
Philosophical Question Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"Who's the most tapped into nature? The plant itself, because it's the Earth."
"It's been an age-old question as to why bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people."
"What if we are AI, and whoever created us is watching us?"
"Is that which is good, good because God commands it, or does God command it because it's good?"
"Life is everywhere, and maybe the universe is alive."
"The undefeated streak is over a year after it started, and so is this video. First of all, it's cool to see a women's main event at WrestleMania for the first time."
"If he was God, they wondered, how could he truly be human?"
"Is anyone really beyond redemption? I don't know. I don't think so. But we'll see in time."
"Love, is it the most powerful force in the universe, or is it your family's connection to powerful people?"
"The world doesn't revolve around you, or does it?"
"What does it matter how you define what an artist is?"
"What kind of world do we want to live in at the end of the day?"
"How do you get creativity without having to recreate a duality?"
"Why does an acorn reliably go in a direction? Because there must be an external mind directing it."
"Why do bad things always happen to good people?"
"Is regret truly the thing that can change the nature of a man? Where's the answer?" - Doug Stanhope
"Is our technology greater than our Humanity?"
"What should we encourage or discourage in a society? Just food for thought."
"Is evil caused by the environment or the personalities within it?"
"The next time you look up at the Moon, ask yourself, 'Why?'"
"Does Data have a soul? I don't know that he has. But I've got to give him the freedom to explore that question himself."
"If he's all-powerful, can he make a rock so big he can't lift it?"
"What do people do when they have the power of a god? Or even just a little fraction of it."
"How are you gonna feel when you're looking on the other side of the glass?"
"Unity, are we a human race that can reach unity? I honestly don't know."
"So if we're asking the question, which came first, the chicken or the chicken egg, I'm inclined to say chicken."
"What is more important: the journey or the destination?"
"You gotta ask yourself, is it better to succeed alone or to fail together? Which would that be?"
"Is truth seeking sacred? ... I personally think it is a sacred thing."
"Do you really think we're alone in the universe?"
"Was it the one we needed or the one we deserved?"
"Proof that there is a God... why do terrible things happen to terrible people."
"Wouldn't it be technically okay if we just made everyone happy artificially all the time?"
"What does it mean to say that a man can really be a woman?"
"It's clearly where all life began, so was it the garden of eden?"
"Should Man play God, what consequences shall the world reap for sewing these altered seeds, and when shall the line be drawn?"
"If you ask what is love, you would know exactly what I would first ask you not to hurt me."
"On Callisto, why do people die for fondness? That's your protocol."
"Are we really alone in the universe? Shouldn't there be other intelligent civilizations out there?"
"What is a man that you are mindful of him and a son of man that you care for him?"
"Is it ultimately a good thing, that we have the capacity to attach that much value?"
"If all humans are just nothing more than a bag of atoms, individual A, then why not manage them?"
"What's one life if you have eternity to live in this paradise with your family?"
"How about if we boil it down to that standard question that often gets asked: would you know your death date if you could know now?"
"Can you be a hero in one aspect when you're a villain in all of the others? That's a phenomenal question."
"What exactly is computable and what isn't? I mean?"
"But what of the future? Is there another answer... something perhaps we should strive for going forward?"
"How do you continue to desire that which you already have?" - Esther Perel
"Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?"
"What is happiness anyway? Isn't it up to each person to define?"
"It's either true or not that no one is above the law."
"If there's such an evil malevolent force in the world, why are they still bothering?"
"What is it that runs the first-person perspective?"
"What if we're all just confused because we're in a simulation?"
"How do we make civilization last a million years?"
"Is there still enough light in the world to truly banish this darkness and unseat them?"
"Do you think it's possible that something can be manifested by the human mind?"
"Exploring the question: how far are you willing to go for those you love?"
"A rose without a thorn is it really a rose at all?"
"The idea of owning land is kind of absurd, like who the fuck just decided that a piece of the earth is yours?"
"Is there an inevitability of control to this world that we are creating? That's the real question."
"Love is, you know, if your family's getting attacked, you know, do you use force?"
"The real question is, is a fetus a human being?"
"Does a life have value for its own sake or is that life more or less valuable depending on what it believes?"
"Why even save the world if it doesn't have love in it? Flora heals an aching soul."
"Is it wrong to kill people? Most would agree."
"Is it worse to be prisoner of the moment or is it worse to be a prisoner of faulty logic?"
"Why do we need musicians? Musicians can't build bridges. Musicians don't put people on the moon. What's the point of musicians? Well, I don't know. People like music."
"If I have to ask permission to exercise my right, is it a right anymore? I'm going to have to think that one through."
