
Natural Disaster Quotes

There are 650 quotes

"I want to express our love for everyone touched by the terrible tornadoes that hit your state. They really hit it hard."
"Hurricane Hillary ripped up Southern California."
"We're still victims, people like little Luisa. She was playing in the basement when the storm hit. Now she's trapped, and her life hangs on the whims of fate."
"A super eruption can easily bury the northern Rockies in three feet of Ash, devastating large swathes of Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Utah."
"This unique ecosystem emerged as a result of a tragic natural disaster in 1792."
"If it weren't for this earthquake, no one would know how poor we are here."
"And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven, and the Lord sent thunder and hail."
"I woke up one night to a strange smell. It was smoke, something was burning. My colony, everywhere, was going up in flames."
"A category 4 hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico is a tremendously dangerous thing, obviously, depending on what happens farther on downstream."
"My thoughts are genuinely with those impacted by the recent earthquake that impacted the peoples of Turkey and Syria."
"What we saw was likely the largest natural disaster in Hawaii State history."
"We are working to support their needs. Let me add to that, to also satisfy... it's the largest natural disaster that our state has seen."
"Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those Indonesians who are affected by the recent tsunami and the volcanic eruptions."
"Disasters remind us that God doesn't intend for this fallen earth to be our permanent home."
"The floodgates of Heaven burst forth and water rushed over the Earth."
"The amount of water displaced exceeded the amount of land that fell into the bay."
"When the waters from the overflowing river washed the pup from the stone, it was trying hopelessly to climb the bridge wall."
"The sky opened and Swiss helicopter pilots risked their lives to save the trapped people."
"The heavy rainfall caused a landslide to break loose above the protective wall."
"The best protection against landslides and block 4 is to take researchers' warning seriously."
"Indian Ocean earthquake tsunami: Over 230,000 lives lost."
"A deadly weekend in Germany as catastrophic floods swallow entire communities."
"With every minute that passed, the fire took a firmer grip on the city, becoming ever wilder."
"You've got to imagine all these people are trapped in a valley with nowhere to shelter, they are just left at the mercy of these giant hailstones."
"One day though she got word of a boy at a nearby orphanage trying to find his parents and when she saw the boy's picture she broke down because it was her son. He was still alive after all, although this was not the case for many others."
"The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami was the worst tsunami in recorded history."
"A dam in China was exploded open and floods rushed into the villages, pushing residents into a desperate situation."
"The volcano erupted and the pyroclastic flow has passed us."
"Breaking news tonight: the state of emergency as a deadly and historic storm slams the West Coast."
"It was a sudden iceberg tsunami, with quick reflexes the pair put the engine on full speed and got the hell out of there."
"I need to go, need to run, the storm, oh my god."
"You would need a major oceanic subduction zone type of an event to generate that type of a wave."
"After all that big earthquake happens, they're going to realize something."
"Plato's story of Atlantis is about human folly and the destructive power of nature."
"Death toll is mounting after powerful quake struck parts of Turkey and Greece. It triggered a tsunami."
"The Nigata Kenchuetsu earthquake... triggered this outstanding and dense concentration of landslides."
"It took just 18 hours for Pompeii to be buried under millions of tons of volcanic ash and pumice."
"Isn't that a natural disaster? To me, that's a natural example of a judgmental God deciding to use a flood."
"Hurricane Ian, one of the most expensive disasters ever."
"If he floods this place, I'm gonna kick him. Beware the wrath of God."
"A record-breaking rainstorm hit central China, so far the damage appears extensive with collapsed streets, cars being washed away, flooded subway stations, and apparent deaths and injuries revealed through social media."
"We're in the middle of a natural disaster, socialism has empty shelves on a daily basis."
"Catastrophic flooding in Belgium and Germany has claimed the lives of at least 120 people."
"The Dixie Fire erupted in California and is edging close to a town still rebuilding from a 2018 firestorm."
"What killed this one was Hurricane Irene, a big tree fell on it and it even bent the whole car."
"But ladies and gentlemen, that was the final earthquake event here, and when it hit, I was like, 'No way that just happened, dude!'"
"What if the ground beneath you suddenly ruptured and the Earth shook with unimaginable Force?"
"The floods have caused concerns over further economic downturns and threats over whether the Three Gorges Dam can take the pressure."
