
Emotional Depth Quotes

There are 1825 quotes

"It was sad, it was dark, but not in like a stupid edgy way or anything, it was like really well written."
"This beautiful depth of feeling, this real connection... somebody saying 'I love you' and you're looking into their eyes and just you feeling the power of that."
"Romantic relationships for adventurers are deeply emotional and not just about connecting on an intellectual level, but also a dedication to understanding and caring for their partners through their actions."
"Underneath Kratos is this torrent of emotions we are getting to explore those in a way that's deeper than ever before."
"The game would have incredible emotional depth and claimed that RDR 2 would feature great story elements and great gameplay elements."
"The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain."
"This was a dark fantasy story that was not only beautifully illustrated and captivating but most of all, emotionally compelling, involving characters with psychological depth and convincing existential themes."
"I still love you more than you will ever know."
"These movies... hit me in the genuine true depths of human emotions."
"I really could not recommend it enough if you want to read a sad book and something deep and meaningful."
"Yoruichi's fight with Soifon is, in my opinion, the best fight Yoruichi has in the series. It's emotionally charged... and it's the only real time in the series you get a fight like this."
"The overall tone of the novel is exemplified by one of its best known quotes: 'I am half agony, half hope.'"
"Ymir is just a really tormented soul that's been locked away for so long."
"Vulnerability is not just about fear and grief and disappointment; it's the birthplace of everything we're hungry for."
"The dragon tears in Tears of the Kingdom is wrought with this subtext of guilt."
"I loved him more than I think I've loved anyone."
"I have never felt a love so pure, deep, and true."
"Eva Marie Saint's rare ability to infuse her characters with emotional depth and unwavering strength made an impact on the silver screen."
"Love is wanting to share intimacy and intensity, both the good and the bad."
"This one is so deep. It's really heartbreaking. It's a really touching case."
"Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings hits hardest with its more grounded fight scenes and the powerful emotional core."
"When you break my tough exterior, you'll find that I'm truly delicate."
"This is one of the most emotional, raw, honest, vulnerable, brilliant, gripping conversations I've ever had."
"I want your high love and emotion, endlessly."
"The movie is Kurt at heart, and most of the film is really Kurt's heart."
"There is a type of love that is only experienced through sadness. There's a type of joy that is only experienced through grief."
"The emotional depth and symmetry to this narrative moment was beautiful."
"Heart home compassion, this is about expanding your heart to bigger depths than you've ever been before."
"As games and the technology that drives them both evolve, certain old-school heroes have undergone a kind of emotional makeover, leaving behind their days as simple avatars in favour of depth, complexity, and rich inner lives that belie their basic origins."
"Ewan McGregor steps in to do the heavy lifting and makes us feel the gamut of emotions he's going through."
"It was just so well done and that's why we said before... it's not an action film, it's more like an emotional drama."
"It unlocks a new level of love that you didn't know you were capable of."
"I love you a lot, not like a little bit, a lot of bit."
"There is a good amount of heart... giving us interesting dynamics to watch outside of Nate's narrative."
"A good way to add layers to that character is giving them real human emotions and struggles."
"It's got the capacity to be serious when it wants to be, and it pulls off genuine emotions surprisingly well, but it never gets so melodramatic it's above making fun of itself."
"Finding and rekindling hope is actually one of the big themes at the heart of the game."
"I do need to be in a comfortable space to be able to go to these places. There are different spaces for different roles, but this one requires that you be that it requires you have a simultaneously a vulnerability and a bravery to go there."
"They have a really tough exterior and almost kind of like a poker face, but they have this really ooey gooey soft inside."
"My choice for the number one best game of the decade, The Last of Us, is a somber dive into the human experience."
"Sometimes this practically invents the genre of comedy game but at other times it's very human and occasionally dark."
"You have given me more than I have ever thought I could have in one life."
"Mr. Freeze's theme is so understated and melancholy."
"It's about those emotions, it's about those people, and I don't think there is an actor in the world who could have done this movie aside from Michelle."
"It's a true A24 film because it's like this breaks the mold but it's also an independent film that is at its core very small and emotional."
"His love for joy deepens, and that capacity to love and be loved is one of the most human characteristics there is."
