
Narrative Resolution Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Remember, Deadpool 2 ended with Wade using Cable's time travel wristwatch...to prevent the death of Vanessa."
"Bardock greets death with a smile, knowing that though he and his planet are gone, his son lives on."
"It's these small little goodies, these small little tidbits...they would drop these little hints, and then it would all come together and basically answer the questions that we've been dying to get the answers to over the course of the whole story."
"Unrest and resolution...a story is essentially unrest. You have a character who has some sort of emotional or internal unrest...the resolution doesn't necessarily mean they've achieved what they wanted but it means their opportunity to change their life has come to an end."
"The tragedy isn't the end of the story, the resurrection is the end of the story."
"Seeing this, the FBC agents immediately release O’Brian and arrest Lansdale instead."
"Ultimately, N is defeated, and finally addresses the idea that life isn’t about rejecting different ideas, but accepting them."
"What a way to finish off a climactic battle of an arc."
"After all the twists and turns, you arrive at the conclusion to reinstall your arch-nemesis and finally escape to the outside world to reach the ending for you both."
"The ending also addresses themes of redemption and second chances."
"I just want the characters to have a happy ending."
"It's actually quite nice to not see an ending of an entitled parent story where the mum gets arrested or everyone beats her up."
"The death of the black king paves the way for a brighter future, free from the darkness."
"The androids are defeated now; Gohan and Trunks have completed their mission and helped save this timeline."
"In the end, Missourina Falls proves to be a very tightly woven and logical story that has a sensible answer for nearly everything."
"In the end, we got a sappy wholesome ending and a really bittersweet ending for Goldie."
"Her final comeuppance in the Fire Caves is both understated and perfect."
"Theon's sacrifice provides redemption for one of the show's most complicated and long-suffering characters."
"Once you destroy Oblivion Joshua is finally able to rest and Danielle takes over as turoc again."
"What a lovely turnaround and resolution to his story."
"The story as it nears its end also insists upon the necessity of confronting that which terrifies you and poisons you the most voluntarily."
"The scouring of the shire is the penultimate chapter of The Lord of the Rings."
"The Iron Throne dies. That means no more fighting over this throne and no more kings."
"Finding happiness at the end and maybe fighting for what's important to you."
"Returning this blade to you, Shogun Momonosuke."
"Payoff evokes satisfaction by resolving story elements."
"You saved them. You gave them the one thing that was stolen from them. A chance. A chance to learn, to find love, to live."
"For their sacrifices to matter, for their deaths to have meaning, Ellie's Journey needs to end in some kind of success." - Narrator
"'It's made all the difference in the world, Harry. You helped uncover the truth. You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate.'"
"I declare Jedi Master Jaina Solo Fel the winner."
"Not only is the belief that the ending was retconned entirely incorrect, but the ending we got was the only logical conclusion the story could have had."
"The Tara house will one day have a happy ending."
"She was no longer mean, and they lived happily ever after."
"He needs to get there to see how the story should end."
"The world without Titans: Eren actually accomplished his goal."
"It felt very much like the happy ending that they deserved after everything that they went through in the series."
"Her character deserved to live... they earned what she ultimately got to have in the end."
"Can Picard have a happy ending? Does he need to be sacrificed?"
"The reunion between Edgar and his mother was a poignant climax to this extraordinary tale."
"Ichigo proved him wrong even with his eyes closed he believed and he dredged on until he changed the future just by the force of his organic growth."
"And when the children ran in that Garden, they found the giant lying dead under the tree, all covered with white blossoms."
"Remain solves what I've always seemed to be the primary dilemma in sports anime."
"Nino found an actual family member in the end."
"The ending for Joker... well, that went well."
"But the hope at the end of this story is that I've seen you better than you've ever been."
"This is a solid payoff I really like it with the doctor erased and the universe inexplicably restored."
"Sebastian makes it to the mirror and gets out of STEM."
"The cycle will be broken, and the story ends there."
"Just try and push through it, just try because that is the main way that you're gonna get better is, through exposure to the thing."
"Ventus fights Vanitas inside himself and kills Vanitas." - Confronting one's own darkness.
"We need to expose the Mastermind and end this dumb killing game."
"York's the villain, alright guys, I will talk to y'all later."
"The payoff, I promise, it's worth it in the end."
"This resolves one of the most infamous lines in the history of gaming….yeah, through X, the resistance, and Ciel especially, Zero knows that he is fighting for their future."
"It's a great payoff to that ongoing storyline, explaining why Mr. Saxon was so interested in the Doctor and Martha because he's actually one of the Doctor's oldest enemies lurking in the shadows."
"Toji's proud to find out that not only is his son alive, but he took a better name than the discriminating Xenon one. That's enough for him to end the fight by stabbing himself, much like what he did to Gojo."
"Sukuna is the winner without any moments to mourn Gojo's death."
"Superman's morality wins the day, not a quick twist of the neck."
"Voldemort dies in a much better way... a completely ordinary non-remarkable very human death." - Harry Potter vs Lord Voldemort
"The return: the hero retains the wisdom, magic, or force power they've gained on their quest and integrates it into their former life."
"Poor kid just wanted someone to understand him. At least he found that in Paul at the end."
"With the crew restored to the Enterprise and all the lingering plot threads wrapped up in this installment, this was effectively the completion of a multi-part arc."
"It appeared at the very last second when all hope was lost, in a moving climax."
"The Triumph toward the end feels spiritually sound and earned."
"He didn't have to be this big hero towards the end... walks away a genuinely happier, more content soul."
"Hey, at least a corrupted Tibalt gets killed. [Expletive] that guy."
"From an emotional standpoint, it's actually Zuko and Azula."
"With Rattray dead, the Gracefield residents are able to go to the human world at last."
"You're a great detective if it wasn't for you Buster would still be locked up."
"But there is a conclusion. They've met, they've made contact. People say, 'Ah, here we have liberation from the necessity of having a plot.' But as a plot, there's everything."
"Mary Gray finds freedom in the end and has her own life."
"This world line is where the true end of the main plot occurs, dubbed the Stein Gate by Okabe."
"Good stories come from peaks and valleys and relationships that resolve over time."
"He had a fully realized character arc and was given a really satisfying resolution."
"Everything is building towards this thing, and it feels like we've been... it's an earned payoff for all this insanity that we've seen."
"Joseph led Kars to a volcano whereby a mighty enhanced Hamon eruption occurred and Joseph knocked Kars out of Earth's orbit where he would go on to float through the universe for all eternity."