
Fairy Tales Quotes

There are 395 quotes

"It just proves that happy endings are not just in fairy tales; they're real."
"Sometimes life moves on after 'Happy Ever After,' and 'Happily Ever After' is not the fairy tale or the life that you dreamed it would be."
"It felt very much like a grandmother telling a fairy tale."
"The whole point of that fairy tale... is that love overcomes even death."
"It's like fairy tales, I think. Different. Very close."
"Fairy tales are imaginary stories we tell to children or a designation we apply to narratives that are too preposterous to believe."
"Mermaids are depicted as aquatic creatures with the head and upper body of a female human and the tail and lower body of a fish in most fairy tales."
"Fairy tales in concept are meant to be timeless and relevant to all generations, not just the current one."
"Why can't he change the law so Cinderella can live in luxury with the person she loves?"
"Snow White dies, at least in the story, until the handsome prince comes, gives her true love's kiss, and brings her back to life, eventually leading her away into his glowing kingdom surrounded by clouds."
"If you love fairy tales, nothing beats these moments where our guild stands triumphant."
"True love's kiss works every time. They are seriously #relationshipgoals."
"Dragons: those mythical beasts that fill our fairy tales and fantasies."
"Fairy tales are largely about... We save each other."
"Fairy tales commit the aforementioned sin of being very old and that's no good."
"I love a good retelling, but Cinderella is one of my favorites."
"Life isn't like a fairy tale. Us ladies in the 21st century aren't waiting around for anybody."
"An ideal to live and fight for, that is a fairy."
"I looked in the mirror today and what did it say? It said I was the fairest of them all."
"I thought dreamworks made up puss and boots but no he actually comes from an italian fairy tale from the 1600s."
"Life lessons are always at the heart of fairy tales."
"Happily ever Afters exist only in the pages of fairy tales."
"Cinderella notwithstanding her coarse apparel was a hundred times more beautiful than her sisters."
"But it can happen, people do live happily ever after."
"It's truly something out of a Disney fairy tale."
"Over the Garden Wall follows two children as they traverse the unknown, a forest seemingly ripped right out of the Brothers Grimm's fairy tales."
"Snow White vs. Belle: Which story brings more tears to your eyes?"
"In fairy tales, you find happy endings, lessons, morals, comfort and triumph, and magic."
"Spoiler alert: they lived happily ever after."
"Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again."
"Ultimately, you get to decide what to take from these fairy tales details or if you prefer just say it was fun and leave it at that."
"There's no better story than a Cinderella story."
"Magic has no gender; it's a classic fairy tale for a new generation."
"We're all just looking for our happily ever after."
"Happily ever after ends the spell of the fantasy."
"In the land of fairy the story never really ends"
"I love this story man, it's kind of like a Cinderella story."
"Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of them all?"
"True hearts day, a holiday that used to be celebrated in the fairy tale world that encourages us to follow our true hearts desire."
"Traditional fairy tales have some old-fashioned discrimination that doesn't fit the modern era." - Miss Sangee
"I get the sense a lot of us feel this way because Pinocchio at its core, like many old school fairy tales for children, is meant to be a terrifying cautionary tale."
"This isn't just sprouted out of the floorboards kind of was it James and the giant Beanstalk scenario..."
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
"Never underestimate the power of a really good Cinderella story."
"I don't want you to have to listen to the story of the Frog Prince. I want to empower you to be that character."
"I don't know if that made any sense or if that was his intention in kind of suggesting that more mature and thought-provoking fairy tales should be made but definitely makes a good case for it if it was his intention."
"Everyone in Fabletown has a role to fill. You just have to pay attention to what they need."
"Maria Sophia Von Erthal, born in 1725, lived a life echoing that of Snow White."
"Bon voyage in your own personal happily ever after, and remember it never happens otherwise."
"Making us root for Cinderella all the way to her happily ever after."
"If it can glow up and get the Cinderella glass slipper and dance at the ball despite technically not supposed to, that'd be incredible."
