
Dark Energy Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"We must also understand the nature of dark energy or dark matter, how it works, and how it affects our universe's evolution."
"We don't know exactly how our universe will end; we don't even understand what the dark energy pulling it apart is."
"The discovery of dark energy was the equivalent of the discovery of x-rays and radioactivity at the end of the 19th century."
"This dark energy is the thing we really have to understand."
"The universe is 5% ordinary matter, 25% dark matter, and 70% dark energy."
"The mismatch of a factor of 10 to the 120 between the observed amount of dark energy and our attempts to calculate that number is perhaps the greatest mismatch in the history of physics."
"Dark energy might be the force pushing the universe and making it expand faster."
"The most convincing evidence for dark energy are these observations...of the accelerated expansion of space. Space is not only getting larger over time, that was a shock, but it's getting bigger at an accelerated clip."
"Dark energy...is a weird thing that's causing our universe to accelerate."
"Dark Energy we don't really understand what it is, but it's a negative repulsing effect that pushes galaxies away from each other."
"The universe wouldn't rip apart but would become dark, cold, and lifeless if dark energy turns out to be constant."
"Dark energy is this invisible force that is everywhere in the universe and is partially responsible for speeding up the expansion of said universe."
"The future of the cosmos is still a mystery to physicists; it is dependent on our ability to accurately quantify the characteristics of dark energy."
"Dark energy, which we've only discovered in the last decade and which dominates the universe, is significantly more enigmatic."
"Dark energy... represents one of the biggest astronomical mysteries of the last two decades."
"Dark energy is the term given to a mysterious unknown portion of the universe's energy not classifiable as matter, radiation, or dark matter, which is attributed to the accelerating expansion of space."
"96% of the universe is either in the form of dark matter or dark energy, which is just a fancy way of saying there's some physical phenomena that we don't understand."
"We really have to find out what is up with dark energy. Figuring out what dark energy really is feels like it's the thing that's going to bust open the most doors to the next levels of our understanding in physics."
"Gravity is losing its grip to an unseen force called dark energy."
"In terms of the universe, if we were to gain knowledge of, like, what dark energy is, and how it works, we may alter the current narrative of how it will continue to evolve."
"Dark energy is now the dominant property of space."
"The universe is exponentially increasing with time, accelerating due to dark energy."
"Dark energy is the term given to the invisible force that is responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe."
"I think the most pressing cosmological question to actually answer about the universe is dark energy."
"The fate of the universe depends on dark energy."
"Einstein's cosmological constant, an invisible energy suffusing space, roared back into the mainstream of cosmological research in the form of dark energy."
"Project Janus entails a stable gateway to the dark ether."
"This discovery of dark energy combined with the lack of answers on what it could be is, to me, about as shocking as it gets."
"This invisible property makes up 68% of the universe."
"Galaxies will eventually die off due to dark energy, accelerating the expansion of the universe."
"Dark energy is suspected to contribute about 2/3 of the total energy density of the currently observable universe."
"The truth may also be a combination of all three: dark energy may be an unknown energy field."
"Dark Energy propels the Stars outward; Dark Matter slows them down."
"The Euclid mission is a quest into the unknown a mission to shine a Lights On the Dark Side of the universe."
"Dark energy growing over time might sunder space itself."
"A mysterious anti-gravity force known as dark energy."
"Dark energy is the most mysterious thing we've ever discovered."
"We discovered that this dark energy is some 72% of the energy density of our universe and yet we don't know what it is."
"There has been some really intriguing findings especially on the nature of dark matter and the nature of dark energy."
"Dark energy will curse the universe so that its second Dark Age lasts forever."
"White holes could be the catalyst behind dark energy, pushing the universe apart."
"If we live in a multiverse, then the mystery of dark energy might not be so mysterious after all."
"The universe is constantly expanding and depending on the density of dark energy, it will either expand forever at a regularly increasing rate or else the expansion will slow down and reverse."
"95% of our universe is made up of dark energy and dark matter, and we don't know what it is."
"There's a bunch of interesting experiments that are being done to help astronomers understand the true nature of dark energy."
"Dark energy is causing the universe to expand right now, faster and faster with time."
"The universe expands. Dark energy spread at an insane speed and rapidly expanded the universe."
"When people are envious of you and throwing dark energy at you, get softer. Don't let yourself get thrust into that Nine of Swords energy. Get into that Lover's energy and truly embrace it."
