
Improvements Quotes

There are 296 quotes

"This game would be amazing because it's so good, it just needs those minor gripes fixed."
"Roll back net code that makes for an actual good online experience in a fighting game."
"Come back, it's time. The changes to combat, army feeling like it actually has weight again, spear bracing, sieges, all of it is just so awesome."
"Critics praise the changes made to Shin Megami Tensei V, especially the bigger areas which allowed for more entertaining exploration."
"The patches were substantive and genuinely improved the game, fixing bugs, improving performance, adding assets, and even removing that stupid online-only requirement."
"Without the World Cup, these debates would not have happened and the improvements which have happened would not have happened."
"Cyberpunk is in a better state than ever on PC and it continues to be one of the best looking games you can play right now."
"Career mode doesn't really have a lot of new features in fact, it's basically the same as last year, but there are little tiny details and improvements here and there that do make the experience a lot better."
"It shouldn't just be like barbarianism you can get a few things that make it better."
"Overall though, I think they've done well to improve the relic section compared with what it was."
"This whole issue could have been solved with just a few tweaks."
"This latest driver update is a huge step in the right direction."
"We're going to announce the all-in Summit 2024 back to LA... we're upgrading the experience once again for everyone." - Speaker
"I actually appreciate how they made some things easier in The Sims 4."
"Age of War 2, similar to the first game but better in every way."
"Overall sentiment here is I really love this patch... going to be way better than the alpha, way better than the beta."
"My brows have been looking thicker and better too."
"Tears of the Kingdom needs more structure, it needs more solid goals."
"There's a lot more control in this game than in previous versions of the game."
"The Improved X5 is so great because it takes out every silly convoluted mechanic that nobody asked for in the original."
"Remove the hard ceiling on the map so the hard barrier that you hit at the top of the map that pushes you back down remove that replace it with a soft kill barrier."
"Patch 1.6 brings exciting new features like a full police system rework and vehicle combat."
"The improved d-pad and face buttons are just about perfect at this point."
"It is genuinely insane how just one small change can make a bad stage instantly good."
"Shadow Man Remastered is a gorgeous remastering of the original game with a vast array of changes and improvements."
"I think the better solution would have been... make it part of that pre-game setup."
"Respawn Entertainment listened to their fans."
"4SE's iterations of Virgil is where they really figured out this character's kit."
"Battery life improvements are pretty significant."
"Blazer has CSS isolation, new file types, and huge performance improvements."
"With the PS5 release I can confirm thankfully that the character animation stutter in cutscenes seems largely reduced or completely eliminated."
"Paradise Lost improves or fixes a lot of the hang-ups the base game had."
"The notch accommodates a 1080p camera, better for video chatting and photo booth than just taking pictures and videos."
"We're not just fixing up some of the moves that weren't as intended, we're also polishing some of the features of the game as well."
"Diplomacy should be a lot more accessible and easier this time around."
"Every single part of it has been improved in the remake."
"They're making a whole new game, of course they're going to be improving the skins."
"The weapon mod screen is going to be vastly overhauled."
"For once game freak did everything we asked and it paid off black and white were already fantastic games all it needed were some touch-ups throw in a new story too and Bam best Pokemon games of all time."
"The jump scares in this game are really good. They are super fast and in your face, similar to Chapter One which I thought was just a huge step up from the past games."
"It's great that Nvidia are listening to consumer feedback and taking steps to avoid the launch day mess."
"The Sims 4's customization options are the best that we've ever had."
"It's going to be smarter... it's going to be better at everything across the board. This is a bigger deal than it sounds."
"A vastly improved competitive PvP experience."
"These changes aren't the end of our journey to make Overwatch 2 a more rewarding game to play, they're just the beginning."
"The new gameplay direction of Overwatch 2 is a massive improvement over the original."
"They wanted to improve every aspect of the game."
"Improvements to quests, like re-rolling, are amazing."