"The story of Puss in Boots gives us a great example of how the end of something can become a new beginning."
"Foreign Russian fairy tales usually begin with a place in the 39th Kingdom. It is also the perfect opening sentence for a story."
"If you don't believe in fairytales, we might see the giant fairytale of all time here right now."
"You've never shied away from the cameras you know fuck it man you're gonna be beloved by everybody."
"And most people remember the Evil Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves going up to her mirror and saying 'mirror mirror on the wall.' But the real phrase is actually 'magic mirror on the wall.'"
"One shoe can change your life... just ask Cinderella."
"Frozen: proved that fairy tales are here to stay in Disney's modern CG era."
"Fairy tales do actually in fact exist in real life."
"Your fairy tale can come true too. Go win it."
"Not bad for a country whose fairy tales for children are more violent than most horror films."
"Nothing bad ever happens to people who go into dark and mysterious woods, especially not in fairy tales or slasher films."
"Peppa loves fairy stories, everyone loves fairy stories."
"A relationship at its optimal level is a fairy tale, right? But I'm just saying it's not impossible. I see what you're saying."
"I really like the message that fairy tales spread and the magic that they get to impact not only my childhood but childhoods all over the world."
"I personally love kind of fairy tale or classic tale retellings in kind of an updated setting."
"You deserve to have your wish come true," - Jiminy Cricket
"Nothing is more dangerous than a fairy tale."
"Snow White was funny, she was smart, and best of all, she was kind to every creature on earth."
"The queen did not care for anyone other than herself, and she cared for herself way too much."
"We'll see how many people still believe in songs and fairy tales."
"When your wishes really do come true when you're young at heart, Fairy Tales come true when you're young at heart."
"This is why I love it when horror takes on fairy tales."
"All I want is to love someone and for them to love me back. To me, that's the fairy tale."
"Casper and Ferdie lived happily ever after!"
"The princess actually had to kiss the Frog to turn him back into a prince."
"True love's kiss works every time."
"We are often told that happily ever afters exist only in the pages of fairy tales."
"During this time, Fairy stories from this period include things like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Andrew Lang's collection of 25 fairy books."
"Not every relationship is meant to be Everlasting, you know, the fairy tale book B story."
"Once Upon a Time being different was a good thing."
"Happily ever after is not really something that exists in the real world."
"A happy marriage is that even possible? Can a man and a woman fall in love like they do in the fairy tales and live happily ever after?"
"Fairy tales always get darker before they get lighter and I can kind of relate to that."
"This movie's main ammo: not subverting fairy tales but instead embracing them and making them cool again in a sincere way."
"Fairy tales really do have a happy ending."
"When we are young, we believe a prince will sweep us off our feet."
"If marrying a nice boy like Bill is the wrong idea, don't tell me that starving and waiting for a prince charming to ride up on a white horse is the right one."
"I thought this is all just fairy tales people tell each other."
"Maybe it's possible, fairy tales aren't just fairy tales."
"Fairy tales are a rehearsal stage for kids to understand the world and families to discuss it."
"Fairy tales can come true, they can happen to you. Welcome to the volume, it's where the magic happens."
"I want that love that people get jealous of, that love that everybody wants and the fairy tales and otherwise."
"But in all seriousness, the Beast in the older tales is far more 'humane' than most of the humans, and that was kinda the point!"
"This kind of love only happens in fairy tale stories because to them you are too perfect to believe it's true."
"For all the time, fairy tales were about a man saving a woman from a castle."
"We love you but you could literally never be Rapunzel."
"It's kind of a little bit subversive of like the classic fairy tale where it's like yeah yeah you can set your heart on it but you do have to you have to do something too."
"It's not a real fairy tale without a fairy godmother."
"Slovenia: a country where Fairy Tales come to life."
"'Girly' said Hook, 'we have come for glass slippers, and we may be in the wrong Disney story but we still want it.'"
"When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and created him a fairy. And that was the beginning of fairies."
"Any curse can be broken by true love's kiss."
"Fairytales don't always come true, but they did today."
