
Deity Quotes

There are 808 quotes

"He eventually met the goddess... she is really a goddess; she looks so radiant and beautiful."
"God is greater than all of that. God is the creator; He's always been there, He would always be there. He never dies, He never gets tired. He doesn't have human relations like us."
"It would be far kinder for God to come in and instruct His children just like a parent would than it would be to flood the world."
"I'm not convinced that God exists, but what I am sure of is that for the various gods that have been proposed by people, I'm pretty damn confident that they don't exist."
"The deity of Kabbalah is the god over their antichrist organizations... thus not the God of the Bible at all."
"Things we consider mysterious need not be attributed to a deity."
"Near the mountain among ancient trees and magic stones lives a goddess that looks like a woman with many arms. Her name is Shakti."
"Even being a deity myself... it is quite rough and tough on me as well."
"Vishnu symbolizes kindness, morality, and mercy, the protector of humanity against evil forces."
"You will never reach spiritual enlightenment if you believe in any deity outside of yourself."
"Krishna is a person. He's the supreme personality of Godhead."
"Speaking to Krishna and his deities, we connect to that person, Krishna."
"Rest assured, I am a kind and gracious deity that loves you without condition."
"If god exists, and he is omnipotent and omniscient, and he has allowed for everything and anything to happen, including wars, torture, and killing, than he is a sadistic monster not worth our affection or attention."
"This is complex enough and if God is the end all and be all, the salvation, what difference is his color?"
"And that brings us into the question of the Brother Gods: do they suck?"
"If there really was a god and there was something it wanted us to do, we would all know what that is."
"The young Hephaestus came to be respected as a great deity. The God was a magnificent blacksmith. Among his greatest works were the sandals of Hermes, the armor of Achilles, and the bow and arrow of Eros."
"Total power is not enough: Papa Doc wants to become a god."
"He was predominantly recognized as a messenger god."
"What happens to a god when they die? Can a god truly perish? If so, where are their corpses?"
"Nobody's god. You know, if you believe in god, god is god. Trump is not god."
"Being considered the wisest of beings is, perhaps, one of the reasons why it has led to some misinterpretations of this deity as being omniscient which has led to being a factor that has aided a comparison with the Judeo-Christian deity."
"These quote-unquote gods that appear to civilizations of old always carried something in their hand."
"Now, I will complete a multitude of duties as a god of destruction."
"Gold represents deity, silver represents redemption."
"The goddess Saraswati of knowledge and learning is said to be born in Shravana."
"Hanuman is one deity whom if you end up listening to, you can actually end up getting a lot of good things."
"The god of flesh, hunger, and desire. My god, Leviathan, lord of the Labyrinth."
"Their God Is Dead. He's a Drowned God."
"The Lord he is God; the Lord he is God." - 1 Kings 18:39
"The pendant depicts Hathor, a goddess who is easily recognizable because of her cow ears."
"Jesus was only one of many dying and rising gods."
"Love is one of the chief characteristics of deity."
"Our God is not dead, and He's not done."
"They will know that I am the Lord their God."
"Within witchcraft the Triple Goddess is seen as the consort of the horned god."
"He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the keeper of creation and the creator of all."
"He's associated with life-giving water."
"His name means lord of the earth."
"We serve a holy God, yes, a true God, the only God, and His name is Jesus Christ."
"Jesus said he was God. He claimed to be God in human flesh."
"Jesus Christ is the one and only Savior, the Messiah, meaning God."
"He's omnipotent, he knows everything."
"Odin, the Gray Man, the one-eyed, the god of the north, who had taken the form of a warrior to fight for his people."
"Erishim the judge is essentially the closest thing to God himself that we have met within the MCU thus far."
"He's like God, he can save people, he can heal them."
"a God who has shown that is capable of rewriting time to his liking."
"There are consequences to killing a god."
"Now he's taking the form of the gods that he was based on."
"He's our savior, healer, Lord, rabbi, teacher, friend, messiah, redeemer."
"He's the way, the truth, and the life, the king of all kings and the lord of all lords."
