
Posture Quotes

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"Even when resting, athletes keep their backs very straight, by looking at it, it's easy to differentiate them from ordinary sofa people."
"Many people wrongly think that posture is just something that gets worse as we get older, but for many people, that process is reversible."
"One of the consequences of being hunched over a desk all day is you tend to have rounded shoulders, so today I'm going to do a bunch of exercises which try and open up your shoulders."
"Having good posture is very important, especially when you're tall."
"Every emotional state that we generate has a corresponding physiology, posture, and breathing rate."
"Feel that stretch, shoulders stacked. It feels good, right?"
"Stand up with your stomach in and chest out."
"It helps your back and your body just in that way where everything just, it flows properly."
"So I want to start by offering you a free, no-tech life hack, and all it requires of you is this: that you change your posture for two minutes."
"Stand up straight with your shoulders back... it's a good way of figuring out how to establish yourself in multiple competence hierarchies."
"Feminine elegance truly relies on a very controlled and good sense of posture."
"Vertical hold so my brush is pretty much straight up and down."
"Keep breathing, balls of your feet, stay on the ball of your feet, nice and tall, core tight."
"The neck protrudes out from it and then the head is like this, see? So the neck protrudes forward because the torso tilts backward and then the hips tilt forward."
"The world won't accept us until we stand up straight."
"Slowly start to roll up to your standing posture."
"Posture, posing, and a smile can make a world of difference."
"Fix your posture, fix your crown, fix the way that you walk and fix the way that you position yourself."
"Gently slide your shoulders away from your ears."
"They exude confidence, standing straight with good posture, gliding along with a confident flow."
"Open your chest, open your heart, relax your shoulders."
"When you have a good posture, it makes you feel so happy."
"Most important is that your hips are pushing forward, your heart is lifting up."
"Create a strong foundation in your standing foot by spreading your toes wide."
"Good posture became a defining characteristic of a morally upright and successful person."
"Gently release your hands and squeeze the knees towards the ears."
"It also makes you more freaking attractive if you're sitting up straight."
"Good posture gives you more confidence in your own thoughts."
"The victory wasn't handed to me, I earned it through my hard work."
"Keep your back straight, shoulders back, chest up the whole time that you're speaking to them."
"Change your posture, change the way that you exude your place in the world."
"Something as little as changing your posture can have such a big impact."
"Posture matters: align yourself for better energy flow and emotional release."
"Posture is king. Bring some awareness to this, think about being nice and aligned."
"If your posture wakes up your brain you can imagine why we experience brain fog and lower cognition when we are hunched over a device for too long."
"I want to push the drama of her pose, I want to push her butt up in the air because she's standing on the side of a mountain."
"Good posture is not only good for your health but also radiates confidence."
"Keep a neutral spine and full pelvic tilt for optimal core engagement in exercises like the whole body hold."
"There is no posture that has been definitively shown to be good or bad or to keep you free from injury or pain."
"Sitting up straight boosted study participants' assuredness in their ideas."
"The idea of status related to posture is very, very similar."
"Posture is one of the first things that people notice."
"Sometimes the body leads the mind...start with the pose."
"Your back don't need to be straight because shit like that should not affect your worthiness to be respected."
"Use a strong posture to wake up your mind and stay focused." - AJ Hogue
"Smartphone slouching is more serious than it sounds."
"The principle I understood as a Jehovah's Witness: 'God will provide, or we'll suspend publication.'"
"Literally, your posture. It's very upright and you have a certain amount of dignity associated with you."
"Change your stride, put your shoulders back and walk tall."
"Then come down and from here we're just gonna do that best posture and you okay if you ask me and that's shavasana."
"A good seat is not that of a man seated on a chair but rather the pose of a man standing upright."
"Posture is a window to your spine, your spine is a window to your health."
"Getting in the habit of moving around with your hands down."
"Sitting is a bad posture and your body is made to move."
"Stand up straight with your shoulders back and tell the truth."
"She's sitting very upright that shows a lot of confidence in her body language."