"Some fairy tales do come true, but none ever truly end."
"Fairy tales don't belong in our world and that's what makes them so special."
"The consolation of fairy tales has another aspect than the imaginative satisfaction of ancient desires. Far more important is the consolation of the happy ending."
"The joy of the happy ending, or more correctly, of the good catastrophe, the sudden joyous turn. For there is no true end to any fairy tale."
"Sometimes you gotta honor the classics and Prince Charming is definitely a classic."
"The scene where all the fairy tale creatures are getting sold off to Duloc goons represents how classic fairy tales in the public domain have become synonymous with the Disney brand."
"Ah, so this is what dreams look like in dress form. Anyway, this is the dress that made us believe that fairy tales came true."
"Snow White stays strong and hopeful from the very start."
"Beauty and the Beast characters are changed back because Belle is slowly falling out of love or the enchantress is truly evil."
"Under Henry III it was illegal to kill wound or maim fairies."
"No matter what you do, Snow White will have a happy ending."
"Fairy tales don't start or end in the dark forest."
"But it isn’t realistic, it’s escapism, it’s a fairytale."
"Fairies were not mere fairy tales. The history of these beings is hidden within all the fairy tales we have been presented with."
"So all those beautiful dreams that were told as young girls about we're going to meet our Prince and live happily ever after, well, that's a wonderful thing to Aspire to but sometimes it doesn't work out that way."
"Anderson's original fairy tales were much heavier, much more religious, and much more reflective of his own life dreams and fears."
"They are living happily ever after."
"Brave and Gallant Prince Adrian accepts her condition with no hesitation."
"In fairy tales, the fairies will always appear to help the kind people in difficulties."
"Love strong enough to break a spell, a love you find in a fairy tale."
"In the original story, she basically tortures herself for him. Geez, yeah, that's what we need. We need like the dark actual fairy tale."
"With one shoe, Cinderella walked all the way home, all 48 miles, which took exactly 864 minutes."
"Superheroes stories today are really like fairy tales for grown-ups. The characters are bigger than life." - Stan Lee
"There are adult fairytales and they do come true."
"Fairytales aren't just about finding handsome princes."
"Your person is realizing that with you there can be this very beautiful romantic energy where fairy tales do happen and that you are this person's happily ever after."
"They added a rose back into the story from the original fairy tale."
"Fairy tales do come true when it happens to you."
"16 is supposed to be the age when girls become princesses and fall in love."
"Fairy tales are more than just a lesson wrapped in a story. They're well stories of their own."
"Men weren't raised to believe in fairy tales."
"Hansel and Gretel the story goes."
"The scariest fairy tale character is the witch in Hansel and Gretel. In the original fairy tale, the witch who eats children represents acute postnatal depression."
"The Little Mermaid is not sexist, it's the opposite and it can be for any young person."
"Snow White is such a beautiful character and I'm honored to be playing her like all the best fairy tales this is a story with values like love, friendship, and kindness."
"Miracles do happen, fairy tales do come true."
"Just like one of those old fairy tales from our childhood."
"The importance of narrative, particularly fairy tales, and the oddness of them, yet the correspondence with lived experience."
"My precious Cinderella, what might those dreams be? The same ones I've always had, Papa? To live in a great big castle and have my own horse and lots of friends."
"Enchantment is 1 million times better than Happily Ever After."
"No matter how big, how powerful the guy, you can always beat him with this. Only in fairy tales, kids."
"'When he heard all that was said about Pretty Goldilocks, though he had never seen her, he fell so deeply in love with her that he could neither eat nor drink.'"
"You make the stuff of fairy tales seem true."
"...every woman deserves a Cinderella moment."
"It was all about class, Eric. You know, the fairy tale heroes are our upper class and the ogres are lower class."
"The world cannot be cynical about fairy tales because if the world becomes cynical about fairy tales, then fairy tales won't exist and people stop believing in them."
"You know what happened to the boy who suddenly got everything he ever wanted? He lived happily ever after."
