
Social Construct Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"Race in America is a social construct; white means that you can oppress, and black means that you or if you have a person of color because they are two different things, black and person in color, means that you can be oppressed."
"Race isn't real; it's a social construct, not a thing."
"Race is a social construct, not a biological reality."
"Attraction is a social construct, and a lot of our attractions aren't actually conscious."
"Race is indeed a social construct...human beings are 99.9% identical at the DNA level."
"I believe that gender and sex are different, that gender is socially constructed meaning that humans created it, and that gender is a spectrum."
"If there is no inherent privilege, then the privilege has to be manufactured."
"Human beings have a tendency to categorize things, even if unnecessary, creating something we call generations."
"The distinction between biological sex and gender as a role originates in the 1950s and didn't become widespread until the 1970s when feminist theory popularized the idea of biological sex versus gender as a social construct."
"Heterosexuality itself is a social construct."
"France is a social construct...if all French people somehow decided they were Belgians, France would no longer exist."
"Race is a social construct. It has no genetic basis and was a term invented by one group of people to justify that it was superior to another group of people."
"Gender is a matter of social identity rather than a prescriptive biological thing."
"Trans issues are not micro issues. They're issues. Bodily autonomy isn't everybody issue. That is not a me issue. That is an all of you issue."
"Money is not a real tangible thing. It's actually a social agreement."
"Money is just a social agreement it's just a it's a claim on something."
"Gender is a phenomenon, not a fact. It creates what it names."
"Race is a social construct, meaning it's not real. But it does have real complications and consequences due to how white supremacy has legitimized these categories."
"Virginity is a social construct that is just a fact."
"Virginity is a thing, but that thing is a social construct."
"Maybe it's time we took charge and shaped the social construct of virginity for the better."
"Gender is a construct so there's no such thing as male or feminine really."
"Money is just a shared hallucination that we all have."
"Race is a social construct developed by a white man for the purpose of gaining control and power."
"Morality is also a human construct that is completely subjective."
"Race is a social construct and doesn't exist in the real world."
"Resist the attempt to revive this discredited notion that race is a biological category rather than a political and social category."
"Mobility is not something that descends like manna from the heavens, it's actually constructed and we can reshape it."
"Gender is not just a biological construct but it's also a social construct."
"Gender isn't just something that you have or something that you are, it's something that you do."
"Gender identity isn't about the gender which is socially constructed, that's about my sense of self."
"Whiteness is a forced group membership... that originated by oppressing people of color."
"Gender trouble in 1990. Gender is constructed through repetitive performance. Some performances are penalized and rewarded as often as possible."
"Whiteness itself is a moving target that's main purpose has been to exclude."
"Body image sucks because it's just a social construct that we've all decided that we need to abide by."
"There is no such thing as race. Race was a false construct created by races to divide people by color."
"The notion of gender identity is a social construct anyway."
"Why not say that sex is biological whereas gender is a social construct?"
"The way that we view race today as it's mostly described based on skin color is a very new idea and very socially constructed just like every form of racism and uh I guess xenophobia that's existed in the past."
"Race is a social construct and it's something that has a lot more weight in America than other places."
"Gender as a social construct: 'The idea that gender is socially constructed is not a universally accepted belief among trans people.'"
"Gender is a social construct, it doesn't exist."
"Those who believe that knowledge and truth are mere social constructs are almost bound to end up by suppressing competing opinions."
"Gender identity is socially constructed."
"Race is an illusion, something that can be admitted or not admitted, talked about or not spoken about, and somehow that decreases its power."
"Race is a social construction, produced by racism."
"We need to start thinking about sex as a social construct rather than an arguable fact."
"Understanding desirability is a social construct that revolves around how much others desire an individual, rather than what they say or do."
"The reality is geneticists are looking at genetic distinctions across continental populations that are radically different from the expectations implied by 'race is a social construct.'"
"The social model of disability suggests that we are not disabled by our bodies, but we are disabled by the society around us."
"So I mean it's a social construct but like what is the purpose of race if it's not"
"Your gender isn't set in stone in your brain. It's socially constructed."
"I believe that race was socially constructed."
"I find it quite funny that we have this idea 'gender as a social construct' as if that is a shocking thing when we literally know who invented gender and it wasn't very long ago."
"So direct from the World Health Organization, gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls, and boys that are socially constructed."
"Money is a social construct, it's not real."
"She makes the claim that not only is gender a social construct but sex itself is socially constructed."
"Legal positivism has its name because of the word posit, the idea very very basically is that law is a social phenomenon... they're something that human beings have created or posited into existence with their behavior."
"Ultimately, I think gender is socially constructed and separate from biological sex."
"It's almost like Khaled egg of the police down the gas the best you're going."
"Blackness is not a biological distinction, it's a social distinction, it's a cultural and ethnic lineage and experience."
"What is money? It's a social unit of account."
"In conclusion, there's no empirical problem with age difference, it's a total social construct just like difference in height or difference in whether or not you go hiking or not, it's just a difference."
"Race is a social and cultural construct that tells us far more about our prejudices and our stereotypes than it does about our biology."
"Race is a human invention... we are categorized according to race or racialized."
"Race was quite real to those who lived with it, not because of skin color or essentialist notions about biology, but because it was social and experiential."
