
Spiritual Understanding Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"The Bible is saying circumcision is of the heart, not the penis, to focus on the spirit, the symbolic, not the literal."
"We are told, 'He who has not loved does not know God, for God is love.'"
"Understanding the kingdom makes you unstoppable."
"The goal is not necessarily to get them to know themselves better... It is not a self-help book okay, we're trying to know him."
"God chooses to impart his wisdom and direction through dreams and visions, emphasizing the importance of being attentive to these divine communications."
"When that Rhema comes, that's when faith is developed."
"The blockage point is not us working hard to please God, now the blockage point is us believing what Jesus did."
"The Holy Spirit is the key to understanding the word, not just to the point of information but revelation."
"The Holy Spirit is not the no obligation to explain to me why."
"Understanding the true nature of God is just foundational to having a relationship with Him."
"Understanding the true nature and character of God will make a difference in your relationship with Him."
"The most important thing is to understand the truth and that is first who we are created by and who we must submit to."
"Faith is not just faith only when it brings to pass my wants or desires, but faith is faith because it brings to pass the Lord's will in my life and in His time."
"Help me to love you, help me to have understanding, I need your wisdom, I need your words."
"It's a manifestation of evil. Yeah, it's not anything in particular, it's just thought form evil."
"Understanding that God has a reason... is more important than you can imagine."
"If I can prove the answer to you beyond all doubt, will you accept it because then you would have to make the determination that it is his will to heal you."
"We prove God's will, we don't find God's Will."
"Scripture gives us an answer, not only an answer that you can understand, but an answer that you can joyfully accept, an answer in which you can rejoice."
"The totality of your magnificence will not be lost and is also known when we returned for a time between the lifetimes to the home of our souls she holds the secret and she holds the key."
"Knowledge is power, spiritual knowledge is power."
"How it works very early... it brings you to a much higher understanding."
"We need so badly to be strengthened in our identity as Homo sapien with souls."
"To really get into the intricacies and the Deep Secrets of the cosmos you have to understand the Christ, there's no way around it."
"Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything."
"If you don't believe in an Akhira, how can you possibly understand the wisdom of this world?"
"Allah's wisdom exceeds our understanding, and His plans surpass our comprehension."
"Part of gratitude is to understand the plan of Allah."
"The ultimate goal of prayer is to change you."
"Understanding what's going on from a spiritual perspective is really the only way to make sense of what's going on."
"What does living in the fourth dimension mean to you? It means being in a state of constant conscious awareness of the fact that we are infinite and eternal."
"Anything that's of you, you should have access to or the right to."
"Every emotion in your heart represents new ways that the Divine knows itself."
"Love has to be understood vertically before it can be understood horizontally. God is love."
"Test management is in internalizing the true meaning of Qadr and really accepting that, you know what, this is good from Allah."
"Understanding that the ace of pentacles is within."
"Blessed are you if you can understand the secrets of the Kingdom."
"The devil's greatest fear is that you understand the secrets of the Kingdom."
"It will never be the same as you begin to understand the language of Heaven."
"When you understand your righteousness, you will rule over sin."
"The grace of God is so much better than most of us assume it is."
"Those who reject the Lord can't make any biblical sense, but we can make biblical sense."
"Prophesy to the understanding of men before the spirit speaketh the truth..."
"People know Jesus but don't know the Spirit. They don't understand His attributes."
"Absolute truth and perfection stand behind all the illusion and imperfection of the sense life."
"Let he who has eyes to see see, and he who has ears to hear hear."
"Through Jesus Christ, you will know real life."
"The Holy Spirit is not a ghost, in the sense of a spirit that doesn't have a personality, but He is a person that you can grieve."
"The purpose of the Bible is to understand God, ourselves, and the world."
"Everything is Spirit but it's at different phases, it's at different modes, and it's these different modes that make us believe in the physicality of our existence."
"Spiritual things can only be discerned by the spiritual."
"God wants us to understand. He gives us to understand."
"I plead the blood... I now understand what they were saying."
"Thursatru is to understand the darkness and chaos and destruction so we might find light in it."
"You're ready for this balance and you just you understand at the soul which brings you into this beautiful place of peace and harmony."
"The word for all of us is Jesus. He is prophecy revealed, He is the Word of Knowledge, He is everything you need."
"Spirit always understands. Love always communicates."
"The key...is not me getting more power, it's me becoming more surrendered to that reality that already exists within my spirit."
"You can't really understand the Lord's Prayer unless you consider fasting."
"God speaks to you in a way that you can understand, just like you talk to your children."
"God speaks to us in different ways that we can comprehend."
"Interpretation happens by allowing the scriptures to tell you what the scriptures mean."
"If the god you worship is small enough for you to understand, he's not big enough for you to worship."
"Start with the Lord's Prayer and ponder its meaning."
