
Religious Beliefs Quotes

There are 540 quotes

"The struggle to spread Islam is the greatest form of jihad."
"Regardless of what you believe from a religious point of view, the facts are clear that in order for us to feel comfortable and okay in our lifetime, we have to develop some kind of sense of self."
"All the correct way would probably be to ask the other person who has a God belief what they define God as because I don't believe in any of it."
"My next book that I'm going to co-author with my husband is called 'Headship.' It's why God designed there to be headship."
"The sincerity of an employee's stated religious belief is usually not in dispute and is generally presumed or easily established."
"The employer should ordinarily assume that an employee's request for religious accommodation is based on a sincerely held religious belief."
"Jesus is the pivotal point between Christianity and Islam."
"Jesus brought about the plan of mercy and appeased the demands of justice."
"Holiness believes God is one. Holiness believes there is no flesh and blood in heaven. Holiness believes in the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Are these beings the Fallen Angels talked about in The Book of Revelation, extraterrestrial beings in physical form, worshiped, respected, or feared in every culture throughout the world?"
"The wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life."
"The way of holiness, that's what God's way is called. Anything else apart from what God said, I don't care how loyal you are to it, how long you've been in it, how much money you give to support it, if it's not in that book, it's wrong."
"Hell is not a place for anyone to spend eternity."
"Jesus was a student of the Egyptian Mysteries and he taught reincarnation and meditation."
"We're about the gospel. The culture doesn't dictate truth; the gospel dictates truth."
"The whole part about being born again...is the idea that you're eventually going to see the people you love that are no longer here with you."
"Contrition is sorrow of the soul and detestation for the sin committed, together with the resolution not to sin again."
"Marriage as a gift that God has given us to glorify Him."
"God created us in His image and the likeness of God."
"God loves us. God loves every human being. God is love and he made us in His image and likeness." — Father Kelly
"Chick-fil-A has never been quiet about their strict Christian beliefs."
"These ideas and terminologies sound very familiar to Christians and they've really gained a foothold."
"If you mix your faith found from the scriptures with the traditions of men you are a Catholic."
"The way you get good at something is practicing."
"I know he doesn't support abortion as an orthodox Jew. That's, uh, that's, that'll be interesting news for him to learn from AOC who's not Jewish."
"We believe in the Trinity, we believe in the resurrection."
"God's plan for the Christian family: Embrace the blessings of children and allow God's timing for growth."
"Jesus is not who a lot of people have made him out to be... God is love."
"God's going to bring them down and neutralize them, that's going to be critical for the Antichrist."
"Showing up matters, listening and delivering matters."
"The Bible is the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable."
"It's a relationship with Jesus that sets us free from the power of sin."
"The bodily resurrection of Christ is super important in Christian doctrine."
"It's a war between demonic powers and the kingdom of heaven."
"We didn't know what it was until we discovered the Eucharist."
"God made up all the rules; he's probably gonna have different rules."
"Human exceptionism maintains that Adam and Eve are the first human beings and they were miraculous creations and everything that therefore springs forth is excluded from the process of evolution so humanity is excluded from the process."
"God knows how to take care of his children... no one gets away with sin."
"Jesus and his brothers in faith have the same God, implying that Jesus has a God."
"God truly loves us more than anyone in this world."
"Sin takes you away from God, but repentance draws you closer to God - that's learning."
"Islam is a lie. I'm an ex-Muslim. Jesus is the only way."
"The angels of God are God's messengers, enforcers, ministers, and they're heavily used in scripture."
"If you're not in violation of the laws of God, no demon in hell can harm you."
"Gotta get it out your house. All right, here we go. Harry Potter books, they gotta go. Every last one of them."
"The fact that we see these people suggests that many people will be getting saved in the tribulation period."
"Demons have a greater awareness of who Jesus is than we do."
"I thought it was interesting when the Pope came out and said he believed in aliens."
"The greatest lie that has been told is that everyone's belief in God is the same. The lie is that though there are many names and many different ways of worshiping and believing in our gods, we are all worshiping the same God."
"If someone claims to speak in the name of Yahweh and that thing does not come to pass, that person is a false prophet."
"I am NOT going to help Satan kill somebody else cuz I don't agree with that theology."