"It's the classic fairy tale in which Cinderella defies all odds and makes her way to the ball."
"Dad, you know the story about Cinderella? Her evil stepmother wouldn't let her go to the ball... But what most people don't know is that it was Fixies who helped her separate the peas from cinder with the help of a sieve."
"Everyone loves a good fairy tale, and all fairy tales are grounded in truth."
"We now read books with like really in-depth fairy tales."
"That's how love works in the Disney world. That's how love works."
"Only a true love's kiss can cure me."
"My personal favorite fairy tale is still the Snow Queen."
"You could easily walk around Kolmar and believe that people who built it were inspired by fairy tales."
"Yay! So the story ends with the happiest of fairy tale endings, not just one true love but two, and a couple of girls who grew up loving fairy tales became real princesses. Pretty cool!"
"Join the world of fairy tales channel to watch interesting stories and find out the truth."
"My favorite probably was Snow White just because that story was so much darker and I loved it I loved how the Queen literally just ate people's hearts that is great."
"I love adventure stories, but fairy tales are fun to read."
"I'm most excited about the new publishing company, called Symbolic World Press, publishing Fairy Tales, you know I'm writing eight fairy tales that we're publishing beautifully Illustrated."
"Fairy tales come true in the middle of life."
"There's something so fun and exciting about reading our favorite classic fairy tales but in a totally different light, the villains from our favorite fairy tales are the main characters in these books."
"There's no fairy tales there's no knight in shining armor."
"True love worked for Beauty and the Beast."
"There is a mermaid in Neverland who looks similar to Ariel."
"Just like Cinderella after her long day."
"I just pray that it's a fairytale wedding that I've always dreamed of."
"Gina came through with the horse and carriage."
"Unlike modern twists on fairy stories, where the 'villains' might have some rational, albeit misguided motivation or redeeming qualities, there is no doubt as to the 'evilness' of these characters."
"She needed to believe it was real and inexhaustible, like the love of fairy tales."
"Shrek is above all a great parody of fairy tales."
"Sometimes in fairy tales, the villain's just a villain because they're a villain."
"Perhaps the Fairies of Vengeance don’t belong on this list considering they aren’t really villains, but that’s precisely what makes them fantastic antagonists."
"Fairy tales in general have really shaped me as a person, I think so. They're really important to me."
"The original Little Mermaid's stakes were more urgent, consequences more real. Actual physical pain, heartbreak, and loneliness."
"If Disney followed the original Snow White story then the evil queen wouldn't have tried to kill Snow White only once—she would have done it three times."
"Every story is not the Cinderella story, ain't the fairy tale."
"Fairy tales come true, Dad. You just have to make them happen."
"I really admire the folks that look at fairy tale as their Solace and that they can turn to it."
"And the curse was broken, boys and girls! The kiss worked, just like the princess said."
"Everybody loves a good Cinderella story."
"Something about fairy tales really reminds me of Christmas and winter and winter magic."
"Who doesn't love a happily ever after, right?"
"...he knew that when the fairy kissed him the last time, she had changed him altogether."
"All great fairy tales end with a wedding."
"You'd think the story ends here, well not all fairy tales have happy endings."
"...the medium of fairy tales in particular... accesses people's experiences in a more direct way..."
"There's characters from all sorts of fairy tales and nursery rhymes, some of which have been popularized around the world and others that are prevalent in Dutch culture."
"Effling's Fairytale Forest is what put the bark on the map as a large theme park and a must place to visit."
"The Fairy Tale Forest was a huge success."
"Each of the fairy tales has a fairy tale book near it where you can find a summary of the fairy tale it depicts."
"One of the most simple fairy tale depictions but it is also interactive."
"Snow White is another one of those fairy tales that has been majorly renovated through the years."
"The Fairy Tale Forest has two types of fairy tales: the ones that tell a story and the fairy tale characters who appear alone."
"Sometimes fairy tales do come true."
"The joy of the Feywild is giving your players the chance to be active participants in the classic archetypal fairy stories they heard when they were kids."