
Financial Transparency Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as has occurred here."
"When you get married, there are no secret accounts. It's here's one house account."
"I am extremely invested in the concept of financial transparency."
"Budgeting gives you a transparency on the truth around your finances."
"Everyone should always be talking about how much money they make... don't make it a taboo anymore."
"Accountants can at least help explain where the money went."
"I want to make it right... I'm not okay with Charities not getting any money."
"This is not me just youtuber flexing; we also have a lot of expenses."
"Honestly, I have no idea. I do believe that whoever is running Persian LA is probably getting that money."
"Traceable money... we would know the roots of every dollar we ever spent."
"Let's move to a system where when you get to court you no longer have to question is is this happening to me because they need the money or is this happening to me because I actually you know broke the law."
"Money can be a really scary topic to think about to talk about but it's so important to be transparent with other people and share advice learn from others"
"This ain't about animals, this is about money. Understand this: if you raise money for animals at a particular non-profit facility, it better be spent for them animals."
"Central Bank digital currencies will allow us to Monitor and see everything."
"We're gonna tell you who they are, what they've done. We now know who single-handedly is dumping the price of bitcoin."
"Share the financial struggles you're dealing with, share the fact that you're trying to escape the nine to five."
"Sharing numbers is uncomfortable, but it's beneficial."
"Audits provide meaningful protection against misleading information and misrepresentations of important metrics such as fees, performance, and other items."
"If the debt can affect the other person, you should disclose it."
"Wouldn't she want to take my billion dollars then? Wouldn't she want to take the million dollar? It's not my money, always a blog for the Foundation which is a 501c3. I don't have a million dollars but it's there and it's available."
"There’s a legitimate public value in knowing whether or not the president’s personal financial interests... influence the public decision-making that he’s engaged in."
"These are hard facts backed up by bank records of actual financial records and transactions."
"People don't talk with enough transparency about money."
"Create a micro loan or investing program in your church. Make sure everything is crystal clear and transparent."
"5.3 billion dollars in foreign aid that was given to Ukraine that is unaccounted for to this day."
"No matter what the expense was that was happening, I should be able to go to the blue-collar guy who donates 25 a month or whatever and explain to him with a straight face how we spent that money."
"This fundraising scheme might potentially be fraudulent, not just because it induced donations with claims of voter fraud, but also because the money did not go to where people thought it was going to go."
"Financial transparency is one of the most important foundational elements to any given relationship."
"Ultimately to me the test is the policy and what they do on the policy, but following the money is a good indicator of what will happen with the policy."
"Nobody's seen a dime of any of that money at all."
"Does being reimbursed mean buying four homes? Something ain't clean in the buttermilk."
"Daylight is the best disinfectant and apparently it was us just showing the financials and asking where the hell all the money is going."
"There's more being traded than is actually being reported."
"How Britney's money was spent, including whether it had gone to pay for others to violate her rights, is relevant."
"Those millions of dollars and those private jets didn't come from the most high, it came from their parishioners."
"The failure to answer the fundamental question about how much money there is in existence is an admission that there's way more money in existence than acknowledged."
"As a creator I need to know what my split is at least."
"We have questions, including the source of funds used to pay the monthly lease for Erica's newly leased premises."
"Where's the money, Candace? Look at that hat, boy, what are we doing? What is that? Why does her hand look like that?"
"We want transparency across the board. The dark pools, retail wholesalers, brokers, give us the information. Like why is it behind like a veil of secrecy? We want to look into those things."
"We wanted to ensure transparency and accountability with donations."
"I don't support the business model, I encourage you to look at the income disclosure statement."
"Some of these gurus just show numbers, some of these gurus just show revenue. I'm here to show profit."
"How about we have some accountability for what's happening with this money and who these weapons are going to?"
"The reason why I'm pressing is because I want the money donated to Charities this man told me on a call that he had all the money still in the account so if that money is there just prove it exists."
"Are members actually making money? Yes, we are."
"Robin Hood trades are not free. When you pay for order flow, you're probably charging your customers more and pretending to be free."
"I was explaining it to her and trying to explain what I do and she pauses, she goes, 'Are you making money?' I go, 'Yes.' She goes, 'Is it illegal money?' I go, 'No.' She goes, 'Okay, I don't care then.'"
"Clearly you did receive this money to do X and there's no evidence that you did that so we're gonna give Alice her refund."
"Equal pay deal earnings revealed: women seems like most of the men's earnings."
"They have to have some sort of accounting for 90 million dollars... the movement is very important to be damaged by this type of thing."
"For me, the most important money lesson is that you should be transparent with it."
"Honesty is the best policy, especially with a receipt coming."
"They do the greatest work. Over 93% of the end dollar goes to the end user."
"Money, billions in unknown funds, flowing into Canada's housing market from Transparency International."
"We began allowing limited buys of these securities the following day and we have since lifted the restrictions entirely."
"Who is George Soros? Why is he doing this? Where is this money coming from? Let's find out. Enough, because we've just... There's a little crack in that Kevlar, that bulletproof, whatever that protective shield was that he enjoyed for so long."
"Truth-in-lending is about promoting the informed use of consumer credit."