"Vice City Stories is in many ways the Ultimate Classic 3D GTA experience the culmination of every prior Games ideas thrown in with marked improvements incredible quality of life features."
"Changing up the dungeons every season would be really good for the game."
"It's kind of weird, I know, but I guess for an annual series, a really meaty half sequel with better production values, cleaned up mechanics, and a few extra features is kind of the best thing we could hope for."
"Improvements needed to make Night City feel alive."
"Combat in the surge 2 is still great and it's better than ever before."
"For reals, this is some good [__] right here. I've really enjoyed Horizon Zero Dawn but it certainly had its fair share of problems. Forbidden West fixes most of those and then amplifies the production values like three or four times."
"One of the things you'll notice is that I think the descriptions are vastly improved in XCOM 2."
"Impressions of the new GTI: More power, nicer interior."
"Another really great addition is they added a new halftime show."
"We have new hit stick animations... the entire hit stick system has been redone."
"I think the priority for CD Projekt Red should be fixing core gameplay mechanics."
"Success coming in, improvements in your life."
"It's easily the biggest improvement and what makes the 'Sonic Origins' collection the definitive way to play these games."
"Virtual Shadow Maps is a huge win for the game's Graphics."
"I really like a lot of the little additions and improvements that they've made to Warzone over the past few months."
"A hacker figured out how to lower GTA Online load times and got Rockstar to actually implement the changes."
"Improvements coming in terms of your health, family, and home life."
"The end result, there are still improvements we can make towards those cutscenes."
"Handling improvements are phenomenal. Handling and braking improvements are phenomenal."
"New interface changes: more detailed information available on the battle results screen."
"Warzone is one of the best things to happen to Call of Duty in a long time."
"Adjusted the spawn logic to reduce the distance at which an enemy player will influence the enemy's spawn point."
"The number one thing that kept being brought up was the new player experience."
"Sony's done some really nice stuff to the UI."
"If you don't like it, don't use it. It seemed like people were ignoring the gameplay improvements, the story improvements, and sort of the flow improvements here."
"I think it's finally time to improve people's lives."
"They made some major changes, not only to the outside, not only to the inside, but of course underneath the hood."
"This combat system retains all of the spectacular presentation of 15 but it makes it actually playable."
"The graphical upgrade between this version and 17 is a lot better looking."
"Saffron supplementation resulted in greater improvements in happiness levels and muscular endurance."
"Destiny no longer had horrible RNG because of the Taken King."
"It's almost impossible for people to forget the huge problems this game had at launch, but I think a lot of people would really like this game now as it is in No Man's Sky Next."
"The visuals are much improved which is another big point."
"You see those little changes get made because of the feedback that the community has given us."
"The tooltips are great it might seem like a small thing but they do look way better than before."
"This is how the FRS, the BRZ should have been from the beginning, a nice linear power band."
"Everyone's favorite Dragon Ogre just got even better with Immortal Empires."
"PS5 presents you with an interface that tries to be much more streamlined than before."
"Leveling up a class fresh for a new player is going to feel so much more satisfying with the new talent system."
"It's so crazy to me that they're just making changes that make the game better."
"Simpsons Hit and Run delivered on the potential seen in Road Rage, featuring a fully open-world Springfield."
"A Plague Tale Requiem is just a bigger, better version of the first game."
"Most of our balance changes for sibs and leaders are improvements." - Anton
"There's nothing added here that's terrible, not even close. In fact, most of the new additions are straight up improvements."
"This remaster actually improves on just about everything in a pretty significant way."
"Blizzard seems to be listening and responding."
"Swapping characters during combat is a change long overdue for the series and my biggest want for combat I've been exclaiming for years now."
"Much of why people are enjoying HSR so much is that it took a lot of issues or absences in genshing and improved them to be more enjoyable."
"Revamping the black market, adding a new specialist to multiplayer, changing up so many things about Blackout, this update looks like it's going to be freaking incredible."
"There are so many improvements about the sneaker that just make it more comfortable and easier to wear."