"People discount how much poor knee posture... it can cause or perpetuate pain."
"He's got his little pimp cane, he's never standing up, he's always got a little lean to him... one of the great big guys of this world."
"Press into the big toe mound of your left foot, drawing left hip under you..."
"Crouched when shooting makes your accuracy a lot better."
"When you do keep your back a little more straight the eccentric load of the way down is gonna force your rear delts to work."
"The first chapter I have in my book is called stand up straight with your shoulders back."
"I kept my eyes down but looked up so I kept my face down but I just kept my eyes looking up."
"Keep your feet firmly planted on the floor and your head high on your shoulders stand up straight be confident and go through this journey with a lot of self-irony and humor."
"Stand up straight. It's going to really look like you just have more of an elegance."
"You're going to be stronger, you're going to be able to hold yourself more upright, you will look like more of a confident man just by the way your muscles exist."
"Nice and strong, shoulder blades are down the back."
"That's right, sit on the floor, yeah, keep yourself humble."
"Stand up straight with your shoulders back."
"This time I walked with my head up and my shoulders back. I stood up very tall and took long steps."
"You're a whole different person, you know that? You don't walk all slumped over the way you used to. You hold your head up."
"Heart and chest stay up in your squat, the knees drive away from each other, not caving in."
"Inhale, and as you exhale, really open up that chest and roll down those shoulders."
"I really hope that you enjoyed this program because I did as much as I teach it, it just reinforces ourselves to really practice good posture."
"Standing with their broad shoulders squared and hands tucked behind their backs, they emanate sheer masculinity and dominance."
"Your best posture is your next posture, so just keep moving."
"Our postures are automatically fixed, this is so weird."
"Being on the balls of your feet is going to let you create more power because it's putting your other parts of your body in good position."
"Keep your head and your spine and your shoulder position as neutral as possible."
"Sitting upright is really going to help with breathing."
"It's actually bad for your posture and your overall health and also will improve your overall body's blood flow."
"I lean when I'm anxious; it's a recline of fear."
"Everybody's structured differently... but what's really important for me is getting the balls of the feet, kneecaps, armpits line all in line."
"On which part of the body do your hands rest when you stand with your arms akimbo?"
"Once you feel good, just find that center and hold still in your downward dog."
"Keep reaching, belly's tight, back is flat."
"Melt your chest down towards your mat and instead of forcing this posture, just breathe, relax, allow your body to settle into place."
"Having a good posture when I'm tattooing, being able to stabilize my hand in ways that are comfortable for me."
"The three primary causes that I see the most often are going to be poor posture, muscle weakness, and lack of activity."
"We're depending on muscles to hold our head up and to keep our gaze upright."
"We need to get the head back up over the shoulder where it needs to be, thus eliminating the fatigue and the stress on that muscle."
"Many of us, maybe yourself included, are very tight with the fronts of our bodies."
"Posture and body language... the minute you stand up, put your shoulders back, walk tall, there's such a lift in your mindset, your mood, and of course your body."
"We are working to get strong here but we are working to make life easier we are working on our posture our stability all the things"
"It is a posture, if you will, that is close to the posture of death."
"My back is weird, so I'll be sitting like a child."
"As you're doing this Cobra stretch, keep your shoulders down away from your ears as best you can; you want to think long neck, good posture."
"Make sure that your hips are in line with your shoulders and then bend your knees forward."
"Really make sure that your left knee is stacked over your ankle, your spine is nice and straight."
"Inhale, lengthen your spine, and exhale, round back, dropping your ribs down to your hips."
"Your body becomes the positions it holds."
"Your posture is incredibly important because you might wear the same kind of dress but because of your posture, the dress might just look completely different on you."
"It keeps us in the posture of worship."
"With each exhalation, allow your body to surrender into this posture and gently and softly let go further and further."
"The root of this posture is gonna be that back foot actually, nice and strong."
"This is shortened right off 'cause we've come so far forward, yeah it does look really, yeah short, more pardon more, yeah not really yeah you still look quite stiff you need to go out here with your hands basically."
