
Apocalyptic Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"It is going to be the party to end the world."
"Mad God will defy any rating; it's intended to be a preposterous, dark, apocalyptic, blasphemous descent into the bowels of the unconscious."
"You and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up."
"He who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer."
"Welcome to the apocalypse... Elections for the name... I like the Stick Nation; Stick Nation's funnier."
"The mysterious hot goddess awakened his forbidden powers to destroy the entire world 4 billion years into the future."
"The world ends not with a bang but with a whimper."
"Destroying the world? What's the endgame there?"
"This truly feels like the end of days. Everyone please take care of yourselves."
"The end of days is approaching and the moons turn to blood, but on the Andrew Klavan Show, that's where the fun just gets started."
"Nobody would win, it would be the end of the world."
"If there was ever a gain that define true emotional despair and believable apocalyptic revelation this would damn well be the top representative."
"These three characters are going to literally make hell on earth for everybody."
"Cremia has known that the moon will kill everyone no matter what they do and she decides to fill Romani's mind with thoughts of happiness and dreams for the future so that she can spend her final night in peace instead of fear."
"We're sitting on the potential to not only destroy all living things on the planet but the planet itself."
"By our best estimates, a staggering 96.7% of the human population died out, leaving 3.3% remaining with the weight of humanity's future on their shoulders."
"If Trump doesn't win, the devil speeds up his end time plans."
"In the last days, there will be very perilous times. We're living in the end times when darkness seems to prevail over our nation and the world."
"The chaos in the world is really preparing a stage for the Antichrist to come out."
"People die, people go, people do their things, the devil's going to build up his one world order system."
"Their goal is total control, a one-world system led by the Antichrist."
"He believes there will come a time when the Lesser species will inevitably destroy themselves."
"When this event happens, you'll have people taking the mark and then you'll have people living free and clear."
"Apocalyptic literary style, which you find a lot of in the book of Revelation, was used by Old Testament prophets when they were prophesying concerning world events."
"It's not too late for us. We've outlasted the end of the world. We'll outlast these upstarts waiting in a hole for everyone else to die if we must."
"I refuse to die! I'm just an apocalyptic, but you know, we're pretending it's nightmare mode."
"Both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up."
"We're in the end of days, man. We're in the end of days."
"The zombie apocalypse happens when there are more idiosyncrasies than there is unity."
"The day of judgment: New Canaan is in flames, a new power has emerged in Utah."
"God began showing me dreams about future events, apocalyptic dreams, prophetic dreams about things that were going to happen with the Rapture."
"When we talk about the death of a civilization it conjures up apocalyptic visions, tinged with flames and blood."
"The wicked will not endure it. They will be reduced to a dead carcass, and vultures will be preying upon them."
"The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes."
"Times are dire, we are about to be gathered again into the arms of the mother."
"We're in an absolute period of time where the heavens are shaking."
"He could also be a hero because he's like, he witnessed the collapse of the world and his girl that he did all this for disappeared with it."
"This is the way the world ends, a victory for the golden Legion."
"Welcome to the end of the world as we know it."
"The Antichrist will be welcomed by millions of those on Earth not taken with the Rapture. Unfortunately, his true identity will be known soon to those left behind, that his true intentions are death, destruction, and control."
"Unless those days are shortened, all flesh will be killed."
"The devil knows that he doesn't have much time left."
"It was truly the End of the World As We Knew It."
"One of the things I like about the storytelling though is how apocalyptic this world is."
"It's a futile Race Against Time to try to warn your entire civilization that something terrible is coming."
"There's going to be a coming of the Lord whether you believe it or not."
"What had been the acme of man’s technology would be no more than a white-hot soup of swirling metal and plastic and electroviral matrixes, all cooked beyond repair by anyone less than a god."
"If you defeat her, you will be remembered forever as the savior of the planet. If she conquers, it will be as if you had never been born."
"Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men just to begin with a terrible winter, a king or queen strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark."
"That's right... everything is destroyed... literally leads to the end of a world."
"Peace on Earth will be struck from the skies."
"A sword of fire that will cleanse the world."
"This is not the apocalypse, this is the garden party before the apocalypse."
"Armageddon is the final conflict of mankind, often invoked to make a point."
"The Great Tribulation... a period of unparalleled suffering and distress on Earth."
"We are living in the end of days as we know it."
"Yeah, I am a part of a group of people who believe that one day all technology will be gone and everybody will be forced to live in the wilderness."
"Finding a piece of habitable land is no easy task at the end of the world."
