
Human Life Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"That which promotes human life is the good; that which destroys human life, that which destroys human flourishing, is evil."
"Secular humanism is entirely focused on discovering and promoting the best methods of improving human life."
"The goal of a better human life, the recognition that we have to solve these problems apparently ourselves, is the part of reality that carries with it this seeming objective motivation."
"Human life is the most important thing in the universe, comes before all else."
"We should all care about the life of other human beings more than any of these petty worldly issues."
"Life of any human is superior to the life of the entire species of panda."
"If your pet dog were drowning in the same river current where a total stranger is drowning, which one would you save?"
"Our puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be some use to itself and to the world."
"Futurologists want to see how technology might change every aspect of human life."
"This is the pinnacle of impact on human life that I can actually point to."
"A person begins to exist when it is born or at least is conceived."
"Protecting human life does not require you to be a Bible believer."
"It's a tragic story, a disgusting waste of human life."
"The coronavirus pandemic... was a point where all of us were terrified, all of us were willing to do whatever it took, why? Because of the sanctity of human life."
"You can't sacrifice human life to get the stock market up. That is a repugnant concept."
"Whoever kills one person, it is as if he has killed all of mankind. And whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all of mankind."
"It's crazy how they live underwater and we live on land."
"A big part of that is because Mars … isn’t especially friendly to human life."
"Our first priority has to be protecting human lives and safety."
"You do not get to arbitrarily define human life." - Ben Shapiro
"Every one of those little candle lights was a human life."
"The creation of new human life is one of the last human-associated processes that has not yet been industrialized or fully commodified. It remains an Act of Faith, joy, and hope."
"If we can make certain types of ethical actions that would be good for the fetus we ought to, since it's already a human life."
"Sugar, which for so long has given pleasure to humans, may hold a key to extending human life."
"We're so focused on the substance that we've actually forgotten the value of human life, and that's just tragic."
"I don't know how twisted you have to be in order to believe that these are morally good arguments that these are morally Superior arguments and the people who wish to preserve human life are the baddies in this particular scenario."
"These are soulless evil people that are putting what they believe to be economic gain over human life."
"It's a goddamn tragedy when any human being loses their life."
"There at lives at stake, Sherlock. Actual human lives. J-just so I know, do you care about that at all?"
"Every human life matters - the tragedy of losing someone to senseless violence."
"Life being precious as it is, human life in particular."
"His sense of duty overcame his personal bias."
"Disturbing disregard for the lives of others."
"Life is the longest thing that you are ever going to personally experience here on this planet."
"Empty inside, total indifference to human life... an increasing problem in our society."
"There's a devaluation of human life tragically happening all around the world today."
"We are talking about the importance of human life."
"We live on a planet that is all but perfect for our kind of life."
"The baby is not a parasite, the baby is a human life."
"Human life begins at conception and to terminate that would be murder."
"There's an entire other side of human life which is the spiritual need which is not going to be filled by materialism no matter what you do."
"Conservatives are the only ones who actually care about human life. This is going to blow your mind, conservatives are the only ones who actually care about the environment."
"Nobody disagrees that born people have a legal right to life."
"The value of human life... it's just worse when you make it for so little."
"What should we value more than anything in our world? Human life."
"Trump wins again you know meltdowns and then very recently I started to sort of change my brain where I go maybe the funnier option is Trump loses."
"It is the right of God the Maker to give and to take human life, it is not our individual right to make this choice."
"God created sex to be inside the confines of a husband and wife and that's how human life was created to flourish."
"A human life is involved, and that makes all the difference in the world."
"The Torah talks about such things. The Torah is about real human life!"
"The center and focus of human life is joy, not pain and suffering."
"Human life is more important than work."
"Doris, live your human life as you have always wanted it. Even if there is only one hope to live a little, I still protect you."
"If we're interested in longevity, presumably we're interested in human longevity."
"In war, the most important thing is human life. There is no right or wrong, good or evil."
"Human life has become what life has always been, an exercise in machine learning."
"Saving a human life is priceless."
"No art or inanimate object can measure up to the value of human life."
"All human life is sacred; there's no room for racism or injustice."
"Do they know that our faith is one that values the sanctity of every human life?"
"And eventually this can effect human life history, giving us an extended juvenile period, a longer post-reproductive period."
"This is a complete and total waste of human life."
"All human life has value. All human life is equal."
"Respect for the inherent value of human life is essential. Any world that lacks that respect is diseased and will ultimately crumble and fall."
"Nothing is more important than the sanctity of human life and therefore nothing is more important than providing effective drugs for life-threatening conditions."
"The state's very raison debt in the first place is to protect, sustain, and maintain the sanctity of human life."
"Money means nothing when there's people's lives on the line in my eyes."
"To understand the deeper meaning of human life, of all of this, and then you realize the deeper meaning lies in this."
"If we were told today human life will cease to exist in 24 hours, if we all made it through that I think we would all have a different perspective of what's 'we've made it'."
"Awakening, even if momentary, gives us a glimpse into what is possible in human life."
"Preservation of human life is one of the primary precepts."
"It's wrong to intentionally kill innocent biological human beings."
"Money can never outweigh value... human life, its dignity, its rights and freedoms are the most valuable things there are."
"The Odyssey is not just a series of oral lays strung together it is a great epic poem, an epic poem is a poem that deals with fundamental problems in human life and tries to find an answer to them."