"I believe that Jesus was claiming to be God Almighty and there's only one God this is the reason why Isaiah 43:10 says before me there was no God formed neither there shall be Gods after me I am the first and the last besides me there is no God."
"He is revered almost as a living deity."
"God cannot lie therefore when Jesus who is God speaks the truth, we can trust him to tell the truth"
"The key characteristic of the deity is the ability to create realities."
"The sea goddess was Luoa, a deity who had been mortal, therefore she was very empathetic to the suffering of men."
"God cannot be equated with the character of Yahweh in the Hebrew stories."
"I mean, yes, Kel Kaufman many years ago pointed out that the early Hebrew possesses no word to designate a feminine deity."
"Goku, you're definitely the strongest person after Whis and Beerus I have ever fought, but tell me, are you really a deity?"
"These kinds of offerings arise from a belief that people can influence the way in which a deity behaves."
"He is basically the Jesus Christ of mortism."
"He's God, and He has always been God, and He will always be God."
"We remind our soul that we are not talking to a dead God."
"So weary that He can sleep in a storm, so powerful that He can stop the storm in its tracks. This is our Christ, fully God and fully man, so that He can provide the infinite sacrifice for sin and die in the place of man."
"There's a rather profound difference between being merely godlike evolved beings and true gods."
"Jesus is our great God and Savior. That's the most obvious and clear sense of the Greek. Jesus is our great God and Savior."
"Humanity falls out of favor with one of their deities prompting that deity to drown Humanity in a global catastrophe."
"I ultimately want people to see that the creative god of the universe is also good and is also the hero of the story."
"Now who wants to kill a god what else can you say."
"In other words, the individual goes to that which is the final supreme end of all existence, Deity, and that Deity in a strange way is also alone, having nothing except internal eternity upon which to depend."
"God is a woman and her name is Danny DeVito's wife."
"May we know and recognize the true and living God."
"There's one God... because there's only room for one heaven and earth can't contain him how can any other god fit in?"
"The scriptures clearly teach that Jesus is called God and the Father calls Jesus God."
"He wasn't just another great man, he was God in the flesh."
"Therefore you are great, O Lord God, for there is none like you, nor is there any God besides you."
"I am God, and there is none else."
"My point is that you don't need them. It's not a requirement at all to work with a deity on your altar. A simple visual representation in whatever that may look like is enough."
"You're a hero. No, he's built the serious policy of the Gods."
"Hail to Shambhu. Let Shambhu be great."
"God waited five generations, and then he said, 'Okay, today let's just duke it out. Let's, you know, High Noon, center of town, old western, Baal, Yahweh, pull your guns, last one standing, that's the real God.'"
"Jesus is the boss. Jesus is supreme. He is the only true God."
"He's the most powerful creature, pretty much a god."
"The wisdom and power of the deity are in equilibrium."
"What greater claim can anyone make than to claim that he is God?"
"Our God is one, He's alone, there's only one God."
"...especially to the deity of Christ, the grandeur of his person."
"Quetzl the Protector was the Old One venerated as a Warrior God and protector whose servants were famously tough and resolute in their assigned roles, like the Saurus Temple Guard."
"We are deities... So a lot of people don't realize this and they seem to not have full control or full use of their abilities."
"He would speak blasphemy, which... means he would claim to be God on earth."
"I'm just saying if God were anything, God would have to be egoless, which means God could not have a personality. God could not have any rules or systems except for universal law."
"The old man thanks the deity for stopping this chaos, but reminds him that he now has more responsibility for the mortals than ever before."
"The deity goes to the village of Moon, and puts a talisman on the lotus lantern, while he remembers the woman that he loves and promises to find her in the next life."
"A deity tried to stop the wars of humanity, but was betrayed by his fellow men and killed as a result."
"I guess that I was meant to be a sacrifice for this huge millipede which they worshipped as a deity."
"The god of rot promised me immortality once."
"Against the golden birth of day he loomed, colossal, a gigantic god."
"I want to be a god who is respected by people."
"The Holy Spirit is God, never to be referred to as 'it'. He is co-equal in purpose and power."
"You don’t know what I do for mankind. I was your god, even if you couldn’t see it. By killing me, you have doomed yourselves..."
