
Family Communication Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"My favorite part is it's always 'Love, your grandma,' like if it was 'Love, grandma' I'd be confused."
"It's not another day to the other person, it's not another day to the people who know that person even if it is just concocted for greeting cards, it still has real social ramifications."
"You should ring up your mum... It makes you happy. I'll do like she did. She fucking... she got WhatsApp. My mum's on WhatsApp."
"Children are more likely to say they're happy if they're able to talk to their parents about their problems."
"I really liked the fact that even if my mom didn't talk to me on the phone that specific day, she can still leave me a voicemail."
"Your greatest gift is listening to what your kids said versus telling them what you feel."
"There's no harm in two families talking to each other... Don't let it become too big of a deal."
"All of this stuff is between me and Ethan if he wants to talk to his family about this it's fine but it's not a personal matter."
"This book is essentially a young man writing a letter to his mother... it's very poetical."
"We need to talk to our kids about abortion, keeping the conversation age-appropriate."
"I can remember when I was a little boy, my grandmother and I could hold conversations entirely without ever opening our mouths. She called it 'shiny'."
"My mom sends a mass prayer text every morning at like 6:45 a.m. Alex knew my Thanksgiving plans before I did."
"Yesterday her daughter was fine reassuring her that she's having a blast and she'll call her tomorrow, the next day she allegedly drank a bit too much wasn't feeling great and an hour or two later she was dead."
"Call your mom even if she's only calling because she needs tech support."
"Sorry to interrupt, but your mom called. She is loving the new house you got her."
"Kids are scared to talk to their parents because they're afraid they're going to be in trouble."
"Dialogue between your loved ones... set up a plan to help them to help you."
"Suicide is an irrational, impulsive act. Your kids are not going to tell you. You're not going to see the signs. They're going to hide those signs from you."
"Allan still rarely communicated with his family."
"You should tell your dad how you feel. Neither of you is the [enemy]. You were both just dealing with and healing from your grief differently."
"Open up about your own life and feelings with your family."
"Having those conversations with your children as a family and as a school and together is really important."
"When I can communicate to families... it's the best part of my job."
"Thanks everyone for your advice about how to talk to my niece. It helped sort my thoughts out and consider things I hadn't thought of."
"Mom, you can just hear, this is the sound of Freedom."
"Make sure you've got a will, make sure you talk to your family about your will."
"Saying Mama here's my reality and I had an opportunity to be like hey what do you like about it and instead I was like uncomfortable."
"You have to talk to your kids, start off early with the easy stuff so that later on you can get to the somehow desirable point where you're exchanging sexual fantasies with the people who birthed you."
"When did kids start talking to their parents like that?"
"Text your loved ones. Tell them that you love them."
"He reached out to his family members the next week and he said listen I just got eight thousand dollars from watching this kid LA he's the real deal his family members said I haven't heard about this money under third sumos."
"Harry says he didn't immediately tell his wife but he did call his therapist."
"He starts to scold her but she changes the subject, asking about lap."
"It's perfectly okay to write a message to your teenager saying pick up some bread at the store on your way home."
"Talking to bio mom was ten thousand percent the right move here."
"There's a letter... dear beloved family, if you're reading this right now, I'm probably dead."
"Thank you, Elon Musk, for Starlink, allowing families to get in touch."
"It's important as parents that you sit down and talk with the kids individually."
"Dexter left an emergency message for his mom... 'in case of my death you own the lab'."
"I love her more than anyone I've ever loved anyone in the world and I can't get a connection with her."
"I get emails from kids that have said the show has changed their life, that has saved their life, that this show has got them talking to their parents again—like really intense stuff."
"Mom, you said I could stay out all night, I don't remember that but you did."
"Mental health is something that needs to be talked about, not put in a box and left in the next room. You need to talk about it with your family, with your kids."
"Hopefully somebody can make a phone call to their mom or dad because of this video."
"...sometimes you end up going months without talking to your brother so that's probably been the best part about the whole thing is just having a designated time each week to sit down and talk to Trev it's been it's been great so far."
"You tell grandpa that my brother has something he needs to tell him, um."
"He has spoken to his father about his diagnosis."
"They took it upon themselves to write a letter to family members in Cochrane, Georgia."
"Have a conversation with your parents, treat them like friends, open up to them about the things that bother you."
"I always want my kids to feel comfortable enough to talk to me."
"It's important to have conversations to engage with your child to let them know that this type of activity does exist and that they could potentially be targeted."
"Always tell your family where you're going and when you'll be back."
"This was a private note between a mother and a son."
"Dear Mom, I'm fine. Don't worry. Love, Simon."
"You want to tell your parents what you're going through but you're afraid of how they're going to react."
"Tell your mom to tell your dad to tell your auntie to tell your uncle to tell your little brother... I love that guy."
"For the two of you to be able to communicate as brother and sister is more important than even the inn."
"Pick up your phone, message your mom, call your mom, do what you need to do."
"Talk to your parents, guys. Don't be afraid; they love you."
"This is sister to sister, mother to mother, girlfriend to girlfriend, Auntie to Auntie. I want us to talk about our kids."
"One of my goals this year was to be able to converse with her better."
"Communicating unconditional love is the most important thing you can do in relation to your family."
"You had to check in with your family before you came over."