
Deterrence Quotes

There are 590 quotes

"If anything's going to stop the nuclear guy, it should be nuclear fallout."
"This is deterrence is the fundamental national security framework upon which all post-World War II policy is built."
"The more we celebrate things like that, the more that like Putin goes like if I ever hit that button I'm the [__] that's ruining the party forever and ever and ever."
"Any nation that seeks to engage in a strategic conflict with Russia will not prevail."
"It would be good, speaking about the messages to Putin, to commit not just to 'as long as it takes', but change it to 'victory and whatever it takes'. I think that's a very strong deterring message to Vladimir Putin."
"It is not a bad thing for China to think that the United States might directly involve itself militarily if Taiwan were to be invaded."
"The purpose of sanctions is to create massive pain that stops a madman dictator 100 from invading other countries and causing a world war."
"I like using Jolrael as [a deterrent]: 'If you wrath, I'll turn all your lands into creatures so they all die too.'"
"I believe the Bedrock of our Criminal Justice System remains the same, and it's deterrence and Rehabilitation."
"Name a time in which appeasement against autocratic despots has ever worked. It never works. What you learn is deterrence through strength is the only path forward."
"Mutual assured destruction or MAD...came to be seen as unthinkable."
"My message to Russia's neighbors is this aggression cannot stand. The United States and the world are watching."
"It helps protect people it acts as a deterrent."
"When it comes to deterring or in a worst case scenario winning a large scale fight that's the sort of technological breakthrough that just may make all the difference."
"If you prosecute the crime, you actually do deter people because a lot of people don't want to spend five to twenty years in custody."
"The punishment also furthers basic purposes of criminal punishment: deterrence, incapacity, a just punishment, and rehabilitation."
"The A-10 has proven itself time and again as being really a nightmare to the enemy, just its mere presence alone is enough to keep the enemy at bay."
"It's always been seen as a deterrent, right? The idea of getting a nuclear weapon is just to be a deterrent. It allows you to elevate to the world stage."
"To prevent an accidental war, deter intentional conflict."
"Advanced military technology not only provides an advantage on the battlefield but also significantly enhances strategic deterrence."
"The most compassionate and humane border policy is one that deters people from coming here."
"First and foremost, we want to deter any attackers. We want to show them that the Polish Army is strong and equipped with modern weapons."
"If you cross this line then I'm gonna put a missile through Soleimani's head, which is exactly what he did, which is great because Soleimani is better in a thousand pieces."
"The biggest deterrent of crime is the certainty of getting caught."
"The purposes of general deterrence, denunciation, and just punishment are very important in cases involving sexual offenses against children."
"Aggressive action that establishes deterrence always bears the immediate short-term risk of retaliation, but non-action bears the risk of a completely reshaped world map."
"You need to have that so that the people who are doing the bad thing say you know what maybe I shouldn't do this..."
"Sanctions need to be powerful enough to demonstrate our resolve and the capacity to impose overwhelming costs."
"Does this end up making more nations want to become nuclear armed?"
"War would be devastating, and China would have to know that."
"There is no question that the most important thing we can do with regards to Taiwan is to strengthen their deterrence."
"We must show Putin that he will not be rewarded for this illegal aggression."
"Strength through peace and we have to show a lot of strength so no one no one even comes close to challenging us and if they do challenge us there's going to be severe consequences."
"Something has to be done to show him or future actors considering such a move that it is absolutely unacceptable."
"The United States is unique because if people are armed you just don't mess with people like that."
"There's general confidence that the US force posture, US forward presence, US capabilities are still robust enough to deter."
"If the territorial Integrity of our country is threatened, we will use all the means that we have and I'm not bluffing."
"They will be used for deterring the Russian Fighters and boom and possibly even bombers."
"Our adversaries need to know that we have the will and the capacity to defend ourselves. That is the only way to deter the kind of threat that we see."
"I sure hope they do have the appetite to put him in prison because that will deter tomorrow's wannabe dictator."
"I don't love defense technology because I love war. I love defense technology because it's one of the few things that can actually deter one."
"Deterrence is the foreign policy that works."
"This latest evolution of the very first machine gun has seemingly come to represent what Dr. Gatling desired more than 150 years ago: a weapon so fearsome that it provides a last line of defense for the troops that it serves."
"The prospect of criminal liability might serve as a deterrent."
"Resolve is what matters, because nobody is scared of America's nuclear arsenal if they don't fear its use."
"Every single Mega nut who's thinking... hopefully this makes them think twice."
"We cannot forget about victims there has to be a deterrent if you're going to have laws and we're going to arrest people if there is no deterrent what are we doing."
