
Numbers Quotes

There are 567 quotes

"We are larger in number than it may sometimes seem."
"It's the kind of numbers that make even us astrophysicists that deal with big numbers every day just stop in our tracks."
"Predicting the future with numbers is something we're very familiar with, and it actually all began with gambling."
"Why are numbers beautiful? It's like asking why is Beethoven's Ninth Symphony beautiful. If you don't see why, someone can't tell you. I know numbers are beautiful; if they aren't, nothing is."
"99 to 99 and don't get any closer than this."
"It's a wonderful way of getting kids interested in numbers."
"Pythagoras championed the belief that numbers are intrinsic to the fabric of reality, possessing symbolic significance that extends far beyond their surface use in counting and measurement."
"The Germans used their numbers very effectively."
"Victor is the only man in the world who understands sequential numbers and how satisfying that is."
"It's just an arbitrary number. I almost kind of wish I stopped counting."
"The only thing funnier than 420 to people like this is the number 69."
"Nobody ever thought of these numbers... nobody ever saw numbers like this."
"The opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian guy who likes numbers."
"Number nine to me has always been the number of unpacking."
"It's better to have 10 lawyers, 10 is more than five."
"Find joy outside of numbers... separating myself from numbers."
"Sometimes having less numbers is actually advantageous."
"The strength in unity... If we can have a hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, five hundred thousand trained officers, trained soldiers on a parade, we don't have to do anything."
"Numbers are better, so we're just gonna roll with this."
"They don't really understand what the deal is that we have about the number 13."
"People are coming to Christ in unprecedented numbers during this time of crisis."
"I thought it was before the four five and six."
"It's probably going to be 10 rather than 15."
"Form a community of a hundred and fifty people."
"It's like I mean people get so obsessed by numbers, it's weird."
"There's a lot more of us than there are of them."
"Strictly counting calories reduces food to a strict arbitrary numbers game."
"Our brains are not wired to comprehend exponential differences in numbers right."
"Those numbers were shocking, representing a substantial acceleration at a time when everyone was already on edge."
"There's so few of them and so many of us we have the numbers."
"People fear numbers. We have buildings with no 13th floor, elevators with no negative numbers."
"If you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business. Period."
"I appreciate me just jumping ahead and giving you the numbers."
"Every number has a physical aspect, mental aspect, soul aspect, and spiritual aspect."
"51... That's actually a really nice increase."
"Let's go 11-11-11 just to place things a little bit."
"God Almighty loves to speak through numerical values and numerical sequences."
"I usually do just like 50, I think I have 70."
"Wow, that was actually fun! If I hadn't played another 7 trillion three and then forty-three million eight hundred, I don't know what number that is."
"Every single number represents an actual person."
"Why are six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine."
"Although Germany made great attempts to counter the Allied aerial threat, the die was cast, and the Allies would finally overwhelm the Luftwaffe in a battle of numbers."
"Every program is represented by some natural number."
"The number itself is something that no one has ever seen or touched, but we seem to know things about it, and also it and every other number is essential to science, technology, and all of human life."
"You know why six is afraid of seven? Because seven, eight, nine!"
"Don't allow a number to dictate your worth."
"...the only thing I trust is data and numbers."
"It's just a numbers game," Nick says.
"Four, eight, fifteen, sixteen, twenty-three, forty-two. Enter."
"What concerns you as a minister of God, is it the numbers or the glory?"
"Life is all about the numbers. Numbers don't lie unless you don't know how to put them together."
"My opinions don't matter but the numbers do."
"Transformation, number 13, can be of significance to you. The number one or the number three as well, but yeah transformation. I feel like this is something that you are going through."
"It's the key, count, count, it's the deal. Success is a numbers game."
"But that doesn't affect the numbers matching part of this, right, if we replace it?"
"To me valuation, is a bridge between stories and numbers."
"I love numbers and saving people money gives me purpose."
"So using numbers, you will actually Grant permissions for the file."
"Your numbers are clearly Hall of Fame worthy."
"Four, five, ten - those are great numbers."
"I love those sort of round numbers, 45, 47, half, 50."
"We asked 100 people, 'What is a number that men would exaggerate?'"
"We moved 12,000 people out of Afghanistan... 11 percent of everybody that left the country during the evacuation."
"We're going to try to demystify a lot of the language that we see out there and we're going to try to take the sting away from the fear of dealing with numbers."
"Missing numbers scare the hell out of me."
"I think is such a big number it's literally halfway to 50."
"Numbers don't lie. It's what the whole universe is based on."
"I've gotta tell you three different stories now they're all involved in those numbers of 9 200."
"...you really need to trust your numbers."
"If you enjoy musing about all this big number stuff you're sure to love Tony's new book called 'Fantastic Numbers and Where to Find Them, a cosmic quest from zero to infinity.'"