"The universe will be just empty space with only Dark Energy ensuring its exponential expansion for eternity."
"Regardless of whether the dark energy is actually constant or not, you know that it's one number, but it's a very significant number."
"Kinds of Horizons will we be able to leverage that into the kind of understanding that will give insight into things like dark energy, do you think? I believe so. That is happening."
"It's again this dance between real observations, theory, and thought experiments, and this is part of the story of dark energy, which I view as the main mystery."
"Dark energy, fine-tuned to one part in one trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion, to set the expansion of the universe the way it is after inflation, an unimaginable level of accuracy."
"...we live in a universe that is not just expanding we knew that already but is actually accelerating that is expanding faster and faster propelled by a mysterious new component of the universe that we call dark energy but about which we know very little."
"This energy that appears to fill the universe and stretch the expansion of the universe faster and faster with time is now known as dark energy."
"Dark energy is the energy of the vacuum, the energy of nothing. Even nothingness has energy."
"Dark energy is fundamental to understand because it tells us where the universe is going."
"Dark energy isn't just required observation, it's actually required to make this theory work."
"The fine-tuning design that we see in dark energy relative to what we see achieved by these MIT and Caltech physicists is extraordinary."
"The nature of dark energy is going to determine the future evolution of the universe. It's already 70% of the Universe."
"Dark energy is thought to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe, a discovery that upended previous notions of a slowly decelerating cosmos."
"Understanding dark energy is not only crucial for cosmology but also for fundamental physics, as it challenges existing theories and may hold the key to new laws of nature."
"Dark energy might be sourced from tiny elementary particles that flicker in and out of existence everywhere throughout the Universe."
"Dark energy influences the fate of the cosmos by playing a crucial role in its long-term evolution."
"Dark matter and dark energy together form the crux of a cosmic conundrum that significantly challenges our understanding of the universe's origins and its fundamental nature."
"The universe is expanding and depending on the density of dark energy, it will either expand forever at a regularly increasing rate or else the expansion will slow down and reverse."
"Dark energy is called dark because you can't see it... it causes things to be pushed farther away from each other."
"People can see this person's energy. It's very dark and evil on the inside, very insecure and toxic."
"What if dark energy and matter are just a smokescreen, and the universe is full of light?"
"Discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics was the discovery of dark energy and that is that the universe is accelerating apart."
"...there are a few different science thrusts let me focus in on Dark Energy one and and the specific technique we're using to uh um to constrain Dark Energy uh..."
"Dark energy is thought to account for 68.3 percent of all the energy in the universe."
"Since the late 1990s, it has become clear that even dark matter is dwarfed by dark energy."
"The ripples behind it might be dark energy, because dark energy says that things that are furthest away from us are moving further away fastest."
"Dark energy, a mysterious force that permeates all of space, has been one of the most profound discoveries in cosmology."
"...understanding dark energy is not just a quest to comprehend the universe's present state but also to predict its ultimate fate."
"...the quest to unravel the nature of dark energy continues to challenge and inspire scientists around the world."
"So we give it a name that makes us feel better about it, and we call it dark energy."
"Dark energy is the weirdest thing in the universe and the most important."
"The battle between dark matter, the force that holds the universe together, and dark energy, the force seeking to tear it apart, has set the universe on a path of destruction."
"If you go back 14 billion years ago, the amount of dark energy in the universe was just negligible, playing any role at all."
"We're trying to understand these mysterious two big mysterious components, dark energy and dark matter."
"What is surprising and very surprising is how little dark energy there is."
"It seems to be getting bigger at an ever increasing speed because of dark energy."
"The universe will be a dark place fully dominated by dark energy."
"Dark energy makes up over 70 percent of all the matter and energy in the entire universe."
"There really isn't dark energy or dark matter, there is simply a lack of understanding on the gravitational forces."
"I'm starting to think that these magical burial grounds by Indians have more to them than we ever have thought. That they actually do draw in dark energy and they actually do maybe allow the manifestation of things we can never imagine."
"Nobody knows what dark energy is. It's presumed that you can't actually make a box out of dark energy, and you can't box it into anything. But even though it's everywhere and it's inherent to SpaceTime itself, nobody knows what the heck it is."
"Dark energy is the biggest mystery in fundamental physics."
"Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that is thought to permeate all of space and is responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe."
"Ever since it was brought in here, people have been physically assaulted by some sort of dark energy that lingers inside the building."
"...the energy of the scalar field... decayed into dark matter and dark energy and normal matter."