"What can be done to deter the Deep State's nefarious actions in the future?"
"Indifference is generally a pretty good deterrent. Most people only go where they're celebrated."
"My message to anybody that's out there who's either currently committing the fraud or you're thinking about it: I wouldn't follow you because we're going to get you one way or another..."
"Hey, if you use a nuclear weapon, it's basically a suicide weapon."
"Vigilant oversight by Congress may serve to deter presidential abuses of office."
"The longer you show weakness, display weakness, the more adversaries will think they can do whatever they want and get away with it."
"Our primary role in aviation security is deterrence."
"The most effective security systems stop attacks by the mere threat of consequences rather than through physical screening so maybe airport security works."
"Legal filings like those at issue here should be sanctioned under Rule 11 both to penalize this conduct and deter similar conduct by these lawyers and others."
"If you want to maintain credibility as a player that can deter Wars not just win Wars then we have to take actions that maintain our credibility."
"The results are what's going to inhibit other political actors from behaving that way in the future."
"Our allies and partners are ready to impose severe cost and significant harm on Russia."
"Proving that the Russian model is finite and will implode would scare a lot of other wannabe dictators."
"Having a strong military provides a deterrent against those that may wish us harm."
"If Ukraine give up, who can never stop Putin? Go as far as we allow him to go."
"The best weapon is the weapon that you only have to fire once."
"I hope it's that we, too, have nuclear weapons, and we, too, are ready to defend ourselves, our allies, and our interests."
"If it can help folks understand, if it can deter those that would do us harm, it's a hell of a weapon."
"Demonstrating that you have the potential to use that force is often the thing that's gonna save you."
"It's defined as design features implemented into city or towns which were constructed specifically to deter homeless people from sleeping in those locations."
"The Camden bench was a specifically commissioned piece of concrete designed to deter anti-social behavior."
"It's a line that Japan can easily control and monitor, and it also builds a wall of missiles. Any calculus that China is making on whether or not to invade Taiwan will have to now factor in this wall of missiles ready to roll."
"It's not about locking everybody up, it's about deterring people."
"America needs something like that to scare the crap out of everybody else out there."
"The tanks were also mentioned as a possible deterrent against a springtime Russian onslaught."
"These days any truly determined country, even a very poor one like North Korea, can develop nuclear weapons to deter attacks."
"Any country tempted to attack China and Russia will face overwhelming consequences."
"The system has penalties designed to deter or punish exactly crap like this."
"Even though it was not capable of fully using its main armament, one MiGht say that for the Soviets the MiG-9 became a successful deterrent against the Western countries."
"Nuclear-powered missile submarines became a key part of western and Soviet deterrence."
"It's the possibility of mutual Annihilation that ensures peace."
"Iran is actually putting its cards on the table... it can deter the US in many ways."
"The deterrence effect of an educated populace is extraordinary and necessary."
"Certainly trying to dissuade you from using it."
"Everybody knows that if they fire a nuke at us, we'll nuke them. It's that simple."
"Deterrence is about making a potential adversary understand what's at stake."
"Deterrence by clarity is better than deterrence by ambiguity."
"Tibetan Mastiff: A real pain for any predator to try and take down."
"The ability to assure a capability to deny somebody the benefit of attacking a capability is part of deterrence."
"We need to be committed... to act as a deterrent to others who might be thinking about aggression in the future in Europe and indeed the Indo-Pacific."
"It sent a clear message to other criminal organizations."
"Hopefully, the message will go out loud and clear to other people that the court system will not tolerate this type of crime."
"This is exactly how you respond to Russian threats in blackmail. Do not negotiate, but instead Strike Back."
"We must maintain the mechanisms for deterring potential competitors."
"Nothing concentrates the mind like the prospect of hanging, so obviously the possibility of facing actual jail time may cause people to think twice about whether they want to skip the committee."
"If your goal is to create a weapon so awful no one will risk going to war with you, Project Pluto was probably scary enough."
"We are not just rolling out America's newest strategic bomber, we are ushering in a new age of strategic deterrence."
"We are again making it plain to any potential foe- the risks and costs of aggression far outweigh any conceivable gain."
"Poland is doing its utmost to deter Russia by arming and equipping its armed forces."
"The warning to Russia was clear: if they didn't back down, they risked massive American retaliation."
"The idea of, hey, people here might be carrying, if I try to hurt someone, I'm gonna get likely to have somebody fire back at me."
"Eye contact makes people back off a little bit in a threatening situation."
"You willingly enslaved, destabilized, and manipulated other women... The seriousness of your conduct and the harm that you have wrought dovetails with the need for your sentence to serve as a forceful deterrent."