"More accessibility options are always a good thing."
"iOS 10's notifications have improved as a whole, now you get these rich notifications that allow you to interact more fully with the app."
"The boards are what makes Mario Party 2 such an improvement."
"The city UI was very nice, with the addition of the new health and happiness system."
"So fingers crossed that with the gym rework we also get improved type advantage even to just like 1.5 50% extra damage it would make a huge difference."
"The Lansky sharpened the knife edge to 110, which is sharper than the knife when it was new."
"The lines are a little bit more angular now, the mounting of the windshield just looks a lot cleaner."
"Every aspect of Doom Eternal had to get better."
"Ripple's technical improvements make it a better alternative for cross-border payments."
"Great news to see that these changes are taking place."
"Simple little things can make massive performance improvements."
"It's nice to see that the devs didn't give up on the game and kept working on it."
"There's so many different ways they could do it instead of just not adding it."
"Tesla has made fundamental improvements in perception, predictions, and space understanding."
"This update is honestly sick. They got a lot of stuff so far, definitely not disappointing."
"Much closer to what it was like than the base game."
"They got rid of all the RNG in the boss fights."
"Not a trash tier zeta like it used to be in the past."
"The number one game-changing feature is the new skating system."
"The red star brings back Flying Mario and it controls a million times better than the Wing Cap in Super Mario 64."
"Wide receiver and DB interactions are also another area that I think most people, if you pay attention, will notice a big change here."
"That's just what the game is lacking is those little immersive qualities."
"iOS 17 resolves one of my biggest pet peeves on the home screen."
"We're constantly evaluating Overwatch as a whole, improving what's working and finding fixes for what isn't. Our goal is to maintain team strategy while giving players more control over their individual experience."
"It's refreshing to see a patch focused on fixing what's broken."
"We are going to be making a lot of quality of life improvements."
"It has changed a lot. So many tweaks have been made and now it's actually running much much better as well."
"Iron Rattler essentially eliminated all the problems of the original Rattler."
"Maybe more account wide progress is the answer here."
"There are things that the reboot does that are arguably better than what any of the first four shows have ever."
"They're giving us all the things that we cried out for in Garrisons. All the stuff that seems so common sense."
"The new quests are better, they're just [__] better."
"We eliminated two-tier wage systems, put air conditioners in trucks, improved pensions, maintained healthcare, and got UPS to agree to Martin Luther King Day as a paid holiday."
"This SUV finally has the power that I think it needed to come with from the factory."
"Expect Borderlands 3 slides, ground pounds, vaulting, and faster ground movement."
"The Escape Hybrid has grown for 2020, this is a complete clean sheet redesign."
"We have different engines, different transmissions, an entirely different interior, and new suspension as well."
"Tuning and customization is a big deal in GT7... a lot less limited this time."
"The front-facing camera is also getting some pretty big changes."
"The Pixel 3 is kind of like the iPhone S year upgrades. They seem like small, unexciting improvements but they make for a way better phone."
"Infotainment screen... biggest highlight of the tundra... a huge improvement over anything toyota offered in the past."
"This queue time issue seemed to be one of the most important ones they wanted to address overall with the game."
"They are trying to make the update better, and that is good because it was gonna be real real rough."
"This is what Windows 8 should have been like."
"The master control terminal... a much needed quality of life improvement for GTA online."
"It is the best thing to happen to Ultimate Team since it has started."
"The improved AI should keep them from getting caught on trees and generally running into masses of infantry when they should be circling them."
"When they remake a famous adaptation it tends to be much more accurate to the book the second time around."
"When Madden has been lacking this for so long it is something you do like to see."
"This water update is the biggest visual improvement for the game."
"Diablo 2 Resurrected: login queue implemented, a good thing."
"This was a really good unlockable and showed that Sonic Team was finally listening to what people were saying after over 10 years of Super Sonic being a final boss event exclusively in the 3D series."
"One of the biggest things for me is no more crop."
