
New Relationships Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"This is a new person in your life, and they will be stable for you."
"It was hugely refreshing to be able to get to know someone who isn't necessarily within your circle, doesn't know much about me, I don't know much about her, so to be able to start almost afresh right from the beginning and getting to know each other step by step."
"This is a big new beginning with this person... this could be the one."
"Eventually, we divorced, then I met Virginia. She opened me up to a whole new side of myself."
"He's protecting his new owner even though he's only known for 20 minutes."
"There's a brand new love coming in for some of you."
"Only focus on new; use your intuition with new people."
"Maybe you're going through similar things, maybe you will bond over that."
"Take leaps of faith and risk new connections."
"There is a very special person about to manifest."
"This week you're gonna come across this person for the first time ever."
"The water isn't that cold... you might find that actually you'll find new allies and new friends..."
"A new person has stirred your romantic feelings. It is new."
"You guys are really unique, and this person, this new love, they're unique too."
"It's okay to move on. It's okay for you to move forward and find new love."
"New love is entering your life and of course you've got the somebody else in love with you who's not gonna let go."
"You took it almost overcome by the butterflies in your stomach."
"New love has stirred your romantic feelings."
"I feel like you're going through a transformation... new love coming in for you."
"Your prayers are being answered. A new person is coming into your life. Romance is blooming."
"There's definitely new love headed your way."
"New love is on the way, prosperous and fulfilling."
"Be patient with new people coming into your life."
"Someone new is coming into your life romantically."
"I'm back to myself now and now that I'm back to myself and I'm a lot happier, and like I have somebody new in my life."
"You're gonna have a new person too, it could be a bit younger."
"Focus on new love because that's what you have coming your way."
"The next person that comes into your life will be a new person."
"The reason why certain people that you were with at one time now they're in a new relationship or they're married... it's so you can't go back to them."
"You won't care about the past person when you've got this amazing new person showing you all of this love and energy."
"Romance in the air, new romance specifically, so enjoy it!"
"There is a happy, positive new connection coming in."
"There's only one new love, and it's coming strong."
"Some of you go meet the man of your dreams this year."
"You're going to meet someone else and it's going to be like better than you've ever expected."
"When God's trying to bless you, He sends new people into your life."
"There is somebody new coming in that's gonna be really devoted."
"I'm happy to come sit with her or him right and embrace the new person in the room."
"Bridgette, where do we go from here? I... I didn't even know I had a sister. I think we should stick together now. We're family. You're right."
"Release past baggage for a new love that feels like young, first love again."
"Chemistry between you and new love will be off the charts."
"This new love wants to offer you everything they've got, coming in with balance, harmony, and respect."
"A lot of you are focused on manifesting someone new, and it's going to come in quickly for you."
"Trust in the new connection you deserve this."
"New beginnings will come to you in the shape of another person over the next two weeks into August."
"This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship for sure."
"Encounter with someone from the past, sparking new beginnings."
"You've helped this person grow even if you haven't known them very long."
"I feel like there is new love coming in for you."
"They do see the opportunity with you, a beautiful love opening up."
"Some new emotional beginnings, self-love, new love, the start of something new."
"Go out and enjoy life, new friendships and connections are opening up to you."
"New love coming on in here for you, divinely guided and reciprocated."
"You totally deserve this wonderful new love."
"Be cautious about deception, especially with new friendships."
"Meeting you brought them so much energy and excitement, like feeling alive again."
"This survival challenge seems way more gruesome than the last, not only because the teams were significantly smaller, but because campers were allowed to steal the supplies of the opposing team if given the opportunity."
"This person is coming in and they're gonna be really playful because they finally let go of something."
"Someone's coming in who wants to be part of your world."
"A communication between you and someone new."
"Someone wonderful is about to walk into your life... it's a clear sign of change and new direction."
"There's somebody new coming into your life, someone who appreciates you for who you are."
"they are asking you to take that risk okay if you are struggling to know if this is the right person that is your confirmation my love and you deserve to get physical with someone new"
"You're settling down with new soul family members."
"New friends emerge, new people, new alliances, new people you can trust."
"There's a new friendship that's emerging, something new to focus on, a new person to get to know, and that's very exciting."
"It's like you're the step-dad and you just joined a new family."
"I've never had this much love for someone that I've only known about for like two weeks it's absolutely crazy."
"Your path to success may be a lonely one, but the universe will send new people to fill your life with joy."
"Boundaries like this are appropriate a lot of the time when we're talking about new relationships."
