
Restraint Quotes

There are 2198 quotes

"This is one of my best friends trying his hardest not to laugh."
"A fool uttereth all his mind, but a wise man keepeth it in till afterward."
"Restraint in the eye is good; good is restraint in the ear; in the nose restraint is good; good is restraint in the tongue."
"I don't see a reason to pull those out at the moment."
"Real strength and power is refinement. Just because you could do something, doesn't mean you do it."
"All parties must stay rational and exercise restraint, avoid fanning the flames and aggravating tensions."
"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place but far more difficult still to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."
"I think love is knowing exactly where those weapons lie and deciding not to use them."
"A properly trained officer may reasonably be expected to exercise a higher degree of restraint than the average citizen."
"Billy Batson was always the moral compass. He always held back because he was never really aiming to kill."
"Strength is not just the physical ability to dominate; it's the moral power to know when to walk away."
"The quality of your life, the quality of your marriage, the quality of friendships is determined by what you refuse to say, what you refuse to do, where you refuse to go."
"It takes a level of self-awareness to be able to go, 'I could, but I probably shouldn't.'"
"Everything doesn't need your opinion. Not everything needs to be commented on."
"A good person is capable of anything but is willing to hold that in abeyance."
"The law cannot change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless."
"The voice of reason and restraint is what we need right now."
"You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic; true power is restraint. If words control you, that means everyone else can control you."
"I don't want to overflow you, like what Olive Garden does when they put the cheese on the salad. I'll tell you when to stop."
"You are a flawed person and should probably exercise more restraint in your life and more forgiveness to the people around you."
"For any happiness, even in this world, quite a lot of restraint is going to be necessary."
"I would preserve it if I could. I would try to find some way to restrain it that kept it alive so we could study it."
"He who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way, and then the lawless one will be revealed."
"To not have shot people at that point, I mean at some point in the inner sanctum of that building, to not have really just said, 'This is actually war,' is to have placed the safety of our congressmen and women in the hands of a mob."
"Keep your curiosity in check. Force yourself to lose interest."
"There's some politeness there, I didn't shoot anyone, sir."
"Just because I can kneel on George Floyd's neck when it's obvious he's not struggling he's not kicking he's not flailing doesn't mean I should."
"You're never free if you're holding yourself back."
"That requires restraint, it requires foresight, it requires some sort of an objective understanding of history."
"Nobody wants to snap, even if it just means saying a horrible thought and ruffling some feathers."
"We're not looking to exert our power and push something through."
"Can you imagine the things I'm not saying right now?"
"You should be very well trained to be able to handle a situation so that you don't immediately resort to [__] deadly force."
"So one person who will not be talking about or reacting in any way to Donald Trump's CPAC speech is President Joe Biden."
"At least we didn't kill him, at least we didn't [__] handcuff him."
"They hold back their passions, just want to pounce on you, sexually."
"I like living on the edge and this is taking a lot of restraint but I think I'm gonna stop myself."
"Even if it doesn't make you feel sad, should at least not make you feel... well, nevermind. I almost jumped the gun there."
"Trump already has five conservative votes on the Supreme Court. He should gracefully back off."
"One cannot simply pursue one piece around the board willy-nilly. This is true. The aggressor must cease. That is the Only Rule."
"Eventually some restraint and diplomacy will come."
"Discipline starts with self-discipline. You are not free to indulge your moods, whims, or fancies."
"He never wanted to be the monster that he knew he was capable of being."
"Acting with restraint rather than anger leads to good decisions."
"Imposing exile is a decision made in restraint, not anger."
"The levels of restraint and compassion he exhibits throughout the series is honestly what makes me view him as such a powerhouse."
"Being strong and being powerful is using restraint. It's not doing things just because you can."
"U.S. military power must be our tool of last resort, not our first."
"How much more Jedi than never igniting a lightsaber... standing down against the whole first order."
"Yamamoto doesn't even need to pull out the sword he doesn't even need to raise his cane or even raise his voice."
"I think those that's one of the key things that kept me from fully engaging in violence... at least try to be."
"Breathtaking in its modernity and impeccable in its restraint."
"They need to stop. Everyone needs to [__] calm down."
"We're not going to seek trouble in the world, we're not going to be the world's policemen."
"Lay low, don't blow up - short-lived intensity in the sky."
"But you may not outrage stab that man with that sword."
"Guard your urge to race the Judgment condemnation."
"A good person is a person who has learned to say no to themselves."
"Some things in life are meant to be left alone and not pursued, this was one of those things."
"Bravo to Chris Rock for not eviscerating Will Smith." - Rosie O'Donnell
"I don't want to drag out Blair and I's personal life."
"Just because you have a feeling, doesn't mean you ought to act on it."
"They have the presence of mind to know when to fire and more importantly when not to."
"I couldn't handle my true feelings for you so I kept you as a friend and nothing more."
"Even if you have nothing good to say, can't you stay quiet?"