"If something happens without anybody being there to witness it, did it really happen?"
"How do we shift from success to focusing on greatness? Should we not be aiming for success at all or is that just a natural byproduct of pursuing your greatness?"
"Is the end of life death or the moment that nobody remembers us?"
"Do we have free will? This is a very good question."
"Do we actually want to live in this kind of world?"
"How can you claim that each blind man or each religion only perceives a part of the elephant without claiming for yourself that you can see the whole elephant?"
"Salt is good, but if the salt have lost his saltness, then what?"
"In a very real sense, we are asking for proof of the existence of universal intelligence at all times."
"What will it profit you to get there if you lose them?"
"Are we just the science version of a miracle?"
"Are we alone in the universe? Where is everybody?"
"If humans are valuable because they are made in God's image, can they even have any value without God?"
"At what point is existing for very long periods of time not desirable?"
"All machetes are knives, not all knives are machetes. What makes a sword a sword? The instant when a machete is wielded like a weapon."
"Fear with fear, is it going to solve an issue?"
"I believe God loves everybody and do you also believe God created malaria and Ebola and hurricanes?"
"Do you sometimes feel like we're all living in a computer simulation like the Matrix?"
"If God wanted us to have them, why don't we have them?... It raises a question."
"Are we animals, extraordinary animals, but animals all the same? Or aren't we something more than that?"
"Do you think we're living in the future's version of the 18th century, where we should stop every five minutes and remind ourselves?"
"Who's the Real Monster Here? Food for Thought."
"What is the worth of a single mortal's life? A riddle Paladin."
"If you can't define what you believe in, then what is it that you believe in?"
"Just like to ask a question: What does God need with a starship?"
"We're always answering this question in some way: Where does happiness come from?"
"What is the Matrix?" She tells him the answer is out there, and it will find him if he wants it to.
"Do we believe that we should love our enemies?"
"It's sort of like, do you believe in yesterday? You know, and you're going to say, well yeah, yes, I don't have to believe yesterday, it happened."
"Are birds real? If anything is real, birds are real."
"What is probability physically, where does it come from?"
"Have you ever thought about aliens? I mean, have you ever thought about the possibility that we aren't alone? What if Earth is just one of many planets in the universe, and intelligent life is out there somewhere?"
"Would you rather be happy or would you rather be right? Is ignorance bliss?"
"Does driving my car make me a cyborg? I need to know."
"What's the point of feeling guilty about our past?"
"Are we condemned to forever hold beliefs that... are ultimately just the expressions of our feelings?"
"Intelligence is valuable for survival, but once survival is assured, how does greater intelligence benefit one?"
"What are human rights? What are basic human rights?"
"Do you guys think God stays in heaven because he too is afraid?"
"That is the question at the heart of this paradox."
"The question of whether life exists beyond Earth has fascinated humans for centuries."
"Are any of us truly free if some of us aren't?"
"If thought can corrupt, language cannot also corrupt thought?"
"Ignorance is bliss. But is it best? Inaction is the worst decision."
"If there's no motive, no time frame, and no history, will a thing happen? Most of the time no."
"Imagine a world where death could be cheated. Is it the same? That is up to your philosophy."
"The challenge: Do you believe in the system or do you believe in yourself?"
"What kind of a society do you want? Do we want to be?" - Richard Taylor
"Is God dead," as Nietzsche once declared? Or is there space for a renaissance of religious belief in the modern world?
"Is there more to our universe than we can imagine?"
"Why give me that much power to tell you what your purpose and Destiny is?"
"Love can only be singular? Have you ever seen a teapot with only one teacup?"
"Why on Earth would you think the grass is greener?"
"Why we fight is to ask why the leaves fall. It is in their nature."
"What is time? Do you know that there was a time when time didn't exist?"
"How do we determine who's right? We're both making a claim about what love is."
"We wanted to show how different ways the darkness can influence people, leaving the question of what does wielding the darkness mean."
"If your brain evolved from fish brains, how could you trust your own thoughts?"
"To ask why we fight is to ask why the leafs fall"
"What if there's no such thing as heaven or hell as the way that many people would interpret it, but rather there's a heaven or hell here on Earth?"
"Abortion is a moral question, a philosophical question, and a legal question that does not really depend on what is the change in a fetus from week seven to week eight."
"Do we truly understand the power of the dark side?"
"Does the future already exist?... Anyone could come back to this time period right now knowing everything that happens."
"Can you have sex and still have a clear mind?"
"Why are we unifying through something that has only brought division to the world?"
"You're asking a question that can't be answered."
