
Capture Quotes

There are 281 quotes

"Alicia gave a cold look at those Bandits who wished to capture her again."
"It looks like Six might have been captured; Lord knows what happens from here."
"Tex is eventually captured and contained in the meta storage unit."
"People now have the opportunity to actually capture these bizarre and strange phenomena in the sky and post it to social media."
"Passchendaele is finally captured on the 6th of November by then British and Commonwealth casualties totaled 275,000."
"After killing Thora Rose, Vernon Robinson managed to evade capture for almost 30 years."
"Mr. Nichols was able to get away from these officers, and they found him again at another location."
"It's as if the legends returned just so history could be captured properly."
"He manages to escape and eventually he is apprehended."
"He knows how to stop a subject in time and capture the intensity of who they are."
"This staff would basically just let me capture any mob that I want to."
"We got the sea monster, Michael! Alright, let's tie this up and take it back to land."
"We didn't capture G O'Connor unfortunately but it's all good."
"Oh heroic victory it's our very much game and we have also managed to capture one of their leaders."
"I need this talonflame to—okay, you caught it, frick."
"Wouldn't that be wonderful to hand him over on a silver platter?"
"First catch, all right Pangoro, let's be good."
"There is another final theory I want to talk about which is the theory that Amelia and Fred were captured by the Japanese."
"Thanks to the modern smartphone, the amount of unique fantastical and mysterious things humans can capture has gone through the roof."
"We have captured the capital city, they surrendered overnight! Yes, yes, oh yes!"
"The net was finally closing in on Whitey Bulger."
"They got this guy bro, that's a [ __ ] rights."
"It was all about capturing the essence."
"I was obviously delighted to have caught him."
"A real notable special capture to me."
"For 10 years, Bin Laden's capture was of utmost importance to the FBI."
"You must capture the feeling; feeling truly is the secret."
"It's from not having it captured, not having it written down somewhere."
"Ever heard of Special Weapons Division? They saw an opportunity and called me in to do what: catch one of these things and to bring it back alive if possible."
"The FBI's job was to penetrate their defenses and capture the king."
"Irma Grese was captured by the British forces together with her fellow Nazi criminal colleagues such as Josef Kramer, the Commandant of Auschwitz-Birkenau and the last commandant of Bergen Belsen."
"Depending on what I'm trying to capture, there are only a few settings that I'm ever worried about."
"It felt like capturing the chaos."
"I wish I caught your actual reaction on camera."
"...what's heartening is the way the spirit that is behind the physical activities is so well captured."
"Real special capture, that is real special."
"And then the question for Christine here is, how much of this is performance to lure him in for capture, and how much is the fact that the Phantom does have a spell on her."
"We're going to set up some static cameras, fingers crossed that we capture something."
"'Pretty much say his body was heavier and getting fat slowed down her movements so she ended up getting caught.'" (Note: This quote contains a typo, it seems "pretty much say" should be "Prima say.")
"I love it when creators collab with Odin's Eye because I feel like they just capture what they're working on so perfectly."
"If you have the opportunity to take them alive that's what you do um but then we see later on Allan fighting her and drawing blood and that was such a beautiful moment."
"It was a trap to capture the Avatar."
"The dredge could capture only those things that were too slow or stupid to get out of the way."
"Sink C, yes, get a picture of Tommy."
"He caught all the funniest things on camera."
"We really have to capture people's imaginations."
"You're going to be dead in 100 years. Take the picture."
"They do capture those subtle moments in the middle of action too."
"the moment was a sort of Bittersweet I had captured this guy up closer than I ever had before yet it was so brief I barely got to enjoy it"
"'It's so heartbreaking that the only reason that Iguane was captured is because of that heartbeat decision to weave a shield to protect her friends.'"
"It is safe to assume that Michael's crimes would have continued had it not been for his capture. The lens he had already gone to proved he had no limits and knew no bounds, and it is terrifying to think about what could have happened next and to potentially so many more people."
"You can absolutely capture a Pokemon just by throwing a ball, even if it doesn't want to get captured."
"Captain Hook is captured with many other Disney characters by the relatively obscure witch Miserabelle."
"Every capture is really sacred, it needs to be, you know?"
"Sentient foliage have apprehended Cadet Feathering. Featherington, no! They got the rookie."
"Whatever mode you're in, you can just press the red shutter or record button to capture."
"I was captured in November and my family got a notice in about the middle of February."
"Finally three, two, one, say cheese!"
"I must take you alive, but if I slice up a few of your limbs in the process, so be it."
"One of them opens the door slightly and is captured."
"Success! Total success! Hold on. I got him."
"Gold Roger, the so-called King of the Pirates, has been captured. His reign of terror ends this day."
