
Pro-life Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"Conservatives choose life. And when you really think about it, this is a fundamental pillar of conservatism."
"You're here today because your mother chose life as well."
"To be pro-life is to recognize the inherent value of every human being regardless of their stage of development."
"You need to protect the weak; you need to protect those who can't protect themselves. And nobody would fit that category more than a baby in the womb whose mother is seeking to have a doctor chop her up into pieces. Let's call it what it is."
"The moment she hears her baby's heartbeat, the odds of her choosing life double."
"No one has a right to choose this; that's a baby. You don't get to kill it just because it's convenient to you."
"To them, it's about protecting pregnancy, about protecting fetal life, about protecting the most vulnerable life in the world."
"I thank God for my Down syndrome so I can be an advocate on behalf of Down syndrome people everywhere who do not want to be killed in the womb."
"Human life must always be defended from its beginning in the womb and must be recognized as a gift of God that guarantees the future of humanity."
"It's not going to be political... This talk is why the church is pro-life, way ahead of any political party or politician."
"Life is sacred from conception to natural death. We've got to speak for those children that are slaughtered before they ever get a voice."
"Eugenics is the opposite of the pro-life ideology."
"I consider myself a pro-life libertarian and I believe that all humans deserve the same equal protections, equal rights, equal liberty."
"If one baby is saved from this, if one mom chooses to keep her baby from it, then it's all worth it."
"Virgin of Guadalupe, patroness of unborn children, we implore your intercession for every child at risk of abortion."
"May we pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe for healing of our land and the forgiveness of sins, especially those against human life."
"How can you be pro-life and pro-choice? I support four choices: contraception, abstinence, motherhood, adoption."
"Pro-lifers want adoption to be easier...a common point that we could all agree on."
"I'm always going to lean conservative, I'm always going to lean towards the side that respects life, that honors life."
"Life begins at conception and God is the only one who gives life."
"Life begins at existence. That's what we should be saying from now on."
"Relying on the Supreme Court to protect all your hopes and dreams when it comes to the pro-life position is a fool's errand."
"Life begins at conception; God says that life begins at conception."
"Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life."
"Human life is precious. You simply cannot defer protecting the lives of unborn children because of cost." - Ben Shapiro
"The whole reason why pro-lifers care about the unborn is that we draw no moral distinction between them and born."
"Trump's Retreat on the right to life is a slap in the face to the millions of pro-life Americans."
"Pro-life means the right to life it doesn't mean the right to force someone else at gunpoint to pay for services that you want."
"Our work as a pro-life movement is far from over."
"I just wanted to put out an extremely pro-life message because in today's landscape it seems like everything that we are hearing is about women needing to be selfish... family is aspirational, you are aspirational, you are enough."
"I stand behind life because I know that every life is a gift from God, life is sacred, life is beautiful." - Pro-life advocate in Poland
"Every child born and unborn is made in the holy image of God."
"Republicans believe that every child born and unborn is made in the holy image of God."
"I am pro-life because I believe that every life is worthy of protection of our laws."
"We will defend the dignity of work and the sanctity of life."
"There is no such thing as being pro-life while supporting laws that let children be shot."
"My position on abortion is clear: I am pro-life with exceptions for life of the mother."
"I believe that life begins at conception. Your body is your choice, and you make a decision before conception happens."
"Nearly 100,000 Pro-lifers descend on Washington DC for the 47th annual March for Life."
"You cannot say you are pro-life when you vote against prenatal care for the mother."
"If you're pro-life, you're standing there with black folks when their kids are killed by cops."
"That record on pro-life speaks very well of his character, and I think he deserves a lot of credit for it."
"You can't be pro-woman if you're not pro-women in the womb."
"This is a sad day for the country in my view. How can a decision such as this, which will literally save the life of millions of innocent babies, be a step backward?"
"We must have a biblical theology of life... it is obvious that Christians cannot have any other view on this issue than that which is biblical."
"In the midst of all this Darkness, there is a light that shines, and that is pre-born."
"A baby in the womb is in fact a baby in the womb."