"So much emotion in this piece, it really captures the internal conflict of a character."
"Wasn't there anybody that had mercy in his heart to stop this from taking place?" - This really demonstrates the Prophet's tenderness for romanticism.
"Love expressed, not just love in concept, is what matters."
"It's almost poetic how Abe Sapien, the aquatic intellectual, finds himself drowning in a tidal wave of emotions."
"Most people want to stay on the surface because it's hard to talk about things that are hard to talk about."
"Why can't a female character show emotions and have the strength to overcome obstacles and learn from her mistakes?"
"Wow what an incredible funny emotional well-written masterpiece."
"Until that moment I didn't realize that I had never truly loved something more than myself."
"A woman with a reservoir of deep flowing love."
"But it's really the story it's these characters it's this emotion it's the bond between brother and sister but also the horrors that are impacting this world that are really worth experiencing."
"I love in holes. If I love you, I love you with all of me."
"Janis Joplin's scorching interpretation stands as one of the most profoundly passionate performances."
"Happy, you win the lottery; you're happy for a day or whatever. Joy is something you can experience even in grief, even in crisis."
"The impact of the story is felt on a whole new level."
"The jokes aren't as numerous or strong in this film but there was a lot of properly communicated emotion."
"Unconditional love is not too strong a word."
"On Her Majesty's Secret Service represents the first time the series made a real conscious effort to put Bond on an emotional journey."
"Themes of loyalty, hope, hopelessness, and a found family... these are all my favorite things, and this section did them all so well."
"He claims that he feels pain... the missing component makes the robot feel incomplete."
"You can strip somebody's resources from you, you can take away their health or take away all their money, you can take it, but you cannot take away somebody's capacity to love another, and that capacity to love is the source of happiness."
"They feel this connection is extremely deep, it's very profound, it's very awakening."
"They're able to connect with others on a deeper level."
"It was beautiful and tragic and a gut punch."
"The more layers you peel away, the more you want to cry."
"The utter beauty of this track as the bass and drum parts that serve as a backdrop for the synth line that slowly builds into this track and adds a huge emotional resonance."
"Emotions want to be felt. You really can't surrender to something to truly deeply feel it."
"She had the most incredible level of compassion."
"The voicemail scene became one of my favorite scenes in the entire film."
"Earthbound strikes a perfect balance of being emotional and funny, there's no cynicism anywhere and I love the game's earnestness."
"There's a deep spiritual contract, like the soul contract, and definitely deep feelings, deep emotions."
"I'm being called on in my life to love people."
"For a lot of us, this facade of charisma and affability can hide deep pain."
"Love is selfless, love is long-suffering, love is kind, love is patient."
"His Beats were dense and layered, and throughout his career, he sampled countless genres to create soundscapes that were melancholy yet hopeful at the same time."
"It takes great courage to be happy. It's a defiant position."
"Happiness is a deep thing because... you lift the lid and there's all sorts of stuff going on underneath."
"I love the shifts in characters... the ending of this movie is just so haunting and so emotional and beautiful."
"Silent Hill means a lot to me. It showed me the games could mess with the way that I think and the way I see the world around me. They could affect me in ways I never thought possible."
"Sometimes the real world sneaks into our fantasy entertainment, and the loss of Chadwick is honestly making this Black Panther funeral hit on a pretty deep level."
"Every story is about that personal wound. It always has been, it always will be."
"I want to build depth, evoke emotion, and reveal character."
"Elfen lied is such an example of a like horror anime that is not edgy it is a genuine good horror anime with great emotional stuff."
"Wow, you really have made your way into this person's heart."
"Love is real. It's not just a biochemical reaction."
"Emotional and spiritual connection is more important than just being in love."
"I love them more. My heart is an abyss of love, it's endless. It drops for eternity."
"Games like The Last of Us or Uncharted pushed these boundaries even further."
"Every single emotion in here—it was a lot of fun but it also just really hit me."
"Action wasn't enough. It's how does the character feel about the action, and then action becomes character."
"I don't know if I could ever explain just how much I love you."
"He's been a main character in both Epic Mickey video games, which deal with Oswald's feelings of abandonment by Disney and his envy towards Mickey Mouse."