"Our values tell us one of them is abhorrent and that making it so costly that people don't engage in it is obviously the right thing to do."
"This conduct supports a very substantial punitive damages award in Carol's favor both to punish Trump and to deter him from engaging in further defamation and to deter others from doing the same."
"Here's 20 reasons you shouldn't mess with the USA." - Captions, Start Here.
"The US Navy's four nuclear-powered guided missile submarines from the Ohio class are some of the most powerful, in-demand, and versatile weapons in the world." - Captions, Start Here.
"You deter the ability for one side to create War."
"If Moscow chooses the path of aggression... the response will be swift."
"Roughly 40 B-52H bombers are currently assigned a 'deterrence role.'"
"The ICBM changed the rules of the game forever, ushering in an era of Mutually Assured Destruction."
"Our primary mission was peace through deterrence."
"Continuously happen, it will put off people."
"Russia will threaten escalation to deter us from protecting our own interests, but this is a smart way for the United States to make sure that Putin does not attack our allies."
"The best way to achieve peace is deterrence."
"The death penalty doesn't deter crime. Statistics show that."
"We must defend our airspace, send a strong signal to the CCP that this behavior will not be tolerated."
"Steadfast Defender sends a clear message: NATO is capable."
"The threat of crippling sanctions will deter large-scale military action."
"We maintain the peace through our strength. Weakness only invites aggression."
"If you perpetrate this criminal act, you're going to be punished for it."
"As long as Russia knows that an attack on a NATO Ally will trigger the response from the whole Alliance, they will not attack because we are the strongest alliance in history."
"The presence of Abram's tanks significantly strengthens Ukraine's deterrence capability against further Russian aggression."
"We've already won, but we've got to show people what happens to anyone who tries to rebel."
"We've got to ensure that forces in Europe are of sufficient quantity and quality to deter any Russian designs on the continent."
"I believe we're being warned off. 'Stay away, and don't come back.'"
"Increasing the requirements to play in ranked mode could deter hackers."
"The real issue is that bullies tend to back off when they see determination and resolve against them."
"You're fighting, you're dying so that you can deter China."
"However as of yet nothing has been confirmed to be there to be found meaning the rumors of hauntings in Tumbleweed could just be an attempt by the gangs that occupy it to keep people away."
"It has a dampening effect on the sort of people that would want to come and try to hurt you."
"The real question here I think is what they did will it deter others from coming forward in the future."
"America and the world will not be blackmailed by this ruthless policy." - Prime Minister
"If Russia uses chemical weapons, we'll respond with force."
"Video footage to take to police after the car is keyed is great and all, but it would be much more fun to get footage of someone with an extended key that is scared out of keying the car in the first place."
"We don't need to hurt them, but if we show them that we can easily get into their camp, they'll think twice about crossing our borders again." - Tiger Claw
"No way would Russia have invaded them if Ukraine still had a nuclear deterrent."
"Toughness is the thing that they most fear. That's what they most fear."
"You don't nuke something that you want to occupy; you nuke something that you don't want anybody to be able to occupy."
"The only way to achieve stability in the Galaxy was not by the quantity or quality of your military enforcement but by getting a threat of force so massive that it served as a deterrent for any kind of descent."
"The banner Rhett inspires allies and gives enemies pause."
"Harassers stopped harassing when they feel there are consequences."
"Strength is more likely to deter than weakness."
"Peace through Superior Firepower and that's exactly how it's done."
"An armed population that is trained and proficient to deter a threat."
"Re-establishing deterrence is designed to prevent war."
"The RS-28 Sarmat – eerily dubbed Satan II by some media outlets – is a new ICBM that Putin says should make any other country think twice about positioning itself as an enemy to Russia."
"We have to deter China; we have to convince China not to do it."
"My old man had a philosophy: 'Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.'"
"Let this be an example to any person thinking about doing something so stupid."
"Making yourself look like a harder target goes a long way."
"If you don't look like the weakest link, there's a very good chance they're going to move on to something that is, because they don't want to spend more energy and resources than they have to."
"It's always one guy that makes an example, makes a big deep example, and then people go, 'Well, I will think twice about doing that.'"
"It cost too much to be a criminal."
"The goal of a nuclear arsenal is not just to respond to a nuclear attack but ideally to be able to destroy an enemy's own nuclear arsenal before they have a chance to retaliate."
"Putting orbital weapons in space would simply force other nations to do the same, creating yet another mutually assured destruction scenario."
"If you can do that, the bad guys are more likely to go against an easy target. If you can be a slightly harder target, then the bad guys are more likely to go elsewhere."
"When someone attacks you, your response should be so overwhelming that they are afraid to ever attack you again."