"Am I really saying strong in the shoulders and then see if you can rotate the armpits towards one another to create that space for the neck."
"Anatomically speaking, this is the worst posture, the worst position that you can sleep in throughout the night."
"The best sleep posture for you is going to be whatever holds your spine in this neutral spine position."
"Make sure you're back over the center of your feet"
"So, a couple of different variations here. Variation one is just to keep your knees slightly bent and look forward. Variation two is you're holding onto the left foot with your right hand and your left arm reaches towards the back of your mat."
"Poor posture is such an issue and a common root cause for so many injuries and pain syndromes."
"Every inch your head travels forward, your head essentially weighs an extra 10 pounds."
"If you're just going to stretch your neck or get massages without addressing all of this stuff here, you're not going to get lasting results."
"Each day, this workout will work your whole body to help open, stretch, and strengthen your posture."
"Eyes open, keeping the count. Soft eyes. You have to know where you are at all times. You have to posture. One voice, y'all. One voice. Yo, yo, D, you tell 'em. Stay always people watching. Watching you, that's true."
"That's what it looks like to be done with McDonald's. It really does. Look at us, we're all just like really, like we're just like leaning."
"A heel instantly elevates a silhouette like this by changing your posture a little bit and changing the way that the garments fall and flow around you."
"Make sure that the person's feet are flat on the floor and hip width apart."
"Looking elegant is about 80% of what you are not doing, your posture, and how you carry yourself and your demeanor, much more so than what you're actually wearing."
"Do you need to change the way you're sitting? Often, small adjustments to your posture or the addition of support accessories can make a world of difference."
"So, if I've got my head here and my back and my butt, maybe my legs are kind of up in a kneeling type of, you know, with the knees up, something like that."
"Having good posture makes you immediately look taller, thinner, more confident, more attractive."
"Upright is not a natural position."
"So lie down, you can have your knees bent or straight, it doesn’t matter."
"Your legs should be elevated higher."
"So the trick here is to make sure that you don't allow the bow to compromise this shoulder you always prioritize posture head position and the shoulder position first then you do what you can with the bow and make sure that you're not allowing the bow to change your technique."
"Stand up straight, hold yourself. Honestly, just like set a reminder on your phone that says stand up straight so every time you see it, like, oh wait, I need to fix my posture."
"You need to really work on your posture though."
"A character with an upright and confident posture might be seen as more assertive and self-assured."
"If your posture is really bad right now, it's alright. Just give me a big deep breath."
"Inhale drop the belly, open the chest. Activate the upper back body by drawing the shoulder blades actively together."
"Feel the shoulder blades squeeze back."
"When you leave here today, I want you to find a doorway, put your elbows or your hands on the back side of that doorway and I want you to step through, opening your chest up."
"You don't have a double chin. What you do have is bad posture."
"Step your feet out slightly wider than hip distance apart with your toes turned out."
"Posture is the core of all body language."
"Shoulders relaxed down your back."
"Avoid leaning forward too much... You just want to be upright and straight."
"...but if you're not also taking note of how much time you spend sitting especially in a hip flexed position and position that you put your back into while you're sitting then it might be unrealistic to expect your SE as tightness to disappear for good..."
"Most of the habits that people do is just tearing the scab, you know, the low back... people do this twisting [__] up [__] instead of just standing up as you would if your back was jacked, right?"
"Lengthen your spine, sitting up as tall as you can, roll those shoulders down and back."
"People with upright posture have more self-belief. It leads them to have more self-confidence and better self-esteem."
"Rolling your shoulders backwards always helps with your posture."
"Squeezing those shoulder blades together behind us, and breathe, you should feel that for sure."
"Good posture is the first aspect to strong masculine body language."
"Allow the neck to be free, the head to balance up during movement."
"It's not about sitting and standing really, it's about looking after this neck, letting the neck be free."
"Wait a moment, let the neck be free, head to balance."