"That adds up to $1.7 billion every 24 hours."
"The bottom side of those numbers."
"Numbers don't lie and people don't change."
"It's not about the numbers it's about impact."
"Numbers and accomplishments together paint a complete picture of greatness."
"Numbers are the same all over the world."
"Our happiness and anything that we felt was not based off numbers whatsoever."
"All right, are you ready? Today we're going to be continuing the lesson on the alphabet of numbers."
"Knowing the personalities of the numbers you use on a daily basis gives a whole new outlook on them."
"...so Cal we had that 10 000 to the three thousand from before 5 000..."
"The numbers are simply science being used to explain faith."
"It's like one thousand, it's thirty-one thousand, four thousand. Okay."
"It's unbelievable. I mean, I was part of the squad on that day and the crowd there... to get those numbers in for a London Derby is what we've always wanted."
"I'm looking to get 2,000 a piece."
"In all the vlogs, whenever you say a number, it's like, 'That's true, that's true, that's true, that's true.'"
"We're in this for the species, boys and girls. It's simple numbers. They have more."
"A story without the numbers is a fairy tale. Numbers without the story is an Excel sheet."
"By the time they reached Guildford, the force totaled some 3500 men."
"And when you look at the numbers and you kind of really sit with everything that you just shared, Rip, you can't get around the fact that pivoting towards a plant-based world is really a crucial aspect of this solution."
"Why was six afraid of seven? I don't know why because 7 8 9! Oh, I get it because eight, the number, sounds like 'ate' like after you eat. That is so funny!"
"There's no winning or losing, there's only reality, hard numbers."
"Everyone kind of has their own thing attached to him, and yet, on top of that, he's still slapping all the numbers and the records."
"I've got it number five laf for okay again these are all interchangeable."
"Data analysis yields numbers and visualizations. This is information presented visually; both are the end result of data analysis."
"They're all words in other languages for five. Exactly. So what's 'pump'? Uh, that is five in Welsh, and it's not 'pump' at all, it's 'pimp'."
"I want the big number. I have a bigger number than you, which means I win."
"Numbers and geometry were the keys to understanding the beauty of the universe."
"You had 455, I think you would have lost three times."
"We are inextricably linked through these numbers. We're all the same but we're all different at the same time."
"The numbers those boys get in terms of viewers and charity what they made for Charity phenomenal amazing."
"Numbers don't lie, I love that saying."
"Numbers matter, every number has a name and every name has a soul."
"Creating very even numbers like this can be much harder than it looks."
"You just need to know all of your numbers."
"There's an uncountable number of real numbers. By uncountable, I mean they cannot be put into one-to-one correspondence with the integers."
"Odd numbers always are more pleasing to the eye."
"I really like to look at numbers, I really like to make spreadsheets to help quantify the decisions that I make."
"Numbers excite me but they don't define me."
"You must know your numbers. That is a requirement."
"I mean it said I would get 293, I got 294. I did not expect that."
"What is the largest number that humanity has ever conceived of? There is of course no largest finite number."
"11,000, I love you too, but 11,000."
"At the end of the day, they just understand numbers and relationships."
"There are infinitely many prime numbers."
"We use concepts of number and quantity all the time."
"Symbolic numbers still invoke a continuous sense of quantity."
"Surely the numbers are significant."
"Spirit can deliver messages everywhere, through numbers, through complete strangers, overhearing conversations, your dreams."
"It's the nicest number to exist, nice number."
"Numbers are the one universal language. Men lie, women lie, but Numbers Never Lie."
"Those numbers are really encouraging."
"If 1% of 1 million people were potential clients, that's still a huge number."
"I was a numbers guy, so I like getting into numbers."
"Welcome back, let's go inside the numbers."
"We just basically say, 'Hey, this number is really small, we're just going to call it one.'"
"I can't destroy the idea of numbers"
"The might of the Astra militarum is Unleashed with numbers, armor, and Firepower"
"It's your valuation, and those numbers play out."
"The numbers are the numbers, and it doesn't matter exactly how you get there as long as you do."
"Eight is just nice, it's always handy to have the eighth person."
"Tell me something I don't know. The number 142-33221 describes itself. It has one four, two threes, three twos, and two ones."
"Yeah, that was outside of social media. I mean, there's plenty of goals that happen on social media and numbers and everything like that, but after a while, basing a lot of your happiness on numbers, especially through social media or money, is really kind of bad."
"Staggering numbers, just staggering numbers."
"Adding zero doesn't change the number."
"Tens of thousands," Lanthus agreed. "And a hundred of us."
"Even though the numbers are beautiful and crisp and you're seeing the dollar signs you might go in and realize this is not it and that's totally fine but that's part of this game."
"Everything seems to be fine with three, four, and six."