"Our Lord, the one and only true God."
"She is SON BRA, the soon to be strongest GOD of all time!"
"The true temple of God is not in India, neither does God protect the Brahman caste."
"There is one God, Brahma, and he is greater than the whole world, for he created it."
"Shango is probably the most popular male orisha or Divinity. Shango is the Divine impersonation of leadership, he's the king, he's the ruler, he's the emperor."
"God adapts and molds to the culture of the human, hinting again at the human origins and perceptions of the deity."
"The real God of the Bible was an ancient lentine deity whose footsteps shook the Earth."
"Allah is great, he's greater than anybody."
"If he really does end up turning a forest into a Sakura forest because that's just what happens when he awakens, then honestly I really couldn't think of a better example of a forest God."
"He's not some God sitting on a throne room that doesn't care about his people, but he's a God who transforms Nations."
"God demands worship. He calls every man to worship Him. He wants you to acknowledge Him as the source of everything."
"God is actually a man with a body of Flesh and Bone and he has a wife."
"Jesus is God. He allowed these women to worship him."
"In his presence, we believe that the name of Jesus is above every single name."
"The Mystic must also realize in the course of his growth that he must try to find some nobler way of experiencing or inwardly visualizing the nature of deity."
"I'm glad I don't have a god that I need to dust off or brush off or clean up. I'm glad I don't represent a God that need my help."
"If we take a second to look at him, this guy appears like he may be a deity of some sort."
"Jesus Christ is called the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. So, Jesus Christ is the Lord and He's the King. But in the Old Testament, Jehovah is the Lord and the King. So, Jesus must be Jehovah. I mean, it's that simple."
"I am a god, but not one that requires or enjoys worship."
"What an interesting way to demonstrate, particularly to that mindset, the deity of Jesus Christ as a member of the godhead."
"So, Jesus Christ must be the same Lord as the Old Testament. How could He be a separate God? He's the same God."
"There's none other who's worthy. Worship Him who is worthy, He is worthy."
"I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
"The Bible explicitly states that Jesus is God."
"All of scripture is God breathe but probably John, um I think John exalts the deity of Christ in a way that is very special and in a way that kind of gives me a perspective about who I'm serving."
"The heretic God was a God who brought disaster to the world."
"...if one wants to truly ascend they must raise their level to the highest to the point that one has the strength to end a so-called God."
"The only true God in this world is the God of War."
"Jesus though he was God did not consider it important to cling to the prerogatives or the Privileges of deity."
"If we're creating something a billion times more intelligent than us, what else do you call it than a god?"
"Part of his description isn't just to say, 'Hey, Jesus is God, don't forget that.' He's also saying, 'Hey, one of God's roles was to be a warrior to destroy the evil and wickedness.'"
"I guess they deserve to know who will kill them. I'm Takami, sacred God of Darkness, follower of the Supreme God Balud."
"...but what are you seeing they're trying to achieve like Perfection like like a god like God that's what they're trying to do..."
"He was two-thirds god, one-third man, surpassing all others."
"Because he's God, and he's good, and he's faithful."
"He's at least half a deity and that's good enough in my eyes."
"In Christianity, God is a personal being."
"He's here on this plane, and he's trying to become a god, and who knows, maybe he succeeded."
"Goku reached a level of power that could compete with the greatest of deities."
"Apollo heard his prayer and answered it at once. He stormed down from Olympus, a quiver full of plague arrows at his back."
"If somebody comes up to me and shows me absolutely incontrovertible proof that a deity is standing there, I'll believe in it."
"She's actually described to be a mother goddess with at least a thousand young one of the highest outer guys there is."
"She looked like the Goddess of Life."
"Pegasus is now his own God, declaring himself as such, wanting to create a new world born from the current one's ashes."
"The loftiest title for Jesus is Lord."
"All men and women are in the similitude of the universal father and mother and are literally sons and daughters of deity."
"We don't follow a weak god. He's a strong, manly figure."
"I am not a distant deity watching from afar. I am here walking beside you, ready to listen, help, and embrace you at any moment."
