
Underrated Quotes

There are 1787 quotes

"Outer Wilds, still an incredibly underrated game to this day."
"This sig, although it looks underwhelming, is one of the best sigs in the game."
"This might literally be the most underrated thing on this entire list."
"Released in 1994, 'The Shawshank Redemption' is probably the greatest movie that no one ever saw when it initially came out."
"For one of the most underrated Warframes that you can build and get a really good result out of, especially versus Corpus, is gonna be your Mag Prime."
"Crackdown 3 is really fun; it's a very underrated game."
"I gave this a 4 out of 5 stars; so underrated, I love this romance book."
"Dennis Irwin is the most underrated player in Premier League history."
"It's one of the most underrated things that someone could do for their health."
"Frederique Constant is one of the more overlooked brands in terms of watchmaking, offering great design and Swiss made movement under a thousand dollars."
"When it comes to groundbreaking television, you'll be hard-pressed to find a show that's as underappreciated as Mr. Robot."
"I think this is one of the most underrated remakes and slasher movies that have ever been made."
"The future finally looks a bit brighter for this criminally underrated classic."
"this game rarely gets mentioned and it definitely needs more love"
"This is a great little snack that nobody really talks about."
"The Legend of Dragoon may be one of the most criminally overlooked games."
"Walking is probably the most underrated Fitness modality out there, period."
"NBA 2K18, probably one of the most over-hated 2Ks of all time."
"Burial Mounds: underrated map with an interesting layout."
"One of the most underrated anime: 'Re:Zero' Season 1."
"We'll Make It: It can get you out of so many situations that people don't even realize. It's such a good perk and it's really underrated."
"Value deserves a shot, he's super underrated."
"He's perhaps the most underrated YouTuber of all time."
"This card is actually the sleeper hit of the set."
"It's always fun winning with cards that everybody thinks are garbage."
"Salah doesn't get mentioned in the same conversations as Neymar or Mbappe."
"I think Twinkies are maybe the most underrated snack food on the planet."
"If you strip away everything and just talk about the fighter, Conor McGregor is one of the most underrated fighters in the history of the sport."
"Justice for a game of such quality to be reduced to 'underrated.'"
"Balance is one of the most underrated and least talked about components of basketball athleticism."
"So with all of that said, was Call of Duty Infinite Warfare secretly a masterpiece that was just surrounded by unfortunate circumstances?"
"Tron uprising was one of the most underrated shows ever made for Disney and one of the best spin-offs that directly impacts a franchise in a positive and intriguing way."
"Tron uprising is a Hidden Gem underrated forgotten when it holds the weight of the name Tron on it."
"Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the most underrated games of 2021."
"It's so underhyped in my opinion and it deserves more love and I just love it so so much so I want everyone else to love it too."
"Shadows of Evil is actually a really underrated map in my opinion."
"Ultraman is criminally unknown in the west despite being a huge household name in Asia, but it's a legitimately thoughtful and classic sci-fi franchise. I will rank it on par with Star Trek."
"Do not sleep on this weapon it is powerful it hits and it's better than it ever was that's why it's sitting in this a tier because somehow this thing has climbed the charts slowly and."
"Otto von Bismarck is definitely somebody that gets washed over."
"It's the proper sequel to the highly underrated 1986 classic."
"Let's all be honest here Mystery Men is an extremely underrated movie comic book movie so much fun and understands what it is."
"Seriously underrated Connery film: The Hill." - Recommendation for an underrated Connery film.
"Fantasy films never really get the recognition they deserve despite some excellent titles over the years including three of the greatest films of all time."
"It is a really really overlooked game a very very well made game."
"This game is actually legit one of the hidden gems for sure."
"This palette is so good, the quality is incredible, and I feel like a lot of people are sleeping on this palette. It is so, so good."
"Garlic powder is such an underappreciated product."
"Sleep is one of the most underrated things that people don't consider."
"Under-appreciated and unfairly maligned in some places."
"Jet is the most underrated character of the entire show."
"The Chiefs defense is underrated. Who's paying attention to the defense?"
"DreamWorks is a studio with a ton of underrated classics on their hands many of which are filled to the brim with incredibly fun and memorable characters."
"All in all, I think Korra is a slight bit better than the reviews say."
"The most underutilized and underrated form of transportation in New York City are the ferries."
"I think the game's getting slept on. Blizzard doesn't do everything right but the feel of playing Overwatch is unlike any other game."
"Prince Adam actually did have quite a deep character than what people often give credit to."
"Salah is somewhat underrated and underappreciated."
"Neo the World Ends With You is a quality experience... one that doesn't deserve to be forgotten."
"I think Jeff Daniels was so underrated as a comedic person."
"This scene cannot go ignored and sadly a lot of people slept on this scene because it was attached to a movie they felt they didn't need to see."
"Magmadon, yo, this guy, I completely forgot about this dude, one of the most underrated skins in Call of Duty mobile."
"Persian food is fantastic, it's underrated around the world."
"I just drove it and thought, come on, this car's being overlooked."