"Somebody's about to enter your life at the same time who is going to become an integral part of your spiritual journey."
"You're opening yourself up to a relationship, a new one that's what I'm feeling."
"New love for sure... probably something new."
"I feel like it's someone new... I feel like it'll be more exciting."
"New friends become dangerous because sometimes you don't know what people's ulterior motives are."
"There's definitely a new opportunity coming your way in terms of romantic love."
"You may meet your new best friend there that you don't even know of yet."
"There's so much love here, new love coming in for you, or like a new opportunity to love."
"Trust that instinct, be open to someone new."
"It reflects those feelings of love and happiness when you first start being in a relationship."
"This new love is on its way for you, with healthy roots and growth."
"You're being guided into a space where you'll meet somebody new."
"New love is coming in, a deeper love with your current relationship or a new romantic experience."
"There is someone new who is more emotionally fulfilling coming into your life."
"New love coming in for you, a choice, moving on to love."
"I still feel like you're gonna connect with somebody new."
"Feeling loved this year like this is your solar year for emotional healing and connections deepening connections as well as new connections and learning the truth about things also an unexpected adventure a blessing showing up."
"You're making a lot of reconnections here, a lot of new people are coming into your life."
"Having these new relationships in this new family is showing us a side of drummer that's so interesting and so vulnerable."
"You're single now, meeting your divine counterpart."
"There's definitely new love coming on in here that's going to be very loyal, very grounded."
"I met new people, I'm doing something I'm passionate about, so it's awesome."
"As soon as you meet this new person, everything that you are and that you've always been, you just shine."
"A new love has stirred your romantic feelings."
"Someone new is coming into your world, someone who will make an effort."
"You're about to connect with somebody that is of a dynamic that is unlike any dynamic you've ever had before."
"This new person is coming into your life, they're divinely guided."
"The two of cups is a new relationship. It's that flurry of excitement, the honeymoon period, and that first flush of love."
"For the first time starting to feel love for someone or maybe multiple people."
"The Ace of Cups in December is showing like a real sense of being reborn a real sense of love maybe new love coming in for some of you who are looking but it would be on the heels of a lot of growth."
"We need a new relationship between us and government."
"There's someone new coming your way, someone who's very enthusiastic and romantic."
"There's a potential for new love coming on in."
"Let yourself go into that new partnership. Let this person help you to break free from that toxic bond."
"Hope. Don't lose hope. The stars are aligning for you to meet somebody new."
"Embarking on a new adventure when it comes to love."
"There is real potential for you to meet someone new."
"There is a new person coming towards you who will love you and it will feel secure."
"You're about to meet somebody new, a new passion there, beautiful."
"A very sudden appearance of someone in your life."
"New love is coming in if you're single and looking."
"There's definitely going to be fireworks... with you and this new person."
"You are clearly probably meeting someone through a change."
"I feel like you're being guided to meet this new person."
"Someone new moving into your life, a blessing to help you rebuild."
"This to me looks like you are moving on to new love i wouldn't wait hangman is waiting all day long so i wouldn't wait here page of cups to me is new love feel free to pop your other question in down below so i would say no."
"For some of you guys, if this is someone new coming in, you've never had love like this before."
"You're stepping into some new relationship and it's a relationship where you're really connected with this person on an emotional level."
"Open yourself up to new inspiration, to someone new."
"There's new love potential here, alright? Whoever's coming towards you is the hero."
"We all didn't even know each other and then all of a sudden we're like going deep open up a little bit."
"You could have some new love coming into your life, a new person has stirred some romantic feelings."
"I feel happy and excited because I know I get to start all over with another person. They don't know any of my flaws. I can still do the fake act for a couple of months."
"Focus on the new girl, focus on meeting the third girl and a fourth girl."
"Someone is gonna start walking into your life."
"The wheel is turning, my friend, and it's turning in your favor. Not only is it turning, but it's bringing in a new relationship or opportunity."
"What you own owns you, they want the empress, they want new beginnings in abundance, new beginnings in love."
"New love, romantic feelings, yes these feelings are real and worth exploring."
"Pages indicate you will be talking to someone new who's going to be very curious about you."
"You've been manifesting someone new into your space. You want new chapters, new energy."
"Just enjoy the moment when you meet this new person."
"There's a lot of chemistry, a lot of attraction with someone new."
"This new person is really gonna want you, and I feel like you're gonna want them."
"The universe is about to send you a surprise; someone new is entering your life."
