
Niche Marketing Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"Not enough agencies specialize in one niche, and that's really the secret to large-scale success."
"Being a general MMO channel will always be limited in the depth of knowledge, while a specific channel will be limited in its scope of audience."
"Imagine running multiple different niche channels all bringing you in predictable income every single month."
"You need to have a passionate audience... You're not gonna create a successful Shopify store selling day-to-day items... It's about adding your own creativity and finding a niche with people who are genuinely interested."
"Finding your niche means finding within the market of the area you're attacking a way to be different, a way for people to be drawn to you instead of those other areas."
"Pick a niche, be consistent, and provide value. It works when implemented correctly."
"Don't consider yourself a small YouTuber, focus on serving your niche."
"When you buy directly from a niche perfumer, you're going to get the best customer service."
"The secret here to actually being profitable with this is you don't want to make a course that's really general, you want to get specific."
"If you have a bigger brand you're going to do well you don't have to build a Coca-Cola but if you build a brand within your niche and you're the leading player your content within that space is going to go more viral than the others."
"When you have a niche and you know it backwards and forwards..."
"The smallest viable audience is more attainable than ever before."
"If you commit to a niche, you can really speak to a specific audience." - Cobble Wobbles
"Liver King would have never been Liver King if Brian Johnson didn't make his first millions by understanding the Amazon algorithm."
"Your niche will find you after you've collected enough data on what's working."
"Figure out what makes you different from the other people in your niche and do it."
"Stick to a niche... You need to find your niche and what sticks with your readers and then just go hard with that."
"There is a very dedicated market for this type of content."
"Themed restaurants are still popular to this day for their niche appeal."
"So that's the number one thing you gotta figure out. Is what is the niche that you're going to be serving?"
"Find where people in your niche congregate outside of YouTube and Google."
"The number one thing you've got to do is you got to pick a niche."
"Don't be general, be specific. Niche specificity separates you from the competition."
"It's always more worthwhile to earn the lion's share of a less popular search topic than the table scraps of a more popular search topic."
"Having a targeted group of people who care about your work... has real value in today's market."
"Fox pioneered a new way to make money in media... you pick a group... and dominate it by feeding it news."
"If you're able to find the niche product and actually rank on the first page... you'll likely do very well."
"The core of affiliate marketing success is choosing the right niche and focusing on one specific aspect within that niche."
"We're driving this growth and carving out a new type of clothing niche, where you serve the customer by making t-shirts featuring cool art and phrases that they identify with."
"If you make stuff for everyone you're kind of making stuff for no one that's a bit of a cliche but it's absolutely true right."
"What you guys need to do is do research, pick a niche, get in while no one's talking about it."
"Niche sites: Targeted content, endless revenue."
"Niche is much more specific than that... narrow it down, narrow it down, narrow it down."
"The single most important thing for any channel is figuring out the right Niche for your content."
"Cyberpunk needs more Edge Runners content while the iron is hot."
"Focus on targeting a small group of people who are going to be interested in what you do best."
"Start a channel in a niche that you want to learn about or have experience in."
"Be consistent, be known for something, find yourself a niche."
"You don't need 10,000 people, you need 10. And then you take those 10 and provide them with the best donut they've ever had, including the best experience they've had buying a donut."
"Manscaped is the only brand dedicated to below-the-waist grooming and hygiene products."
"Stand with you since 2012. Patriot Mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider."
"I mean at the end of the day you know survival of the fittest means the survival of the most adaptable."
"Be aware of what is working in your specific niche... Do what you see is already working well because that is how you will see the quickest result."
"The recipe for success: finding profitable, low-competition niches."
"You can become rich over time by building a business that sells your own uniquely branded travel products."
"The product is not your business... your business is the niche and it's solving the problems within that niche."
"Identify your niche and product before creating content."
"When you choose a niche you're passionate about, you're less likely to burn out."
"You cannot be everything to everybody. Once you find that niche, focus on the niche."
"You can turn whatever niche that you or anything that's a hobby or something that you're interested in into a successful YouTube channel."
"Find your niche and lean into it hard right now because this is the moment."
"Support a subgroup, you'll become the niche leader."