"What would you be willing to die for? Who are the people, what are the things in your life that you would willingly lay your own life down to preserve?"
"No Man's Sky can help us think through the question of whether or not we are currently living in a simulation."
"Could god have somehow infected us with life and could viruses be a key to understanding how something like this might have happened?"
"What use was honor when all it rewarded you with was suffering?"
"If I doubt my hearing, then I guess I better also doubt what I see."
"How do we know this isn't happening to us already right now? Might we have been in a simulation like that all along?"
"Do you think it's possible to write your wrongs?"
"Do you live to work or work to live? What would you say?"
"Passion is requisite to be successful, but what is passion?"
"Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off. What are you?"
"If you don't have any pain, did you really live?"
"I would say look from a person from a point of view where you do not believe in the concept of god you have a valid question."
"If light is the fastest thing in the universe, how come darkness got there before light? Think about it."
"You can't deny when you ask for something, sometimes it just pops up right in front of you. Is it coincidental? Is it the universe? Is it God? Is it Buddha?"
"Would society treat life and death a little more sacred without the expectation of an afterlife?"
"How does the turtle know if it's in a simulation?"
"Does it mean that you have a higher capacity for being good? Absolutely."
"Does evil truly exist? And if it did, if it looked you in the eyes, would you see a gnarled monstrosity staring back at you, or would it be the face of your smiling neighbor?"
"And what I want us to think about in this message is, can we be sure?"
"Isn't God supposed to be perfect? Buggy whips aren't used anymore because we found a better way to move ourselves from point A to point B."
"What is more likely: accidental design or a mind had to be involved?"
"Morality predate religion? I don't know, you'll have to ask a scientist."
"How is the world real if your eyes aren't real"
"What's water? The other fish had been in this water for so long they didn't even know that they had an advantage of being in the water."
"What's the difference between good and evil? If I were afraid of being laughed at, I wouldn't be standing here."
"If something bad happens to you but something good comes of it, was it really a bad thing?"
"Would you be happy with the life that you've been living? That's the question."
"What is there to be got when an animal is killed? That raises a variety of interesting speculations."
"Men have called me mad, but the question is not yet settled whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence."
"The question is not who I am. The question is who are you?"
"Is that the greatest love? Yeah, I think there might be a greater love."
"Wouldn't humanity everywhere choose always in forevermore peace and light and love over dark and hate and death and war?"
"It's like if you can't comprehend it, can you?"
"What makes us so special that we can't be attacked or we can't go through something like this?"
"What was the use of Honor when he was a corpse?"
"Are people born Wicked or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?"
"If you find yourself struggling with dichotomies, with contradictory information or with mixed messages, I want you to ask yourself the following: What would be so bad if both were true?"
"If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?"
"Are birds free from the chains of the skyway?"
"How does one die of age or of cancer if we are regenerative machines?"
"The body or the soul, what came first? The answer is still debatable."
"All is love' is a solid closure and answers the question Chris had originally asked on their first full-length back in 2010: What is love?"
"The greater question is, which came first, the human or the chicken?"
"The bigger question is why does it matter?"
"Let me ask you a question: if you're at the beach and you watch the waves come into the beach... where's the wave?"
"Freedom is intrinsically good. Or is it really?"
"How can there be such evil in the world?"
"Would you rather have the red pill or the blue pill? Is it better to free your mind or live in blissful ignorance?"
"How do we harmonize the fact that God is good with this idea that how can God be good and then watch people burn and actually torture them throughout all eternity?"
"Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?"
"What is the value of a life? Can it be quantified?"
"Is it then true as the ape said, that thou and Tash are one?"
"But when we say 'Tower of God,' who is the god?"
"Being altruistic makes you feel good, therefore it's not a selfless act, right?"
"...who are we as feeble humans to try to understand the long-term repercussions of our actions decades later, centuries later? It just seems very difficult, right?"
"Nietzsche's puzzle: why have we placed such an inestimable high value on truth when it's not always good for us?"
"But should we then cease to speak about Abraham? I certainly think not."
"If no one's there, does a tree make noise that falls in a forest?"
"What's how do you value life? Who is more important?"
"Why does the moth constantly seek the flame? Surely the moth must be aware of the ultimate consequence."
"What makes a human if a robot can be granted rights but a human cannot?"
"What makes us human: the outward shape of our animal body or something internal and perhaps immaterial like a rational soul or mind?"
"Can God create a rock so heavy that He can't lift it?"
"How can we recover what we have lost without destroying what we love?"
"Tell me about the loneliness of good, human. Is it equal to the loneliness of evil?"
"What is happiness and how do we find it?"