"Satan is no longer restrained after the Rapture to unleash supernatural signs."
"Many believe the Third Temple is a prerequisite for the Messiah."
"You and I actually believe that the power of God is the gospel and that it can save people, homosexuals included."
"Heaven is gonna be filled with black people heaven is gonna be filled with black people."
"Father, every spirit that has been assigned to physically torment me or whatever, also I bring confusion to that altar. So those spirits turn on the practitioners."
"Many still consider such evil to be the work of the devil."
"Thanks to talking to you all, I've entirely let go of the idea of hell. I don't grapple with the idea of a loving God anymore."
"I truly believe that God has a plan for every one of us even before we are born."
"The only people who should worry and be scared about the Rapture are unbelievers and unfaithful Christians."
"It's not a purely atheist-christian divide, there are Christians who believe in fatalism and predestination."
"Allah subhana WA Ta'ala never other than this prohibits something upon himself for Allah to distance himself from transgression and oppression."
"I demonstrated from the Bible why I believe it's biblical to cooperate with quarantine."
"Calvinists believe Christ is objectively presented in the Eucharist, but not objectively received by unbelievers."
"Challenging the belief in heaven and hell can prompt a reevaluation of one's religious or spiritual worldview."
"The Millennium is a period of 1,000 years that is going to take place in the future."
"Premillennialism believes and teaches that Jesus Christ will physically return to this earth."
"The reign of Jesus Christ will be righteous, glorious, bountiful, gentle, kind, caring, joyful, peaceful, and everlasting."
"No amount of opinions, commentary, or religious doctrine can ever change the word of God." - Unknown
"It's all about the blood of Jesus, forgiveness, cleansing."
"Messianic Judaism is a biblically based movement of people who, as committed Jews, believe in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Jewish Messiah of Israel, of whom the Jewish Law and Prophets spoke."
"If sickness was a curse in the Old Testament, it's a curse today."
"Christians need deliverance from strongholds which are rooted in deception, unbelievers sometimes need deliverance by way of exorcism because of demonic possession."
"Our only allegiance, also unlike Freemasonry, is Jesus Christ and Him alone. The True Light of the World. The One and Only God, the God that is in the Bible and only the Bible, not Lucifer, their light, who they freely clearly worship."
"Everybody's being persuaded and normalizing what is clearly contrary to what the Bible says."
"God loves me enough to tell me no to satanic and evil desires."
"I believe he did have the ability to control demons."
"The Samaritans see those lights that appear now on Gerizim as the angels, the manifestation of light, the angels being the messengers of God that carry the light of God with them."
"For I go to prepare a place for you... I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am, there you may be also."
"God does not do magic, that's witchcraft. God does not participate in that. You understand what I'm saying?"
"Allah forgives everyone except for those with enmity or who associate partners with Him."
"The family, after all, is ordained of God; marriage between man and woman is essential to his eternal plan."
"I'm one of those people that's not tied to any denominational system. I've changed several views throughout life simply because I discovered I'd been wrong."
"Nowadays Bible believers may not be so much different from the worldly churches."
"We must have a biblical theology of life... it is obvious that Christians cannot have any other view on this issue than that which is biblical."
"In Jesus, God became kin to us, experiencing everything, paying the ransom price to buy us back from bondage."
"Jesus is the ultimate ghostbuster, the ultimate demon discarder. Recognize where there is spiritual influence and let the Spirit of God release you from demonic influence."
"God values the posture of your heart over the prosperity of your hand."
"The reason why the black person doesn't believe in same-sex marriage is simply because your great granddad colonized, enslaved his great granddad, taught him the religion of his day which was Christianity, and he hasn't left it, you have."
"Allah's wisdom exceeds our understanding, and His plans surpass our comprehension."
"God is a forgiving god, the pathway to paradise is through asking for forgiveness."
"It's a system that exalts Mary... with pseudo-christianity."
"Satan means adversary. That means he's your enemy. Why would people worship their enemy?"
"If we know anything about Jesus, it's that he was anti-wealth."
"A sinful lifestyle that scripture clearly deems is wrong." - 1 Million Moms
"Unitarian Christians are not believing in the divinity of the son of Jesus in a divine sense."
