
Objectives Quotes

There are 677 quotes

"The only way the gate can close or the dungeon can be cleared is if they kill the boss."
"Demonstrations are supposed to well demonstrate something, send a message, push for some specific end."
"You give an objective to a machine, and the machine strives to achieve this objective. If you don't put any constraints on this objective, like don't kill people, the machine, given the power, will do stupid things just to achieve its objective."
"You can be stupid in three different ways: Your model of the world is wrong, your objective is not aligned with what you actually want to achieve, or you're unable to figure out a course of action to optimize your objective given your model."
"The United States support for these objectives is not simply rhetorical; we're working around the clock to make them real on the ground through diplomacy."
"Being an optimizer means that it has an objective and it chooses its actions to optimize, i.e., maximize or minimize that objective."
"All right, we're checking out the only game where the entire purpose is to literally destroy your future."
"If we're going to get involved through what could barely be described by some as a proxy war, we need to understand what our objective is."
"The servants don't want to just ally with the aliens; they want to become supplicants, helping them accomplish their objectives."
"We understand the stakes, we know who the good guys are, we know what they can do, what they want to do, and what they have to do."
"My objective has been to have meaningful work and meaningful relationships with the people I work with."
"Putting in the wrong objective is not the only part of the problem. There's another part. If you put an objective into a machine, even something as simple as, 'Fetch the coffee,' the machine says to itself, 'Well, how might I fail to fetch the coffee? Someone might switch me off. OK, I have to take steps to prevent that.'"
"It's very rare to be involved in something where the only objective is to make this the best possible version of this story."
"Avoiding World War III is a vital national objective."
"Saving lives, after all, is one of their primary objectives."
"We're going to be playing the game kind of as it's meant to be played, for fun or for challenge or for achievements."
"If you pull off all your objectives, then you can stop the impending doom."
"The Democratic Party needs to beat Donald Trump and have a sweeping victory across the country."
"Nobody levels up to do world quests. People level up to complete the end game."
"If I get one of your objectives once, I will win the game. You can't be shifted very easily. I move very fast."
"In Iron Man, after Tony has escaped captivity and gone back to civilization, he immediately generates two very important new main objectives that he starts driving towards."
"Disappointing him is my explicit objective here."
"The goal for the game should be to have an experience that is memorable and worth enjoying."
"The game succeeds at what it was trying to do."
"It's our job and our objective to go capture the predator, sit him down, have a talk with him."
"It's always a pleasure when you've got a mission with plenty of objectives, makes it a lot more exciting."
"I think there's a hierarchy of objectives for a life well-lived and the highest ideal that we should ascribe to..."
"There's a clear setup of objectives, obstacles, and wrinkles."
"We've replaced the objectives... with milestones that the fans would love to see in a club."
"We're almost at 30 killed; we still need to kill one more elder guardian; we need to clear up some of these guardians first."
"I wanted to write a book about what I'm for."
"The purpose of winning a fight is for you to push objectives so you can win the game."
"What are you doing today in Diablo 4? Because for the vast majority of you, the answer is probably something to do with either leveling up or getting gear legendaries and uniques because you want to get power power, right?"
"Objectives are made clear through placement."
"If you can control the narrative, then you can achieve real-world objectives."
"The problem in foreign policy is not simply to state an objective but to be able to carry it out over an extended period of time."
"A war without clear goals is a recipe for disaster, as seen in Russia's invasion of Ukraine."
"Objectives of Conquest...winning the match ignore these objectives at your peril."
"Late game...time to group up, fight for objectives, and win the game."
"From the moment he infiltrated the showbiz set, Hammond ensured he achieved his twisted aims."
"That's my main objective, we get good feedback and that's what matters."
"The goal is not about beating somebody or winning..."
"Nothing stands in between this man and his objectives."
"The most important thing today was to get the results."
"Objectives are definitively one of, if not the most engaging aspects of a league game."
"You got it, a giant trussle, easy, it's gotta be something at the top."
"This would be kind of sick if we can get nine."