"So for those three suspicious guys in the red car in France on a summer evening in July of 2011, never come back to our town again."
"The United States would only use nuclear weapons if its survival was threatened."
"Nuclear weapons have been a great deterrent."
"President Biden has said the quiet part out loud, and China can expect to face US forces if it attempts to invade Taiwan."
"Wars are prevented by deterrence and military readiness."
"If Putin were to use a tactical Nuclear device in Ukraine and paid no price for that, then the conclusion would be correct that others might think this is a perfectly legitimate way to proceed."
"To deter people that aren't serious about the tattoo, we take an upfront payment as a token of good faith."
"The US Navy silent service is the most critical element of its National Security from maintaining nuclear deterrents to ensuring the good behavior of not so friendly Nations by threatening Swift and overwhelming retaliation."
"may be a fragile hope to rely on but as the factories of the military-industrial complex churn out enough missiles to destroy the world more than 50 times over, what may protect us from oblivion is the sheer madness of their existence"
"We need North Korea to know, if they launch one, we launch one. If they launch two, we launch two."
"An example of these conspirators had to be made."
"A nation with a big bomber force was far less likely to be suddenly attacked by its neighbors."
"...that's why having a strong military budget deters people from attacking you out of fear..."
"...to be prepared to fight and win is the strength that delivers the deterrence needed to prevent the conflict."
"The explosive growth of the Chinese Navy and its technological advancement had made it clear that the Cold War ship-killing mainstay of the US Navy, the Harpoon missile, was no longer a deterrent."
"The issue of restoring deterrence and balance in the relationship, and then having diplomacy and dialogue simultaneous with that."
"It's both at the same time, right? But even for a deterrent to have a deterrent effect, you'd have to, for something to deter you from doing it, there has to be a realistic prospect that it's going to happen to you."
"If they had someone standing here with the lightsaber, I guarantee you they wouldn't have stole the sodas."
"After a long night of asserting dominance, Haruto's threat has kept the Queen at bay for five years."
"I wanted to scare them away somehow."
"To deter: basic word you learn in high school, like to prevent, right?"
"What none of us had predicted was that sinking her would actually discourage the whole of their fleet from ever coming out again seriously."
"... it's lunacy, what you're saying. You're talking about like pure Russian military. It's more action movie than me saying that people, the knowledge that the American people have over 300 million gun possessions, is a deterrent."
"We can reduce the amount of white-collar crime if the penalties for white-collar crime represent actual deterrent penalties."
"They know that they shouldn't mess with you, they don't want to take this chance."
"If dealers think that they can end up doing 30 years in prison for manslaughter for selling these drugs perhaps it will make them think twice."
"The U.S and European reaction to the Russian invasion has sent a clear signal to Putin and other despots."
"Dogs are an awesome security system. If a thief hears a real dog that sounds like it's a pretty Mighty badass dog, they'll go to the next house."
"You are the awake person that the predator sees and says not him not her that person's trouble"
"Thieves want to go for easy targets if your bike is locked up with two locks that are really good and there's a bike next to it that only has one lock that's not very good which one are they gonna steal."
"The sentencing of Delgado sent a strong message to other public officials who may be tempted to prioritize personal gain over the well-being of their community."
"I think it would make a few child molesters think twice before they do anything again."
"If somebody messes with you, you have to make sure they don't mess with you again."
"People have realized that they should not mess with you unless you get even bigger."
"If Trooper Jacobs had had a partner... that would have been a deterrent enough to keep the suspect from shooting."
"Malcolm X provided a very real assessment of the death penalty, suggesting that true deterrence would only come from a system with mandatory death penalties, nearly perfect law enforcement, incorruptible police and judiciary, and strict pardoning policies."
"If you make something riskier for criminals to do, they'll do less of it."
"The biggest way to deter China is by making sure that other countries that have become victims can survive."
"Hopefully that won't happen that we'll have sufficient deterrence here and we'll have sufficient guard rails in place but you wouldn't want to bet the farm on that because it is possible that we will end up in a shooting War."
"Once you let people know that you have a weapon and will defend yourself and your family, they rarely come back."
"Well look, the point of antitheft stuff is not to make it impossible to steal something. It's to deter someone from stealing your stuff."
"I'm not talking about this song. I like this song, but I'm talking about to the [__] that's thinking about doing it. Don't."
"We're going to get American nuclear attack class submarines that can stay on station. And you know what? We'll hunt your submarines down in the shallow waters of your continental plate."
"Whatever it was, it scared us straight."
"Some mixture of deterrence to prevent future Russian aggression against NATO or other European countries combined with some level of post-war engagement."