"While the religious views of Washington and Franklin are clear, those of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson are more complicated."
"Avoiding masks is not in the Bible, but taking care of others is."
"The most wonderful prophecy of all is the doctrine of salvation."
"Not only reveal who they actually were but explain their religious beliefs their technical prowess and indeed how they built them but most importantly for what purpose."
"If you honor God and you obey his Commandments and you do what he tells you to do then even your enemies have to bend the knee."
"Satanists don't believe in a literal Satan. Then what do you call people who do believe in a literal Satan? Christians."
"Christianity is about recognizing your need for a Savior and accepting Jesus on his terms."
"Idolatry messes your life up, but it's also deeply grievous to God."
"God reveals your heart to you, your true heart, you know?"
"It's a greater danger to deny the existence and actions of demonic and evil forces than it is to interact with them and seek to defeat them."
"The last standing institution that holds life Sacred by standing against abortion, birth control, gay marriage, Etc."
"Whenever these characteristics combine in any one person, he will enter Jannah without any prior accountability for evil deeds."
"You are not born this way, and it ain't no place in the bible that says it."
"As we love others, we show that we love God."
"Even things seem dumb on the surface 'cause everything seems dumb if you phrase it the wrong way."
"Love is God and love is not condemning people to hell."
"God is full of compassion, God is light, God is love."
"It is wrong to believe that Metatron is seated beside God."
"For believers, it makes perfect sense that there must be a day of judgment as described in their scriptures."
"It's really important that we believe Adam and Eve. That's right, you get Adam and Eve wrong, you'll misunderstand how the family works, what gender is, where sin came from."
"In Folau’s mind, and those with the same beliefs, this attitude is motivated by love and care for their fellow men, and a desire to see them saved. To each their own."
"That immortality is a reward for faithfulness, we're not born with it."
"Just take it to the cross and let him wash you clean."
"I think all of us are holding out for the Rapture wipes this country out and it's no longer what it used to be when the Lord snatches us off the surface of the Earth in a moment in a twinkling of an eye."
"Our political beliefs are very much tied in with and not that dissimilar with almost religious beliefs."
"Allah intends to lighten your burden from you."
"God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."
"He forgives instantly and cleanses, purifies us."
"These doctrines all bind under the pain of mortal sin, so if you reject them then not only do you commit an act of heresy but it's actually morally sinful."
"Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the end has already started, think higher education is a waste of time, and that the government is part of Satan’s wicked system of things."
"No sickness, no aging. We will all be at the age of 33."
"None of the classical textbooks explicitly state that we believe in the current existence of [Yajuj and Majuj]."
"Allah has catered to all of mankind, from those willing to sacrifice this world for the next, to those just wanting to get by into Jannah."
"This proves once again the truth of the Bible, the truth that the Jewish people were here thousands of years ago in their ancient and ancestral homeland."
"Humility goes before God, God resists the proud and the proud will fall."
"All Souls are Mine, that's right, God just never intended for a man to marry a man, God never intended for a woman to marry a woman, that's right."
"Prophecy is meant to be understood. Prophecy predicts a going back and forth that is different from previous times."
"Bible prophecy predicts an increase of knowledge. Again, this knowledge is going to fall into the same category as travel."
"When people are trying to reach out to various idols, there is a spiritual power overseeing and behind these idols."
"Believing in the Bible makes you a Christian, but reading and understanding the Bible from the first to last page makes you an atheist."
"To eat a pal for food is akin to blasphemy against God."
"To those of you who do believe we don't hate you we just think you're wrong."
"My God is not cool with killing innocent children for divine favors in battle."
"Jews will not believe in Jesus and Muhammad, Christians will not believe in Muhammad, Muslims who believe in all of them, that's that brings all that message together."
"We don't believe Jesus was killed, he was taken up and he will come back."
"I have to become like a child in order to get into the kingdom of heaven."
"People do have control over maintaining or rejecting moral and religious beliefs they learned as a child."
"The main beliefs common to every faith system: belief in the goodness of God and the sacred part of ourselves."
"The Antichrist is real. And lo and behold who will put an end to the Antichrist is Jesus."
"God created gender, God created sexuality, God created uteruses, God created periods. No amount of culture's lies will ever change that."