"It's okay that a redesigned Model S would not be catered to the most amount of people."
"If people want Cuban cigars, we're the place that they need to come to because we're the official distributor."
"Create videos for a specific niche... Would the type of audience who click on this video also want to click on all of the rest of the videos on my channel?"
"This is an interesting title that's targeting a niche that I don't think I've ever seen serviced before."
"Go back to tick tock and search for keywords that will show you broad videos in your Niche."
"Find your niche, be creative, consistent, and be passionate about it... go for it!"
"Establishing a brand inside of a niche with a large community is key."
"We're a sales and marketing company in the garage space because that's really what it takes to win."
"Rather than just copying, innovate and cross-niche."
"You'll usually make more money by focusing on niches you're personally interested in."
"My goal is to have Geeks and Gamers as the Barstool Sports of the geek world."
"I think this is the most excited I've ever been for a reset."
"Almost every niche has got some affiliate programs."
"Cross-promoting between pages can allow you to totally dominate a niche on Facebook."
"Start modeling your content off of the trends or modeling off of what is successful in your niche."
"Finding that niche that you could be known for is going to be extremely helpful in building an audience because it also promotes consistency."
"Those who scream the loudest have the most to fear. Hide money talks. - Q"
"I never thought I would be a productivity YouTuber, but that Niche just sort of emerged over time."
"Choosing the right niche before you start out is so important and it can literally make the difference between making a ton of money and making no money at all."
"The tweet was clearly aimed at Board Ape Club holders as it continued to state how they helped the company make the movie."
"All things considered I'm pleased that Codemasters stuck with their strategy of producing a wide variety of niche racing games instead of consolidating them down to one product with blanket appeal."
"We're not meant to serve all people, we have our style and philosophy."
"Figure out your own little niche in the YouTube world and run with it."
"What attracts sponsors is what you put out. If you want hair sponsors, you have to make hair content. If you want clothing sponsors, you have to make clothing content."
"E-commerce niche, business niche, Shopify tutorials have twenty-five to forty-five dollar CPM rates."
"I've had a 90-day plan forever you know and that's the best way to do it rotate what you have keep active in multiple niches at the very same time it's going to draw you the most people in."
"It is without a doubt the most asked-for plant that I, you know, ever get messages from, you know, to my shop. Everybody just wants albo, elbow, elbow, elbow."
"Thank you for all the super chats, they mean so much to the channel."
"Whales in video games are just the same, and video game companies cater to them in the same way."
"Better to serve a narrow niche of customers and then have that grow then start trying to serve everyone which is the temptation for many founders who want to take over the world."
"Atlas USA was one of those companies that would localize all the Japanese games that the other bigger publishers wanted nothing to do with."
"It's definitely great to be confident in whatever you got going on and you gotta basically find your niche you know what I'm saying to really win."
"Find your niche. What perspective do you have that is going to be your key?"
"Fubo's known for being the premier option for sports fans."
"Sauna suits: Finally, an item in the weight loss market that isn't an overcrowded supplement. If you've got your eye on fitness, consider this."
"Who says you can't have a Toys R Us for your dolls?"
"If you can laser focus on a single Avatar and solving a single problem you're more likely to succeed."
"Focus is strictly on one thing, and that brings in a consistent audience."
"The niche market of people who are so not confident and they wish they could do that."
"You can call Brian at Jersey and he'll develop a shock just for you."
"Once you start to find your niche, your art starts to become a brand that people can go, 'oh, I want that for my project.'"
"I started a separate website where I was selling merchandise."
"Getting clear on your niche, going narrow with it really is the key."
"By focusing on smaller specialized markets, companies can build stronger relationships with their customers."
"You're looking for the ones that other big sellers are not really concentrated on."
"Finding a niche means appealing to a subset of a market."
"Targeting a niche market: the key to standing out."
"The best niches for most people to sell in are niches that they are passionate about."
"Welcome to the cult of Razer, where we make these products because, well, no one else did, so we thought we'd do it."
"Don't focus on commodity items... Find a niche."
"Focus on a niche. Being unique will help you stand out." - "Zoom in on a specific theme, subject, or topic."