"Pro-life people are in a strong position to make a deal."
"All life is valuable. All life is valuable the moment of conception is value."
"People claim to be pro-life but against maternity leave for men, let alone women. Proves they never really cared about the child, only control."
"There is no such thing as an unwanted child; somebody out there wants your child."
"The pro-life March is one of the great events that happens every year."
"There are countless babies alive today thanks to this historic victory."
"We were known as those who defended the unborn."
"There is no such thing as an unwanted child."
"The baby has a right to life, and that right is not taken away by the fact that he's the product of rape."
"Pro-life people have thought through the consequences."
"Even if it's true that pro-lifers are a bunch of cruel callous scumbags... that doesn't make the pro-lifers wrong about what they're saying, right?"
"Life begins at conception... it's a Slaughter in our country."
"You have to think that the approach that we have here is that both lives matter in this situation."
"Both lives matter: the government is protecting unborn children and supporting and encouraging others to support the woman and the child."
"It's not the baby's fault... what happened happened."
"Protecting the children... whether it be in the womb or out of the womb, turns out we really like protecting children."
"I advocate for pro-life laws, there's not one pro-life law that says if a woman has a natural miscarriage, um, that is considered an abortion, a direct abortion."
"No matter the past, a pro-life candidate beats a radical pro-abortion politician any day."
"We should fight for all lives, even unborn lives."
"Life begins at conception and the child in the womb deserves protection."
"Every life has meaning and is worth protecting."
"Pro-life at the beginning, aborting human life that is black at the end."
"The pro-life movement is really, really deep in the American tradition."
"For most people who consider themselves pro-life, abortion is abstract. But for me, abortion is real."
"Understanding the value of life inside the womb is critical and important to understanding how to treat life outside the womb. It starts with the mindset while the baby is in the womb."
"No one gets to decide that a child's life isn't worth living because of the circumstances that it's born into. Every child's life is worth saving."
"Unintentionally, this is one of the most pro-life movies ever."
"A fertilized egg is human life, it's living and it's human."
"Roe v Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life."
"The baby is not a parasite, the baby is a human life."
"Human life begins at conception and to terminate that would be murder."
"I believe in a culture of life where everybody counts."
"Babies in the womb have intrinsic value. The difference between us and them is time."
"The unborn child should be protected legally."
"Lots and lots of people profoundly and earnestly disagree with the pro-life side."
"Life is precious and it's worthy of protection."
"There's no denying the potential human life."
"The solution can never be to kill somebody who's innocent."
"People are waking up and saying this is a child."
"Children in utero are living human beings and should have their basic human right to live protected by law."
"President Donald Trump was the most pro-life president in American history and he deserves a lot of credit for them."
"If you're so pro-life, do me a favor: lock arms and block cemeteries. Let's see how committed you are to this idea."
"It's barbaric to think that a child that is being born is not a human being."
"We need to make abortion not just illegal but unthinkable."
"He's pro-life and pro-choice... I put myself in the same category."
"If it's wrong to kill an innocent life, it is wrong to kill that life if it was conceived in rape too."
"At conception, an unborn child is a human being that God is forming."
"Life begins in the womb, life begins at conception."
"I believe that God has a plan to use those that have had abortions, been involved in abortions, both men and women, to bring an army about that can really have a voice against abortion like no other."
"Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception."
"We believe in the dignity of work and in the sanctity of life."
"The womb of the mother should be a sanctuary of hope, not a death chamber."
"Life begins at conception... It's not enough to say abortion is wrong, we must provide a way for women to choose life for their unborn child."
"Former U.S. Senator Zell Miller writes: 'The most poignant sight for me at this year's annual pro-life march and demonstration in Washington DC was the large number of women holding signs saying they regretted their abortions.'"
"Republicans care very much about babies actually."
"Abortion is always wrong so we should fight for mothers, we should care for children."
"But if feminism is pro-life then you've blocked one group of people from choosing whether they want to have abortions or their own family planning."
"Choose life so that your children could live."
"Men should be man enough to do the most pro-life thing possible."
