
Daytime Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"I wish it was always daytime; I'm pretty scared of the dark, to be honest."
"I love this. This is the first daytime launch we've had since like June. It's been a long time, so it's good to see our eyes on a Falcon 9 during the broad daylight."
"This was a murder that happened in the home of a lovely young woman, minding her own business, starting a new life with her fiance. It happened in broad daylight."
"Now we're moving on to the category of looking expensive and classy more for a lunchtime outing or any kind of daytime activity."
"Now this next outfit is another amazing choice for some kind of a daytime event to look very expensive and classy."
"For this occasion, I'm envisioning a wedding in the countryside during the day."
"I think sometimes it is actually better than the night out."
"I love this one. It's amazing for the daytime. Incredibly moisturizing. This is just a really great daytime product. But I don't think you can get it anymore. I think this is limited edition."
"Daytime is the best time, the shimmering sun in the bright blue sky."
"Safety at Night, Safety in the daytime, everything is all here."
"Daytime is a great time, the shimmering sun in the bright blue sky."
"This is for sure a daytime, great for walking around any sort of city in."
"This one is more sensual and carnal, it's not as cocooning or comforting or soft as a Riccio de Musk, it's definitely more impactful and one that is really great for the daytime."
"Even now, I'd rather be in the daytime."
"During the day it's just me until 8 P.M."
"He's playing video games in the middle of the day."
"It is so gorgeous for daytime for sure, but I could definitely see myself pulling this off in the evening, not late at night but like, you know, late afternoon."
"When it comes to things to do aboard Celebrity Beyond – its fair to say that she's a pretty quiet ship during the day."
"Celebrity Beyond certainly has a more relaxed vibe during the day compared to the likes of Royal Caribbean, MSC and Carnival."
"Everything made so much more sense in the daytime."
"Daytime light is... such an important point."
"Daytime dates seem more wholesome."
"We're gonna wait till it's daytime, and then we're gonna continue our journey."
"So nice to actually get a snake during the daytime here at Mount Fuji."
"Nothing bad can happen in a horror movie during the day."
"This belongs to the daytime, PJ Masks all shout hooray!"
"This is another fragrance that you can wear during the day, you can wear in the afternoon."
"It's a really nice, daytime appropriate, posh pep to your step type of fragrance."
"A nap is a short period of sleep, typically taken during daytime hours as an adjunct to the usual nocturnal sleep period."
"Crime happens during the day too, this guy's great, we definitely need him on the streets."
"The light of the sun brings the day; it is daytime for you when your part of the earth is in the sunlight."
"It's interesting to see the place during the day because they have this beautiful up lighting on all the buildings; it's just very classical architecture."
"UV stable tyrosinase inhibitors are the ones that are safe to use during the daytime without causing any irritation."
"Let's solve that problem when the sun's up."
"If you love Olympia but you think it's too much for the daytime during the summer, and you want something more appropriate for the daytime with the same DNA, check this one out."
"During the day our bodies should be in what's called a catabolic state."
"A relaxing ride that'll take you both ways, this one is trackless, you can only ride during the day."
"It was a beautiful day, thank you."
"Discover the dazzling setting of Eden by day, a beautiful space with fresh culinary offerings."
"Daytime shots generally come out quite well."
"Ghosts don't just appear at night; they actually appear throughout the day and with the lights on at night."
"It's been a lovely morning into afternoon here at Disney World."
"I'm going to add this in my bag because this is definitely more of a daytime scent and I love it."
"It's gonna revolutionize JC's whole daytime in general, it's amazing."
"The most productive things you can ever do... most of it is done during the day."
"So much natural light in this house, it's so much nicer in here during the day."
"The view is incredible in the daytime, I think personally even better at night time."
"It's just about the middle of the day now here on Serenity Bay, and it's just been so nice."
"She feels so much better during the day."
"It's an amazing scent, it's a brunch scent, a day scent."
"It's perfect for daytime in the spring and summer; it would be a great signature scent."
"There's the castle in the daytime. It is small, but it's the original one."
"It's daylight, it's daytime, and we are doing Randonautica during the day."
"It's nice... we're getting to see this during the daytime."
"Look how beautiful it is in the daytime; it feels like we're in a Disney theme."
"How do you beat this for action? This is like great, it's like 2 in the afternoon, bright hot sun, and they're biting in a big way."
"Day games are better than night games, 100%."
"It took my breath away because I don't expect to see him in the daytime."
"The real pro of meeting women in daytime is the spontaneous element to it."
"I do my charity work during the day."
"Guys, if y'all have seen how much fun we're having here at night, seriously check out what we got to do during the day."
"It improves insulin sensitivity during the daytime."
"It's so nice to see these little owls during the day, it was calling earlier."
"Look at how beautiful it is, y'all, in the daytime, like this is such a vibe."
"I love a good Citrus scent for daytime."
"I want to get off right at the top of Beach Road and then walk down to see what Beach Road is like during the daytime."
"Daytime picture quality is good as well, it's got a nice wide angle for viewing."
"We can actually see the planet Venus in the sky in the night sky here at almost 2:30 in the afternoon."
"Good luck to you, my new daytime Truth or Consequences."
"My two favorite times of the day are right now and this time of the day just before the Sun comes up."
"I am such a huge fan of satin trousers for the daytime... they just give a bit of an edge to the look, a bit of a cool relaxed sort of feel."
"I think it's so pretty and it's so daytime, I just love it."
"During the day the Falls showcase their natural beauty."
"It's so peaceful during the daytime."
"It was really amazing being able to see almost complete darkness in the middle of the day."
"When you're in the middle of the day, lunchtime, and it turns to night, it really is spectacular."
"I actually really really like this one, it's definitely not wedding appropriate, but for the daytime, I think this could be really nice."
"It's brisk but it is a beautiful day."
"That's a really cool display, even in the daytime."
"It's the most important part of any daytime skincare routine."
"It's just so beautiful, it's such a fresh looking good daytime foundation."
"How amazing is this, it's almost the same as last night, just during the daytime."
"It's the perfect brunch dress, daytime date dress, if you're going to something dressy."
"This would be so pretty to wear like out to lunch or during the daytime."
"It's very subtle, it's simple, perfect for daytime."
"I think this would be so cute for a bit of like day drinking in a beer garden or something like that, daytime cocktails."
"I honestly would recommend this for the daytime if you're gonna be outside because the SPF is so high and that's awesome."
"Signaling with a mirror is one of the most effective ways to signal in the daytime."
"This is just perfect, especially just during the daytime for summer or if you're on vacation."
"This dress is so adorable, and I think it would be such a cute and fun option for any wedding that you have that maybe is like held in the daytime."
"This is a beautiful gown but perfect for the daytime."