"In this new paradigm, relationships become less about fulfilling egocentric needs and more about mutual growth and soulful connection."
"This is the romans of your life. It's not just about emotional connection, it's also about spiritual connection."
"Iron Man 3 - One of the deepest most heartfelt installments of the entire franchise."
"I'm a tormented person. I have a lot of demons inside of me. My pain is as big as my joy." - Madonna
"249 million, wow. Jim Caviezel's got, like, this silent, amazing pain. The man is amazing."
"I'm very lucky to have her love, there's nothing really greater."
"Their relationship means more than it ever has before."
"It's like your mother's love times a million. It's just this feeling of oneness and completion that you cannot put words to."
"It was that type of love that you can feel in the pit of your stomach... you must follow it."
"Behind the Grim dark violence is a profound sense of melancholy."
"Shrek is a solid example of a parody but it shines even brighter as its own unique story that takes the foundation of what it's parodying and makes something new and surprisingly heartfelt out of it."
"We have to push ourselves to go deeper, far from the shallow now."
"Cubone pines for the mother it will never see again, seeing a likeness of its mother in the full moon. It cries the stains on the skull the Pokemon wears are made by the tears it sheds."
"This story was about this very singular emotional journey towards wholeness all the rest of it was just thrills and trappings."
"Cyborg's origin, relationship with his father, and emotional journey are probably the strongest material in the film."
"Rage is not a primary emotion. Underneath anger, I find a lot of fear."
"It's painful, yes, but honestly, it's so much life."
"They still have deep, deep feelings for you, whether it's a relationship or just a friendship."
"There's just so much life in this book and so much heart, and the characters are just so excellent."
"Producer Jeremy Carver knew that what made the source material so special was the characters' long road to recovery."
"I felt every emotion probably more with this game than I've ever felt in another video game."
"Stranger Things at its core is not all about plot, it is about characters."
"It's one of those books where you just deeply feel for the main character."
"While we may never fully know why she loves the Joker, we can always recognize her intense grief whenever he dies."
"It's a bittersweet ending with death and rebirth given equal emotional heft."
"Completely performance-driven... the grief so accurately depicted on screen."
"I just love the characters, I love the emotional depth of the story, I just... I never know what's going to happen next."
"The intensity of love that you feel for your child is just unreal."
"DiCaprio brings a raw intensity and emotional depth to the character, capturing the essence of a man tormented by past tragedies and desperate for redemption."
"For the most part, this is still the Bojack Horseman crew on their A game delivering a season that's more tender and personal in some ways and more chaotic and insane than others."
"Love itself is endless... found inside of our heart."
"Your person has deep hidden feelings for you."
"If what you're writing doesn't matter to you, it's going to be flat."
"It's not just about the physical attraction, it's so much deeper than that."
"It is safe for you to express how you feel... Relationships deepen as a result."
"His music is very emotionally centered and doesn't have a whole lot of unnecessary complicated stuff."
"You can only meet a person as deeply as you have met yourself."
"Grieving is forever; it's not a time period."
"Chise’s pain is not something that’ll heal in a few quick storylines, regardless of how much magic exists in this world."
"Spider-Man 2 is praised for good reason. It has a near-perfect script full of emotion and real character drama wrapped up in a fairy tale."
"Remember those times when your days were like darker than your nights?"
"Self-sacrifice and self-acceptance, such a genuine moment."
"Marvel always has so much heart." - "Benjamin Byron Davies"
"I mean, the voice that you found on this record, there are moments that I feel you've found a tone and an emotion and a feeling to go along with these songs that I've heard very rarely if ever from you."
"Love can be deep, but who knew it could also be bottomless?"
"There's still a lot of heart there, a lot of feelings."
"They make mistakes, they regret their actions, they get upset, they care for those closest to them, they laugh, they cry, they smile."
"Love is a beautiful thing, isn't it? There's nothing like it."
"Empire Strikes Back score is the perfect melding of darkness and light, countering each oppressive sting with a glimmer of tremendous hope and love."
"Despite Bill Burr's usual hilarious vulgarity, the show has some serious heart."
"It’s briskly paced with an iconic soundtrack, and the story has moments of immense sadness that only Quintet developed games seemed to get right."
