
Living In The Present Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Whatever happened yesterday, leave it alone because you can't do nothing for it, but you got to focus on conquering today."
"Forgiveness doesn't have to do with the other person; it has to do with me choosing to live my life more in the present and in peace."
"The real mission is to learn how to live now, make the most of what you have now, right here."
"We must all live in the time that is given to us instead of trying to bring back the old days because that is impossible and because there's really no reason to think that the old days were better than what is to come."
"Every moment that I spend revisiting, reviewing, reliving what happened when I can't change it is a lost, wasted moment."
"I choose to live now. I allow myself to live now."
"I'm done living in the future, I'm gonna live in the now."
"Don't live in the past and don't live for the transitions. Stand tall and radiant within the moment."
"Life's moments are unfolding, and the greatest moment is right before us in the present."
"Live in the moment, don't worry about the past, don't worry about the future."
"Life is all about living in the present, making memories, and doing things that matter to you."
"The more you live in the present, the happier you'll be."
"Live every day like it's our last, live in the present and don't worry if they're the one or not."
"If Jesus can forgive, we have to forgive. So forgiveness helps me live in the present."
"It's only by forgetting that we ever really drop the thread of time and approach the experience of living in the present moment."
"It's only by forgetting that we ever really drop the threat of time and approach the experiences of living in the present moment."
"I'm just so thankful that I was able to be around people that continually reminded me to live in the present."
"Be careful that you're always living in the future and not experiencing the present."
"I want to live in the moment and enjoy some moments."
"Don't ever save anything for best because this is the best that it's gonna get."
"To live as if it's here now that's the most powerful thing you can do in your time."
"Every single day is a mystery, live in the present moment."
"Live in the moment... it's much more successful when you live in the moment."
"It's better to live in the moment than it is to fear the future of the unknown."
"Do not look back and grieve on the past, for it is gone, and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
"It's easy to be happy when you live in the present."
"Let the past go, live in the moment. Enjoy the party."
"Try not to get hung up in regrets of the past."
"Stop worrying about what's coming and don't hang on to what's gone."
"The moment you choose to be, there's nothing but the now."
"...Joy comes from that Joy comes from sitting down under a tree taking a deep breath and saying I have everything I have everything I need to survive here and now..."
"Release the pain from the past so that you can live more fully and freely in the present."
"My kind of new approach is, yes, I have plans, you know? We want to take over Africa, we want to be able to touch so much lives, you know? All those things, yes, they're all well and good, but I want to enjoy the moments. I want to enjoy now."
"You're either not grateful or you're living in the past."
"Be in this moment, and don't worry about your past."
"But Jesus is saying the way towards freedom is by ceasing this day and living with Christ in today."
"I just want to be one of those people that doesn't try to live in the past. I just... I want to be okay with getting older."
"I'm kind of over that. I'd rather make sure that everybody's enjoying now."
"Just honor the time that is this moment."
"Tomorrow ain't no such thing as tomorrow. We only got today."
"You know what I say, be where you are today."
"Live moment to moment, release your feelings."
"I think I gotta stop postponing it, waiting for the right moment and just enjoy."
"Don't hold out for what's next year."
"I'm not trying to relive Glory Days; I'm trying to make today the Glory Days."
"I'm alive. When I'm eating, that's all I think about. If I'm on the march, I just concentrate on marching. If I have to fight, it will be just as good a day to die as any other because I don't live in either my past or my future. I'm interested only in the present."
"We really learned to just like take the moment, take the day day by day, live in the moment, be mindful about where we are."
"I'm ready to live in the now. Who's coming with me?"
"I'm honored to be here... living life one day at a time and getting excited about what you got in front of you."
"I live in today, and there's no ghosts there."
"It is possible to live differently, it is possible to say 'yes' not to a story, but to the present moment only."
"I work hard every day, don't waste my time on yesterday. I never shy away from a good time."
"All I can do is live this day and make the most of this day."
"Always live in the present, keep a band-aid handy, and don't cut yourself."
"Don't wait to have fun, don't wait 'oh when I have money I'll be able to do this' and have a better... do it now, live right now."
"I don't want to live in the past. The past is gone. I want to live in the present and what I'm gonna do now to fix this."