"Sixty-eight point five percent of the universe, in terms of its energy density, is dark energy."
"Nobody knows what dark energy is; nobody has any freaking clue what it is."
"Dark energy... seems to be some inherent repulsive force that just comes from space itself."
"If you have a cubic light year of space, there will be a certain amount of dark energy that is pushing outward."
"The rate that structure forms in the universe depends on the properties of Dark Energy."
"There's something very elegant about your dark feminine energy."
"Our universe is about 73% something called dark energy."
"Dark energy, its increasingly strong repulsive force expanding the universe and determining its fate."
"We're measuring the properties of galaxies... encoded in the shapes, distances, and motions of galaxies is a lot of information about dark matter and dark energy."
"We have a word for it but we don't know what it is, it's called Dark Energy."
"That first very big peak actually tells us something about dark energy."
"Only 5% of the universe is ordinary matter... 25% of the universe is this stuff called dark matter... and 70% or thereabouts is this even more mysterious Dark Energy."
"Dark energy is said to make up 73% of the universe, but we still haven't been able to pin it down and directly detect it."
"The universe is not static; it is expanding, and this expansion is accelerated by a mysterious force called Dark Energy."
"The rest of the universe is made out of 25% dark matter and more than 70% of the universe is made out of something that we call dark energy."
"The observable universe is only about 4% of what's the actual Universe; you have dark matter, Dark Energy."
"Dark energy makes up over two-thirds of our universe, but almost nothing is known about it."
"The key here is dark energy, the driver of the expansion of the universe."
"But for some reason as expanding it started coming back and then Dark Energy kicked in and started expanding it even further."
"Dark energy... a theoretical form of energy that exists everywhere and accounts for seventy percent of all mass and energy in the universe."
"95% of the universe is the dark side, and 70% is dark energy."
"We don't know what dark energy is... it's the most profound mystery in all of science."
"This apparent energy that is fueling the accelerating expansion of the universe is called 'dark energy.'"
"For now, what is generally accepted is that dark energy exists, and fits with both our observations and the best models of cosmology."
"I think the technical definition of dark energy is it's whatever the stuff is that's driving the acceleration of the universe."
"The dark energy is the stuff that causes the universe to accelerate."
"We know that dark energy exists because of the accelerating expansion of the universe."
"That the universe appears to not be slowing down under the influence of gravity but rather to be accelerating due to some kind of repulsive, presumably, gravitational force."
"The universe is made of five percent normal matter, 27 percent dark matter, and 68 percent dark energy."
"It is theorized that dark energy is the reason behind the increasing speed and expansion of the universe."
"This dark energy would have to make up nearly 70% of all the matter and energy in the universe."
"The actual amount of dark energy observed is about 1.5 times 10 to the minus 9 joules per meter cubed."
"Dark matter... it's really quite mysterious. It's not as mysterious as dark energy, but dark energy is so mysterious that we don't understand it at all."
"Utilizing dark energy's ability to repel things, they used it to stabilize singularities between two points in space."
"The universe is going to be continuing to expand and dark energy is going to be accelerating the expansion of the universe."
"Identifying which energy force dominates, dark matter or dark energy, will give scientists more confidence about whether a big chill or a big rip will be our fate."
"The best evidence shows dark energy as the driving force."
"Dark Energy, an enigmatic force responsible for the universe's accelerated expansion, pushes the boundaries of our understanding."
"Almost three-fourths of the matter-energy content of the universe is this dark energy, and we don't know what it is."
"There's an amazing puzzle waiting to be answered: what is the nature of the dark energy?"
"Dark energy is believed to be a force responsible for the expansion of the universe."
"Astronomers wouldn't even know dark energy existed if they hadn't found out that the expansion of the universe wasn't slowing down; quite the opposite, it was accelerating."
"What exactly is happening with the universe and what exactly is happening with dark energy is probably a question we're not going to be answering for the next few years at least, possibly even a few decades."
"Hubble has greatly contributed to astronomers' knowledge of dark energy and how this mysterious little understood phenomenon is speeding up the very same expansion of the universe discovered by Edwin Hubble decades before."
"Dark energy, a mysterious force that is accelerating the expansion of the universe, constitutes about 68% of the universe's total energy."
"The concept of dark matter and dark energy might also provide clues about the unobservable universe."
"Understanding the true nature of dark energy and its role in the universe's dynamics is paramount to predicting its fate accurately."