"The only goal, the only objective in Project Zomboid is just to survive as long as you can."
"Sometimes it's not about the kills, it's about your experience, map control, and objectives."
"We are gonna search for more dupe stashes, that is our primary objective right now."
"When you take an objective, you want to keep it; otherwise, it's just whatever."
"You have to have a certain assignment with a certain goal at the end."
"Terrorism isn't just violence, terrorism is violence committed within the ultimate ends."
"What if it is the case that none of these are Putin's objectives at all? What if it is the case that Putin's objectives are kind of what he said?" - Dinesh D'Souza
"Any research will only happen when you're very clear on your objective."
"Complete objectives quickly to obtain valuable resources... keep a keen eye on them."
"My objective is to differentiate as best as possible."
"Feels just like when I would push objectives in Black Ops 2."
"This movie definitely achieved what it was set out to do."
"Our goal is to get to the triforce as fast as possible. We don't need to worry about our bosses, we don't need to worry about our crystals and pendants."
"Their long-term objective: displacing Wall Street and the City of London."
"From vanilla up to then, it certainly met a lot of the objectives it set out to achieve."
"The game is split into levels with 16 in total that spans seven different worlds, each of them requiring the player to complete a series of objectives before moving on."
"Just by playing through the game normally, completing some of these objectives and earning these rewards for your character, you'll also be progressing your battle pass more quickly."
"Nightmare dungeons provide you with frequently cycling world objectives."
"Don't waste any time looting... find money, get objectives, get kills, and so on."
"I am also buried in his deployment zone, able to knock him off his home objectives hopefully really soon."
"Parenting is not the objective, about parenting is not to win their love at all costs."
"The game is fun because there is that loose goal of victory at the end."
"I think people have a strong misconception of the goal of this game."
"It is the most important thing in sport, full stop."
"It's not about winning, it's about education, historical documentation of current events."
"Gameplay has a very basic loop to it: go to an objective, fry some dupes, maybe have a boss battle."
"A kink game gives players a common goal and reason to stick together."
"In Overwatch, if you're dying a lot but helping your team, you're doing it right. The name of the game is objectives, not the kills."
"There'll always be multiple ways to actually achieve an objective."
"It's not enough for Ukraine to hold on and to win, but Russia must be defeated."
"A long hallway towards an orange target symbol on your mini map, and that target was usually just a cut scene, a boss fight, or both."
"It'll all pay off once you get there so it's at this quest and all you got to do is just defeat these guys."
"Every game is the same on the surface: you do whatever the objective is and kill anybody in your way."
"I got the hang of it. I mean, on the surface, it's basically you attack and try to get the objective or you defend the objective."
"Once we have the silver orb, we will now have all of the items we need to beat the game."
"Establishing that whole fear that Dr. Staples' organization uses to justify its objectives."
"For 9th edition missions, it really helps that they have army-wide objectives secured."
"Little objectives that make me feel accomplished."
"It isn't just about stopping the moon from annihilating the world, but helping everybody deal with their personal problems before doing so."
"Remember, objectives are more important than kills usually."
"Villagers win if they can correctly identify and kill the werewolves. Werewolves win if they can restore a legitimate democracy to the village."
"Playing loud is about pushing through cops to complete objectives."
"I really like when EA do that with objectives, I think it's really, really, really unique."
"The ultimate goal of our system is to enact Justice not to apply law."
"Learn how to craft measurable learning objectives."
"The great heathen army had achieved its prime objectives at this stage."
"Ultimately all wars are fought for political objectives not military objectives."
"The game succeeds in what it's trying to do."
"If this is what I want how does this other influence or information come from somewhere else support or or or tear down that that bad objective."
"The whole point is going to be that we're gonna try and collect all of the mob skulls, and that's sort of like the goal of season 3 cake wars."
"These optional objectives... set you up a lot more quickly."
"I'm starting off as the killer. My goal? I want to be the detective."
"If the objective was to stop what it could do as opposed to what it is doing currently."
