
Compound Interest Quotes

There are 321 quotes

"If you don't understand compound interest, you're most likely going to be broke forever."
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world because now your money is working hard to earn you more money, and every time your money does that, you're going to have more money that you can send out to work hard and earn you more money."
"The real secret to building wealth is investing...but if you really want to grow your money quicker, you've got to compound your money."
"Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe."
"Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement."
"Compound interest is one of the wonders of the world."
"The power of compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe."
"Compound interest is truly a miracle in providing value."
"Interest is compounded over time, so the earlier you start, the better."
"The $100 you put in each month when you're 18, 19, or 20 are ultimately gonna be a lot more valuable than maybe $1,000 you put in every month when you're 60, thanks to the power of compound interest."
"My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest." - Warren Buffett
"People don't save early enough for retirement. Even a small amount of money invested early on, because of compound interest, can give you quite the nest egg."
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world."
"Compound interest is the number one phenomenon you need to be aware of when it comes to investing."
"You want to be investing as much money as possible and you want to be constantly adding more money into your brokerage account every single month, every single year so that you are taking advantage of that compound growth in the stock market and building your wealth exponentially."
"The earlier you invest, the more compound interest and exponential growth you will see."
"The only way to do that is by investing that money into something that will make us compound interest."
"Come for the finance and stay for the magic. The magic of compound interest."
"As we all know here at TFD, the longer you wait to start investing, the less time your money has to make money."
"Compound interest is like a snowball rolling down a long hill. You do the work of making the first little snowball... then at the bottom of the long hill, the snowball is massive compared to the tiny snowball you started out with."
"Once you have $100,000 in your account, compound interest starts to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you in terms of wealth building."
"One of the best things you can do is to simply go out and just get started. Get your feet wet, get your money in the market, get compound interest working for you."
"Compound interest is a beautiful way of making money work without you having to do anything. It's working itself, it's building the muscles."
"Albert Einstein calls compound interest the eighth wonder of the world."
"A penny doubled every day for 31 days is over 10 million dollars."
"The most important thing about compound interest isn't the beginning phase... it's the end phase because when you have the interest on interest at the end of the period, that's when it really grows."
"The compound interest effect is about how you finish, not about how you start. The longer we wait, the less money we will be able to earn in the future."
"Once we learned that we could earn compound interest just like the banks and stack our own interest rates, we were like mind blown."
"Compound interest really is the way to make your money make money for you."
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it." - Albert Einstein
"He who understands [compound interest] earns it; he who doesn't, pays it."
"Compound interest is...the magic of making money grow faster the more you invest."
"Compound interest is what we all really need to understand. It's like, that is the mystery of the universe."
"If you compound these dividends over time, the effects can be pretty amazing."
"Compound interest means that you earn money on the money you've already earned."
"You need to be putting money in it so my goal is to just fund this thing as aggressively as I can and to watch the power of compounding work."
"Often times when it comes to investing, the difference of just a few percentage points is going to be a large difference later on in life due to compound interest."
"That really illustrates the point of compound interest and that we should really be trying to squeeze every percentage point possible out of our investments."
"The power of compound interest and reinvestment is at your fingertips."
"Seven percent on top of seven percent, holy cow! We're already two years into our rule of 72."
"The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest."
"Compound interest can be your greatest Ally."
"Compound interest: turn every dollar into $1.56."
"Your wealth doubles every 7.2 years if you're making 10%."
"Compound interest with growing contributions: this is where things get really fun."
"Compound interest is one of the greatest things that ever existed because it helps your money to work for you."
"Appreciate the magic of compounding... results are absolutely insane."
"Compound interest is the greatest force in the world."
"If you just left it invested over that 40-year period that ten thousand dollars could turn into over a million dollars."
"Compound interest: Interest earning interest."
"Compound interest is reinvesting earned interest back into the principle of an investment resulting in exponential growth over time."
"The miracle of compound interest... the greatest financial miracle of all time."
"Compound interest is like a snowball rolling down a hill."
"Consistent investments over decades can compound to large amounts."
"Compound interest: the younger you get started, the better off you'll be."
"Our portfolios would deliver a compound annual rate of return of 42 percent over five years."
"The eighth wonder of the world is compound interest."
"That's the cool thing about earning interest on bitcoin it's a you know capped supply asset and so when you combine the store of value with compound interest you get investment results that are that are you know quite simply phenomenal."
"That's the thing about compound interest, it only works if your interest each year is gonna be greater than zero."
"As a fan, I don't know, you know, Kanye West got Sunday service. I don't know, what does Kanye West got? Sunday service, like when he goes out, he does church, yeah, he does like a church thing."
"That's the beautiful thing about compound interest."
"Compound interest can radically change your life if you put it to good use."
"Your $10,000 invested at age 20 is worth $117,000 more than just that same money 10 years later let that sink in."
"Long-term investing allows you to take advantage of compound interest and ride out most market volatility."
"When you realize what the power of compounded interest actually does."
"Compounding interest is the eighth wonder of the world."