"The weather's quickly becoming too bad. Dire warnings are issued."
"The cyclone arrives at full force around midnight, wind-driven rain slams."
"An 8.2 magnitude earthquake rocks the coast of Chile, driving almost a million people to evacuate their homes."
"Natural disasters bring havoc by devastating communities, interrupting supplies, and causing psychological and social implications."
"The human spirit is just amazing... I'm blown away by the resilience of the people of New Orleans."
"A severe thunderstorm triggered flash floods."
"The lieutenant governor signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency."
"The damage is just... unlike anything any of us have seen."
"The scale of the devastation caused by the forest fire is surreal."
"The sunken city of Helike, described as the real-life Atlantis of ancient Greece, destroyed by an earthquake and submerged in the Gulf of Corinth."
"Snowstorm is trending, because of said deadly snowstorm in the mid-Atlantic in the southeast."
"China's most severe flooding in decades drove millions out of their homes this summer; food shortages followed the damage."
"The scene in taban city was reminiscent of the destruction caused by the 2004 tsunami."
"It's one of the most important natural disasters in Philippine history."
"The eruption of Thera is one of those epoch-making catastrophes that can change the course of human history."
"Yellowstone super volcano: It would kill 5 billion people if it erupted."
"Kingston might not exist as we know it today without a huge earthquake."
"Former Lytton Mayor Chris O'Connor told Global News that in his mind there's no doubt the fire was started by a train going through the area."
"Lake Nios in Cameroon released gaseous clouds that tragically suffocated 1746 people in a single night."
"The waves were reaching staggering heights of 60 feet."
"The effects of the tsunami were felt all over the world."
"Indian Ocean tsunami 2004: one of the deadliest natural disasters."
"Large waves versus building: a terrifying footage."
"Hurricane Irma: a terrifying force of nature."
"Hurricane Katrina was the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history, claiming 800 lives in less than eight hours."
"To take a politician and to weaponize and politicize something like a natural disaster...is just despicable."
"What was once a single island was destroyed by a massive volcanic eruption and all that remains today is the caldera rising out of the Aegean Sea."
"The flood had changed the appearance of many places."
"Mecca, the spiritual heartbeat of Islam, hit by a flood - it's the kind of plot twist you'd expect in a Blockbuster movie."
"This is one of the five worst hurricanes in America's recorded history and is also one of the costliest storms ever to hit the United States."
"Give me a freakin break, this is a forest fire."
"California wildfire is straight out of a horror movie."
"Waves a meter higher than usual were registered on the western coast of the United States, Japan, 8,000 kilometers away."
"Hello world, we are surviving the tsunami out here in Pacifica. I can tell you it is happening, y'all. It is happening."
"This is a monster of a storm and it is only going to continue to intensify as it moves toward the Louisiana coastline."
"Plymouth, Montserrat: evacuated after volcanic eruptions, leaving behind a ghost town covered in ash."
"Recovery in Maui is going to take many years."
"I often dream of it now... the great dark wave climbing over the green lands and above the hills."
"Tonight, the historic deadly storms that hit the nation on Christmas Eve."
"This footage is captured from the dash of an Australian fire engine. The region is besieged by raging wildfires."
"States of emergency declared as the once-in-a-generation storm sweeps across the country."
"Move higher inland, stay away from the water, there's going to be dangerous currents and you have to wait for the all clear."
"I didn't sleep at all last night... we've been dealing with a fire in our area... kind of a tentative evacuation notice right now."
"On that day a tornado touched down in the town and then proceeded to turn the corner and rip up farmland and tear the barns to shreds."
"Millions and millions of locusts descended on many parts of southern Russia, like Dagestan, making everyday tasks incredibly challenging."
"I survived! It's my first time actually on the volcano."
"I survived the acid rain! Never hurts to be prepared, right?"
"Krakatoa: the geological equivalent of a fire alarm."
"Pompeii is a place that had a big natural disaster, which was really sad for the people that lived there, but preserved the city in a way that allows us to study the history of it in a really interesting, cool way."
"He’s like a somewhat sentient natural disaster."
"Pyroclastic flows were the death of Herculaneum but they also spectacularly preserved the town."
"If you're not prepared for an earthquake, you're a fool."
"Humanity is indeed sleep walking toward near-term... on the side moments before the massive tidal wave hits Sri Lanka."
