
Coding Quotes

There are 5585 quotes

"Instead of bouncing around a bunch of YouTube tutorials or a boring old textbook, oh boot, you can just ship code that works."
"It's incredibly useful to at least know the basics of how to code... knowing how to code opens your mind up to potential business ideas."
"I'm going to assume that you know nothing about graphs. But you do know how to code, right."
"Coding, that's a high level skill that will get you a high-paying job right now."
"Have your kids learn coding because if not, they will not know how to read and write in the coming era. They will need to express themselves that way and when you have that and working with the computer, that's the ultimate power."
"You can use code to write a line of code that performs a function, and you can build... ideas using this language."
"You did an awesome job when I'm teaching you on video tutorials, make sure you have your code editor open and you do coding along with me because that will give you effective learning."
"If you're like 18 and you've got like a big interest in coding and you've never really worked on a project before, no, go to college and get the degree."
"AI systems are made up of data and code...by code I mean the model, including the neural network architecture you might choose, does then train on the dataset."
"Learning to code changed my perception of myself from a wisher to a doer. Now I'm empowered to do the things I want, and I don't have to wait for anyone else to do them."
"Code regularly, code every day. You want to get better because just like anything else in life... you're gonna get a lot better than the person who does that once a week."
"Software development is all about solving problems, not writing code."
"I always tell the youngsters who I talk to, get your math right because what you're trying to sort with coding is a math problem."
"When in doubt, code it out. The answers are often found in the process."
"In the world of coding, the most powerful tool is your imagination."
"In coding, sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective."
"Every line of code is a step towards your goal. Keep coding, keep improving."
"A lot of hard work. I mean, that's a lot of people who are engineers who kind of sit around and code and were here because we're trying to help people connect."
"Teaching yourself how to code more than anything is challenging because it requires a ton of willpower and motivation."
"The goal of this talk is to share some techniques for reducing complexity in an ever-growing codebase."
"You can build a stack of layers. You can call things like compile and fit. And that is 100% valid TensorFlow 2.0 code."
"Coding is really character building, since a single error in the code's logic throws the whole code off. It teaches discipline and focus."
"Jupyter Notebooks let you run your code a single line at a time, or altogether. That flexibility makes it easier to understand your code and when things go wrong to troubleshoot it."
"Learning to code has so many benefits. It develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills."
"Coding is an extremely important language of the future. It is a fundamental skill in today's world due to the numerous applications as well as the impact it has on various industries."
"Games like Minecraft prepare you for the future, teaching us how to work together, solve problems, and even write code."
"We believe strongly that coding should be a requirement in the United States for every kid to have before they graduate from K-12."
"I don't think you have to be a super genius to get into coding. Really anyone can do it with an idea and with perseverance."
"Another year has passed, and we have a brand new year to look forward to and a new year for you to grow as a developer and learn more to get where you want to be in your career."
"The most common reason that people want to learn to code is to work for a company. Developers make a pretty good living, and a lot of us are passionate about it, so it's great to be able to go to work every day and do what you love."
"This was a key part of Shannon's Source Coding Theorem."
"Basically, a variable is a way to give a name to a value."
"Good style in code is going to have a few of these characteristics that are pretty easily taught and remembered, but you just have to start to get in the habit of writing code in a certain way."
"You need to tell the compiler to load the library code that someone else wrote so that the compiler knows what printf even is."
"Readability is another one, especially if you're working with multiple developers."
"These three axes, so to speak—correctness, design, and style—are really the overarching goals when writing code."
"But there is indeed a forever block in Scratch, which means do the following, forever."
"When it comes to writing good code, you want it first and foremost to be correct, but also well-designed and also well-styled."
"Open close principle: extensible, closed for modification."
"We've gained insights already about it, just from those couple lines of code."
"I wanted to share with you the story of how I went... from quite literally never having written a line of code in my life to landing a job as a software engineer at Google in just a little over six months."
