
Mental Preparation Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"You have to mentally prepare for a season, and I think that you know, especially during pregnancy, you prepare for all these other things but you forget to prepare yourself."
"If you have a mental stencil, today's the day to break it out and use it. You're gonna need it."
"Until you're mentally prepared, you're never physically ready."
"Time blocking helps me to be mentally prepared for my day ahead because I know kind of how it's going to flow."
"First impressions can be influenced by 50 to 80 percent by how mentally prepared you are."
"Your mind's already practiced it enough, it's going to just happen."
"Prepare yourself mentally for Ramadan, have goals, and be careful of the trap of burning out."
"It is such a mental game that you need to have a firm grasp on your thoughts about what you want to do because if you don't, they will run."
"You need fuel listen when you go to the gym what are the thoughts in your mind."
"He's not embarrassed to say he was very nervous coming into this fight."
"All's Tyson needed was a straight Road, 40 year old, it's just getting his mind right, giving him a straight road to run on and he'll do it." - Big John Fury
"Man needs a lot more psychological preparation."
"Working on these backflip backup plans or insurance plans will help you reduce the fear."
"I don't think anyone is ever mentally ready to deal with everything that you have on the internet."
"Your mate selection is the most important decision you will ever make here on this earth."
"You gotta face that moment, you gotta face that guy that's gonna come to you in the ring and say, 'You ready to do this?'"
"Reminder to stay calm and be patient... nerves are always going to be a thing."
"Mental fortitude is crucial for tonight's match."
"Achieving the right headspace is crucial for spell work."
"Expect the unexpected. If you can be mentally prepared, you'll have an advantage over other people."
"You gotta just be mentally prepared and spiritually prepared for anything and everything."
"Make sure you have your mind made up of what you want."
"When I prepare my body, my mind gets ready too."
"I need to empty my mind... I will become a vessel."
"We got to come with the same mentality that we came with tonight."
"The mental preparation for free soloing El Cap is arguably more significant than the physical preparation."
"When there exists physical unknowns, it's about having confidence and knowns within your mental preparation." - Chandler Smith
"Listen to me okay, don't get all crazy, you still have a great fighter in front of you."
"The winter will be difficult, but emotionally we're very well prepared for that, we've already won this war."
"I had to be mentally ready before I could do the work."
"Visualize the worst scenarios and practice your breathing so you can pair being calm with some of the worst scenarios."
"It's not just about the physical, it's about being mentally sharp in this game if you want to stay a long time."
"One of Seneca's most famous exercises he talks about pre-meditation he says practice anticipate all the things that could happen."
"Mentally, I'm always ready for whatever challenge comes my way."
"When you're inside that building and you're safe haven and that green grass between them lines, it's 'throwing that noise'. So distractions don't matter."
"Consider what gets you into the creative headspace for effective prep."
"When you know it's going to occur, you relax."
"My self-defense didn't help, my mental preparation did."
"You'd be amazed at the power of visualizing that shot."
"I learned how to treat myself as an athlete mentally."
"Life is just a series of choices we make and as long as you're not making one so that actively detrimental to those around you it doesn't really matter to hugely which ones you make maybe that's just me."
"Sun Tzu wrote that in every bout every battle is won or lost before it is ever fought... the battle he's referring to is the battle in your mind."
"I enjoy being single, but at this point, I'm just mentally preparing myself to spend an eternity alone."
"It's refreshing to hear somebody who weighs that question the same in their head like what kind of preparation am I going to take mentally before this performance."
"Negative visualization misfortune weighs most heavily on those who expect nothing but good fortune."
"I just keep telling myself it's just a fight, man."
"Who's better prepared mentally? Most? Cambosis."
"Mental analysis is a huge component of our journey as day traders."
"Have a routine to get yourself into the zone."
"We'll be entering the catacombs in a few hours-ish... gearing up mentally before I go inside."
"You have to get the mental stuff, you need the mindset foundation to be in the right place before weight loss can actually have those positive benefits."
"The last thing you want before entering a tournament is added pressure... you have to be fully committed to what you can do."
"I plunge into the abyss and prepare myself for the worst. And so it begins."
"Having everything in his head helps you as a singer."
"In our gym we're focused so much and we can't take these moments for granted."
"This journey is more about a mental thing and getting into the headspace of routine and discipline."
"Don't treat psychedelics like toys, take them seriously."
"This was a mental defeat for Joshua. Physically, he was in great shape, but mentally, he was up for another opponent."
"Your mindset is yours to set, no one set your mind for you. You set your mind."
"I feel like I need to kind of gather my thoughts even a little more than I did now and make sure that I'm in a good headspace."
"Ultimately, that's the kind of mentality that players are going to need to win championships."
"The injuries have definitely changed arsenal's transfer strategy and they now can't spend as much money on a wide forward if they're gonna sign one."
"Bezos is sending people up to have experiences that they might not be prepared for mentally."
"He had visualized the truth...he had actually already won this race 20 times in his head."
"The battle for the mind begins before the battle of the fist."
"Assume the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction before sleep."