"Gender is both your identification and a social classification."
"STS tries to argue that that particular material conception of the natural world is itself a social and cultural artifact."
"Woman is not just simply biological but also socially, culturally, and politically constructed."
"The cyborg is between fiction and reality... we can use these ideas to imagine and craft the type of social reality we want to live in."
"The corporations of social abstraction, right to take this thing that just exists in our heads and treat it in some senses as a person that can own property and where you limit liability, that was a social convention that people had to arrive at."
"It's okay, things can be socially constructed and they can still have value."
"Masculinity probably is to an extent a social construct, but there's also biological factors."
"Gender is a hierarchy and a system of oppression and the easier it is to define gender the easier it is to keep the oppression going."
"Gender is a social construct and on a spectrum."
"Biologically speaking, race is nothing but a social construct."
"Morality then objectively exists as a feature of human society but is subjective to the extent that it evolves."
"We made up the concept of evil; it's an evolutionary mechanism to try to ensure cooperation within a social dynamic."
"Race is a social construct... there's no notable biological psychological differences between the so-called races that would justify separating us."
"Countries do not inherently exist and borders are enforced by warlords who have gotten powerful enough that we no longer call them warlords."
"Gender is a destructive construct that does not work for all of us."
"I really do believe that gender is a destructive construct that does not work for all of us."
"Gender is a socialized construct; gender identity is both valid and arbitrary; and gender is not binary."
"Race is a reality. It is a social reality and everybody knows it's a social reality."
"Words like woman and man are on a spectrum."
"We've socially constructed what it is to be a man and a woman; we can easily socially construct other gender identities."
"Human beings created from nothing the domain of Human Rights; they called it up, they languaged it, they communicated it."
"There's No Scientific Basis for Race - It's a Made-Up Label."
"These people have been able to use a socially constructed idea and make it to us seem like reality."
"Gender is a social construct, not an immutable characteristic."
"Heteronormativity is a social construct in how we normalize what it means to be heterosexual."
"The whole concept of racism is artificial."
"The only way we're going to change this is to create a social construct around making the change."
"What is gender? A construct, sometimes useful, sometimes not, sometimes fun, sometimes not."
"Money is evolving. Money has always been a social construct."
"I've just got through saying it's a construction, no deeper biological justification to be had, a social convention, a human product."
"Gender is a socially constructed identity that exists in relation to roles we determine based on people's sex."
"Race is not something biological; it's not something genetic."
"Money's an invention, politics from our invention."
"Race is a social construct that divides people into groups based on perceived ancestry and/or external physical features."
"We all operate on the concept that conceptualizations are necessary and social constructions are necessary for us to live."
"The reason why race is a social construct isn't because there are absolutely no physiological differences... it's because the lines that we draw to distinguish those groups are totally arbitrary."
"The concept of race is generally a myth and race is in a lot of cases socially imposed as well."
"It is not race that has led to racism, but rather it is the repeated act of racism that has created and continues to create the fiction of race."
"Motherhood is not a biological exclusively phenomenon; neither is fatherhood. As social so is motherhood, motherhood entails a choice."
"Femininity and masculinity is a social construct."
"What we see as womanhood and manhood is primarily socially constructed and therefore malleable."
"Gender is a social construct; sex is based off something physical."
"Race is a social construct; institutional racism operates within institutions and within our hearts and minds."
"Childhood is argued to be a social construction as children have had a change in status and responsibilities."
"Money is a social and economic construct."
"Racism is not a naturally occurring phenomenon."
"Race is a malleable social construct with little credence in genetics."
"All identities are fictions, aristotical constructions we've been through so many times."
"Race is a social construct that isn't about behaviors, roles in society, or psychological identity."
"I think it's obvious that sex and gender are not the same thing; sex is biological whereas gender is a social construct."
"The concept of race was created... it's a social construct, not a biological one."
"After all, time is just a social construct. Why do we have to get up so early for work? Why is that?"
"If race is socially constructed, was it constructed benevolently? No, it was constructed ideologically."
"Race is an entirely made-up categorization of human beings."
"Even if good was a social construct and it was entirely foreign to the human species, why exactly is it a bad thing as long as we get it done and we have systems put in place to not be horrible to one another?"
"Gender is a social construct and because of that, it's malleable; we can change it."
"Age status is socially constructed."
"Gender is a social construct, not a biological one."
"The social construct of race is incredibly powerful."
"Valentine's Day is a social construct... it's something we do and perform and by virtue of that performance it becomes real."
"Woman is a socially constructed label which I believe should reflect an individual's relationship to both particular ideals of femininity and also the physical reality of having a female body."
"Pretty is a social construct. Do you not understand that the reason why you think somebody is pretty is because of how you view their facial features?"
"Race is not a scientific concept rooted in discernible biological differences. It is an extremely powerful and contested social construct."
"Morality is a necessary illusion for society to work."
"Social order is an illusion created in one's own mind using our common sense procedures and culturally embedded assumptions."
"Race itself is a social construction, not real in a biological sense, but real through lived experience."
"Childhood in itself was a social construction which happened as our society evolved."
"Astrology is a social construct, but there is something really mystical about imagination."
"Race can be a social construct, but when people in the world and specifically our country have a different lived experience, it needs to be seen."