
Reboot Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"Afterwards, the MCU will be rebooted into a much less complex reality where the Fantastic 4, The Avengers, and the X-Men have always existed in the same universe."
"The amazing Spider-Man reboots not only Spider-Man but gives Peter Parker a brand new persona, an updated version of Spider-Man."
"Mornings are a very personal thing... We are essentially rebooting the brain OS when we wake up in the morning."
"Reboot was a technological milestone when it debuted in 1994."
"To me, it comes down to the simple fact of storytelling. If you tell a good story, they will come."
"The new doom is not a sequel; it's one of the most devotional reboots ever seen."
"Rebooting doom isn't a checklist kind of affair; it's about recapturing the feeling it gave people."
"As far as reboots go, I think Aladdin is best."
"Our vision for Halo Infinite was a spiritual reboot that makes a ton of sense, to create a story and experience that's inviting to new players."
"After the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot failed to launch a new film series in its own right it seemed like the beloved supernatural comedy franchise might never hit the big screen again."
"Intriguing hybrid of both sequel and reboot."
"Our favorite definitely has to be the awesome animation and rebooted backstory of Broly."
"Microsoft Studio behind Halo faces a reboot on years of turmoil."
"It's like you're mentioning like the Halloween reboot John Carpenter's saying we're going back to basics."
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Revival, not a reboot."
"Reboot Mass Effect in a way you can still pay homage."
"The new 52 was intended to be a big reset button that would allow existing readers to see new stories and be a good jumping on point for new readers."
"The game is not a remake, it is a soft reboot made so it can be someone's first Silent Hill game."
"You must reboot Batman if you're gonna have Batman there."
"APB Reloaded really is just a whole new game. It's just a whole new APB."
"The Suicide Squad truly is the Suicide Squad movie that Warner Brothers should have put out first."
"It actually serves as a sort of requel to the original 1931 Dracula!"
"Man of Steel was released in June 2013 and everyone was eager to see what this new Superman Universe would be like. It was a massive success bringing in $668 million."
"The simplest way I could describe the reboot is that it's one of the most mixed bags I've ever played."
"Transformers Rise of the Beast and Bumblebee are in fact a reboot."
"In essence, Capel's statement here implies that Rise of the Beast is a reboot."
"I honestly was pleasantly surprised. Nowadays it's pretty rare when a reboot is not awful."
"A triumph as far as reboots and adaptations are concerned."
"Season eight was something of a soft reboot."
"Cosmos is a reboot, Carl Sagan did the original."
"It's a pretty big flag that it's time for you to reset your shared cinematics."
"The reboot, which I'll refer to here as Ghostbusters 2016, is a failure."
"I love this. This is, to me, how you reboot something."
"This is how you do the reboot of a lifetime."
"Final Fantasy 11 reboot: an effort to effectively deliver a complete Final Fantasy XI experience for mobile gamers."
"If they redid Bleach from the beginning... oh my god."
"Magnus reboots: the robot has officially rebooted."
"It would be a cool sequel like Tron but I think going that step further and like just doing a complete reboot is a pretty good idea."
"A reboot generally takes an existing franchise's story or gameplay and repurposes it into a new experience."
"You're a series Harry a Harry Potter reboot series and this would be for good or for ill monumental."
"A new 10-year plan and the beginning of an all-new DC Cinematic Universe."
"Energy does not die; energy just reboots itself and reboots itself, so we are eternal."
"I seriously hope she gets rebooted in the new X-Men universe."
"Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow is the perfect Supergirl movie to go after a universe reset."
"Halloween four, the return of Michael Myers, is in actual fact a textbook franchise reboot."
"Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a 2018 animated TV series that reimagines the classic TMNT characters with new designs and personalities."
"The 2012 Nickelodeon TMNT series was a well-received reboot of the franchise, bringing fresh energy to the series."
"Sometimes I just need to turn off and on again."
"I think we need a reboot big time."
"Restarting technology in general solves a lot of problems."
"Jane Silent Bob reboot is meant to poke fun at the constant barrage of reboots that Hollywood throws at movie going audiences while also acting as a soft reboot of Jane Silent Bob's Strike Back."
"Decades later in 2014, The Flash finally returned to television, this time rebooted for the New Millennium."
"Elizabeth Banks brings us the hotly-anticipated Charlie's Angels reboot."
"That's what we do in Hollywood now, we reboot everything, right?"
"What better place to begin anew than the very start of the Silver Age and the rebirth of the Flash."
"Pluto really is the perfect reboot."
"Now, they have rebooted this." "Would you ever reboot 'RoboCop'? No." "What if they gonna write you a check? You didn't even ask how much!"
"They can reboot the universe while not disregarding everything."
"Shen Ultraman is a reboot accessible and satisfying for veterans and newcomers alike."
"A new hope for the Planet of the Apes."
"One of the very best franchise reboots out there."
"...I really hope this gets a reboot or a TV show or something because this is Game of Thrones season eight levels of disappointment and I'd really hate for this to be all that fans of the books are left with."
"This ain't your grandparents Scooby-Doo, this is New Scooby-Doo."