"We are living for His glory, not the world's acceptance. If others hate or cancel us, so be it. This is what we're here for, to share God's truth with a lost world."
"These brands are Antichrist Brands, part of the spirit of Antichrist."
"Does Allah curse you for simply being bad or for unbelief? That's hugely important."
"Jesus's blood was a perfect bloodline because his father is God."
"Islam is the final religion based on Muhammad's life and sayings, the Sunna, and the Quran."
"Jesus is not just a man. Jesus is God in human form who is the judge of the universe."
"Your heart was separating from your uncle, from your spiritual father, your pastor, and you were moving your treasure, you were moving your heart back into alignment."
"Jesus didn't have to have that stone rolled away to come back from the dead or to get out of that cave because later on post-resurrection he was walking through walls."
"The standard Islamic narrative posits that all the prophets, especially Abraham, lived in Mecca."
"Give according to your heart, no pressure, you should never feel guilty if you didn't pay a tithe."
"Money is something that God deeply cares about."
"If hell is just ceasing to exist, then I would choose hell over the heaven that Christians describe."
"There is nothing more important than the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Salvation."
"The Kennedys were also devout Christians whose church deemed disability the result of sin, a punishment from God."
"Allah mentions qualities of believers and disbelievers. Strive to embody the qualities of believers."
"Yahweh is greater than all, including Yahshua."
"I still pray to Jesus, of course, but I'm starting to learn more and more about him being more of a messenger than instead of a god you know I pray to." - Mister Latoya
"A Lord who does not mock people for their sins on the day of judgment."
"The way we are with people is how we should expect Allah to be with us."
"God's word is truth and the standard of all that is right and wrong."
"Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the powers of this dark world."
"Jehovah's Witnesses choose their own medical treatments."
"Without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sin."
"Realize that Satan's plan has always been trying to mix the holy with the unholy and call it holy."
"Jesus cares about your soul. That's what it's all about."
"Compatibility is key. You may have the same belief in a god, but that don't mean you gel in everything else."
"If you believe the Bible is the authoritative inspired inerrant Word of God then what it says is absolutely true and binding." - John MacArthur
"Alternate explanations like they were created there as fossils when God gave the Earth its history six thousand years ago."
"Jesus didn't just die so that we can live. Jesus became the curse for us."
"I truly believe that there are many prophecies not only in the days of the Messiah that came to pass that most people did not recognize but I believe in this last hour at the birthing of the 20th century there has been so many prophecies."
"Christ's blood transformed our blood system."
"Sin separates us. God says he's going to come, he's going to react to what's been taking place in the world, in your life, maybe in my life."
"God is the only one who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can't decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn't."
"If the Bible is inerrant, then that should include being free of errors."
"Allah's forgiveness is vast and honorable; His mercy is beyond comprehension."
"The disbelievers are those who deny or oppose faith, whether through statements, actions, or beliefs."
"Lucifer convinced many angels to lie, wake up."
"How do we employ and deploy the angelic host that has been made available to us based on the scriptures?"
"Faith worketh by love. What's love got to do, got to do with God? Absolutely everything."
"I'm glad to know there's a free-thinking parent out there who's sparing the child all of this Jesus stuff."
"Why would these disciples hallucinate something that's totally out of accord with their religious tradition?"
"It must be even more difficult for a rich person to go to Christian heaven."
"Sex and love are two different things. Sex comes under fornication, adultery if you are married. Abomination."
"The biggest lie I used to believe was that I had to work for God to love me."
"God is the god of recompense, excellence, healing, and deliverance."
"Everyone's born an atheist. No they're not, they say. Oh really? So you're telling me everybody's born not believing in God, yes exactly."
"Love for music and love for Quran cannot exist in the same heart."
"The reason your son has never finished the Quran is because he was learning, he was playing guitar at the same time, and those two things can't mix in the hearts, they cannot mix in the heart."
"Islam gives you that simple, pure, natural belief: one creator."
"Elune is the central figure of night elven religion... reverence of the moon and connection to nature."
"Lord Vishnu is responsible for the continuation of life."
"The affection for Jesus is supposed to drive out every other worldly affection."
"They want a secular society that doesn't believe in biblical principles."