
Family Expectations Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Even if you're not what we wanted you to be, you don't need to be someone else."
"The older generation holds on to the traditional notion that there are three types of unfilial behaviors, and not having children is the worst of them all."
"When your dad gives you a one-way ticket and says show me something, you better pay off."
"The real challenge happened when I told my father I'm not taking over your churches."
"It was gut-wrenching because I said, 'I'm breaking my oath, I'm disappointing my father, I'm letting people down.'"
"Your parents aren't going to be with you forever, so just do what makes you happy and fulfill your own goals, not theirs."
"Polish mothers are very much like, you got to be back early, you know what I mean?"
"Life is like soccer because my mom signed me up for it and expects me to try my best even though I [__] hate soccer."
"It's about expectations and pressures put on you by your family."
"Mothers don't like that mom's like I'm sure she'd be happy I don't know if she know my son is the man."
"Tradition and expectations run deep within a family, and although these two things are often meant in good faith, the immense pressure put on children can sometimes hold dire consequences."
"You're not here to make someone else happy, even if it's a parent."
"Failure was not an option for me, disappointing my family was not an option for me."
"You shouldn't be controlled by what your family thinks of you. You shouldn't be afraid of dishonoring your family because I'm not dishonoring my family, they dishonored themselves."
"Stalin's father wanted him to become a cobbler and continue the family business."
"I think like the disappointed parents, you didn't want to let them down."
"Life is too short to deprive myself of something just to keep family happy."
"Living up to my dad. I like, always have been like, this- that shadow."
"I'm going to make Dad proud. Yes, I did do it, did you actually beat the game?"
"If at first you don't succeed, don't come back home."
"I don't want to assume people's family scenarios but it's like I was always shocked that we didn't work it like the biggest game stop."
"Our parents get sold on a story that never belonged to them."
"We are who we are, not who our parents want us to be."
"I want my dad to be proud of me, and it drives me to this day. That validation, the need to be celebrated and embraced."
"I knew it I am so glad I was hoping that I was a boy because I want to see Haley with the little like cousin that way they have like boy and girl."
"Parents are supposed to love you unconditionally."
"I wasn't able to be the son that they was hoping I would be."
"I don't owe anything to anybody. I don't have to make dad happy or make my brother happy or make all these things. I can only do my best and I have to enjoy what I like to do."
"I gotta make them proud... even if it's boring."
"Simba wants Kiara to be a great ruler, but he never demanded that she act a certain way, even though he feels great pressure to be like Mufasa."
"Can't go to your husband's house without it, usually African parents can be, you must start a tradition."
"You so damn worried about what your cousin gonna think."
"You always want to be that dad that said 'hey I want to make sure my daughter does this and she expects this right' well hopefully my daughter knows that and she expects that now."
"He fell from grace hard... he became everything that his mother didn't want him to be."
"I can't go against my father's wishes, but this might be the only chance I'll ever get to experience something different."
"Oh so now you 17 and you got it figured out you should have thought about that before you lived in this house ate all this food up got all these clothes and live this great life that you live."
"If you do go into school, and I'm not telling nobody to drop out, but just to please somebody or please the family and not please yourself, there's only so far you can go." - Rob Markman
"I was raised to know that no matter what, I was going to college. There was no other option."
"That was your shortest saddest story... My dad really likes that I'm doing music right now but he's kind of disappointed that I'm not good at it because he's finished whole life writing music and I've only spent a couple [__] god I am not okay."
"You're really good, but it's a shame you're a girl. If you were a boy, you could handle the business and help the family."
"Wanting to please your parents but also learning how to be yourself."
"Striving to prove ourselves as an equal player as a female in high school striving to go to college with a family who doesn't believe in me, you see right away that her family is already trying to set her up you know to work in the bank with her dad"
"I think my father was pretty disappointed when I told him I was gonna do psychiatry."
"I'm the oldest son, Mom and Dad expect me to have a son."
"I had started working selling cable door-to-door and at first my dad was like, 'Taylor, you got a scholarship. You know, this is what you should be doing.' And I made that decision at that time that sales was not just going to be my work, but it was going to be my life."
"'I know you'll find a nice man to marry,' he said."
"You always want to make your parents happy and proud of you."
"What does a family want for their son? A girl who's warm, sensitive, understanding, lovable, and beautiful."
"He was hoping for a boy so he could send him to Yale College in Connecticut."
"You never want to let down your parents, it's your family."
"Getting a tattoo is like the oldest way to disappoint your parents."
"I don't know why it came as a shock to her that we didn't want to move into my in-law's place after marriage."
"Joseph was a dreamer... he had a vision for his life that exceeded his family's expectations."
"Your parents' expectations for your life don't have to match your expectations for your life."
"The main thing I want to do in life is not disappoint my dad."
"Are you truly our child?" my father's incredulous gaze met mine, scrutinizing my report card as it sprawled open before us.
"That boy only ever wanted to make his parents proud of him."
"You don't have to sit around family members and try to appease them and try to please them."
"My family feels like I should be somebody else when all I can be is me."
"She talked about proving something to her dad, but really she needed to prove it to herself."
"I have to do better. I have to make my parents proud."
"You're not just watching a random guy; you're watching a guy who lived in his parents' home, had a doctor as a brother, another doctor's brother, a lawyer as a sister, but chose to tell his parents that he wanted to be a Theater Arts major."
"Grandma doesn't want you to marry into that rich family. I hope my soul lives an ordinary life."
"It was kind of that conflict between wanting to make your parents proud but also wanting to make yourself proud and stay true to who you are."
"I really need to clean my apartment, and I really don't want my mom to revoke my being an adult card."