"I got very hooked into this website called code Wars code Wars is a website that gives you these sort of like coding puzzles and challenges."
"I really attribute a lot of my success during my journey to Google for instance and to learning software engineering to having done so much of this code Wars website."
"The actual coding is mostly Googling, yeah. I don't even know the quadratic equation in normal world."
"This extension adds support for linting debugging formatting unit testing and intellisense."
"Written language is also code, so what is the cost to create software?"
"Coding is all about learning, right? We're always, always learning."
"Code is not the draw, it's never been the draw. It is the product, that impact that I've always been seeking."
"Looking past aesthetic, past the surface level stuff, looking at the code, looking at the choices, looking at the ecosystem of value."
"That's why having a code book is so important because you can get away with some pretty complex ideas using still basically encoded language, right?"
"You can design websites without learning HTML coding, but it's not recommended."
"Aiming for more general and complete concepts actually improves code."
"You don't need to have any sort of experience or knowledge of coding."
"At the end of the day, coding is there to save time, facilitate a process."
"I think you guys should check out Coding Dojo to develop your coding skills."
"About a week ago I decided that the best way to review the new M1 MacBook Pro 14-inch was by coding a project."
"Absolutely terrifying to think that faulty coding can sway an election like that and impact millions of lives."
"Prioritizing readability is a very good thing, making your code readable for someone else is a very good thing and very good for you too."
"All we need to really do is just an if statement, right?"
"Remember, the more you practice, the better you'll be at TypeScript or coding in general."
"Start drawing a line from one particle to another with ctx.moveTo."
"Pop method takes off the end value of the array."
"So probably the first thing that you would do in VS code is go ahead and open a folder."
"Let's say they have something... in JavaScript, you do well in half of the LeetCode questions, you're more prepared for coding interviews."
"When we compile our TypeScript code, it transpiles into JavaScript code that browsers can understand."
"Well, if you run it, and I'm gonna print run it with O zero here just because the code later on that we're gonna look at, it's gonna be that much easier."
"Getting down to three lines of code is not the goal, making it easy to read and understand is."
"You indeed feel that you didn't take a class on C, and you didn't take a class on Python, but you really more generally took a class on programming."
"99% of the time, we're going to use the component class because we want our custom components to extend this component."
"Building an app is not a foreign concept, it's very straightforward on what we want to do and we just need to code it in a certain way."
"For starters, you need to have an ambition to code. I mean if you don't have an ambition to code then you're never going to learn how to actually code."
"Any sufficiently motivated person can learn to code."
"Arduino is a tool that helps you control electronic stuff with code."
"This wrapper will just give you a string representation."
"Making a new object in the database is really easy."
"Take this return value and serialize it using these fields."
"Embracing failure is part of learning how to code."
"It makes it easier to navigate around the codebase."
"Always use meaningful names for your variables."
"Naming conventions: Always use meaningful names for your variables."
"By the end of this section, you will have a deep understanding of these fundamental data types and how to use them to write useful programs."
"Learning to code is one of the best things you can do."
"Being a good coder means being good at learning."
"The best way to learn programming is by doing."
"Develop the real functional skill of being a developer by solving problems with code."
"Learn to be resourceful in finding answers to your coding problems."
"You should fight the temptation to go learn a bunch of other coding languages before you focus on blockchain specific skills."
"It's almost unbelievable that humans created it, but the code types really... it gives you really nuanced information about a person's personality."
"We want to write code that finds these rules for us and improves over time through examples and experience."
"Brilliant's brand new 'Thinking and Code' course helps build a solid foundation for computational problem solving."
"We are literally just taking those equations and converting them into code right now."
"More code means more vulnerabilities, that's just nature of the beast."
"If you want to do a back slash inside you just go back slash text back slash like that."
"Bitcoin is code, code is zeros and ones. Code could be written down, we can create a paper wallet and we could store Bitcoin on code on a piece of paper."
