delete senescent cells, you can take someone else's organs or grow your own in the dish or have a pig grow you're on with all that put down if that all worked I would challenge anybody to say that that wouldn't allow people to live a lot longer."
"What causes blindness, what causes somebody to be six foot three? We eventually, we're going to be able to translate that hopefully in our lifetime."
"...the endoscopic approach is associated with shorter length of stay, lower cost, and better quality of life."
"I'm confident that over the next five to ten years we'll continue to see significant improvements."
"There’s over 7,000 known rare diseases and remarkably, we recognize that with the new sequencing methods, we can really accelerate the pace at which we can figure out the genomic basis of rare diseases."
"We're fortunate to be in a field where there's a lot of great advancements occurring over and over again."
"The ability of science to solve problems... clearly in the case of heart disease and cancer, make a lot of progress."
"The incredible advances in medical treatment of this era can still be seen today."
"The brutality of modern warfare coupled with advancements in medical science meant more soldiers could survive life-threatening wounds."
"We've had some extraordinary medical advancements in the past just 10 or 20 years."
"The field has advanced with some of the newer drugs."
"It's amazing what these doctors can do nowadays."
"It's definitely an exciting time for doctors who treat obesity medicine and also just people who want to cure their obesity as well."
"The hallmark, the standard for metastatic treatment of metastatic disease, have increased and changed drastically during my 29 years in medical oncology."
"The potential for the brain to recover is being understood now in ways that it certainly wasn't being understood 10 years ago."
"It's truly mind-blowing what's possible with surgery these days."
"Yet the narrative takes a turn towards hope as it underscores the advancements in medical treatments available for those affected."
"Modern medicine is amazing, you guys."
"The future is bright, I think we have now immune therapy agents in every single lung cancer."