"Compounding returns can turn $10,000 into almost $4 million in just ten years."
"Start investing as soon as you can to take advantage of compound interest."
"Money has two best friends: time and compound interest."
"You're letting your money grow and you're letting your money compound."
"Your money would double every 7even years if you got a 10% return average over that time span."
"Let compound interest do the work for you. Reinvest it as soon as you receive it."
"Every single dollar that you can put in as early as possible, as often as possible, is gonna help you down the road."
"Investors, we're using the power of compound interest."
"The more you put your money to work the more it'll grow."
"If you're a teen and you start investing early, you're going to be utilizing the power of compound interest."
"One percent compounding becomes 28... it breaks my brain."
"Your money grows on a compound interest basis and it cannot go down over time, this is guaranteed."
"By investing as early as possible you give your portfolio time to compound and grow."
"Make time be your ally. Get time on your side. Understand the benefits of compounding."
"Your money generates interest and that interest generates more interest and so on and so forth creating an infinite chain link reaction of your money making money."
"Compound interest is one of the greatest ways to multiply your money significantly."
"The power of compound growth: from £100K to £947,000 in just 35 years."
"Start early, start early, start early to take advantage of the compounding memory dividend."
"Compound your money to fuel more investments."
"Start as early as possible, the more time you give your Investments, the more you let compound interest do its magic."
"Nothing compounds better in life than applied knowledge."
"Reinvest your dividends. Compound interest is the greatest power in finance."
"Your 20s are more important than they might seem. Compound interest is an amazing thing which can either set you up for a lifetime of success or start you down a path of snowballing debt."
"Building Wealth through investing takes time because of compound interest."
"Invest, you gotta invest and you have to invest young. Compounding interest is insane."
"You have to diversify, compound interest, Rule of 72."
"Compounding is a powerful investing concept."
"The power of compounding and starting your dividend snowball."
"Make a small 10x, make something even less than that, pull your money out, know where to invest it next, and I'm telling you over time that's going to compound."
"Compound interest is when your interest earns interest on top of interest."
"Compound interest, it makes a big difference the earlier you get it."
"The sooner you start working on it, the more those results are going to compound over time."
"Understanding the power of compounding is crucial."
"Maximize the amount of compound interest you're earning."
"Technically speaking, it is compound interest, it's just not a very good source of one."
"When your money makes you money and it keeps making you money and it compounds over time, that's how it snowballs."
"Aggressively save money and put it in index funds for several years. You need to understand the power of compound interest and use it to get rich."
"Compound interest is the greatest force in the universe."
"Six percent compounding per month doubles your money every year."
"Every single dollar that you invest at age 20... is going to equal twenty one dollars... assuming as a percent return."
"The key to wealth is letting compound interest take over and investing in low-cost index funds."
"I saved you five dollars and 33 cents that you could invest over the next 60 years at a 7% compound interest rate with dividends reinvested."
"Investing is about harnessing the power of compound interest over long periods of time by investing in good quality businesses or average quality businesses purchased at cheaper prices."
"Compound interest... the money you invest continues to grow at a faster and faster rate because that money makes you more money which then makes you even more money."
"If you invested a hundred dollars and were able to achieve a 66% return every year, after 31 years, that one hundred dollars would be worth 665 million, 810 thousand."
"That's again the power of compound interest in a tax preferred vehicle, so you're paying no tax along the way so you're getting that money really traction really working for you."
"All the great things in life come from compound interest."
"The earlier you get started in investing and grow your capital to a sizable enough figure, the more that compound interest and time is going to multiply that original size of your capital."
"Compound interest is something so innate to the source code of the universe."
"It’s this thing that I don’t think is just lives in the world of investing. Compound interest is something so innate to the source code of the universe."
"Set habits are the compound interest of self-improvement."
"The quicker you're able to get there, the longer you give compound interest to work its magic."
"Reinvesting dividends so that you can compound your future returns."
"It's just the boring way to do it. You start young and you put so much in and just leave it in there and the compound interest then it just really takes off after a while."
"If my money is going to sit in an account and I'm not going to touch it until I have an emergency, why not allow the power of compound interest to put more money inside of your savings account?"
"Why not allow the power of compound interest to put more money inside of your savings account?"
"Consistently investing a percentage of your earnings helps grow wealth over time through compound interest and market growth."
"Interest earned on savings accounts is compounded."
"Compound interest is on top of each other, on top of each other, on top of each other."
"The earlier that you start, the more time you'll have and the more your money will grow thanks to the power of compound interest."
"Basically, it's the point in time where the compound interest on your current investing nest egg is expected to allow your nest egg to grow by enough on its own to make you financially independent by the time you reach the age where you want to retire."
"The compound effect of the stock market with just $100, if you invested that $100 into dividend growing companies that would have been $113,000 in 2022."
"Compounding interest is one of the most important inventions in the history of humankind."
"The sooner you can start taking advantage of compound interest, the faster you will Fast Forward your ability to become financially independent."