"Yoriichi's scythe sickles: 'Definitely gonna be better than nezuko... it's gonna be insanely good.'"
"Rayman Redemption is just here a remake of the original rayman that is so good and filled to the brim with quality of life improvements and changes that basically makes the original release obsolete."
"The genius design work and the awesome mechanics are still there in full force; it’s just easier to get around now."
"Bug Rock of the Week: 'Lots of little features, refinements, and additions.'"
"The iPad runs iPad OS which has made different improvements to give it more of a desktop-like experience."
"Dumbo became much less creepy in 1959 when the giant head was removed."
"Hopefully they've rectified that... this change pairs nicely with the addition of a new rank in the leaderboards."
"Low light is what I really wanted to test out and I'm happy to say that there are some improvements here."
"Shadow of the Colossus fixed every issue I had with it, the graphical details added blew me away."
"If this game fixes the character models, uses the next however many months of development wisely, is faithful to the originals AND has exceptional content and features…"
"I feel like if Pokémon themselves made it, they would have to put some improvements into the Legends formula."
"It's recognizably DKC and it plays better than the previous black-and-white games."
"Dear God, it needs a turbo mode. Yeah, needs a turbo mode very badly."
"In these latter experimental snapshots... it all seems a little bit more consistent now."
"Fury Warrior right a strong class tree and a few new builds make it excellent."
"Just those few things we did made a huge difference out here."
"Number five is one that I think goodness gracious this is this might be the top one on everybody's list multiple Islands."
"The changes made to other characters work splendidly well."
"It looks smoother than current high attack speed."
"Fuel economy has significantly been improved over the gas only version of this car."
"They did this to make the chapter a more enjoyable experience as well as to cut down on how tedious it ended up being for the player."
"The concept of actually making the game arguably what it should have been at launch, I think that's a bit of a no-brainer."
"Definitely the refactoring and this have definitely been the best things so far for me."
"I think all of these are good changes, they make all of the cards feel better to play, competitive without feeling overpowered."
"We've adjusted the range of ratings that you'll see on players. As an example, the rating difference between a 90 overall player and an 89 overall player is now so much larger."
"We've also added an overhaul to make franchise mode even better."
"We have a few tweaks we think will increase interesting decisions."
"Platinum's postgame is somehow even better... revamp, rematch, tons of legendaries."
"One of the changes that was made to striking in UFC 4 is an increase in the speed of the lead hook."
"It always sounds good and that's just going to get better."
"They fixed a lot of good things with the gameplay in my opinion."
"Fungibility improvements are essential for sound money; privacy is a significant concern."
"Every single patch makes this game better and better."
"If there's a silver lining to be had, unsuspecting guests will no longer be subjected to the pain and whiplash caused by Green Lantern."
"That's such a better Improvement to your experience because of the reduced latency because of the smoothness I love it."
"Updates is great if you're fixing things, having new features, and this is a new feature."
"Shadowlands is immediately more exciting. Weekly box, Titan forging being gone, gear is gear."
"Credit where credits due a lot of the fixes that have been implemented are direct uh fan criticisms."
"Future 3d Zelda games do everything Ocarina does but better."
"It was just healing, right? All you had to do was remove healing and then Ultra Street Fighter 4 would have been pretty much fine."
"Almost every part of it has been improved in some small way."
"There might not be very many features that stand out for everyone... but all these smaller improvements basically make the overall experience that much better."
"It's a very different looking Ukrainian army now than it was 80 days ago. It's a well-equipped and getting better equipped with every passing day."
"Streamlining things is great, but a good sequel also heightens the things that worked the first time around, which this game definitely does to an extent."
"Notion actually improved a lot of the ways that you use these databases and you change your views filters sorting etc."
"Small changes like this is what's gonna bring the playerbase back."
"They're gonna keep updating the Yeezys to get closer and closer to the authentic."
"Mementos missions are a lot more interesting and engaging now."
"Animal Crossing has needed this, these are such quality of life improvements."