"It takes effort to put yourself out there and meet new people on the road."
"Somebody is coming into your life wanting to present you with their heart."
"This person is absolutely new, their intention is pure."
"Trust in the magic of healing. Trust in the magic of the energy that you're feeling with whoever this new person is."
"Some of you are looking at the barrier that we all erect around our heart to protect your heart and keep it safe. I definitely see that there is someone honest, open, loyal, and loving coming your way."
"Someone new is entering your life, bringing change and new beginnings."
"Someone new is entering your life, a mystery person."
"You have a new person here coming into your life who will be incredibly interested in you and who wanted to stay in your life for a very, very, very long time."
"You'll be blown away by the people that enter your life."
"Their laughter echoing through the air as new bonds are formed."
"I'm also very happy that I've now got myself a very cute little sister."
"Surprisingly, about a week ago I met someone new and we've been spending a lot of time together."
"I think you've been healing, but you're almost ready to get back out there and meet somebody new."
"It's time for healing for you because there's Harvest coming in, there's a new relationship coming in."
"It's always nice to see someone at the beginning of a relationship because it's so fresh, new, and exciting."
"With a lot of that loss came a lot of gain and new relationships."
"I've made some new friendships in the process."
"It was that incredibly elated feeling you get when you've just met someone with whom you might eventually fall in love."
"I truly erased her, but there was another girl who grew on me quickly."
"I like how we just met and I'm not even slightly afraid to be opening up."
"You're ready for a family, ready for love, ready for a new person to come into your life."
"It's so much easier when you're in a situation where you're supposed to talk to people and everyone's kind of new to getting to know each other."
"50% of all new relationships for people over 45 years old is happening with an online connection."
"You're moving on, Wheel of Fortune, a destined partner coming in."
"I met a really cool girl and I really like her a lot."
"We've only just met but we do really go on and we really like each other's energy."
"You need to cleanse yourself first and be ready to be emotionally healthy to deal with the new person."
"It's totally normal to get excited by someone new... it's totally normal to be excited about it."
"They want to have a newfound romantic relationship with you."
"It's just nice to meet someone new, have someone new in your life."
"I'm just excited to kind of like explore a new potential friendship."
"Sometimes it's good to get eliminated. Because you can meet somebody else with a prettier smile and a better connection that you could get married to and have wonderful children."
"God is about to bring totally new people in your life; he's about to do a new thing."
"I've only known them for a few days, but we're friends now."
"I can't imagine my life without my friends now, and I only met them like a month in."
"You're at the right place at the right time, and there is a new beginning with somebody here."
"Friends are forever, hey new friend."
"You've already given up on a connection and you're on your way to a better connection."
"You bring that knowledge, that wisdom, that experience into your next relationship."
"Success in love with a new person is more promising than whatever's going on with this past person."
"We have a new best friend, and his name is Lan."
"I feel like there's new love coming in for you."
"You're losing focus on them and you're going more for the new person."
"The very beginning part is the honeymoon phase where you're building a lot of your foundational aspects."
"You're willing to connect with somebody new if it's a good opportunity for you."
"There is a new person on the horizon."
"A new person deserves the benefit of the doubt until they show you otherwise."
"You're opening yourself back up to new love, new people, new adventures."
"There's some type of opportunity for you to maybe move or relocate or to have a sense of welcoming of new partnerships and friendships."
"For a lot of you, it's a brand new person."
"Do not bring the issues from past relationships to the new one, follow your intuition."
"Sudden money is coming in; I'm also seeing that someone new is also coming in."
"Someone new is entering your life, good luck."
"You will meet someone else, and you will realize that those feelings were very relevant."
"A new love is showing up for you."
"Stay focused indeed, there is a very special person who is about to enter your life."
"You have love coming, you have a new person, you have several people who are interested in you."
"There's going to be someone that you meet in the month of August, Aries, that is really going to quench that desire for something more or someone new."
"There's an opportunity here, this opportunity may be with somebody new that is coming into your life."
"You're ready to offer yourself to the world as well as ready to offer yourself to a new person."
"Don't be afraid to take a little bit of a risk, just take your time, get to know this person."
"Let's live life without regrets, girls put your faith in me even though we just met."
"If you have a choice between new and old love, pick the new person."
"Please let this person go. Someone new will come into your life."
"You're about to meet somebody that really opens you up to believing in love again."
"You're going to make a connection with somebody new that you're going to meet and you begin some kind of relationship dance with them."