"Portuguese president Marcelo Rebelo de Souza affirmed Portugal's readiness to take part in the training of Ukrainian pilots and engineers on F-16 fighter aircraft."
"He's also a man like the Apostle Paul before him who embraced it and understood it that without it God would not have permission to use him."
"There'll be so many situations that you come across and you feel like, 'Oh, this shouldn't happen this way,' or, 'This should have happened to me.' But when Allah is fixing something, he looks as if he's destroying it."
"Revelation is complete but has not yet been made completely explicit."
"Forgive the world and you will understand that everything that God created cannot have an end."
"Every one of you has a revelation, let God open up your understanding."
"Wisdom is not the enemy of Revelation, it supports it."
"The spiritually minded Christian understands that the essence of Christianity isn't about doing but being."
"Our lives will never be the same when we understand the depth of God's love for us."
"She had this extraordinary penetration into the simplicity and the essence... as she put into practice."
"Syncretism is basically the language of the universe."
"More than ever before, we now understand what it means to not be of this world."
"The greatest secret: we are all spiritual beings having a human experience."
"An idol is a good thing that we've turned into an ultimate thing."
"Spiritual blindness steals our understanding."
"Understanding spiritual laws can prevent you from becoming a victim of your own demise."
"You don't need a religion to understand it, it's all about love."
"The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God."
"Do not be therefore disquieted at those things which you cannot see, but get the understanding of those which you see."
"Deity is not a being outside the law but is the power of law itself and must forever abide by the principles which it has established."
"The church has done a horrible job with helping the church understand the God who they are seeking a personal relationship with."
"You receive healing by knowing what God's will is. God is already convinced on what He wants to do."
"Whenever you want to give to God and somebody's telling you they're just trying to get your offering, they don't know spiritual anything."
"The spiritual Rest In Christ enriches the observance of Sabbath and the Sabbath enhances the understanding and experience of spiritual rest found in Christ."
"We are the generation to understand once concealed prophetic revelation."
"True contentment comes when you don't get this supply confused with the source."
"Your soul doesn't know your age, your soul knows you."
"Once you understand them, you can elevate above and beyond it."
"The small self thinks, the divine self knows. To be an energetic accord with this other level of consciousness."
"Please don't get overly way too caught up way too obsessed with the title because this is still just a spiritual term."
"Heaven is love. There is no love but God's love."
"God is deeper than the revelations given to man about himself."
"Those who understand God's grace... will realize his blessing."
"God wants you to get the revelation of his blood."
"Understanding Romans 8 can truly transform our understanding of life in the spirit."
"Understand God through children, animals, nature, and through music."
"This is what God has called us unto, if you understand this, you walk differently."
"One of the most interesting things about the law of one... would be the concept and understanding of the higher self."
"God is love, so it's forgiving your mind for believing in separation."
"Non-duality is understood by the heart, not the intellect of awareness, the heart of awareness."
"If you know these things, you will understand everything."
"The Bible is the only thing that explains everything that you are clearly still not grasping."
"Christianity is ultimately an extremely mystical form of religion."
"Faith is the understanding of how the system of heaven works."
"If you're in right relationship with God, you're probably going to have some spiritualized understanding."
"Understanding... applying the principles of Scripture in our life..."
"It's not about to know more about God, it's to be changed, it's to be transformed into his nature."
"Faith first, sight second, and testimony third."
"Our own soul memories can become compromised if we don't understand the evolutionary structure of the planet."
"I pray that Amy Grant comes to the true understanding of what Love Actually is."
"Once you actually understand the spiritual landscape of plasma physics, you realize that you are Eternal."
"We need to understand God's Spirit to comprehend His ways. Amen, the Spirit of God reveals the things of God."
"Job listen, you have the human perspective, but you don't have the God's perspective."
"The turning point for me was not just saying 'I'm God' but actually understanding the process."
"Don't play small, don't think you're going to play human and just have an intellectual grasp of A Course in Miracles."
"You have to understand how the Lord works... it takes consistency."
"Your soul is you having an individual spirit."
"Enlightenment is not about ecstatic happiness all the time, but rather a deep understanding of reality and truth."
"It's not the rituals, it's the relationship; knowing why you do things is crucial."
"Your ability to acquire vast knowledge on both the information on spiritual planes gives you a greater awareness than most."
"These truths should bring you hope in your darkest moments. If they don't, you haven't understood it."
"If you really want to know what God's love looks like, read the Bible."
"I didn't know what the Liturgy meant, but I understood that in the mass, in Holy Communion, something I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit."
"As they understand more about his beauties, they will love him."
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom... Understanding the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
"Christianity is not conduct, Christianity after all is not a checklist of biblical rules, Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ."
"We're all equal, we're all different fractals of the one Consciousness."
"The pathway to controlling our thoughts begins with an understanding of our relationship to Jesus Christ." - Dr. Charles Stanley
"When you understand your spirit and your intelligence, you have no reason to be afraid."