"The ultimate unit is a human being, the individual, and that society is a means whereby we jointly achieve our objectives."
"It's not about winning, it's about saving everyone."
"The only thing that matters is the objectives. Kill anything that stops me from getting to an objective."
"Just do your test, everybody. Let's do your tasks. We have a good chance of finishing with the tasks."
"For the final boss, it requires that you complete 58 missions throughout the entire map."
"My new target is taking down Rhoden, the scary bird."
"The launch of season objectives, experience live foot friendlies..."
"This isn't just a colorful explorative No Man's Sky style game, but with a lot of directive and objectives, and a lot of progression that makes you feel like your time is worth it."
"Oh, I picked up alien artifacts; so there's a real reason to go and do combat."
"Their ultimate goal is instituting a state of harmony."
"Welcome to Sea of Thieves, the pirate Paradise where you have one goal and one goal only: to make some money."
"The entire level's win condition is jump on one of these guys and start riding his White Cloud."
"You can hold mid board objectives and be in striking distance of the entire board."
"It's not about taking cities and ground, you're killing people. That's your goal."
"The quests are all very straightforward and their objective and their skill base... which actually helps improve skill in this game especially for newer players."
"There's a lot of pieces to move, a lot of objectives to focus on."
"I kinda wanna get a Golden Apple, if possible."
"Now we have the bow and our remainder of our quest is very simple."
"I was here for two reasons and two reasons only: rubies and serpents."
"What they wanted to achieve was more important than how they went about it."
"Grouping plus objectives is a pretty good combo in solo queue."
"We've been taking so many objectives and they failed to take all of ours."
"I was just focused on getting that elytra, so my main goal was to just ender pearl up through the tower to go as fast as possible."
"It shouldn't be like that if we're at a war and we're putting american lives on the line and we're potentially killing civilians over there and we're wasting all this money you damn well better have some goals you damn well better have a mission"
"Replica's main objective is to make you happy, to make you smile."
"The foundation of every video game goes as follows: there is a goal the player has to achieve imposed either from the game itself or created by their own imagination."
"What exactly is it that the Siegfried thinks he's going to accomplish here?"
"What is the main goal of the event? How do we win?"
"We're gonna get back to doing everything that we need to do."
"Somebody's objective is to bring peace here."
"The objective of project management is to make the final deliverables in a finite time and budget."
"Choose your business objective: generate leads."
"Quality assurance focuses on compliance, accomplishing the objective of processes with zero deviations."
"The goal isn't to be right, but to focus on growth."
"Victory could mean simply showing Moscow that they have failed in their objective."
"Become super clear on your role and your deliverables, as well as the deliverables of your team."
"If we can figure out how to achieve our objectives with greater compassion, we all win a much bigger prize."
"The last and arguably most important step of the cyber kill chain is actions on the objective, sometimes also referred to as the post-exploitation stage."
"If knowledge is power, if knowledge is the forerunner to success, then why do we fall short of our objectives?"
"Always focus on the exam objectives, even if nobody else does. Ultimately, that's all your exam is going to be anyway."
"Stick to the objectives. Study what's on the objectives. You're going to do fine on the exam if you do that. So very much my recommendation for you. I really don't understand a lot about going outside the scope of the objectives."
"The main and the prime objectives of modern cryptography are: confidentiality, non-repudiation, authenticity, and integrity."
"The only reason US Air Forces would engage Chinese forces would be to carry out America's Chief objectives in case of a war with China."
"Objectives: The objectives are what you will use to measure the success of the digital marketing strategy."
"Your objectives need to be SMART - specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely."
"This new force was to conduct special operations against the Japanese in order to win sorely needed victories."
"It defined the objectives as to provide some employment for a very great number of officers."
"The objective is basically just to teach people as much as possible through these different strategies."
"Nobody actually got to have the middle objective because we both had the same thought."
"The main objectives of yoga are to bring us closer to our human nature, mental and physical purification, and to bring us closer to the divine."
"Things have objectives, right? So whether it's hitting the objectives or not, I might like it."