"You play it like a virus, you know? It's like if we had a zombie apocalypse, Walking Dead-style, then aliens invaded. We got softened up so hard."
"Be not deceived for the end is not yet these are the beginning of this is critical these are the beginning of birth pains."
"Messiah returns, which means it's gonna get so bad that people will beg to die but they won't see death."
"We're living in the last days of human history."
"We have a front row seat to the last act as we watch everything fall into place."
"John rising from the dead to become some sort of messiah is exactly that—he is a truly righteous and truly just man who will lead a bloody crusade against the others, and it's an absolute catastrophe."
"This is the end of the world, like I am so excited."
"Revelations 9:13-16 describes the releasing of the Four Angels who are bound at the river Euphrates."
"During these seven years, tribulation will be the worst time in human history. And just in the very beginning, we're only on chapter six, one billion people will die."
"By the mid-60s, the Watchtower Society had all but guaranteed that the world would come to an end in 1975."
"If this isn't an apocalyptic sign that we are in the end of times I don't know what else you need."
"If this is indeed what is inscribed within the Terminus decree then it would undoubtedly lead to the end of the galaxy as we know it."
"God doesn't mess around there's not a shot fired their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths."
"They want to put an end to humanity, these truly evil ones."
"But I believe what we're looking at here is the beginning of World War III, spiritually being dominated by Lucifer to try to take down the kingdoms of the world."
"It's not the end of the world and it's not the return of Jesus Christ, but it is a warning, an apocalyptic warning that this world will never be the same again in this coming year."
"We're in the end times guys, we're in the last dates."
"2020 starts the beginning of the end, the year when seals began to open, and everything we knew has changed forever."
"It really feels as if the book of revelation is coming to life now."
"I think glyphosate is one of the horsemen of the apocalypse."
"It's the end of the world as we know it I'll be going back."
"The Earth shall quake before them and the heavens shall rumble."
"The future can be scary... drawing closer to the end of the world."
"People are gonna be like staggering towards you coughing, saying 'Help me, you have to stop the zombie plague!'"
"The present earth and heaven will be destroyed by fire... God will create a new earth and new heaven."
"Something huge and fiery rose from the waves and drowned whole islands."
"I feel like we're in the apocalypse."
"All you got to do is put barbed wire around there and forget about it for a year till everybody starves to death."
"Could it be a sign that we're coming towards the end of times? We can't discount it."
"This scenario, this apocalyptic scenario, certainly fits that narrative of, you know, the world will crumble."
"The whole world about to get flooded."
"The earth had disappeared, the sun had cooled and hardened."
"He isn't just a threat to our King; he is going to end up destroying the entire world."
"The Bible view is the apocalyptic view that after things have got much worse they will get suddenly much better and stay that way."
"The end of the world is as luxurious as possible."
"Strange things will happen towards the end of times."
"The world might actually be ending."
"Just when you thought the apocalyptic scenario couldn't get any more intense, well, it did."
"The battle for Humanity's survival had begun."
"So to predict within a Greco-Roman environment that ancient Mediterranean environment that things are going to end, that there's going to be some kind of apocalyptic end time to usher in a new age, that was not an unfamiliar phrase."
"Visions unfold before me. I see a world stripped bare, oceans boiled away, mountains ground to dust. Endless swarms, creatures of nightmares undulate over the charred remains."
"Apocalyptic predictions like this are written by anonymous authors to explain their understanding of their own time and place."
"All who dwell on Earth will worship the Beast. The word 'dwell' means to live in, to focus on, to think of."
"...but anyways the story about the Beast with seven heads and 10 horns isn't symbolism it's part of a genre of writing like sci-fi or fantasy it's called apocalyptic writing."
"It's hard to argue that things aren't at least a little bit apocalyptic."
"None of that makes sense to me. Does that mean the end times are here? What will happen?"
"But it was almost surreal, you know, it was really, it honestly felt like we were in the movie, you know, the end of the world type of movies."
"Salmon, really? Do you say salmon? Stop it. But like, this thing, nothing matters. World War Three's coming, the zombies are coming, man."
"August 28th, 2025 was the time. In 2 hours and 12 minutes, the gates to the end of the world would open."
"It's the end of mankind, civilization, the planet, our version of the planet."
"Maybe somewhere where they would have put a camp for the final 144,000 that they were trying to collect."
"There'll be a complete collapse of everything electrical in the world. No banking, no military, no police, no communications, no automobiles."
"SCP-5999: sealed in seven different parts, culminating in one apocalyptic ending."