"Start liking and following others in your niche... it tells the Instagram algorithm you're in similar niches."
"AMC panders to the ape community, but any positive catalyst is good catalyst."
"If you're having trouble finding success through a broad-based platform, find your niche and take a chance on it."
"Find a small sub-Niche and then dominate it, then expand."
"There's only one animal for the job, and that is the Instagram famous Doug the Pug."
"Experiment with different types of content within your niche."
"Jesse Coyle is now the premiere Rim break Ambassador on YouTube."
"The new high and hungry blue Heady Funky Field Tip will be dropping at funkyfieldtips.com."
"Focusing on women's fitness workout food is actually a much more targeted niche."
"Maybe if there was a franchise that wasn't made for straight white men maybe one made for straight white Sisseton able-bodied middle-class women now that's a niche."
"But what makes it even more incredible is what set the Domino's falling was Meg cargo finding a competitive Niche for the first time in its life."
"Choose from different niches within self-help, like self-esteem or personal finance."
"Choose your niche, focus on it, write keyword-focused content, and update content."
"Finding your Niche is the most important thing you're gonna do at the start of starting your Etsy shop."
"The way to succeed in print-on-demand nowadays is to find these low competition sub-niches within the overall niches and create great designs."
"YouTube doesn't work like that anymore; it actually just favors the best content that's being created for that specific niche."
"Typically what I recommend spending your time on designing for would be about 50% of the time more Evergreen niches which are niches that can sell at any point throughout the year."
"Niche down to blow up to make it as impactful as possible because why? Because we need to get our clients results in order for your business and your program to stand the test of time and to enroll more clients into the course."
"Niches make riches. I'm just appealing to this one group of people, and I know that I am, and I'm going to go super hard on those guys."
"Building a store around something quite specific is key."
"Researching the niche better was a pretty big step for me, something I'd never really done enough of."
"People want to buy from the expert. Niching down and honing in on one specific type of item or one specific theme makes you appear more of an expert in that niche."
"Pick a niche, stay in it, and go dominate that niche."
"A niche allows you to focus your efforts on serving a specific audience really really well."
"Choosing a niche gives you leverage."
"Choosing a niche that you're really excited about helps you stay motivated through all the hard work and challenges."
"You'll want to choose a profitable niche that means choosing a niche that has a good amount of related products or services."
"It is easier like if you have a niched website it is way easier to grow your website faster."
"Your job is to attract a specific group of people. You do this by writing ideas in a way that makes sense to you, from your worldview, from your point of view."
"Everyone looks good in and another really big benefit to selling black sweatshirts in your store is a lot of jobs only let you wear black items like hair stylists for instance so this is a great color to list in your professions Niche."
"The riches are in the niches as they say."
"To gauge an accurate market rate, find similar-sized accounts in your niche and average their rates."
"They went after home decor but they niche down and then they started to put on other niches or what I like to call niche stacking."
"Now we have picked our Niche, we've gone through and signed up for affiliate programs related to that Niche, and now it is time to go through and actually create our Pinterest account."
"Most of my six and seven figure online stores came from one Niche."
"What you need to do is stop hopping around from Niche to Niche trying to sell different products in every single one testing them week over week you need to stick to one Niche."
"The number of reviews for products as well as the category and the sub-niche, you can drill down even more, that's going to be the best way of evaluating competition."
"The biggest opportunity for pod sellers is to pursue what I have outlined today which is building your own store creating a really cool space for your Niche and then using social media like Facebook Instagram and Tik Tok to drive people to your store."
"The better you understand your Niche, the easier client acquisition will be."
"You're actually targeting a more niche down subset of Fiverr versus more broad, general, generic type of keywords."
"The key to succeeding with print on demand and selling pretty much anything online is to sell the things you're good at."
"Find your niche, stick with it, be the online auction."
"Find your market, find what you like to do."
"There is a power of niching down, and that's ultimately how you can thrive as a smaller creator here on YouTube."
"...to separate yourself from what was beginning to become a cluster of what we now call Micro Brands...to differentiate ourselves we thought we really needed genuine expertise in watchmaking."
