
Surprise Attack Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Suddenly they noticed something pointed was coming out from their shadows, and it turned out to be the sharp attacks from Cleves' tail immersed in Shadow which pierced right through their bodies."
"Using your alt for a quick rotate can catch enemies off guard."
"The eventual attack on Pearl Harbour... was an overwhelming victory."
"The Russian army was dealt an unanticipated setback by the shocking ambush of Ukrainian soldiers."
"The superb operation of the Crimea Fire Group caught the Russian troops off guard."
"The opening bombardment of Omaha Beach caught German Shore batteries in the middle of preparing."
"Invisibility... get them behind an enemy where they're not shields."
"One guy can Mosey on over in a tiny little boat drop some explosive device and that's it and no one will have seen it coming."
"The Battle of the Bulge... the German forces achieved complete surprise on the outnumbered American troops."
"It took the British completely by surprise. What the British had just done to the Italians, Rommel did to the British."
"The only real surprise at this point was the fact that the Japanese hit first and hit Hawaii."
"Honestly, might as well declare a surprise war. War BAM, let's go."
"Nidorino attack suddenly, like all Pokémon in the Nido family. If you're talking to one and let your guard down, he'll pounce on you, bite, trample, scratch, and stab you with his horn."
"Welcome to the Mark of Calth. Logar's surprise assaults began with the simultaneous destruction of the primary orbital defense platform and a scrap code infection of the Kelp Numinus sphere."
"The powerful fighting tank allows the military to make the first strike at their enemies before they can even have a clue of their presence."
"The initial plan for the raid was to take the Branch Davidians by surprise."
"Here we have a classical example of a great surprise attack being brought off by the Zulu impis."
"Master goo killed all the allies of the three Lord shocking not only his enemies but also his allies."
"Camp planes without warning bring war to America."
"Oh my gosh, we're being attacked by centaurs!"
"The bombardment took the Russian troops by surprise, and they ran for their lives."
"Tough times never last only tough people last yes it's true Malf did put me in a chokehold but it was a sucker punch even he admits it."
"Frieza suddenly hit in the back of the head by a powerful attack from Gohan."
"Oh man, connected with the clothesline on Storm. Storm didn't even see it coming."
"The Scots descend on the English army and attack them while only half of them have crossed the river."
"Just as Vader had locked onto Luke, the ship guarding his right suddenly burst into flames catching Vader off guard."
"One weapon that Hitler did have on his side was surprise."
"The American squad launches into an ambush."
"They were suckers. They didn't see the second airplane, a thousand yards behind, armed to the teeth."
"As soon as the baby faces had won, guess who hit the ring? Powerhouse Hobbs and beat the [ __ ] out of Jericho and Harpo."
"Tara then hits the widow's peak out of nowhere."
"...while walking through the forest a saber-toothed tiger is surprised by an unknown creature which quickly attacks him."
"The soldiers climbed that with their full packs and with their rifles and surprised the Germans at dawn."
"The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was a complete surprise."
"We have a situation... Admiral crath has dispatched a surprise attack on our supply lines."
"Out of nowhere, laying out Lawrence."
"He jumped out, he jumped out, he jumped me."
"I popped up like a coiled spring and spun to deliver the haymaker."
"...this Big Blue Wave comes up in this area and it's fans out they get in behind the Confederates and the Confederates don't even know that they're there in many cases."
"Surprise is one of the most important tactical fundamentals."
"That's when it's going to strike, when they least expect it."
"Christmas Eve 1776, General George Washington crossed the Delaware River to surprise the British."
"Izuku disappeared from his vision, appearing behind him."
However, a historical rendition of "The Red Wedding" ensued with Zhang Ziu rebelling and launching a surprise attack on Cao’s unprepared forces.
"Battle was joined. Shirako's warships swept in with the rising sun behind them, hidden by the glare. They took many of Lord Velaryon's galleys unawares."
"Ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu aren't a shinobi's greatest weapon. Your greatest weapon is the art of surprise."
"Arthur Lopez Jr. donned a mask, hopped on a bike, and coasted toward the unsuspecting Hernandez."
"My evaluation of Lieutenant Commander Doolittle was quite high; he successfully conducted an air-raid on Tokyo by launching land-based planes from a carrier, thereby catching us by surprise."
"You were attacked out of the blue," Miles.
"She unclipped her pistol and moved forward creeping up behind the two crew and blasted both before they knew what hit them. Quick, let's get inside."
"But two minutes before the scheduled end of shelling, the 39th Battalion started its attack and rapidly smashed the Japanese positions from the south and southeast."
"Ferguson had his army camped at a little place called Musgrove Mills when a band of screaming frontiersmen came out of the woods."
"It came out of nowhere. I fired, then Quinn... I don't know what happened."
"It was the benefits of a surprise attack combined with the skillful use of the terrain which resulted in Swiss success."
"The strength of this new breed coupled with the element of surprise allows them to overrun Ithilien and even capture Osgiliath."
"This is Admiral Gonzalez. Operation Starfall is a go. Remember, the element of surprise is our greatest asset. Strike fast, strike hard, and let's bring an end to this war."
"It was just before dawn when they attacked; most of the camp was asleep."
"Before the demons could even comprehend why they were moving in slow motion, hundreds of skeletal warriors had already descended from above."
"It's Randy Orton, RKO out of nowhere!"
"They're especially renowned for dropping in behind enemy lines and, to put it politely, messing the enemy's stuff up."