"As soon as the program started it's kind of like just hone in on the things that you need to focus on your cues whatever those mental cues are stick to that."
"The important thing: it can be mental. Broadcast it either from here or from here, and that's going to help."
"I just go into games now feeling very confident."
"Prepare for your shift with patience and intention. Script your desired reality and enter the right brainwave state."
"Every fight's a mental test. This stuff is scary, and you have anxiety in the locker room and the week of the fight, more so this one, man."
"It's conditioning your mind to think about how you can actually take all this knowledge that you've been building up and put them to practical use."
"An important thing in survival is to expect and accept unpleasant things."
"You gotta first see it, you gotta first create this Vision in your mind."
"Sometimes you're not mentally prepared for what you gotta do. Sometimes it's overwhelming so you just start."
"This was the only hole today that I was worried about."
"Plan your day the night beforehand... mentally prepared."
"I think preparing myself mentally for that was the hardest part."
"You really do not want to step into this in a negative place."
"Visualizing yourself doing the work primes your brain to do the work."
"By getting deliberate about what you're thinking about, you are priming your mind to see connections and opportunities."
"Sometimes it's mentally preparing for what's to come, you know?"
"Consistency requires learning mental skills. Most people assume that if a method produces a high percentage of winners, it will equate to a consistent income." - Mark Douglas
"If you're going to get into real estate, you need to be absolutely prepared for it mentally first."
"It's been a while since I blocked so I've got to get my brain back into it"
"You want to do your pre-planning, think through all the steps mentally ahead of time."
"Always do mental practice, study the score, visualize, imagine things. It will help a lot."
"You can't just go on the court and think, 'I'm just going to play great.'"
"Mental rehearsal: mentally prepare for the inevitable downturns before they occur."
"Educating yourself about childbirth is key to being mentally prepared."
"Above all, going inside the mind of a couple of shooting masters, it all comes down to mindset."
"Just feel like you're going in there and you've already got this."
"The mental battle of every fight is way more important than the physical."
"Stay calm and focus on what's ahead: your mentality is as crucial as your mechanical skill."
"Expect it starts here first. If you're not mentally there, you're already defeated. The desire to maintain the image is stressful. Lamar doesn't need that stress."
"It's all in the mindset, you have to mentally prepare yourself for anything." - Nick B.
"It was such a huge shift for me to like prepare myself mentally and emotionally to be gone for that long."
"It's all about your mentality really going into the game in the first place."
"I didn't train only my body I trained my mind too."
"We've got to have a mentality to win things."
"Why think about it if I think about it I won't do it so I'm not going to think about it."
"I've already done it in my head, you know, so nothing surprises me."
"After the first Willow came out, I was on fire."
"You can die playing football. That means you can't show up thinking it's a game. You got to come with the right mentality, ready to go to war."
"Until your ears are ready to hear, your mind is not ready to hear certain things."
"Sometimes you need to take deep breaths to prepare for and set up future epic moments."
"If you don't feel the justice that's coming, you better get your mind right."
"If you aren't mentally ready to do it, if you're not mentally committed, how the hell are you gonna do it?"
"I think a lot of people underestimate just how important that side is, being mentally prepared for victory."
"If you don't have your mind right then, well, how the hell are you gonna actually build up anything upon that foundation?"
"Let death and exile and all other things which appear terrible be daily before your eyes..."
"Get your mind right so you could be confident in what you offer."
"They need to have our minds strongly prepared for these experiences and events, and that's done through repetition and through strong imagery."
"It is surreal, but once I get out there, that surrealness is gone because once I get out in that ring, it's time to go to work."
"It really is a grind and mentally you need to prepare for it. Don't freak out when you catch a losing streak, it happens."
"I want to use this next week building up to the weekend league to reformat my mentality towards FIFA."
"Teddy Atlas said, 'Are you afraid?' I said, 'No,' in other words, the reason I said no is when I go in the ring..."
"When you prepare your mind properly, things will fall into place."
"You prepare yourself, you prepare your mind."
"I've visualized the walk out a thousand times. I'm able to control how fast my heart is beating at night."
"Don't lose sight of your dreams and your goals. It's time to get your mind right."
"It's just practice, but once you learn a really good run, you kind of mentally lock that in your mind and you build off of that run."
"Every professional athlete has to be so fine-tuned mentally."
"The INFJ is always one step ahead in their minds."
"Sticking with our theme of the unknown and the unknowable, these athletes enter this arena without having any clue what it is that they'll be asked to do."
"You have to put so much mental preparation into every conversation."
"You can create a protocol in your head that like, 'Oh, I'm going to go through something right now, I know it's going to hurt, but here's where I need to go mentally to get through it.'"
"Mentally you can break this hike up into three sections."
"It got him in the right mental space."
"It's truly an Endurance Championship, so maybe a different mental approach and how you prepare the car."
"Mental preparation precedes confidence."
"Elvan mentally prepares herself to cope with the situation."
"The body is designed to heal, and you can start to see real positive benefits in as little as three months. Mentally prepare yourself; slow change can be a little disheartening, especially if we're feeling desperate for change."