"A lot of the really important decisions in life have to do with not doing things."
"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Just because it's right also doesn't mean you should."
"He Dawn maybe for the first time in his life found a compatriot and showed real compassion and restraint towards that compatriot."
"Less is more right now, listen to your intuition and keep hidden knowledge valuable."
"I'm sure that next time, that drone operator will simply look at the monkeys from afar."
"During my season, I feel like I held back out of fear."
"Sometimes the hardest thing to do is nothing."
"Just because you can do it doesn't mean you have to."
"Less is definitely more. It's very easy when you learn a new editing technique to just push it way too far."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is not to reply. Some battles have no spoil, some battles have no reward."
"Focus on less uncontrolled lust yielding to less, that's the sin issue that we gotta deal with."
"These police officers exercising a tremendous amount of restraint."
"False imprisonment includes using physical restraints or seclusion to keep someone against their will."
"Perhaps the most crucial thing in exposing historical inaccuracies is knowing when to quit and avoiding bringing even more chaos."
"Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should."
"Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is actually step back from the equation."
"Just because you have an opinion doesn't necessarily mean you need to voice it."
"Sometimes the best notes are the ones that you don't play."
"I'm not gonna go on a crusade against... no, this is not one where I'm angry at it."
"Please stop running out and buying [__] as soon as it drops."
"Sometimes the greatest sign of intelligence is knowing when to freaking stop."
"The best thing that Trump can do here is to sit still. Just sit down, stop saying things. But feel free to say this is a partisan political witch-hunt."
"You are being rewarded for just not going off basically in some area of your life."
"Just as easy as it is to express a like, it's also just as easy, if not easier, to not do that."
"We should be slow to speak, quick to hear, and consider ourselves lest we're tempted."
"I made the decision not to fire them up... because I was too close... I literally could reach down... and go excuse me you guys I'm now going to shoot you."
"Remember folks, just because you're in a position of power doesn't mean you need to use it. Sometimes it's good to just be chill."
"Don't force nothing at all, you can't force nothing, can't, it's going to have you [ __ ] up if you keep forcing, you just got sometimes you got to let [ __ ] go, yeah, you know what I'm saying."
"But it's also a martial art and what that means to me is you don't ever use it unless you have to."
"Dune Messiah is about just how problematic a hero can be."
"I think Villeneuve is mostly very restrained."
"It's better to teach a child restraint rather than restriction."
"I could very easily pay him out here and on Twitter but I'm not going to because I did enjoy his work."
"The more chords you know, the more courage it takes to not play them."
"You have to resist the urge to just make constant videos bitching about stuff."
"I'm biting my tongue, I have nothing remotely appropriate to say."
"If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all."
"That's a nice Lamborghini. We can't just steal random cars, they gotta be actually ginger."
"Neither of these guys will just straight up kill each other."
"They can't hold back the feelings they have for you much longer."
"The thing you're supposed to do in this situation is get as least horny as possible and make it about business."
"What keeps him from being the equal of Sauron ultimately comes down to this restraint his concern and his love for his friends their world and for the future."
"For Gandalf power and strength are not the same power is a gross abuse of strength and at times it requires more strength to walk away from a fight more wisdom to avoid some battles and take on what you can when you are able."
"maybe the right thing to do right now is nothing"
"One day you will wake up and say, 'I kept my mouth shut, I was good, wasn't I?'"
"Constrain them, don't do it an inch more than you need to."
"The greatest thing is to be dangerous and to be nasty but to not have to use it."
"What makes a strong human is knowing what's best and staying away from what just feels good."
"The level of restraint and self-discipline must have taken for Thanos to destroy those stones when he could have just ruled with an iron fist indefinitely."
"To me, stoicism is the stopping yourself before you throw the punch as opposed to stopping yourself before you get upset that someone called you a terrible name."
"He's not going to weigh in on every question about the impeachment trial, and we don't feel it's necessary or our role to do that."
"When you're attacking, you don't always want to give all the checks that you can. Sometimes you want to keep them in your back pocket."
"Saying less is always better than saying too much."
"Adventure, excitement... a Jedi craves not these things."
"Going to the gun first is frequently the wrong call, and those officers made the right call."
"We need to evolve beyond this stupidity. Let's take examples like this, learn from them, and show restraint in how we interact."
"I wanted to scream out, but I couldn't because I didn't want to provoke the tiger in any way."
"I want to come towards you with all of this passion, but something is holding me back."
"Historically there have been other norms that have held in war... neither the Germans nor the Western allies nor the Soviets employed these devastating weapons."
"Just because you got it, you don't have to wear it."
"A delay is not denial; it just means go a little slower because you're thirsty, and she can sense that you're thirsty and that you're coming unglued."
"Being strong, being masculine, being a patriarch is not overusing force."
"Just stand strong, don't push back, have compassion."
"Don't feel that you have to buy every new release as it comes out."
"I would think that that's what wisdom is: he wised up instead of making a fool of himself, he just keeps his mouth shut."