"The worst you can do to a reboot is make it too trendy. What was trendy then is now a punchline to us today."
"I need you guys to bring back and just a hard reset type thing Little Big Planet. Just call it Little Big Planet. Little Big Planet 2 was a top five game of all time to me."
"Usually with reboots, everything is started from scratch, but instead of doing that, Monster High sort of blended the fiction of its Generation 1 characters with their Generation 2 characters."
"If you wanted to reboot a failed property, kickstart a franchise or revamp a series to appeal to an older audience, give it The Dark Knight Treatment."
"The soft reboot would focus on making the show more overtly educational."
"This is a new starting point for Superman."
"I suspect this was Rice's way of soft rebooting the franchise by switching POV characters."
"a more than serviceable and fine reboot of the classic character"
"I would probably reboot the DC Cinematic Universe if it were up to me."
"I think the greatest thing that could happen to the Republican party is that they're gonna get spanked in this election, and I think they're gonna have to reboot."
"This reboot is everything you would want it to be. It's funny, it's creative, it's modern, it's retro, it's classic, it's new, it has great animation with charming characters."
"If you want to see how to do a reboot right, go over to Disney XD's YouTube right now and watch DuckTales. Woo-friggin'-hoo."
"The original Dread...they've respected it, but they went let's...this is like the reboot, right that's actually better than the original."
"Marvel needs to reboot because things aren't working and it does seem like there were a lot of problems on the inside."
"Henry will not be playing Superman and I think this is also an indication that all of the DC characters are going to be hitting some type of reboot."
"We've seen all the characters now everybody who loved the originals is back and everybody who's new to it has sort of been brought up to speed with the thing that's with the old which is sort of a soft reboot and a new story but also an old story."
"Charlie's Angels is right for reboot today, not now."
"Successful reboots drill down to what the core of the character is."
"This for us is a bit of a reboot. You know we were very happy and this is we're finding this is another way to be happy together."
"Sonic needs a soft reboot where they re-establish the characters, their personalities, and backstories, and especially the world they live in."
"Since the anime didn't follow the manga ending fans were itching for a reboot, and lucky for them, Netflix made it come true."
"...but also like because it's so relevant forever like number one it stays around like just the original sticks around but number two like it it tricks you into thinking that it's ripe for a reboot because it's still relevant..."
"If you're gonna wipe the slate, if you're gonna get rid of Henry Cavill, get rid of all of them."
"James Gunn is doing the hard reset, nobody's [ __ ] coming back, not a single person."
"A great reboot to the Rocky franchise."
"Winx was never perfect and with a hard reboot on the horizon there's a lot to be said about what should be done differently and what should be kept as it is."
"The first issue of The Dark Knight Returns was primarily used to re-establish an older more violent Batman."
"Shin Godzilla: ... this movie is incredible, it's a perfect reboot, just beautiful."
"This kind of feels like a semi-soft reboot."
"...but it does reboot a little bit or give the DC Universe a new era because this is the end of the rebirth era..."
"It's powered on but offline. A quick reboot and everything would come right back up as usual with no lingering issues."
"Barry Allen wakes up in a world where people that he thought were dead are still alive, and this is the event that once again reboots the DC Universe to a new status quo."
"That's a reboot that I'm like yeah sure, started here first."
"By the mid-80s DC would reboot its entire universe with crisis and infinite Earths."
"This can be read as a brand new jumping on point for the character of Spider-Man."
"His greatest failure was perhaps something entirely out of his control: his reboot."
"Girlfriends does not need a reboot. Just leave it alone."
"Let me know what you think, let me know what you would do if you were in charge of a Monster High reboot."
"The fact that the reboot is still getting some love and not only that by having a tie in with the literal number one video game in the entire world is pretty astonishing to see."
"...this franchise needed to start over in a big way."
"I think people felt that Dragonlance needed a reboot, and that's where the fifth age comes in."
"If they didn't redo pilots we would not have Crazy Ex-Girlfriend."
"Reboot will instantly reboot no matter where you are inside your OS and allow you to get back super quick."
"It is a signal that they are starting from a very healthy point with this reboot."
"It's rumored to be yet another full-on reboot for the series."
"In an ideal world, Marvel should've rebooted with Secret Wars."
"Astro Boy was so popular that it actually got multiple reboots over the years."
"Everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you."
"Gridman would receive a full intellectual property relaunch under the title of the Gridman Universe."
"They gave us the honest to goodness genuine article pressure cooker reboot that we had asked for."
"Rebooting the entire idea of the Buzz Lightyear origin story in a way that feels a lot more epic, grand, and well-official."
"Whitaker reboots up like a like I don't even know how to describe it he reboots up like a robot like just absolutely resetting himself..."
"This game was essentially an entire overhaul of Mortal Kombat as a series so far it brought the series into a full New Era."
"It rebooted the whole superhero movie."
"I think it's just time we all admit Terminator needs a reboot."
"Here's something we're not anticipating a terrible reboot ET film making it culturally relevant again and saving the whole thing that is an interesting quandry plus it up with girly te the lead of the new film"
"A seizure is an activity that takes over your whole brain. It hijacks it and during the period of the seizure and afterwards, your brain has to reboot."