"Habits are compound interest of self-improvement."
"That amount has been able to build up to that potential portfolio amount simply by allowing compound interest to get to work over a really long period of time."
"At age 38 they would have hit a million pounds compared to a hundred and sixty-six thousand pounds if you did not invest that money at all... again that shows you the power of compounded interest over time."
"Compounding interest is actually your superpower to Building Wealth and success."
"The power of compound is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it."
"So here's the idea behind the rule of 72..."
"Interest paid on the accrued interest as well as the principal is called compound interest."
"Your money can earn uninterrupted compound interest while you still use that money."
"The conversation that I have with people the most that kind of blows their mind is when they finally realize the benefits of compound interest on an investment."
"The compounding effect of your investments will add up a lot faster than it seems like is reasonably possible."
"You get compound interest with an HSA, and that money stays in your account forever until you decide to spend it."
"Based on that rate, if John invests $10,000 today and holds this stock for 30 years while reinvesting his dividends, his investment after 30 years will be worth $18,200, paying him an annual dividend of $826,000."
"Understanding the rule of 72 is important."
"Compound interest allows your money to compound on itself and allow your dollars to multiply."
"The bigger the pot gets, the faster the pot grows."
"You need to invest and use the power of compound interest."
"The growth of money and your growth of debt is governed by an exponential function called compound interest."
"Due to the effect of compound interest, it pays to save early."
"Euler's number is that limit; it's how much money you would gain if I offered you a hundred percent annual interest rate compounded every single nanosecond of the year."
"Compound growth is super powerful."
"The power of compound interest shows us that at seven percent over a 35-year period, 115 grand turns into 1.2 million dollars."
"The rule of 72 tells you how long it takes for your account to double."
"The power of compound interest requires time to work."
"Over time that compound interest is going to give you that fantastic end figure."
"It's just the compound effect that your money makes you money which makes you even more money."
"The earlier you start investing, the more that time does some of the work for you."
"Compound interest means earning interest not just on your original investment but also on the interest you earned over time."
"The rule of 72 very simply states that if we take 72 and we divide it by our fixed rate of interest, it's going to tell us how much time it takes to double our money."
"It's consistently setting aside money and having it earn compound interest in a tax-free environment."
"All the benefits in life come from compound interest, whether in money, relationships, love, health, or habits."
"That's how compound interests work, and I just invest in index funds. Like, I'm not fancy. This is just my money that's invested in index funds, that's it."
"That is the power of compound interest, that's why investing is so important."
"An iterative macro to understand how much my single investment will grow over the years with compound interest."
"Parents taught us about investing in compound interest at the age of five."
"The power of compound interest is a very powerful thing."
"The reason this happens is not your deposit... it's about compound interest, it's about your money earning money for you."
"Take advantage of something called compound interest."
"If you understand compound interest, things start to get crazy as you can really let that ride if you're able to hold your investments for the long term."
"Albert Einstein says the eighth wonder of the world is compound interest."
"With compound interest over time, you could grow yourself to a millionaire in no time."
"Once you have 100 Grand, the interest just snowballs."
"The beautiful principle of compound interest really comes into play the earlier you start putting money in investments."
"The exponential growth of the compound over time will get you to where you want to be."
"Over a long period of time, compounded growth is huge."
"Your money never even left your account; it is earning uninterrupted compound interest the entire time."
"Welcome to uninterrupted compound interest."
"That's where the snowball effect really starts to kick in and that compound interest really starts to take hold."
"Compound interest... how much a deposit will have grown to at the end of a period."
"No one taught me the power of compound interest."
"If we were to contribute one thousand dollars a month for 25 years at that 3% spread, the difference would be $446,000."
"But with compound interest, you're multiplying by the multiplier several times."
"Investing in dividend-paying stocks is a good way to start building that compound interest."
"Start early because the longer you have your money in an investment, the more it's going to make."
"Compound interest can work for you or against you."
"If you're getting monthly compounded interest, you're getting a little bit of interest every day for the entire year."
"As 'n' gets larger and larger... this part of your compound interest formula becomes 'e'."
"It's the best way to do any kind of compound interest question."
"It's a recipe for success when you're earning compound interest on an increasing balance in a tax-sheltered environment."
"Take advantage of that compound interest."
"To double an investment is going to be the same amount of time provided your compounds and your interest rates."
"The eighth wonder of the world is compound interest, and that's what YouTube is doing for you."
"The rule of 72... explains how long it would take you to double your money at any given interest rate."
"Money invested compounds over time at an exponential rate."
"I want to use compound growth to my advantage rather than as a hindrance."
"Year two hits different... you're seeing the compound interest on the marketing, on the connections, on the jobs that you've previously done."
"Investing and compound interest is all about using time to your advantage."
"Compound interest is the most powerful thing in the financial world; those that understand it, earn it."
"Compound interest is your best friend."
"Every year your policy is compounding uninterrupted, which means the compound interest is making interest on interest."
"The beauty with starting early is the fact that that money... has the opportunity to earn interest."