"I sat down to give the trial a whirl and ended up getting halfway through the first course of learning Python without even noticing."
"You can make code changes, and you can see that change actually gets updated immediately."
"Each time I start to code, I just feel joy. Some people are painting. Some people are cooking. I just do Flutter. I'm Fluttering."
"Functions allow us to define a block of code which we can call and execute whenever we want."
"There is another major difference between a regular function like this and an arrow function."
"Coding is not going away, it's just going to change."
"Terraform apply will actually take a look at your code and then figure out the changes that will take place."
"This is correct, it's pretty well styled because everything's nicely indented, it's very readable."
"Rubber duck debugging: sometimes talking it through helps."
"Talking through your problems with code is a wonderfully valuable thing."
"It's just a wonderful compelling habit to get into."
"Good programmers adhere to clean coding practices."
"Stop caring so much about frameworks and start coding."
"Write code in small chunks and check your work as you go."
"Challenges help you take your coding skills to the next level."
"10 vs code extensions that are going to make your life easier as a developer."
"This chunk of code implements our A-star algorithm. It's not very much, but the two crucial parts are whether we're checking if our neighbor is an obstacle and updating the heuristic."
"I want to learn how to code, I feel like it's probably a good skill to have in the 21st century."
"Coding is definitely a useful skill and it can give you some good problem-solving mind frames, but god damn it is it soul-crushing."
"You don't have to know how to code, I'll show you how to drag and drop and use all these different features within this."
"I, for one, believe that some code similar to this flowchart is what gave Game Freak the initial shinies."
"We love helping people do what they love, be that coding, and just live the lifestyle they want instead of slaving away at a job they hate."
"Coding challenges are a great way to improve your skills."
"All these three letters are just like codes, these are like Roman soldiers."
"Coding is changing dramatically. There will be no coder that doesn't use AI as part of their workflow."
"If you really want to make your code fast, it is possible to modify the assembly code by hand."
"Hex codes can be used to create over 16 million different colors."
"Code spends 10x more time being read than being written."
"Everything gets better when the code gets smaller pretty much across the board."
"A minimal thing like that that we all agreed on then everyone could write OS is that rain everyone's software."
"GitHub is awesome and it's my favorite platform for hosting Git projects."
"Love to code, you know, drink beer, code. It's just kind of like the Silicon Valley lifestyle."
"I like to follow the Airbnb style guide, it's basically just a way to write JavaScript in a consistent fashion."
"If you're just getting into this kind of thing, I'd recommend the Airbnb style guide."
"Hopefully you enjoyed this and it helped you out in terms of setting up es lint and prettier."
"We have five exciting days for you guys. We're going to teach you the roadmap to becoming a React developer."
"Coding is really for everyone, it doesn't matter what your age is or what your gender is, you can learn it and you can pick it up."
"Mapping simplifies coding and reduces the need for extensive code."
"HTML: it's a bunch of tags and attributes with values."
"Every little thing on the screen was specifically coded and designed."
"Understanding computer science topics greatly simplifies coding projects."
"It's an engaging way to understand how computer algorithms work, and once you got that down, the coding syntax becomes a lot less intimidating."
"Formally verifiable means that code can essentially be proven mathematically to do what it says on the box."
"Goodwin finds hope that the source code can create alternate realities where she and Stevens saved the world."
"Easily create lists with Emmet's multiplication."
"Set up custom abbreviations for quicker coding."
"We believe coding should be a required language in all schools."
"Style is about aesthetics. Are your variables reasonably named? Is your code well-commented?"
"We're about to start coding the actual round script which will begin the round and then we'll have all that good stuff to count down from 10 minutes."
"Not a lot of code at all and we get this really cool functionality."
"FreeCodeCamp is a nonprofit coding site for those who want to become computer programmers."
"By the end of this video, you will be able to make shapes and colors react to music."
"Coding experiments: you never know what you'll discover!"