"There is complete transparency about the full open interest. There's complete transparency about the positions that are held. There is a robust, robust consistent risk framework applied."
"It's a simple case of just follow the money."
"Every dime is going towards helping refugees... every dime."
"The U.S. is really the top destination for dirty money."
"Bitcoin is decentralized, transparent, and accepted everywhere."
"Relics uses cryptocurrency to provide transparency, accountability, and immutability to investment opportunities."
"If you're not doing payment for order flow...they're making money somewhere."
"Imagine hundreds of millions actually getting to relief, changing the world."
"If a company is only providing guidance on metrics when it expects those metrics to be positive then a company is defrauding its investors."
"The president of the united states right now is taking an annual salary of only four hundred thousand dollars per year."
"And I don’t even mean that off-grid grifters make money, or even that they have money. What makes a grifter is a lack of transparency ABOUT the money."
"We went from Pac-Man to Doom in 13 years, less than 15 years."
"She felt like she needed to explain like oh Depop takes money and they're shipping and Paypal takes money and this and that and the other."
"The government shouldn't have the ability to edit your wealth or to see every single transaction."
"Proof of reserves are a point in time review of asset Holdings rather than an ongoing reporting cycle, it opens up potential for borrowing or other forms of temporary asset acquisition or reshuffling to show a more favorable picture on reserves."
"Why in the world would a block trade like the one owned by CZ and/or Binance be tweeted out saying I have 550 million dollars with the FDT tokens I'm going to put to the market? You don't trade like that."
"What was the outcome of James O'Keefe's expose? That these monies are being put through by other people in the names of people and no traceability as to who the actual donors are and no follow-up and no further Discovery."
"How one teacher spends her $69,000 salary. Wait for it. Honest accounts."
"You can see where your money goes when you get one of these PCIe-based flash memory systems."
"They basically told the market, 'Hey, we got problems,' and that made everybody scared."
"I would like to know why they took my money. That is a crime."
"Consistency and communication and an explanation of where the money has gone."
"Step number one is going to be me showing you my dividend income - full transparency, full disclosure."
"We're moving towards a transparent system, all the money..."
"The two most important things in this relationship are being transparent about money and good communication."
"I want to know how much money the Grammys brings in. I want to know how much these performers are getting paid. How much do the winners get paid? We need to really get an expose on the Grammys."
"Trillions and trillions of dollars usually goes missing from the Pentagon every few so years."
"There is insider trading happening flat out in the open."
"Proof of reserves, we need it. It's not a want anymore."
"Bitcoin's market cap is about five percent lower than publicly advertised because everyone's a scammer. But that doesn't matter. Why not just measure it accurately?"
"I don't see anything where they're using the charitable donations they get."
"A washing operation as bold as this one potentially compromising official US Government transactions of US taxpayer money."
"It's like doing in corporations but you don't look at the books."
"You cannot blow $100 million like a two, three, I mean, where does this money go?"
"I should probably let you know before the bill comes, I only have three bucks on me."
"Let them in on it. Talk about money."
"It's not a money grab. I'm literally going to be reinvesting everything back into the channel."
"The church was more concerned about hiding the money than they are complying with the law."
"Lisa Ray's revelation of being a millionaire at the time of their marriage underscores the complexities of their relationship as she navigated the nuances of wealth disparity and financial transparency."
"Drop some love in the comments below if you would like to see a cost breakdown on other things I've made or just on other things other youtubers are made just some financial aspects."
"...the documentary, it really went into detail just regarding, like, the financials, and I feel like that was very important for her to shed light on that at the end of the day."
"Why are we spending money buying a mall and then be dishonest about where the money for it came?"
"Witnesses have every right to ask questions about how their dedicated funds are being spent."
"It's an important factor that the flight schools be transparent about all costs that will be associated with receiving all of your ratings."
"You must both be totally open and honest about your financial habits and your financial history."
"Graham just absolutely kills it on every level in my opinion."
"I ensure I won't lose the public's trust due to conflicts with money in politics."
"They're showing more cash flow than net income, which is usually the other way around because it's easier to manipulate net income than it is to manipulate free cash flow."
"It's just so transparent in terms of how they're doing fees."
"At the end of the day, you want to be sure that there's transparency in terms of the money that you brought into the country."
"I like to give them a statement each month to say this is how much the job costs originally, these are the progress payments you've paid so far, and the variations, this is amount owing."
"My hope is that you'll get a better idea of how the money flows for the songwriters."
"Decentralization as being critical, transparency, auditability."
"We put all of our finances transparently on our website."
"The Cayman Islands are among several British overseas territories who have signed a new information exchange agreement with Britain and the rest of Europe to tackle tax evasion."
"Facilitate better compatibility of financial statements to make it easier for potential investors to look at your company and invest."
"I will be making an entire budget video once the house sells... I would love to make a budgeting video with actual numbers once the house has sold."
"Providing accurate financial information is very important."
"With D5 we can actually move away from financial institutions and products that have no transparency, that don't help you, that have centralization risk."
"Discussing salary shouldn't be a taboo; it's hard to know what jobs or industries are worth trying to get into."
"I love being open about finances and talking about these topics."