"Definitely a little bit of a sleeper hit and it's so much fun."
"Simplicity is one of the most overlooked and underrated vocabulary in the American Dictionary."
"I think olives are also underrated in terms of being you'll travel with them along with hard-boiled eggs etc."
"It's the most underrated signing of the Premier League so far."
"Esteban Ocon, unsung hero of this season, very quietly going about his job picking up a lot of points."
"Kerrigan is probably the most underrated in-game leader to ever play Counter-Strike."
"That's a criminally underrated title and considering the limited time the developers got to work on it, they completely nailed what it feels like to be Cap."
"Coconut is underrated, such a unique flavor."
"Snowboard Kids 2 is a definitive hidden gem on the Nintendo 64."
"Our animal friends are often underestimated and deserve a lot more credit than we give them."
"Zone 2's music is genuinely really, really good and some of the most underrated UK drill."
"Vegito is definitely better than people give him credit for."
"Candyman really does stand on its own... It's just such an underrated classic."
"It's a shame it got passed over by so many because it's really one of Obsidian's best games."
"Triple Mystic Mine, the most underrated card in today's meta game."
"This is a record that should have done infinitely better than it ultimately did."
"Another one that I haven't heard a lot about is 'Too Late' by Colleen Hoover."
"I love Jack Black I think he's hilarious uh and I especially love him in this movie uh this movie wasn't as well received as Napoleon Dynamite but I think it was very good."
"Inuit culture is one of the most underrated and culturally fascinating things you'll ever encounter."
"Wings is a show that a lot of people don't mention and wings is fantastic."
"These impact frames are very underrated but tie everything together."
"It's an absolute brilliant movie to me, very, very underrated."
"This card is absolutely insane... people are not realizing just how good this is."
"Underrated, the old, you know the obliques, you know when a guy's got those little muscles right on the rib that's underrated."
"I think it's already good, it's just overshadowed."
"It's honestly such a cool product that I think is highly underrated."
"I think Gresham deserves to be higher, quite a lot higher, maybe even top five."
"Live service games don't get enough respect."
"Everyone's life is overrated and also underrated."
"Neymar in my opinion is one of the most disrespected footballers in history relative to how great he is."
"Ford V Ferrari should have gotten more Oscar love."
"Overall, Vagrant Story is a hidden gem on the Playstation that is without question among the most unique and original titles Square has ever produced."
"Seriously, this anime is so underrated here in the Philippines."
"I feel like these palettes aren't talked about enough."
"The city of stairs series by Robert Jackson Bennett is a brilliant and underrated fantasy series out there."
"In about 11 days time, Call of Duty Cold War is going to become one of those underrated COD titles that fans look back upon fondly."
"The most underrated player ever is Wes Hoolahan."
"Walking is the most underrated form of exercise on the planet."
"I don't know how Mitch Marner is underrated right now but he's up there in the top five players right now in the NHL and nobody's giving the respect he deserves."
"It's chai latte, which is criminally underrated."
"Why this game was never in the game of the year conversations in 96 97 will always baffle me."
"Miwa gets a ridiculous amount of shine within the series considering the fact that she is essentially just a background character."
"As much as everybody poo poos Godfather Part three remember it was still nominated for Best Picture of the year."
"Visualization is still one of the most underrated aspects of attaining success."
"It is an absolute crime that Going Under hasn't received more attention because it deserves the worlds and then some."
"Most underrated spell in the game, hands down."
"Re:Creators is the most underrated anime of the last few years."
"Buffalo '66 is a total gem that deserves to be watched."
"Justin Simmons is one of the most underrated players in the league."
"I've been calling this Westbrook overrated thing since about 2016, and nobody wants to listen to me."
"Tim Duncan's about the most boring superstar, he's also the most underrated."
"Somebody's executive ability is underrated since the president is effectively the chief executive officer of the country."
"What we're not talking about yet is how well Spurs is doing."
"Siren 2 deserves more recognition, especially for its creative gameplay."
"The PlayStation Portable has to be one of the most underrated handheld consoles of all time."
"There are just so many damn cool and largely underrated encounters that we can get."
"This unit is one of the more underrated LR's in the game."
"Evanescence actually has a much bigger Legacy than what you often hear in the media."
"Most people have never heard of it and certainly never seen it. It stars Lupita Nyong'o and it is simply one of the most fabulous movies I've seen in the last number of years."
"The music is severely underrated and some of the best in the franchise."
"I think you got a little bit underrated here 87 star gamer when he's healthy he's one of the best receiving running backs."
"Remember to support Fantasy Life, the best game series you've never played."
"Stay away from Roger Rabbit it's a pretty perfect movie movies not get enough credit by the way for being one of the most technically impressive yet ever made."
"I adore that movie, and it doesn't get talked about nearly enough."
"I always look forward to playing this game. It was one of the most underrated games of 2019."
"Kyle Connor, I think he's a little bit underrated because he plays in Winnipeg."
"Brady Kachuk, I think he's a little bit underrated."
"Crucially underrated game, more people need to know about it."