"Monotheism becomes an idea without the compelling power of the polytheistic deities."
"Yazidis worship the Supreme Creator God through the seven holy beings, especially the Peacock Angel Melik T."
"So let's answer it once and for all: is working with deities dangerous? No, it's not."
"You should not feel any pressure to work with the deity or not work with the deity. It should be, in my opinion, completely up to you."
"Anyway, so that is my answer to the question of 'Are deities dangerous? Are they evil? No, um...'"
"Is it possible for our chosen deity to refuse to work with us? If are we talking about a deity that as an individual you have chosen for yourself? Because in which case, most definitely. Because often that choice of deity is something we've based on stories, TV shows."
"The abyss itself is treated like a god, it's worshiped, skeletons line the inner walls, and it has been worshiped for thousands of years."
"A personal being with far more knowledge and intelligence and creativity and power and care than we human beings."
"More terrible than a demon is the spite of a god."
"Half meaning what I think you know. Half me and half mortal. Half God. Oh guys, watch the arrows, newcomer."
"He stands. So He stands. And time is in His hands, the beginning and the end, the beginning and the ending, the godhead three and one, Father Spirit Son."
"Our goddess is not limited to a human figure or anything."
"Is Yahweh the God of beings that don't really exist? Again, news flash: I'm better than a being that doesn't exist."
"Men in no respect so nearly approach to the deity as when they confer benefits on men."
"What's the hardest thing about being God? Trusting people."
"Jesus Christ is God, Almighty God."
"The one God, there is not the mediator. Christ is the mediator. Therefore, He is not the one God."
"Why does Yahweh use the phrase 'ego eimi' of himself?"
"History itself is a terrifying deity. Be careful what you ask of it."
"The name of Jesus doesn't eliminate the name of Yahweh but incorporates the name of Yahweh."
"Yahweh: the one who always has been and always will be."
"He is an extraordinary deity to work with because he will utilize tough love."
"The first truth is the full deity of Christ. All the fullness of deity dwells in Christ."
"The Lord, the king of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts I am the first and I am the last beside me there is no God"
"Just like you have a personal name, your God has a personal name as well."
"If we had to have a God who would be the best God to have if I was actually going to worship another being who would deserve My Worship?"
"When I hear comments like that sometimes it gets me thinking like okay if we had to have a God who would be the best God to have if I was actually going to worship another being who would deserve My Worship."
"Gods that don't kill children unnecessarily or at all gods that don't rely on child sacrifice to make up for their own mistakes gods that don't build us with an initial nature that is grotesque to them that they can't stand that they can't be in the presence of."
"Christ is worthy of our worship because he is the Eternal God of the universe who is the only one to be worshiped."
"If a god demands death, there is no need to revere such a deity."
"We don't need to worship or work with any deities unless it is to study their archetype to become more like them."
"God likes whatever they want because gods and goddesses are individuals."
"You are Alpha and Omega, you are Lord."
"So, is it a combination of Wicca, ceremonial high magic, with Lucifer at the center as a sort of deity?"
"This is what it must feel like to be a god." - Book (from the reading)
"You cannot be a Christian if you deny the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and rob him of his glory."
"For you are great and perform wonderful deeds. You alone are God."
"Security is now venerated as the Supreme deity."
"That's cool, he's giving like Zeus Vibes."
"If someone's deity is Lilith, then maybe she is in contact with a Lilith that is in the singular."
"Something happens to the sun moon and stars indicating that deity is about to invade Humanity."
"Jesus is Lord, He is King of kings and Lord of lords, but that is because He is Yahweh Himself."
"Gods don't have to choose. We take."
"He was the god after all. He should know. But he didn't."
"Haven is Oracle. Oracle is Haven. Oracle is God."
"He is the God that supplies all of your needs."
"To be a God, to be the chosen one."
"This God of Destruction was considered one of the mightest destroyers of the first generation."
"But that’s not enough.. If he wants to have any chance of winning today, he must stop fighting like a mortal and fight like a true God of Destruction."
"He is the Living God who was revealed in the flesh."
"Yog-sothoth is the gate. Yog-sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are in Yog-sothoth."