"I kind of rolled my eyes like, 'Oh gee, another prequel sequel spin-off reboot of an existing franchise that absolutely nobody asked for.'"
"This is the best reboot of a movie franchise ever."
"We live in a world where any type of film, video game, or hell even web series can or has been rebooted with a fresh coat of paint and new life breathed into it."
"Peter Parker has to essentially start from scratch."
"Unlike the cold emotionless zombie of the original series, the new Captain Black almost seemed to relish performing gangster-style executions when necessary."
"The Bad News Bears TV show: Not a new story within the established Bad News Bears continuity, but a soft reboot retelling the story in the first film as serialized television."
"Overall Star Trek 2009 is a great way to restart this franchise and while it has issues, it still holds on the original spirit of Star Trek and what it stands for."
"I have no teeth to spill but I have always said that if anybody approached me about doing a reboot I would love to see where karma and Amy and all of them are ten years from where we left off."
"Thundercats got a completely new show, updated the original material with a more mature storyline, and it was awesome."
"We're doing Casino Royale, we're starting again. The conceit of the movie is that we can begin again."
"Every time you do an update to Windows, you're basically forced to reboot."
"And when your updates are complete, I highly recommend you go ahead and reboot."
"I would love a Darkwing Duck reboot."
"It's like rebooting your computer; you clear the clutter out of it temporarily, and for a while, the system works more efficiently."
"For it to be a reboot of something that was so iconic, here we are again kind of establishing a new fan base, and it feels like it's its own thing."
"It's one of the best examples of what people call a soft reboot that I've ever seen."
"The reboot is simply oozing with the big gay energy."
"This is one of the best reboot cartoons I have seen ever."
"Despite its slightly lackluster final season, DuckTales is a gold standard for animated reboots."
"I'm glad they rebooted it because I really enjoy the first movie."
"You can reboot the universe and introduce a new cast that way."
"This film's an example of a reboot done right, made by passionate people who loved the genre."
"Star Trek's resurgence would see it become one of the most sought out properties for a reboot or revival by Paramount."
"It's a semi-reboot that somehow surpasses them all."
"We're starting over with James Gunn."
"In 2011, DC rebooted its entire roster of comic titles in an initiative known as the New 52."
"It's kind of like rebooting the computer. If it's giving you problems, reboot it, terminates any problems."
"This is hands down the most action you are ever going to get out of a Powerpuff Girls 2016 reboot, so enjoy it while you can."
"We're really not remaking something, we're rebooting and reimagining this whole franchise."
"My you've grown, a decent start for a good reboot and a good start for our list."
"Shrek is getting a reboot and the original cast."
"I think the anime would benefit from the Brotherhood treatment where you just reboot it and just follow the manga."
"DC rebirth... take what worked and blend it with the new 52."
"This reboot has so far surpassed my expectations for what I thought Monster High could be."
"This is my kind of reboot for this week, and how I'm getting back into the swing of things, health-style."
"We'll have like a slightly rebooted maybe you know actual Wonder Woman who uses her sword and shield like the first movie."
"Whether the reboot is about women or men, it's still just as enjoyable."
"Now they're rebooting the series with brand new characters and a brand new city for you to explore."
"The current Amazing Spider-Man run is an amazing soft reboot to the character and his history."
"The 2002 He-Man is one of the best reboots of any '80s franchise ever."
"It's like the Batman Begins of Tomb Raider; we're going to give you grittier and more like in... there aren't going to be T-Rexes showing up for no reason."
"So with that being said, the system is now going to reboot, and we're going to be planted at our desktop."
"Crystal Dynamics' 2013 reboot of the legendary adventure franchise introduced a younger, more sympathetic Lara."
"We can reboot the reboot. Oh my goodness, Peridot, you're a genius."
"Transformers... rebooted the Transformers and G.I. Joe comic book universes to great acclaim and good sales."
"I feel like if the reboot were satire, it would work fine, but instead, the show just plays it completely straight."
"The internet reset: Can we just pull out the power cord and restart this whole thing? That's the idea."
"This is the best way to do a reboot because it makes sense."
"Good morning again everybody, sorry about that, but sometimes these reboots are necessary."
"Are you afraid of the dark is getting a reboot."
"This is kind of a soft reboot... it comes off the heels of one of the biggest changes in the whole Spider-Man/Venom mythos."
"Once it's done installing, you should see the TrueNAS success screen, and it will ask you to reboot your server."
"Lizzie McGuire is getting a reboot, very exciting."
"Tom Holland might do a Back to the Future reboot."
"The reboot is good for you; you get that blast of love, you get that blast of nostalgia."
"The new DuckTales is one of the best examples of a reboot done right."
"Reboots have worked. The Christopher Nolan reboot of the Batman franchise was hugely successful."
"It won't be exactly what people are expecting from a traditional reboot, but we'll explain what's going on and how everything's going to change going forward."
"Superman Legacy by James Gunn will be what officially kicks off the new DC Universe."
"This isn't soft reboots or legacy sequels, this is complete franchise reboots."