"Republicans are the party of law, order, and life."
"It's a very passionate topic, you know there's the pro-life march in DC and it's enormous they never cover it in the media but it is it is huge."
"The pro-life side is claiming that each and every human being has value simply because of its humanity."
"The unborn are human from the earliest stages of development."
"I am pro-life because it's wrong to intentionally kill innocent human beings."
"Donald Trump has done more to advance the pro-life movement than any other president."
"We're not pro-life just in the womb, it's for the whole life."
"It's a miracle. Millions of babies now will be given the chance at life!"
"I absolutely love this coffee company because it's run by Christians who give 10% of all their profits to pro-life Pregnancy Resource Centers all across the nation."
"But I am very respectful and I admire the people on the pro-life side."
"Life begins at conception. The act of taking a human life is murder, and that is a taboo."
"Abortion is morally wrong against God and against humanity."
"7 weeks coffee donates 10% of every sale to pro-life Pregnancy Care Centers, and this is upwards of 50% of their profit."
"...it's so pivotal, so transformative, and as Sisters of Life, this is the charism that we proclaim: that every human life is sacred."
"Prolife conservatives are obsessed with a fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing."
"Pro-lifers are coming along and saying stop cutting up your children. This is horrific. I can't believe we are having a discussion about this."
"We Pro-lifers really believe we really know that babies inside the womb are people."
"Whenever we say no to one thing like abortion, we want to say yes to something else. We want to be supportive of the whole family. That's what Pro-life is about."
"It isn't a fetus in your womb, it's a person."
"So one reason she's pro-life is because her dad, he worked at NASA. He worked long hours at NASA. They went to a government school, but when he wasn't working, he would go and give pro-life talks, even if there were only like four people that showed up."
"When a mom hears her baby's heartbeat, she will choose life."
"I would rather be broke and our nation be bankrupt and abortion be over like if I could make that trade right now and Usher in the Great Depression to save babies I'd do it on a heartbeat."
"Pro-life people are, to me, the correct people, bro. You think pro-life is correct? Yes, it is, bro. It's correct."
"I am pro-life because I cherish life, everyone sees that I am trying to spread hate but I am so confused by that because I am trying to spread love."
"It is always the kids and so I think that the pro-life world has done a very good job of properly centering the conversation around the child the rights of the child."
"When people tell you that pro-life stands against pro-choice, that's wrong grammatically and logically. The opposite of pro-life is pro-death. Pro-life is pro-choice because God said, 'Choose life.'"
"We stand by what we said in the documentary. We Stand by God created man and woman. We believe that life is uh valuable in the womb where we are strongly pro-life."
"The more that people learn, the more that people see the truth for what it is, and we can change this. We can make this country pro-life."
"Abortion is a vicious attack on the weakest and most helpless form of human life."
"The fight for life is just beginning. We believe all life is beautiful."
"Protecting life is pro-life, whether in the womb or afterwards."
"We cannot surrender the pro-life movement, no matter what. We must work to restore the legal protection every human being deserves."
"You cannot be pro-life unless you believe abortion should generally be illegal."
"Every life is America's prolife baby Product Company."
"Right now is a chance to show how pro-life you are by taking your actions to help people who are close to death anyway."
"If you claim to be pro-life and what some old white men know about, they ain't seen sex in 30 years trying to tell a woman what to do with her body, you don't have the right to do that."
"When you hold one of these babies in your arms that's been saved from death because you went to an abortion mill to preach the gospel and to love these women, it fundamentally changes you."
"Jesus says, greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. If we love our preborn neighbors, then what are we doing to stop it?"
"Hundreds of thousands of babies have been saved through ultrasound when you go into a pre-born center. That mother is going to get to hear the heartbeat of her child, and that becomes a divine encounter."
"Pro-life isn't a conservative word. It's just about the truth."
"The hard thing is that many who consider themselves pro-life have refused to extend their own logic to the huge moral crisis posed by IVF procedures."
"The pro-life movement... they weren't prepared for what would happen when they actually got it."