"We need to have a return to form where we tell smaller stories... dealing with trials and tribulations."
"This album is so personal so detailed like reputation was very external very loud this is an album that is very personal vulnerable emotional."
"What makes Robin's words SO powerful, is not the words themselves, but the chain of emotional sequences leading up to that moment."
"This game gave me a more intimate understanding of what a frontline soldier in the trenches felt like more so than any film or any novel had ever done before or since."
"Individuals that bleed, cry, worry, ponder, and ultimately die."
"Your deep sensitivity and emotions bring blessings."
"You're really expressing what is deep down in your soul here."
"It can at times be excellent storytelling with genuine emotion, heart, and incredible action and drama alike."
"That's quite a remarkable experience and can be potentially a devastating experience."
"Halo ODST is a somber story, not one of heroic achievement."
"The emotional depth that that movie has, that he breaks up with great levity like his, whoever thought we'd be laughing so much, it's Hitler."
"It's a seesaw of heart-pounding heists followed by heart-wrenching deep and meaningful when."
"The writing in this one is very simple, almost poetic, it's very emotional, and it's very angsty."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home is the most exciting, surprising, and emotional Spidey of them all."
"Love isn't just enough, it won't just hold you together."
"We are not a drop in the ocean, we are the ocean in a drop."
"If you actually allow yourself to connect deeply to your life, you are promised grief on the other end, and then to also experience that deeply."
"The often heartbreaking storytelling addresses issues of identity and trauma and showed viewers that a cartoon could tell stories just as impactful and nuanced as those in primetime dramas."
"It's truly something so unbelievably special."
"The Sting... one of the greatest pieces of television that has ever graced our screens."
"The love and the feeling that exists between these two people is so real and genuine."
"You could really feel the emotion and the effects the oppression had."
"Living in your heart means being a real [__] and having empathy for everything."
"They're having these strong desires for deeper levels of union."
"Real happiness is finding someone who can hold both parts of you."
"Our love may have seemed plain, but within our hearts burned the flames of our devotion."
"While there is that jank, there's also a lot more heart and charm in this game than I've ever seen from a Spiders title."
"The only moments of real feeling in this game are the moments when Kratos is reflecting on his experiences."
"That concludes this layer of the iceberg, a layer full of obscure knowledge with an emotional ending." - Reflections on the emotional depth of Mario Galaxy.
"It lets you feel the emotions so her death it sits there in it and death sequences."
"Their feelings for you are strong, like big waves of emotion."
"Stranger things represent love in an honest and moving way."
"You want the deepest of connections with your partner at this time. You want intimacy, not just physically, but also psychologically and emotionally."
"Love that comes from fire, love that comes from internal understanding, compassion, and sacrifice."
"This movie is one of the most beautifully human films I've ever seen in my life."
"I actually had to tap into what it feels like to be a father to daughters."
"A gorgeously crafted world and Story full of difficult choices heartbreaking decisions and a warmth in learning more of the characters at your hand."
"They can be intense love that happens to some of you, or they can be the birth of a new, but secret love because the eighth house is secret."
"Contrasting a character's projected identity and their true emotions makes for a much more dimensional design."
"Important conversations, emotional conversations are going to happen."
"If you view sex as purely a physical act, you're potentially leaving a lot of emotional intimacy and satisfaction on the table."
"The acting in The Last of Us seems to take it to a whole new level. Their scene, especially, is incredibly well done."
"You affected this person deeply and in a very positive way."
"You're their change agent, it's almost like you're so inspiring to this person, they know that they can change their ways if you're by their side."
"If you had the pleasure to be in his presence and got his attention he would take that feeling and multiply by a thousand."
"Emotion, humor, heart, love, family bond, Misfits... saving the Galaxy, saving each other."
"God's calling me personally to a baptism of anguish."
"Love, compassion, and empathy are still possible, even laughter in the face of death."
"A male-male romance... it is very complicated relationship but it is also just great."
"This game is everything Colonial Marines was not; it has heart and emotion."
"It's epic it's romantic it's heroic it's intimate it's got action pathos brilliant acting thrilling set pieces and so much more."
"To understand Poe’s last love, we must go back to his first, because they are one and the same."