"The only logically and morally and theologically consistent place to say that a human becomes a person is when a human becomes a human, which is the point of fertilization."
"The value of human life is recognized as incomparably greater than all material values."
"Language is a tool that is used in all sorts of different ways. There are various forms that human life takes and language is a tool that is used in all of them."
"Brilliantly explores the spectrum of human life in existence."
"...meaning and human life consists in part in being in contact with or engaged with something larger than oneself."
"...the life of every human being from an infant to old age is a microcosmic fractal of what we go through over great periods of time in Spiritual Development."
"The goal for every human life is to become one with Christ."
"The function of romantic art is to project for you those values which are essential to the proper life of a proper human being."
"You become a more enlightened being, you use this human life really fantastically."
"It's really concerned not so much with the products and commodities we have but the nature of the human life people have how long they live how well they are uh whether they're bothered by uh ill health illiteracy and that kind of thing."
"Anger is eager to punish, yet human life is founded on benefits and harmony, bound together for the common help of all."
"It is impossible to doubt that there is a mystical side to man's life and his relations to nature."
"Honda had a basic philosophy... to protect the irreplaceable commodity that is human life."
"To carve habitable order in the chaos and help create the necessities for human life."
"Let the people live a decent human life, no hatred."
"You are Creator having a human experience down here."
"Development is the process by which you go from a single fertilized egg into something wonderful and complex like a human being."
"The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field."
"You can take this very same human life and, understanding the laws that govern it, see what brings joy, what brings ease, what brings graciousness and care to yourself and others."
"The world has value apart from Christianity; human life has points and purposes."
"Our highest moral obligation has to be to deliver the capacity to live a complete, fulfilling human life to as many people as we can."
"The basic rule is always take all possible precaution against the loss of human life."
"We're so rare, we're like a jewel in this galaxy, this amazing intelligent life that can explore space and do all these wonderful things and all these awful things."
"The disregard for human life among the leaders of the Ottoman Turks at this time was almost incredible."
"The infrastructure gap in the world is not just about roads... it's about human lives and the quality of human lives."
"If we value human life and if we value altruism, if we set that goal... then we can say certain things are good or bad."
"Nature isn’t something that’s separate from people but can be intertwined with our lives."
"Mental health is no joke, no matter the circumstances, and even if this was an evil prank gone wrong, a human's life was in question and that should always be taken seriously above all else."
"A single life is so treasured that the government does not mind expending $200,000 to save one human being whose life is in jeopardy."
"What you're calling as human life is a possibility. To make this possibility into your reality, you have to travel a distance."
"At fertilization, you have a unique combination of information different to any other human being on Earth."
"The Garden of Eden, the Adam being introduced to Eve, and then the preceding mania of human life after this original creation."
"The truth about creation is so important for all of human life that God in his tenderness wanted to reveal to his people everything that is salutary to know on the subject."
"One human life weighs more than all the principles you can come up with."
"The most valued resource on this planet is human life."
"Diversity is the hallmark of human life, just as it is the rest of life on Earth."
"Human life is a collaborative enterprise; it's the only way it works."
"It's extremely difficult for three conditions to come together... to be born as a human being, the true Dharma is still in the world, and you're able to meet the true Dharma."
"The first three parts of this book, Passion, Aspiration, and Temptation, represent the common human life with its passion, pathos, and tragedy."
"There is nothing under heaven, no creed, no flag, and no cause, more important than the single human life."
"We feel bad for any loss of human life."
"...how do we create more liberated human lives?"
"Our modeling shows that non-necrotic human life now has 14 or so years left on this planet."
"There is a universal set of values, which are mandatory to human life, and that's what constitutes 'ritam'."
"The human birth is considered very rare and very valuable because we make spiritual progress in this birth."
"The primary mission of the fire service is to protect human life."
"A human lifespan is what, 80 years? This thing has probably been around as a species for half a million maybe a mil."
"The challenge to human life is corruption, and that was the problem from the beginning."
"Within the span of a single human life, the population of the planet has more than tripled."
"This human body is very precious, difficult to find, almost impossible to find in the future."
"Our purpose is to improve and preserve human life through exploration and technology."
"She has always been fascinated by the human body and how delicate human life is."
"This precious human life is an opportunity for us to benefit many beings."
"No animal life is as valuable as a human life."
"A unique single cell embryo that is a human life."
"This human form is to unlock that treasure chest of Krishna prema in one life."
"Spiritual progress is possible in the human birth."
"For us, it's that the care and improvement of human life."
"These beautiful, graceful figures are the clearest, most direct evidence we have of what life was like for humans of the Stone Age."
"We should value what we have got: a human form, a capable human form, bhakti, the process of bhakti, and everything conducive."
"Nothing is more valuable than human life."
"This is the highest thing in human life, the greatest adventure of human life, and we are blessed that we have begun it."
"To take birth as a human being on Earth is considered very fortunate."
"All of human life depends on the sanctity and absolutism of the mind."
"The safety of human life is our priority."
"Human lives are as long as mayflies; we endure."
"Economies bounce back but human life, if wiped out, does not."
"God's intention is for human life to flourish and bear fruit."
"The purpose and goal of human life is to reach enlightenment."
"I really like the writing of it and how you saw the attempt at a human life, I guess, from these mutants."
"The truth is we don't value human life because human suffering has become a normal thing."
"The precious thing about the human life is not about the luxury but that you get the intelligence to know about God and how to work toward salvation."