"One of the guys was caught after 50 years on the Run wow."
"I wanted to leave something behind of what I felt about this... to capture something of his personality, his outlandishness."
"One of the greatest American manhunts ended when Bruno Hauptmann was caught."
"Luther and Poe captured Veruca and Klaus."
"We're about to catch your favorite Pokémon Latios. What better time than now?"
"They want to know how did this Negro slip away from our clutches."
"He made some comment about we'd never be able to get him."
"That was a dope moment though and I'm I'm stoked that that was captured."
"I found someone and I'm gonna get them; they're in the back."
"It feels like you've captured the same spirit, same soul and the same personality."
"Are you going to capture one?" Villainia asked playfully.
"He was captured in the invasion and taken to Babylon, which was one of the centers of the Achaemenid Empire, and already at that time, another city with traditions of learning millennia old."
"We want to capture those memories, and now's the time."
"Bill was captured on January 31st 1895. and he still had over a year to live a year that would see the young Bandit stand trial before the notorious hanging Judge Parker."
"There they sit, held like flies in the amber of that moment - Click goes the camera and on goes life."
"No one's gonna take him in alive."
"The record really captures the magic of that night."
"It captures the film wonderfully."
"After 17 years, three deaths, and 23 injuries, the FBI had finally got their man."
"Before his capture, Donner, a gladiator from the arena, still managed to overpower the high-ranking Roman officer."
"Not only was Robert responsible for finally revealing the identity of Cuba's US mole, he was also part of the team that hunted Myers down and eventually caught him in the act."
"He's in the marshlands. I think we got him."
"Dr. Pershing was captured by the New Republic. His research is lost, and he scrambled his brain three Praetorian gods."
"We captured a lot of them when we took Saddam's palace."
"It's a different kind of love than any other love you can see I love to capture that beauty that love."
"Just get a picture. I'm never going to experience this again."
"It smells like they captured a moment or a memory with this fragrance."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him."
"I think both are great, like, I would do either one, but I like film for the reason where I think it's cool to be able to see a character like in a very specific snapshot of time and just trying to capture that perfectly."
"That's a fantastic moment to capture."
"Well, ladies and gents, we got him."
"After being taken into custody, Garver remained on the run for a few days."
"A memory you're not going to want to forget pull out those cell phones take a picture of that score."
"I've caught you, my darlings. Now you won't be able to escape."
"I got one too. I captured me one."
"Grimes takes a risk to try to capture Quinn."
"It's that uniqueness that we want to capture."
"You want to always go away from generic because that's what makes portraiture interesting is you know we're all so very different even though we're similar so it's that uniqueness that we want to capture."
"Do you want him captured or dead?"
"He captured it so wholly and so well. I felt so hopeless in this town and so desperate and he captured that desperation and the many forms that it takes so well."
"It perfectly captures childlike imagination and playfulness."
"Just trying to capture a wholesome moment."
"I was just trying to capture where they were at."
"They were surrounded by German soldiers and taken prisoners of war."
"I shall tempt him with bait he cannot resist. Once I have the Millennium Falcon in hand, Luke Skywalker is as good as ours."
"He was taken and was trying to run."
"Capturing you is the only way to restore my honor."
"They caught him but they couldn't get past him."
"Anytime we were trying to capture the moment right, you always see Joe with the [ __ ] stick and the GoPro tiny little GoPro at the end of the stick."
"It really captures their personality."
"The Dark Angels did not capture any Alpha Legion, so that means they didn't capture any Fallen and so they're like 'all right, well that's that, bye.'"
"After more than four years and 8,000 miles, the FBI finally had suspected terrorist Mir Aimal Kansi in custody."
"The tell-tale clog: Dennis Nilsen's penchant for flushing body parts down the toilet led to his capture."
"We shall lock you in and bring your friends here as soon as we catch them."
"I think you just caught a snapshot there."
"The moments when you don't feel like bringing your camera, bring it."
"Photographs have an extraordinary power to capture the essence of a moment and evoke emotions."
"You guys just captured the zeitgeist, you know what I mean? You captured something that [__] was just happening."
"I used the long extendable net, got the net over top of the Frog, was able to quickly pounce on top of it and get it scooped up."
"we're out here to catch all of it"
"We still have 98% of the world left to capture, 99% of the world left to capture, and get on chain."
"No, I think you guys did a good job at capturing every bit of Ika."
"I'm trying to capture the first essence of it all."
"Let's get the whole place in one shot."
"Captures is when you capture a variable from the scope where the lambda expression is in. So it means the lambda now has state."
"...if you capture something by value, you cannot modify the value of these captured variables inside the lambda. If you capture something by reference, you can."