"Choose peace rather than force. Leaders lead by example. The greatest strength involves restraint."
"Don't judge a book by its cover. Exercise restraint and be a peacemaker."
"Had we been sold as male and female slaves I would have held my tongue although the enemy could never compensate for the king's loss."
"I don't want to do anything to this person, like there's something."
"Chad, we can't be giving out any more money. We gotta lock in, chat! 🔒"
"Even though Peter has every reason to kill the goblin, he does not do so."
"What we learned was that many insiders in the Trump administration felt very strongly that they had to basically band together to keep Donald Trump from seeking active duty troops on Americans in all sorts of cities."
"A show of strength is not something that the wise person does."
"Just because we can do something in science doesn't mean we have to do it."
"True power is having the power and not exercising it."
"You did good. I'm sorry for grabbing you. I just didn't want you to do something that you'd regret."
"Not everything needs to be said all the time."
"Just because you can doesn't mean you have to."
"Reacting feeds their fire. Don't give them the satisfaction."
"I'm not going to say one bad word I'm literally going to answer the questions."
"I'm not asking a lot of questions, and it wouldn't be justified even if you had had some words."
"Strength comes from being able to restrain yourself to understand that a person is ignorant."
"Know when to stop, in this way you avoid danger."
"A good man is capable of extreme violence and willingly forgoes it."
"How do you recognize a scholar? He's the one who keeps quiet when everyone else is screaming."
"Please don't say anything on things that you don't understand."
"Restraint is by far the most impressive trait of Shadow of the Colossus."
"Don't give them what they want in terms of inappropriate responses, backlash, public mockery."
"May this weapon strike true, may it be wielded with wisdom, may it be put down when its job is done."
"Mass production is a beautiful thing when used with restraint and increases the quality of life for the masses."
"Let's not kill them, I just want to go on a rampage, that's all."
"The law is the wise restraints that keep men free."
"It's okay to not say everything that comes to your mind."
"You need to have the strength to withhold from something."
"Sometimes let the thing promote yourself. You can over-promote sometimes."
"It's pretty easy in those scenarios to hold back."
"All I'm asking you to do for 2021 is just fall back, don't get according to the [ __ ] right away."
"I wanted to break people, but not destroy them."
"It still has a level of restraint which makes the missions feel more grounded."
"Strength to keep going, but also the strength to hold back when needed."
"Sometimes, just shut your mouth, just you know what I mean. That's too far. But just, you know, that's too far."
"It is powerful to have what to say and keep quiet. It is powerful to know what to do and still remain."
"Sometimes it's not the tweet that was sent, it's the tweet that was never sent."
"Real power is to be able to hold back your power and distribute it at the right time."
"The more the enemy provokes, the more calm we must be. We will not provoke disputes, we will exercise self-restraint, but it does not mean that we will not counter."
"Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't. You think that's power?"
"There's no need to jump up and jump for bad and getting in people's faces, that's not the answer."
"Never respond when you're angry, never make a promise when you're happy, and never make a decision when you're in pain."
"Gandalf's decision to refrain from taking the ring from Frodo by force can be viewed as an embodiment of one of Tolkien's recurring themes: the respect for individual free will and the peril of domination."
"Gordon races to Batman to stop him from killing."
"True strength is not just about power, it's about knowing when not to use it."
"Being a painter doesn't just mean knowing when to add things, it means when to not add things."
"It was pity that stayed Bilbo's hand when he let Gollum live."
"The idea of Saturn is knowing when to conserve our energy, knowing when not to waste our energy, knowing when there's nothing we can do so we stop trying."
"Restraint is oftentimes the biggest thing that you can do to protect your loved ones."
"True test of power is what you don't do."
"You make my heart full; there's a lot of emotion that they have for you already that they're holding back."
"Egypt calls for the exercise of the utmost restraint to spare the region and its people from further factors of instability and tension."
"Just because you know you can do something, it doesn't mean you should."
"We're not running to the attraction we want to ride; you can walk briskly, but we're not running."
"Sometimes the best response is no response."
"A man of understanding holdeth his peace."
"I promised my wife that I wouldn't do any more cannonballing after 27:25, and I stuck to that promise."
"Frustration is after all only your own life force turned within and longing to break free of its restraints."
"The true test of power is not in its use, but in the restraint and wisdom to wield it."
"You don't want to hurt anything, you don't want to tear anything, so you got to know when to say stop."
"I must behave, you're saying you must behave yourself, I love you."
"Cuz we can doesn't mean we should."
"I'm going to try not to nerd out too hard on this one."
"They also understand that more money isn't always better, and they know when to stop."
"If you ain't got none nice to say, don't say nothing at all."
"If any species is worthy of that burden, it's the humans, for they more than any other understand the price of power and the necessity of restraint in its use."
"Saturn is containing your desire nature here, he's making you think twice before you do everything."
"Do not call up that which you cannot put down."
"Let's take this off; that's a little extreme."