"...we're not trying to sell watches to everybody in the world, we're not going to be some people's cup of tea and that's perfectly okay."
"The more you niche down, the more profitable your online store will be."
"Nowadays, Etsy is a crowded marketplace, but by focusing on niches, you can reduce the direct competition that you face, especially as a new store."
"You need to have a strategy to go along with your volume when you batch listings with multiple going up at the same time in niches."
"You want to pick a niche, understand your industry, and know who your audience is."
"The most important thing you need is a niche."
"Ranking your articles on Google around the software as a service Niche can also be extremely profitable."
"I found a longer tail keyword and a really profitable niche that you might like to use."
"That's the secret, right? You want to figure out how to do a good niche, you need to figure out how to do proper keyword research."
"When you find the perfect niche, money starts to pour in with a minimal amount of effort."
"Find a niche, work hard, get the right people. I don't see how you could not be successful."
"The way you build trust with clients when you are first starting out is by going all in on your niche."
"You're making content around a niche and creating a community."
"At some point, you just have to commit to a niche."
"If you want to grow as a content creator on YouTube, make sure you know your niches."
"When you're just starting out, you need to be opportunistic and really work with multiple niches."
"You need to build a great business and create products and designs inside of niches that people actually want to pay for."
"Every Niche is profitable with the right marketing."
"An account of your size, with over 200,000 followers with a very niche audience, parents, is a very, very valuable digital asset for any company."
"So what we want to be able to do as a seller is to locate those vendors in our niche."
"Build your channel in a niche that already exists."
"It's proven and it's respected in the target circles they're not trying to be the highest volume mainstream brand that everyone's seen."
"I think the most important thing like my number one tip is you really have to find a good Niche."
"If you're someone that is into cycling and you know that you're going to be able to market this product, you may want to do product research to make sure that people are actually spending money on it."
"Find your niche to build a successful online business."
"It is important to focus on testing niches backed by research because your time is limited."
"It's going to give you the ability to go deep in one area so you're going to be finding suppliers that not everyone is finding, which is where the money is."
"The most important thing is that you build your channel around an area of really high demand, low supply."
"You really want to find a product category that has a strong niche that way you can sell that product there in the long term and you know that there's going to be demand and little to no competition."
"Choosing the correct niche is one of the most important things that's going to determine the success of your brand."
"Remember, you are not trying to sell to every customer that walks in that door; you're trying to sell to the customers that fit your niche."
"Having a general store really allows you to experiment and find different niches that sell well."
"So I really think that if you have the right type of channel in the right type of niche, then you can actually turn YouTube into a substantial passive income source."
"The best type of Shopify Drop Shipping Store to start is a niche Drop Shipping Store."
"Create blog posts about things that have to do around your niche."
"You're going to have much better luck if you narrow your focus and create your coloring book based on keywords that real customers are actually searching for on Amazon."
"However, if you center your website around a niche that has a lot more money passing through it, for example, cryptocurrency, online business, stock trading... then there's going to be much more money that you're going to be able to make."
"Yesterday someone commented saying they made a sale in just five days from one of the niches that I recommended."
"You have to have an understanding of the niche and how the businesses work."
"The more vehicles you create inside of your niche, the more value you provide, the more problems you solve, the more money you're going to be able to make."
"Stay the course and stay one niche specific."
"It's a problem-solving product, you can create a bunch of content around this product, and it's within a very passionate niche."
"Sometimes what you might find is that the broad niche is very competitive, but you can often find little sub-niches within that."
"We're going to do it creatively in order to niche down and not have to deal with competing against people with larger budgets and more experience."
"If you actually find a good niche and you're able to come up with good video ideas, you'll be able to make money."
"I think I 100% agree when it comes to finding a niche but also finding something that solves a purpose or has a purpose."
"Your niche is when you find the place and the type of customer that you want."
"Followers do not matter and niche rules over everything."
"The way your niche site is going to be successful is by ranking in Google."
"Are people making money with the site currently? If there's a lot of other affiliate niche sites out there around this topic, that's a good sign."
"We're going to find digital products inside of this niche that are going to solve the problems for our specific pain points."
"The key here is to find an engaged group of audience that are passionate about a particular niche."