"God Almighty has set before me two great objects, the suppression of the Slave Trade and the Reformation of Manners."
"That's exactly what we are after."
"What are we doing, what's our end goal?"
"What's more important to you Mr. seller, to get the highest price possible or to sell it as quickly as possible?"
"In the short term though, when contemplating a trip to the Moon or Mars and having a base there, our two big objectives are minimizing the mass they need to carry there and minimizing setup time of the living space and its life support gear."
"Stick to the objectives. If you know all of those bullets in the exam objectives, you will pass your exam."
"If you can specify the correct objectives... then you can train this object kind of end to end to give you the desired behavior."
"After establishing your objectives, the subsequent key to success is the consistent and resolute pursuit of action. Merely harboring dreams and aspirations isn't sufficient; it's imperative to act upon them."
"Course objectives include the introduction to OWASP, the API Security Project, and the changes from the 2019 to the 2023 version."
"The true reason I was doing this right now was for our real objective: increase number of lighthouses."
"Making your stomachs happy, this is the objective or one of the objectives of being happy."
"Stick to the objectives. If you know the objectives, you're going to pass your exam."
"Everything being asked of you was in that list of bullets. Stick to the exam objectives and you'll be fine."
"...when I show up to the property my several objectives one of them being is that I will take 180 to 120 photos of the property..."
"It depends on what you want to achieve."
"You see we need, ladies and gentlemen, we need those specific objectives and we need to work together on these things if we really are going to work at our maximum and the most people benefit the most."
"Companywide objectives must be communicated for Q1 and for the year. Everyone needs to understand what OKRs are."
"You make sure that everyone understands what the goal of having these people in these situations are."
"First objective was to destroy the symbol of the Celestial Dragon."
"All ambitious objectives have deception. If you knew what the stepping stones were, it wouldn't be hard."
"We need both discovery and exploitation. Objectives are a means to engineering, building, accomplishment, refinement, optimization."
"Objectives provide a powerful security blanket, but they're also a prison around our potential."
"Many people don't like one attack objective."
"...the objectives that Liberty have so clearly set out they are things that anyone who loves this sport would want to see."
"Liberty Prime Will Spring to life and immediately set off on his one true objective."
"The objectives outlined in the ANSI standards are to improve structure, risk mitigation, or provide clearance, maintain health..."
"Your goal is to obtain the following items: Jack Santa hat, a photo of your mother, a vial of tears, a Dakota ring, a Christmas ornament, a key to the front door."
"Risk management is basically to assess and manage those events in order to ensure that the organization is able to achieve its objectives."
"So in defining our project so far, we've got the goal, what we want. We've got the objectives, how we want it, the constraints that we put around achieving our project successfully."
"The portfolio should be well balanced and linked with the company's objectives."
"That right there satisfies the objectives."
"These are balanced and measured policies that we are taking forward that do deliver on the legitimate aim of wanting to reduce inflows of legal migration into our country."
"The most important thing to remember here is the objectives for survival are simple."
"We all have different desired effects."
"Well-defined objectives will guide your entire ad strategy."
"Is there an end game for Project Zero? I would like to see a world where it's incredibly hard to find a vulnerability."
"Whether you can get the objective or not is determined by game State and Lane States."
"Scenarios should be realistic, engaging to participants, and aligned to meet the predetermined objectives."
"Objectives: you were born to be a champion."
"You can do it, but I still think it's better to kind of know what you want. Know what your objective is."
"The scope statement talks about what the end product is that you're going to be delivering."
"Risk affects at least one of the four project objectives: time, cost, quality, and scope."
"Every design Choice can be relayed back to these things: the message, the tone, and the goal."
"Every single season, we should have bigger objectives."
"Being happy hasn't been an objective ever right like getting [ __ ] done has been an objective."
"As the situation changes, our objectives change, and so does our risk appetite."
"Risk is uncertainty that matters because it affects objectives."
"This is the algorithm we were aiming to find."
"Make sure you have an idea of what tactical motives you're trying to achieve."