"People need to see, need to hear, just as people cannot come to know Christ without the word of God, I think people can't understand his creation without the truth of that creation being revealed to them."
"God speaks clearly, it's our inability to interpret the voice of God that is usually the issue."
"Katherine understood the truth of that in her bones."
"You are on the right path not because you pray, not because you fast, but because you understand the mind and the intention of God concerning your life."
"We now see through a glass darkly, but then we will see face to face."
"Understanding the will of God will help us pray correctly."
"The Spirit teaches us the meaning of Scripture."
"Land, king, temple—those were the anchors to their faith. They thought that land meant physical land, that king meant a physical king, and that a temple meant a building. But that's not what it meant. Eventually, they realized it meant a much deeper place."
"I genuinely believe that without some kind of spiritual understanding of love, love will always fall Hollow."
"You still don't understand. It is not a place that you go. It is a place that you know."
"...most theologians and even realized souls over the ages have assumed that these different pictures of the final state are mutually exclusive."
"Satan is darkness, Jesus is light. Till you see Jesus, you can't expose Satan."
"If we can know the fulfilled realities of Passover and Tabernacles, we can surely know the fulfilled reality of Pentecost."
"You can only properly understand scripture if the spirit has come upon you."
"This is revealed truth you couldn't work out, but we're called to know God better."
"You cannot understand the things of God except by the Spirit of God."
"When we bow beneath the authority of your word, things actually begin to make sense."
"Nothing compares to the understanding of the grace of God."
"When you come to understand things from a spiritual point of view, you understand that there's actually one petition that you need to make, and that's Mercy, the mercy of God."
"We can't sing, pray, or bless unless we have the spirit that brings an understanding to our singing, our praying, our blessing."
"The ancient enlightened ones were the first martial artists to understand the Divine Dao."
"You will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand."
"That's what you have to understand, the grace of God and the mercy of God."
"Nothing is going to give you the feeling that you're going to get when you start to understand the Quran and the Sunnah."
"Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
"Help us to see you as you truly are."
"I have peace now, a peace that is beyond understanding, that nothing can shake."
"Otherwise they might see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and return, and I would heal them."
"The only way you know them is to come into contact and relationship with this incredible God that we serve."
"I understand spiritual laws, I understand spiritual rules and that's how I live."
"It's important we have this kingdom mentality, we have this heart truly for the person, we understand how the kingdom operates."
"Humans always see through a glass darkly, and all knowledge isn't perfect."
"Lord, may we understand who You are."
"Trust in El Yahuwah with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding."
"We need to have a rich theological understanding of who God is to know Him."
"The only way that we're going to be able to demonstrate the type of gospel power that God wants to reveal is we must understand our need for the Holy Spirit."
"Each Consciousness has its own unique truth and understanding of the totality of creation."
"Being here has been so unbelievably important to me, and I never ever would have had this understanding unless I had been here in person."
"Are we as humans capable of understanding an ultimate truth? Oh yes, but at the soul level not at the ego level."
"Spiritual sense is a conscious, constant capacity to understand God."
"Correct material belief with spiritual understanding, and Spirit will form you anew."
"Revelation is when what you already know in your spirit is transferred to your understanding."
"Help us Father to more fully apprehend just who Jesus Christ really is."
"Then you have really heard the Word of God when it has reached the inmost level of one’s being."
"In order to really receive and understand the will of God for our lives, we must be still."
"Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that thou did set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words."
"There's a peace which passeth all understanding."
"Lord, make known to me the knowledge of your will for my life with all wisdom and spiritual understanding so I can walk worthy of you."
"Eternal life is to know the only true God and to know Jesus Christ."
"Understanding what bodhichitta means becomes very essential."
"In spirit land we come to understand what the human being as a spiritual being has for a task."
"Open our understanding that we might understand the scriptures."
"God is good above any other person and here's what good moral power means."
"The spirit of understanding is at work in you."
"God did it, so chill. Be still and know this: you apparently don't have to know all the niceties of Hebrew and Greek to live a life pleasing to Him."
"The words of the Revelation reveal the meaning of the verses."
"Add to your CV spiritual understanding, add to that character, add to that character love."
"I owe a great debt of gratitude to these other religions which also gave me back a sense of what my own tradition had been trying to do at its best."
"Therefore, we need that spiritual understanding."
"God is love, so in order to know what love is all about, we must consult His word."
"Try to understand God and you will know more about yourself."
"...to understand the scripture is a supernatural experience not an intellectual one."
"In order to understand what Bhagavan is talking about, it's not just a matter of answering the question how to do self-inquiry; we need to understand Bhagavan's teachings comprehensively and coherently."
"Understand that God is all there is."
"The truth is a spiritual experience is understanding that deeper reality."
"The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding."
"Knowing God and how He loves us, it should be really easy for us to know better."