"The last massive Blast from the Yellowstone super volcano shot a fatal plume of hot ash, molten rock, and toxic gases thousands of meters into the air."
"The odds of Yellowstone having another massive eruption are fortunately very low, but it remains an endless source of apocalyptic fascination."
"Back when Pinatubo erupted in 1991, it cooled the entire planet by almost 1 degree Celsius."
"We are live again tonight from another Florida town reeling from the impact of Hurricane Idalia."
"This is our live drone video passing over Horseshoe Beach right now and you can see what has happened to a section of the marina here."
"Thank you, we will be back from Horseshoe Beach later in the broadcast with the devastation here but also the resolve to rebuild."
"The chance of Yellowstone erupting in any given year is actually lower than the chance that we'll get hit by a civilization-destroying asteroid."
"The December 2021 eruption was Semaru's largest in recent history and one that came with little warning."
"The eruption of Mount Saint Helens was one of, if not the most catastrophic eruption the United States has ever experienced."
"All hands are currently on Deck as scientists and park officials watch with wrapped attention as the Earth rages beneath Yellowstone National Park."
"Earth-shaking fire from the center of the earth."
"Homes, businesses, in the historic town of Lahaina destroyed, power and communications on the island crippled, residents and visitors urgently evacuated."
"The apocalyptic scene in Maui unfolded before sunrise, an island wildfire so explosive flames poured into the Pacific, forcing the desperate to plunge into the ocean to escape the inferno."
"The smoke was just so thick, people were running around looking for refuge, the heat was unbearable during the chaotic evacuation."
"On the timescale that geologists work to, a coming super eruption in Yellowstone may well be right around the corner."
"Recently, they admitted that they've created something powerful enough to make the Yellowstone super volcano erupt."
"But geologists expect that there will be warning signs before Yellowstone explodes again."
"Breaking news tonight on multiple fronts: the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Entire buildings destroyed, hundreds already confirmed dead, hospitals flooded."
"This earthquake was so strong it was felt throughout the entire country."
"Dog senses earthquake aftershocks... Sophie the Labrador appeared to feel the earthquake before it hit."
"Fire tornado caught on camera. As Australian wildfires rage, a fire whirl, sometimes known as a fire devil, is a whirlwind created by a fire."
"Norway landslide: Massive landslide sweeps eight homes into the sea."
"Volcanic eruption caught on camera: Thousands rush to Iceland after volcano erupts near Reykjavik."
"Koala rescued from deadly Australian bushfires."
"Chances are the water is going to go around you."
"We have a brand new tornado warning issued just west of Tampa."
"Tornadoes don't make sense when they tear through any part of any town."
"Stunning images on live TV, power flashes on the ground as the tornado rips across New Orleans."
"There's a storm warning that something is going to happen very quickly, very suddenly."
"An eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano would cause widespread devastation across the United States."
"The eruption of Thera had catastrophic consequences, possibly leading to the decline of the Minoans."
"Thank you, tornado, for once doing something positive in our life."
"Earthquakes are one of the most destructive and unpredictable forces on the planet."
"No amount of vigilance or insight could stop the deadliest tornado in US history."
"For the next 35 years, the killer winds steered clear of Pawleys Island, and the Gray Man came to be perceived by locals as something of a guardian angel."
"When the tornado spits you out, you realize."
"The eruption was so destructive that it would have darkened the entire region for at least a week."
"Presenting a stark reminder of the enormity of the tsunami"
"Tsunami enters the trench. Will it make you up the other side? The view from here, you're like, 'Oh look, there's a tsunami going into a trench. I wonder if I'm safe stood here.' Oh wow, and apparently we very much are."
"Another devastating flood is said to have swept countless people to their deaths."
"The Japanese tsunami of 2011 was one of the most severe natural disasters."
"It wasn't for the roof, we would have taken a serious hit, just lowered the flood by twenty percent."
"If you feel an earthquake and you're near the coast or a body of water, that is your warning that a tsunami may come and you should evacuate to high ground immediately."
"Even a smaller wave is enough to destroy entire settlements."
"I'm sweating, that was literally one of the hardest Minecraft challenges I've ever done."
"I was reading about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that destroyed the ancient Roman colony of Pompeii the other day."
"Flooding forced over 150,000 people from their homes."
"Hurricane Matthew left the west coast of Africa on September the 22nd."