"You're saving time while keeping your code quality incredibly high."
"If we want to return the index value of the start of a string, we could do something like print long string find and if the word we're looking for is 'floor', type that in."
"It's always fun to try to break down the code, you know? How can you make two genres work together?"
"I'm gonna be pushing the code for this project up to a github repository so that if you want to fork it you can do that and you can create your own version of this project."
"GitHub is a website where you host all of your Git repositories."
"There is no such thing as cheating when it comes to writing VBA code."
"Copy and paste if it speeds up what you're doing, please do copy and paste lines of code."
"Essentially to get the code up and running... everything's gonna work just fine."
"Testing your code is the most exciting thing to do."
"Smart contracts are a certain execution of agreements okay and this is all done through code."
"Already copilot is making developers 55% faster in coding."
"With co-pilot, you now have an expert available anytime to answer questions about your code base."
"I can code again...the joy of coding is back."
"Visual Studio Code is a kind of light development engine for coding generally."
"Listing directory content: readme, index.html, style.css, Crypt."
"Code can actually inspire students to realize their creative potential."
"Take whatever concepts you're learning and just play with them."
"Because we can communicate it. So it's, one way or another, codified."
"This is just a start because tomorrow on Day Two, what are we doing tomorrow guys? Tomorrow we code!"
"Let's continue on with background color. Alright, so we have border-radius 50% to make it a circle, and then margin-right will be 10 pixels. Let's save that."
"Don't think about how anything makes you look. A dumb question, bad code, focus on solving the problem and how you're going to solve the next one even better."
"A lot of viewers contacted me to say that for them, the iPad-Pi combo was a great gateway into learning more about Linux and coding."
"The workshop allows players to basically code their own game modes."
"Writing code is not just about solving the current problem, but also anticipating future changes."
"You shouldn't write all that code in one file like we have done so far. You should break that code into smaller, more maintainable, and potentially more reusable chunks."
"Scratch behaviors can be created inline in the system overview or the stack."
"The whole purpose of this video is really just to get you excited to code and to work on your own projects."
"I love when I come up with a new idea and I just get super excited about it and I just want to spend the entire weekend coding it."
"You can insert multiple records at once with 'insert many'."
"Breaking boundaries the way you're doing it with the coding is absolutely amazing."
"Let's get started. (SINGING) Coding together. We'll always be best friends forever."
"There's such little time to actually execute your code."
"It's about skills now. It no longer matters where you went to school, what you did. Learn to code and you'll be employed for the rest of your life."
"If you're learning to code and you're not using ChatGPT, you are missing out."
"It knows how to take that exact string of characters and turn it into me talking about the string of characters that your console is encoding. It's just whatever, it's nuts, it's intense." - Andy Johnson
"Do not think about the clean or perfect code. Think about the best solution to the worst problems."
"JavaScript is the best first language you can absolutely wrap your head around."
"Stay educated, stay hydrated, code talk, by the way, and have a good time going forward."
"If you know the code, you can just skip all the minigames."
"Remember that the space is also counted as one character."
"Make the code checkable and then check it whenever you can."
"The only way to write great code is to write a whole bunch of bad code first."
"A glimpse into the behind-the-scenes coding process."
"Coding is the easiest way and the quickest way to financial independence."
"There's much more to building out a successful website or web app than just writing the code."
"I find it rewarding to spend all night programming computers just by myself."
"Good luck with your coding journey! Keep learning and growing."
"Fundamentally, you need to be able to decide what you'd like your software to do and write that down in code—that's your test."
"You're not testing how the code does things, you're testing what the code is meant to do."
"If you can't express that goal for your code, clearly I really don't think that you understand the problem you're working on yet."
"React Native documentation provides code samples and is actually really good."
"You've got to get to the point that you're writing your own code because you will never be a programmer if you're just sitting and copying and pasting other people's code."
"Platform io has a lot of advantages over the arduino ide in terms of writing code."