"I feel like we're in The Final Countdown and I'm just trying to prepare myself mentally for pushing a baby out again."
"Sports psychologists are a big thing now, they're all psychologists just to get them in the zone mentally."
"Prepare with peace, joy, and boldness."
"You were mentally prepared for this ending, even if it kind of been very unexpected, especially for the other person."
"Prepare yourself mentally. You're going to experience every emotion you have ever experienced all in one 24-hour time span."
"You can't lose, right? You don't get to the championship and lose, I don't care who you're talking to. You don't lose, right? Mentally, in your head, when you're visualizing it."
"They're almost there, just preparing themselves mentally, emotionally, or spiritually."
"Every putt is made in the mind before the stroke is made."
"What makes a good bull rider is hard. If you don't have the heart or as they call it, try, the rest of it's not going to do much good. It nearly all should be mental preparation."
"I feel like I should take off the cork strip, I don't feel mentally prepared enough in the corpse."
"Well, you have to remember too that in a player like her, because they do not travel extensively, she's not in that mental grind."
"How much time do you spend developing the mental game?"
"Let's spend 10-15 minutes a week, if not more, talking about the mental part of the game, thinking about the mental part of the game, strategizing for the mental part of the game."
"If we can improve the mental game three or five percent, I can show you documentation up to the ceiling, that's what we call the mental edge."
"The best swing thought is no swing thought."
"Jay's got a good mentality right now."
"Dealing with what's going on up here is really important for that race day success."
"Training NFL guys for the 40 is very much from a mental standpoint like preparing for the Olympic Games."
"Have a clear mind before you trade."
"Visualization is one of those crucial elements to being better at golf."
"It's not necessarily the mileage that facilitates that outcome, but it's just putting yourself in the right headspace."
"You have to learn when you step on stage to park the universe of dialogue that happens inside your mind and just deal with expressing the truth."
"Just one shot at a time, that's all I was thinking about the whole week."
"The practice of loving-kindness... requires preparation."
"Your mental side, your self-responsibility, your self-awareness, your disciplines, your mental states, contingency planning... what's your backup plan?"
"Figure out what you need to do mentally to be able to sacrifice everything for the girl next to you."
"Rehearse in your mind coping effectively."
"I have written down my motivations and reasons for hiking that I can reference on bad days."
"Mentally, I think I'm in a good mental state at the moment. I'm really keen."
"By the time you get to the piano, you've already done the mental training in order to be ready to perform."
"The battle begins in the mind and to achieve that state of harmony."
"Mental preparation for a thru-hike is just as important as the physical side of it."
"Your mental approach actually matters because it affects everything you do."
"Get yourself in a position where you're mentally right."
"Our minds have not seen things that are fixing to happen."
"When it's time to go out and compete, you have to think to yourself, there's no way this guy can touch me."
"You need more mental preparation after you win, not before you win."
"When you train for them and you win in your mind, then those moments are easy and they're fun."
"The mental is far more important to condition and be ready for."
"I felt so good mentally going into it."
"As a sports psychologist, you need to think properly, visualize your way."
"Everything that we do out there is 95% mental."
"Enhance your balance, control, and coordination, thereby preparing your body and your mind for the rigorous demands of daily life."
"It's important that you're really focusing during your workout, getting your mind in the zone for the workout that is about to take place."
"It's very important to be ready mentally, not only physically."
"You have to be mentally ready for that, you have to want that."
"Engaging your mind in proactive and positive visualization at a conscious and subconscious level is a foundation of playing great golf and continual improvement."
"It's always going to be the same kick, do the same routine that sets your mind, sets your focus."
"Commentary driving is the best training to prepare your mind to pass the driving test."
"Confidence needs to be built through seeing yourself succeed."
"Visualization is so important, I think it's underestimated the power of visualization."
"Planning, preparation, practice - that's where the hard work will come through, being more mentally focused and wanting to work together."
"You have to intentionally build the committee of the mind for managing uncertainty."
"They have to be ready to play mentally because they're going to have a physical football game."
"Tonight we aim to learn how Alex trains his body, his craft, and maybe most importantly, his mind."
"Everything now is in his head. You can train as much as finishing you will in training, now you have to sort out your head."
"The right beginning and first essential is a definite mental plan on which to build."
"They've found in studies that mentally preparing for something equally to how challenging it will be helps you achieve it."
"Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
"I felt fresh, I felt alive, I felt ready."
"To win it in your mind first by getting extraordinarily clear vision of what victory looks like."
"You've got a negotiation with another person, but you're negotiating with yourself to maintain your poise and your awareness."
"It's all mental. I'm trusting you guys. Study, study, study. Get on the tape."
"I'm trying to be better mentally prepared than I was before."
"To go through the process and to get in that mental place where you're going to be successful and do it long term and adhere to it, that's a whole other thing."
"Through this whole journey, you have to trust in the process, solving boxes, taking good notes, dealing with the mental side of the exam."
"I visualized every single morning, every night when I went to bed, I didn't know the weights I was going to have to lift, but I went to bed thinking about myself locking out the deadlift, thinking about myself like standing up at the squat and what it was going to feel like."