"Victor Lindelof has had an incredibly underrated season."
"I feel like Robert Pattinson is a very underrated actor just in terms of his ability."
"Obscured by Clouds, by the way, underrated Floyd album."
"The reason I say underrated is because most people just talk about New Vegas."
"The performance of it is extremely good...just such an underrated performer."
"It's a shame because I really feel that in a few years people are gonna look back on the Wii U and they're going to be like that was an amazing platform."
"Buster's a pretty underrated brawler within the game."
"The Gamecube is still awesome, it's still a great system, kind of underrated I think."
"The Super Mario Land series deserves more love."
"Nobody talks about them, and they're so good."
"I love talking about brands that don't get enough buzz."
"His footwork, his strength... People don't really talk a lot about his skillset."
"I really like this movie. I think the First Avenger is one of the more underrated films in the MCU."
"I am declaring this card officially on this channel as one of the most underrated credit cards for this year."
"The most underrated comic book movie of all time: Man of Steel."
"This game isn't really something that I heard about that often and is what I think is a Hidden Gem."
"The ben hogan hip turn is one of the most underrated pieces of his golf swing and it is the secret to an automatic, repeatable, and powerful golf swing."
"I feel like it deserves to get more popularity than it's currently getting."
"I don't know I thought it was good and not many people talk about it on YouTube man I think it's one of the best at what it does."
"Rolex's Date and Datejust are underrated watches, far more wearable than most people realize."
"If you're listening to this show and you're worried you're gonna hear something that might offend you, you're probably listening to the wrong show."
"I agree, I think a one series is a good car. I think they're good and more importantly like they're overlooked a lot."
"That mod is overshadowed in OU by great tusks, but damn, this man is the goat."
"I do think it is an extremely underrated game right now."
"This watch is a fantastic underrated gem from Seiko, no doubt."
"The travelers damage is so underrated and you might be like oh you have a five star weapon and godlike artifacts."
"The Suicide Squad is going to be looked at 20 or 25 or 30 years from now, and people are going to be like, this was one of those unsung gems that deserved to do a lot better than it did."
"Batman Returns is amazing. It's arguably the most underrated and under-appreciated film in the Batman filmography."
"The videos deserve so much more credit, this is crazy."
"The frozen red knight is such an underrated skin that I hardly ever see anyone using."
"105 assists. 57 of them were in the Premier League. I'll take that. I honestly think you have probably got the most underrated left foot in Premier League history." - Chris Brunt
"World's Greatest Dad: another underrated gem showcasing his talent."
"Meatloaf is an unsung hero, it is easy to make, there are a million variations."
"Barbara, never underestimate her, genuinely an underrated Hydro support."
"Reading is really underrated. It's like a letter a friend is sending to you."
"Despite flying under the radar, ask anyone who has played it and they'll likely sing its praises."
"I really feel is very underrated and that most people don't talk about much even though she's pretty much one of the biggest elements that elevated the psychological horror side of the experience."
"Psycho II may be one of the most underrated slasher sequels ever."
"I actually think it holds up better than people say."
"One of the most underrated sci-fi movies of all time."
"Pringles sour cream and onion, they're slept on."
"Fusion is an extremely underrated form/technique."
"Hurler is one of the rares that every time I pull him I say the same thing I'm like no one talks about this guy but like he's way way good."
"Grizzly Peak is the most underrated land it's the most Disney thing that exists at DCA."
"Sleep is one of the most underrated medications out there."
"This is one of the most underrated trades or acquisitions in the offseason."
"This could make a character that a lot of people don't give the time of day into an A-lister."
"There's one character that I think flies under the radar a lot who has quite a bit of top tier potential, and that's Modok."
"Will Smith is difficult to pitch to... he is really an underrated hitter."
"Obi-Wan is one of the most important underrated characters in Star Wars."
"Like, no one's heard of it. No one watched it."
"This is personally the most underrated GTA game of all time."
"Honestly, For Nath World is underrated. I'm telling you right now, For Nath World is underrated."
"Goblin Smuggler: A little bit better than it looks."
"Cartoons are better than you think you are missing out on the good stuff."
"Sonic Riders is an extremely underrated title."
"One of the best underrated fruits you're ever gonna have. Absolutely delicious."
"In the Mouth of Madness: An underrated masterpiece."
"'Sexy Beast'... it is one of the most underrated, underappreciated gangster movies of all time."
"The 38t is the most underrated tank of the war."
"Adam's social skills are super underrated."
"If you're on the hunt for a daily drivable sporty GT car, there is one that is criminally overlooked: the Lexus LC 500."
"Boise is one of the most underrated cities I've been to in a long time."
"Avengers: Age of Ultron...this is an underrated MCU movie. I enjoy this movie a lot more than most people."
"This defines when we say Idaho is underrated."
"Sensors are the most underappreciated technology in the world."
"Idaho is underrated and in our opinion the most underrated state in the US."
"This is one of the most underrated platforms for affiliate marketing."
"This game was way better than it was given credit for."