"...you can capture 'this' and if you capture 'this,' then you get to call members and member functions of that object that you're in."
"It captures everything I would want to describe."
"The capture of Edmund Keer in 1973 marked the beginning of a legal battle that would expose the full extent of his heinous crimes."
"They did such a good job with capturing the tension between them."
"He's so perfectly captured in this Marvel Legend, that's what I love."
"The sense of wonder is captured in that film."
"They inform her that they have finally caught up to her."
"Peter's got something here, he's captured the emotion and the spirit of it."
"Don't play catch and release with your thoughts. Your ideas have value but tend to arrive when you least expect them. But making it a habit to capture and save them, you can allow them to live forever in a trusted system that reflects your goals and interests."
"I did capture a silhouette of it."
"Butterflies are sitting on a tree, let's capture one."
"The capturing of the subject was probably done within 15 minutes, actually the time that I ran into the guard room."
"You've got to both create value and capture it."
"Even the smartest criminals make mistakes and end up getting caught."
"A spine-chilling incident unfolds as Caitlyn, alone at home, captures something eerie on camera."
"Carpis was the last public enemy to be apprehended by Hoover's FBI."
"I finally got my man as a result of just using the media and social media to put pressure on him to just surrender and put this behind him."
"And now we play Queen to e4. This time, this is check, and we can pick up this rook."
"The goal is to capture the scene from different angles."
"He took over a hundred German prisoners."
"We actually have this pretty novel DOM snapshotting model where we are capturing the DOM state of the page."
"He captures that stuff in the rough, like the gestures you want, the body language, the expressions."
"The awakened members of the enemy Guild were captured."
"I'm a journalist, so I decided I can capture this beast with my camera, show people what I saw."
"After 24 years on the lam, Robert Arcieri has been captured."
"It's kind of amazing you just had one camera there and got all of this."
"It's always good to get the fun shot."
"That's what makes it special to me, that it was just a moment, and I captured that moment."
"That misty, ethereal feel is exactly how my camera captured it."
"Photography gave us a way of capturing the world around us."
"You didn't call the police, so you have captured the Green Hornet."
"I just want to capture this family as they are."
"Life is like a camera lens. Focus only on what's important and you will capture it perfectly."
"They really did a good job of capturing that moment in time."
"I love the way he's captured the sunlight on the hedge and this side and the roof and the wall."
"This is the future of capture setups."
"The Philadelphia Zoo posted a one million dollar reward for the creature's capture."
"Triton's alien nature could be due to its capture by Neptune's gravity."
"You only have one moment, one opportunity to capture it."
"I'll be damned, bless my soul," the strangest thing, the South Essex had captured an eagle.
"The ability to capture both raw and jpeg Stills for maximum flexibility and that perfect opportunity to never miss the moment."
"The fugitive managed to avoid capture for seven years, but law enforcement finally caught up with him."
"We want to be able to capture things with as little friction as possible."
"When anything comes up, you capture it into the system."
"Our cameras capture all the action as these cops capture the criminals."
"A fully mature jaguar can capture any crocodilian."
"We want to capture this guy's happiness."
"Photography is all about capturing the moment."
"We finally got her, stupid Miss the Light."
"The leopard, the much famed man-eating leopard of Rudraprayag, was at long last in the gin trap."
"It's a very propitious time for a lot of these technologies, let's just try to capture them as best as possible."
"Let's go, ladies and gentlemen, we got him!"
"Good fight, Captain. You finally caught me."
"I think I really love capturing things to be able to look back on."
"Oakland's notoriously aggressive turkey captured by wildlife expert posing as a frail woman."
"This is time just existing right now, and I want to capture everything."
"You're a fool not to give yourself up, Flint. You'll be caught sooner or later."
"They capture each other's essence flawlessly without effort."
"He didn't make it very far though, as he was caught later that day still in possession of the stolen money."
"Man, when I tell you how relieved I was when they finally captured me, it was like the weight of the world was off my shoulders."
"Anything I saw that was worthy, I was going to do my best to capture."
"They captured the colors here really well."
"Let's do it, 30 incredible moments caught on camera."
"By making the couple feel comfortable, you are helping to create a moment between the two of them that you can capture."
"She managed to evade capture which is really extraordinary."
"The camera guy's got one, ladies and gentlemen."
"James was captured by fishermen on the Isle of Sheppey while attempting to cross the channel and return to London."
"We're capturing a moment in time."
"We're just trying to capture the essence or the flavor or that moment in time."
"It's beautiful, okay, you fell over, did you get it? Yes, you got it!"
"I take pictures because the pictures are able to capture something that I can't put into words."
"Got him, yeah, there he is, there he is."