"Oddness is all around us, especially in the form of odd numbers."
"Number, like sacred language, is metaphysically powerful, encoded with nothing less than divine thought itself."
"Some people are going to see this video and think, '5,000 is not bad at all.'"
"So if we have a look at the numbers again 14.4 kilowatt hours with the old system and 19.8 this is around five kilowatt hours more."
"No magical number is going to automatically make me feel more secure."
"An arbitrary number is not going to bring us a sense of security and peace of mind."
"It's a very small probability, but it is large enough that we can actually create numbers that we can count."
"Even if the clones created through this stone aren’t super strong, there’s still strength in numbers - especially infinite numbers."
"We provide the numbers here so you can weigh the prices that you do find versus actual performance differences and make those informed decisions yourself."
"I got down but then I I I I ate 175 below or above, keep it real, right there."
"Find something with number seven."
"We did it! Now just feast your eyes on the numbers. 6, 3, and 11, just like the picture said. Are we rich yet? We're getting there, Junior, we're getting there."
"Numbers can be symbols. Eight symbolizes renewal, starting over."
"Pricing is about strategy, not just numbers."
"It's funny how happy tangible numbers make people."
"Numbers can be extremely deceiving. Focus on having meaningful experiences or experiences that you learn something from. That is the most important part of all of this."
"We love certainty. Now, numbers give us certainty."
"Numbers have an elegance, but they need a little bit of personality."
"There's an elegance in numbers, but I've always needed a little bit more."
"And then you can start to really start to play games with these truly gargantuan numbers."
"I thought in numbers, dreamed in numbers, and had an intense curiosity about how numerical Cycles played a part in human history."
"One thing that might help you remember is 'five or more, let it soar; four or less, let it rest.'"
"George Campbell's double numbers."
"They're numbers that you can reverse upside down and they read the same in order."
"Usually three or more actually, yeah."
"We were looking across the community and we saw the numbers, 13 here, but frankly who knows how many there really were out there."
"What this tells us is that by understanding the symbolism of numbers, we're tapping into a very primal and ancient system of knowledge deep within the collective unconscious."
"We're on the numbers game at the moment."
"I got a big number, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight."
"The number that is inside the ball, the number that I have here, is the number of cases that will be holding one million dollars. And Adam, that number, is 12."
"This is a numbers game, okay? It is also a skill game, and the skill part is very important."
"Your numbers are still looking pretty good, but your waist circumference is too high."
"Don't get hung up on the numbers; focus on versatility."
"23, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, and 101, 102, 103. I forgot. And a hundred and new look."
"Numbers are no substitute for inventiveness."
"Anybody else, when you go to the gas station, it's literally your goal to make the number land on the 0-0."
"We find that there are certain fundamental numbers that seem to be inherent to reality."
"'How many of you are there?' Richard asked him. 'Thirteen', one of the boys replied. 'Unbelievable!'"
"Total project direct costs. This is all of these numbers, boom, put right here."
"The decimals have a larger cardinality than the counting numbers."
"It's not about the numbers. Worry about the quality of the content. It's the content that you create that they like."
"Six ways to make a seven, four ways to make a nine. All right now with the six and eight yes you're still giving away but not so much not so much."
"To unlock the combination to success, you must know all the necessary numbers; just one missing number may keep you from achieving your goal."
"The study of the properties of numbers is usually called number theory, and it's a vast and fascinating field of mathematics."
"The primes are the building blocks from which all other whole numbers are constructed."
"Number Block 20 loves the two tens Tango."
"...seeing over 4 hundred thousand units sold by the end of December of the same year."
"It's not 30, it's not 35, and it's not 40, it's 39."
"They're 565. Oh, but I think with taxes that counts."
"Every number larger than five has a cost smaller than itself."
"...the big enchilada out there so to speak that we're going for is to really drive the use of numbers to be a fundamental part of civil debate in this country..."
"It's funny that you would think that, at least they'd be the same number as us. Like, '99 there and we're gonna be 1400 next year and we're 2021."
"I just really, really hope the numbers stand up to what they're saying."
"Just because these numbers are called imaginary doesn't mean they aren't useful."
"So somewhere around 100 000 a little bit over 100 000 when you include the premiums here."
"But then Mary was kind of like, well, I don't know if it's 144."
"Those numbers, though, are evidence of mass appeal."
"Complex numbers are a beautiful, very important extension to the real numbers."
"I commend you for doing this honestly and frankly. That's not a bad guess, which is why this game is so fun, at least for me. So the answer is 7.2% a year, not so hot. And I'll bet nobody who, unless they've studied the numbers, would really know."
"Every number that ends in zero is even."
"No number before 1000 contains the letter 'a'."
"20,000 people made the charge that day, more than the actual assault itself."
"And anything less than infinite seems too measly a number and is not satisfactory."