"The end of the world... could you ask for anything more final than that?"
"It's the end of the world as we know it. That's foreshadowing."
"They want to think of it as another Dr. Strangelove ending because they love the idea of apocalyptic extinguishment."
"There is a positive apocalyptic face to the small white political project."
"The people trust in their use in seven. They trust their Shogun. They're convinced these amazing protectors will find a way to handle it, even with a threat as apocalyptic-seeming as this."
"Oh, never figured out I killed the human race. I did find something else, the date it happens."
"CNN has had a pre-recorded broadcast from the 90s which they will premiere during the end of the world."
"This whole thing does have a sort of Revelations vibe to it, doesn't it?"
"The Awakening would signify the end of this dream and the collapse of reality itself, thus ending the entire world."
"When I spoke to him about the apocalyptic traditions in astrology and how people in the past looked at the stars to determine the future, he was on the edge of his seat."
"It's the final battle between good and evil. The kingdom is coming."
"The Book of Enoch stands as the oldest known apocalyptic writing in history."
"You tempt fate! You dance among the world enders in the shadow of Armageddon!"
"This conflict will be like no other before it, a world-ending battle that will determine the next phase of the war."
"The sky will split and the planets will shift, balls of jade will drop, and existence will stop."
"Judgment Day references the Christian belief that all mankind will be judged before the end of the world."
"One thing I've noticed about the horror of that era is how profoundly apocalyptic it all felt."
"We had a year to make the soundtrack for not the end of the world, but the end of your world."
"The Devils see the end of their world and they see the signs of the son of man coming in the sky with power and great glory."
"The fewer who knew of this weapon, the better, because in the wrong hands, it could mean Armageddon."
"And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke."
"The sound of it is like the end of the world."
"World's ending and for some reason I want to die with you more than anyone else."
"It really does feel apocalyptic, almost like Silent Hill or I Am Legend."
"I'd forgive you even if we were the last two people in the world."
"It's got apocalyptic dystopian vibes."
"Apocalyptic literature can be described as a literature of hope and despair."
"Hells invasion of Earth is well underway, and you, the Doom Slayer, stand between them and us as our last best hope."
"Humans is envisioned as the soundtrack for a party at the end of the world."
"Thanks to the original Planet of the Apes films, the image of the Statue of Liberty in ruins has become a staple of the disaster or apocalyptic movie."
"Trumpets like those spoken about in Scripture that would herald the end of days."
"The Book of Enoch is the oldest known apocalyptic writing in history."
"It's the last bar before the end of the world."
"Sinister forces abound in Bektinski's post-apocalyptic world, an infernal limbo haunted by restless spirits."
"The end is here, the skies darken, colossal armies gather for the fate of the throne world, for the fate of mankind itself."
"When the sky splits open and when the stars fall away and when the seas burst forth and when the graves spill out, then each soul will know what it has sent forth or left behind."
"Though daylight was dawning, darkness came; lightning flashed, a flame shot up, the clouds swelled, it rained death."
"Immediately after the oppression of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven."
"The end of the world at the palm of my hand."
"The overriding motive is what will happen at the end of the world."
"Whenever Algin returns, maybe the world will need to be ended. It is of no matter to us any longer."
"They were convinced that the end was nigh, that they were living on the cusp of the last days."
"It speaks of the heavens departing like a scroll."
"I've been having a lot of end-of-the-world dreams."
"It has a really cool sort of futuristic apocalyptic alien look."
"What if in the blink of an eye, millions of people all over the Earth disappeared and were gone?"
"It feels a little apocalyptic, but then also kind of hopeful."
"That's one we'll set the Sun when Kingdom comes down from the sky."
"And all of humanity could be sucked into hell, that's a possibility."
"These are multitudinous apocalyptic; they are timeless and equal."
"I guess I would wish for zombies too at this point."
"The difficulty is that in these descriptions you have the sun turning dark and the moon to blood and stars falling from the sky."
"If you would be a poet, create works capable of answering the challenge of apocalyptic times."
"It's like 300 meets The Book of Revelation."
"I just love the idea of that being the last thing that happens on earth."
"The end of the world stories are no longer going to satisfy us, we're going to need a bigger scope."
"The hour of the judgment is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder."
"And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth."
"This is what I imagined I would be wearing during the apocalypse."
"It's not just a game, this world you know will end, our only hope is you."
"It's definitely unique, it's something that I think a lot of people would enjoy if they like apocalyptic stories."
"I love the dystopian almost apocalyptic feel of the video."