"Allowing this lovely open chest, free neck, and then you can be flying along the beach or wherever."
"It's about looking after this neck is free, head balancing up."
"Letting the neck be free I know the movement will be very much in Balance if the thinking is there that links that that links that it's just lovely."
"How you hold yourself influences how you feel."
"We absolutely have to forget this notion that the shoulders are stuck onto the sides of the torso like this mannequin. This mannequin is dead wrong."
"And just in general, hold their pelvis better on the bike because they don't feel like they need to shift from left to right."
"Mewing is proper tongue posture, keeping your tongue pressed up against the roof of your mouth at all times."
"I wanted to fix my posture, that's my goal for 2024."
"Studies have proven that sitting or lying down while in pain can make the pain worse."
"You need to straighten yourself up."
"It's best for everyone if you specifically, your own health, if you remain upright."
"Imagine as if somebody placed a ruler on your back, you want to match the line of that ruler, so be completely straight with your body."
"The bike is obviously tilted upwards, the tendency that creates is for our pelvis to rotate posteriorly."
"Warrior, inhale, come back, cartwheel to the mat, pause there, spin onto the back left toes, good, the right foot a little to the right."
"Bend the knees setting up for skiers, so both arms straight behind you, notice your torso parallel to the ground."
"Feel your spine straighten, stacking the crown of the head over the shoulders."
"Just trying to keep the spine straight as you send the sit bones up and back."
"Make sure your back nice and flat your vision up shoulders back next clean posture your weight in your heels."
"Make sure your knees are stacking over your toes and you're keeping your spine super straight."
"Press down with the balls of your feet, finding your balance."
"Keep your shoulders away from your ears."
"Maintain comfortable eye contact, stand tall with good posture, and avoid slouching to convey confidence and assurance."
"He's got forward head posture you can see his ears way out here in front of his shoulders."
"So important to keep the glutes active and strong as well as your core, that can help prevent a lot of the problems and discomforts that can come up by sitting a lot."
"Pause here, notice how my spine gets round, head gets heavy, and just breathe."
"Lift yourself up into that high kneeling position, your leg that's out to the side can be bent or you can straighten it, side stretch towards your leg."
"You want everybody to see your t-shirt, okay? So you gotta keep your chest up as you do these squats."
"Inhale to find the length, exhale bringing the head and shoulders up, staying there, inhale to create even more length."
"I learned some stretches to improve my posture."
"I've trained myself to literally walk straight always and stand with my feet straight too."
"Settle yourself into the pose here first before folding yourself down towards the ground."
"It's very important in a posture like this that you do not move your head side to side keep your gaze steady up towards the ceiling."
"Exhale, hovering your knees just above the mat, take the eyes just between your hands or slightly forwards even, and lift your hips up and back again."
"The most important thing is maintaining a neutral spine."
"Always want to be mindful of posture."
"Good posture is a big big part of this."
"Always have good posture. I always emphasize this. Your ear, shoulder, and hip in alignment. That's our goal."
"Inhale sit up tall, feeling for aligning the head over the tailbone."
"And breathe, everybody. I like your posture, you're looking really good. Don't stop breathing."
"You should always adjust the chair so that your feet are planted on the ground and make sure that your display is adjusted to the point where your neck is in a neutral position."
"It's a trainable skill that you need to develop in order to be able to assume the correct position at any given time."
"No posture is bad for a small amount of time, and even the best posture should be altered by different positions and movement every now and then."
"Use a power stance. You are the authority."
"We all sit differently... Some of you are spreaders, some of you are Tuckers, some of you are moms, so you Mother Tuckers out there have different needs than dadbot folk like us."
"Straight your shoulder, don't move your shoulder."
"When you stand tall with your shoulders back and head held high, you're telling the world that you're confident."
"Remember to always keep your chest up, back flat, do not hunch forward."
"The way you walk affects your attractiveness."
"I hope your posture is like you're doing the sneaker walk all the way."
"Breathe in, stand up a little taller."
"The world needs you to be in the right place in the right time and in the right posture."