"More than a thousand people were reported killed in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew."
"Wave crashes through windows of Italian restaurant."
"This person really is thinking about you, you know, can you guys get back together? Will the situation improve? And they're wanting to recover this."
"A dangerous new storm threat taking aim at the West Coast."
"Tornadoes are one of the most bewildering phenomena observed on our planet each year."
"Thankful that so many believers stood and spoke to the wind and commanded to redirect and to turn in on the fire."
"But Puerto Rico was a very difficult situation. I only hope they don't get hit again, because they were hit by two, right in a row, and, really, the likes of which we have never seen before."
"This is the scorched earth aerial views of California wildfire aftermath October 13th, Friday the 13th, 2017."
"I looked up at the sky and I said my god what did you do because this is poetry of terrible beauty."
"Continuing coverage now of hurricane Dalian as it continues to go up the Big Bend area of Florida to the north it made landfall this morning near Keaton Beach."
"The death toll from Cyclone Freddy continues to rise in southern Africa, it's one of the most powerful storms ever recorded in the southern hemisphere."
"A nation is in awe of nature's destructive power."
"Yellowstone supervolcano poses a significant threat."
"A 6.5 magnitude earthquake is shaking the foundations of the Bandgai Islands 93 million miles away."
"The tsunami of 2004 was around 30 feet high; the tsunami 65 million years ago would have been 10 times higher and thousands of times more destructive."
"So if you ever see these disappeared from my garden, then it means that there's a fire on the way."
"A knock Krakatoa... know you're dangerous when the biggest event in your name killed tens of thousands of people."
"An American mega tsunami may be unthinkable, but it is inescapable."
"A deadly volcanic eruption unleashed a wave taller than the Statue of Liberty."
"A major shift in the earth's crust had severed the city from the surrounding landform, leaving it an island with virtually no outside contact."
"But rather than being a hypothetical, this megaquake will soon become reality."
"By the time the wave recedes, North America will have witnessed its worst-ever natural disaster."
"The survivor was somewhat responsive, her eyes would open and close, you could see she was coughing up seawater."
"Bought our dream home less than two months ago... tonight I watched it burn to the ground in a massive wildfire."
"It's not going to blow, nothing's going to happen to me." - Mount St. Helens anecdote
"The relentless influx of water becomes an ominous threat, prompting a collective effort to navigate the treacherous situation."
"The 1964 Anchorage quake had the power of 63,000 atomic bombs, changing the face of the earth."
"A Yellowstone supervolcano eruption would be catastrophic."
"The ocean exploded, and the West Coast of North America woke up to tsunami warnings."
"Hurricane prep is almost done. I'm feeling much more relieved now."
"Tonight hurricane ida slamming into louisiana as a powerful cat 4 storm."
"The eruption removed the top of the 1,300-foot mountain."
"The eruption of Italy's Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD has captured people's imagination like no other."
"Summoning all your strength, you lift up the rocks to free the wounded woman from the rubble."
"The most significant Cliff failure in 40 years has cut California beach in half."
"A volcanic eruption on the scale of Yellowstone would cause a global temperature drop... According to some sources this could lead to a drop in global temperatures by up to 10°."
"Super volcanoes are currently our biggest threat."
"The eruption could trigger a nuclear winter effect, with reduced sunlight causing a drop in global temperatures and disrupting weather patterns."
"Yellowstone's Fury is overdue... every eruption a chapter of cosmic proportions."
"The flooding is being described as the worst to hit the region in 80 years."
"This disaster went on to strike Hilo, Hawaii, in what became one of the worst disasters in Hawaiian history."
"The ocean is deep and full of secrets, powerful enough to wipe out entire cities in a matter of hours."
"Any tropical cyclone that comes into Nicaragua or Honduras, the infrastructure just can't support the amount of water up there."
"Mount Aso erupted... sent plumes of ash over two miles high... no immediate reports of casualties or damages."
"It's only a matter of time until the next big one strikes the city on the Bosphorus with all its destructive might."
"The footage from KFOR especially the scene with the horizontal vortices... is still one of the most insane and heartbreaking pieces of tornado footage."
"Tornado emergency for Moore... grab your kids, grab your loved ones, grab your friends..."
"When an avalanche starts, no snowflake is innocent."
"It is not necessarily the storm itself making landfall which causes the problems."