"For these people who are pro-life, which is a complete lie, but anti-abortion, if that's the case, why are there any orphanages operable?"
"I've saved 58 black babies to this day from abortion. They are all my god babies."
"If you're expecting a child, I urge you to choose life."
"If you don't like abortion if you're pro-life and you want to reduce the number of abortions out there you should be supporting birth control."
"I cannot abort my child. I will never do that."
"if you care about human life it matters. this is a life issue."
"We pray for a pro-life president as soon as possible. Amen."
"The first time that I was attracted to Trent was probably when I heard him speak about pro-life issues."
"You were like, 'He's pro-life, that's hot.' He is pro-life!"
"Now we don't believe in the pro-life movement that women should be forced to become mothers. It's very simple, right?"
"So much of the pro-life message today is about service and love."
"It's such an honor to speak for the unborn and do this work."
"I don't believe in... criminalizing women at all. I do believe that it's a life and that we should protect that life. So I full wholeheartedly agree with Felipe."
"I just wanted to splurge on a $20 Airbnb and it pisses me off because some of you guys claim to be pro-life. If you truly gave a [ __ ] about saving people, well, maybe end your Bali trip and donate to any one of these spot funds instead of UNICEF."
"The goal is not to protect women, the goal is not to protect children. I've shown time and again in my videos that their policies actively hurt living breathing fully born children."
"Sure, you care about the baby until it's born, but seriously, the rest of this is not pro-life at all."
"If someone just put it that way, 'Well, you're not truly pro-life unless you agree with my politics,' people say, 'Well, I am pro-life but I have different politics than you.'"
"Pro-life should be all lives. The life of the unborn child in the womb, the life of the refugee or migrant at the border, the life of the inmate on death row, they're all sacred, they're all inviolable."
"I saw this pro-life billboard on the side of the road right? It had a picture of a baby on it right and it said, 'This baby would have cured cancer but someone aborted it.'"
"As a tribute to your husband, your marriage, the work that live action does... if we want a society that truly values innocent human life and wants to protect it and wants it to flourish, then it begins at its most vulnerable stage."
"We are all for God, so we are pro-choice, God's choice!"
"If we as a church are going to be able to move forward in actually being a productive advocate for pro-life causes across the Spectrum in the United States of America in the 21st century we have to be able to not tear ourselves apart in the process."
"Our enduring commitment to life will always prevail."
"The pro-life movement brought me into the church; it's not political, it is spiritual."
"Christian conservatives are pro-life all the way up to the birth of the child; after that, you're on your own."
"The pro-life view that undergirds everything the pro-life movement is doing is ultimately all-inclusive; it's a human rights movement."
"We need to be better equipped to better represent what it means to be pro-life, to be patient, to be kind."
"Speaking the truth in love is a hallmark of the pro-life movement."
"Human life begins at conception and is sacred right to the last moments of natural life."
"The right to life has been vindicated. The voiceless will finally have a voice."
"We've seen a huge uptick in violence against pro-life facilities, not just abortion clinics and so forth."
"If America was authentically pro-life, then they would immediately abolish the death penalty."
"Not just pro-life but it's pro-love."
"Unborn children are members of the human family that deserve to be protected."
"God cares about The Unborn Child."
"The pro-life Community is adopting and fostering and serving."
"Say no to drugs, say yes to life."
"We're not just pro-life in the abstract sense; we're pro-life in the sense of each and every individual life actually mattering."
"I don't believe in abortion. I'll raise this child on my own."
"Do we reclaim a legacy of a really holistic sense of being pro-life that includes caring for vulnerable people in our community?"
"What are the theological foundations for the political positions that we have held? If they're not tenable, what would it look like to be sustainably and holistically pro-life?"
"The idea of pro-life has to be from womb to tomb."
"He is infinitely in every dimension pro-life, his pro-life love, his life, and he is for life."
"A pro-life culture means that we have to support women and hold men as much responsible for the life that they create."
"Every single human embryo is indeed a human being worthy of our protection."
"We're the pro-life party, but we better be pro-life the whole life."