"Euclid is on a mission to crack one of the biggest mysteries of our universe: the nature of dark energy and dark matter."
"This expansion is driven by dark energy, a mysterious force that constitutes about 68% of the universe's total energy."
"Dark energy has the opposite effect of gravity, which pulls things toward each other."
"Things that make up dark matter and dark energy go against what we know to be true and right on Earth."
"We want to explore dark energy and the fate of the universe."
"All the objects in space, including planets, interstellar dust, and whole galaxies, comprise just about four percent of the universe; the rest is dark matter and dark energy that can't be seen and isn't fully understood."
"Dark energy is the name that we give to the thing that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate."
"Nihilus was a wound in the force, essentially a black hole hell-bent on consuming the force itself."
"There's some sort of repulsive energy in our universe that's associated with all space."
"Dark energy... a force that repels other things."
"The majority of stuff in the universe is the so-called dark energy."
"This is our hope for detecting differences from Einstein's gravity or detecting whether the dark energy is really Einstein's cosmological constant or not."
"Dark energy... was this energy of repulsion of everything across the universe."
"...dark energy alone, of course with the dark matter, are currently the best explanations we have."
"It's quite possible that the end of the universe is going to be because the universe literally rips itself apart because of the excess of dark energy in it."
"Some scientists today believe that there is another force, the fifth force, the dark energy force."
"There's like a dark, very dark energy that controls a lot of this world... but our communities are what matter."
"The cosmological constant is one possible form of what physicists call dark energy and it is related to the expansion of the universe."
"Dark energy... seems to fuel the expansion of the universe."
"The universe really is accelerating due to some kind of springy stuff that makes up most of the matter and energy in the universe."
"Something like 70% of the total matter and energy budget in the universe is actually in the form of what we call dark energy."
"If dark energy dominates... that scenario is called the big rip where dark energy wins."
"The dark energy... may change over time and that would be a real revolution in the way that we think about cosmology."
"95% of the energy and matter of the universe is invisible; we call it dark matter and dark energy."
"Researchers have identified a new cosmic power; it's called dark energy."
"The amount of dark energy that must be filling space... a decimal point followed by a hundred and twenty-two zeros and a one."
"All of the possible values of the dark energy are realized universe by universe, and we just happen to live where we can exist."
"Understanding why or what exactly this dark energy is that makes up 70% of the universe and what the dark matter is that makes up another 25% is certainly one of, if not the, leading question about the universe."
"Hubble will continue to probe the expansion of the universe and the dark energy responsible for it."
"Dark energy is an undetectable energy that has only been theorized due to its influence on everything in the observable universe."
"W equals zero corresponds to dust-like matter, w equals one-third corresponds to radiation, and w equals negative one corresponds to a cosmological constant like term or dark energy."
"Dark energy is merely the name we give to the cause of this acceleration."
"I would like to know what the dark energy is and what it'll do to the future of our universe."
"Dark matter and dark energy are two mysterious components that make up the majority of the mass-energy content of the universe."
"Dark energy is more or less like the universe's energy drink, pushing everything forward and giving galaxies a boost in their movement."
"Dark energy... constitutes 70% of the total contents of the universe."
"The current acceleration of the universe tells you who's winning the tug-of-war between pushing outward the dark energy and pulling inward normal matter and dark matter."
"Discovering the true nature of dark energy could change our vision of the future dramatically."
"Dark energy is the opposite; it's a form of negative pressure."
"The universe was slowing down due to dark matter... then the dark energy... took over and it's been accelerating."
"It's giving us a profound hint about the physics that controls the nature of dark energy."
"The pressure produced by the dark energy is now making the expansion of the universe accelerate."
"Space is flat within 1%, and dark energy is within 14% of what you would expect."
"...we now think we've got 4% normal matter, 23% dark matter which is 27%, that leaves you 73%, what can that be? Well, we say it might be dark energy, an energy of the vacuum of space."
"Just when I thought I understood the Universe, I woke up one day in 1998 and discovered that 70 percent of everything that exists is something called dark energy."
"There are actually 10 to the 500 different possible values of the dark energy, and we just live in one."
"Dark energy is accelerating the expansion of the space-time continuum."
"Dark energy is the ideal form of energy for making such a universe."
"We humans almost used dark energy as a weapon to deter attackers, but fate gave us another path."
"Dark energy very likely holds deep, deep clues about the fundamentals of reality."
"90% of the universe is dark energy. That sort of tells you something, doesn't it?"