
Social Pressure Quotes

There are 338 quotes

"Stop caring what other people think about you."
"Don't let anyone shame you into making fun of you for trying to take care of yourself, your friends, and your family."
"Nowadays, people will buy things they don't need with money they don't have to impress people they don't even like."
"Stop spending money you don't have on things you don't need to impress people you probably don't even like."
"Social pressure in that circumstance is genuinely insane."
"Corporations are becoming increasingly pressured to be more socially conscious."
"I still love humanity, I still want people to be good and kind to one another, but I shouldn't have to be forced to live by how you feel."
"The fact that so many wise people, so many leaders in this country have bought into that narrative and caved to that social pressure, rather than saying, 'You know what, that's not the narrative, there's not the two options,' is really discernment."
"Social demands placed upon gay men to eat healthily and achieve a perfect body are linked to anxiety and depression and have serious mental health consequences."
"Expanding people's positive liberties through social pressures towards trans acceptance shows how altering information can increase the potential for liberty."
"We only had three weeks to choose our prom date, and even more daunting, we had three weeks to woo them and conquer their heart."
"If you let it, people on every side will bring you under condemnation."
"Everybody's so afraid of getting cancelled that they join in on the hate mobs to put fear into somebody else."
"I know the pressure to look amazing is strong, that you have to look great, and that the leaner you are and the more muscle you have, the better the thumbnails look and the more you get shown to people. But enough is enough."
"The mental health consequences of this attitude are disastrous and ultimately lead to depression."
"Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right."
"It's toxic to be thinking about what other people think of you all the time."
"Imagine how hard this must have been for Maya. Like imagine everyone in your life starts telling you that you became your best friend, you need to get back to being your true self."
"I've never seen people say to get something so much in my life, so I have to do it now."
"Don't let anyone shame you into not taking care of yourself and your family."
"This will put collective pressure on people like Susan McGeeky to de-platform us. And that is exactly the point. What I've been saying is wrong the whole time? Who knows."
"Women are feeling pressured to have that splashy, amazing wedding because fking Susie next door, she had a chocolate fountain at her wedding. That dumb bch."
"48% of millennials admit to overspending, even going into debt, to keep up with their friends."
"If you believe in something, don't let others shame you into not doing it."
"You must always stand on principle, my friends. Do you think that they will now just leave you alone?"
"Never cave to the mob, a big flat cautionary tale."
"When a man cannot provide for his family, that completely invalidates him."
"We can't all be celebrities, but today we're encouraged to act like there's always a camera on us."
"The pressure itself is creating this other desire this deep craving for a balanced and nuanced conversation."
"Think about ways you are compelled to say things you don't believe or at least stay silent to avoid getting in trouble. Think about what it would take to stand up, think about the cost to you of not standing up, of being silent."
"She didn't do anything wrong but you have such pressure as an influencer to apologize for something that you didn't actually do wrong."
"It's all about leveraging social pressure from the outside in order to cow legislators into submission and mostly in order to cow voters."
"You can't go down that path. Don't let the left pressure you into feeling like you gotta take a side on some stuff."
"Don't feel pressured into making a decision because of what the leftists say."
"These are the things she tried so hard to escape from, they always turned eyes on her."
"There's no pressure, and if anyone's shaming you for not sticking to a certain schedule, screw them."
"There's no party in your goddamn life that is worth putting yourself into debt for."
"Don't let the mob coming after you silence you."
"Forced millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated by telling them to do it for your grandmother."
"You can't force this, some of y'all need to stop acting like you don't like what you like."
"Ridicule and harsh comments from others can lead people to consider getting some you know alterations to their body to better conform to the ideal."
"Don't get internet-bullied into investment decisions."
"Now the ground is more fertile today for the gospel than at any point in my lifetime simply because people have no way out underneath the burden of cancel culture."
"You can't sacrifice your faith on the altar of popularity or being liked by everybody."
"Women are going to constantly be pressured to conform to being like men."
"The pressure that hot women feel to always be friendly and smiley."
"Everybody else is getting married, everybody else is having babies, but you steady like, 'Oh, I'm not settling.'"
"For the past few years, I feel like a lot of people have been walking on eggshells, unable to fully breathe almost because we're so afraid of saying the wrong thing, offending someone, and then having this authoritarian mob jump down our throats."
"This precedent-setting moment in history where we can finally...change or at least put pressure to reform or improve this system." - (No specific name mentioned)
"It's about expectations and pressures put on you by your family."
"Social judgment and pressure can make you unhappy and marginalized."
"We want to be part of that community and we don't want to do something that ostracizes us."
"They socially construct an extreme pressure to confess."
"Honoring your internal needs over FOMO is just not worth it."
"It's the whole point of the struggle sessions, is to get you to say things that you don't believe in and then you start believing it."
"But it's actually something that every single person in the world deals with because there's always people that aren't going to be happy with you..."
"If you don't immediately come out and say crucify him then you're on the wrong team."
"We have to have an outside strategy where we're applying pressure and if it's necessary to take it to the streets, take it to the streets."
"You are going to lose yourself trying to be accepted by people."
"Somebody that thinks they have to impress with what they say they make."
"And so yeah I mean but dude where I went everybody was going to Brown and Yale and all that stuff you know what I mean so I was like yeah I mean like whatever."
"Vanity pressure, which is my new word for this, is just causing everybody to make choices to alter their faces, and at this point, it's unhealthy."
"Please don't let society and especially men be the reason why you change your entire face and become unrecognizable."
"People are too afraid of social consequences to stop tipping."
"My biceps are lagging both physically as far as visual analysis like they [ __ ], they're small and everyone makes fun of you wherever you go."
"Boycotts work, so don't let up; keep up the pressure."
"If you can put pressure onto these companies, they will feel that human pressure to shape up."
"Stop going broke trying to impress these people."
"Nobody ever takes the risk of talking for fear of the evidence that is being held against them."
"We curate our lives for each other, selling the myth that if we do all the right stuff, we'll be happy all the time."
"You don't ever let that happen. They don't want the jail trip. Please, don't be a punk ass dude, man. You know how n****-ish that is?"
"It should be a virtue that you change your mind. It's so difficult when you're constantly under attack and constantly under siege to say it's far more difficult not only to say I made a mistake but like look I really thought about this."
"It's either late when because I'm doing my hair or on time and everyone roasts me for my hair, what do you want from me?"
"I actually believe if we take the pressure off hooking up, kissing, sex, it will make relationships better."
"You always feel the pressure to like have a highlight reel."
"Use social influence to stay on track and live up to expectations."
"Scaring people... making life very uncomfortable if you are not vaccinated."
"They have to tow that party line and sing the song of allegiance to the approved narrative because if they don't, they'll either lose their job or never get promoted or just never get hired in the first place."
"If you bend to the will of the mob, then you're always bending."
"I'm truly thinking not like the pressure that's put on our generation with social media is what causes it."
"I need to wake up one day and not give a [ __ ] what people think in that type of way but like i do care just because it's like i'm not going to go out and make a fool of myself because i and i i respect myself too in a sense"
"I got kind of cyberbullied into watching it but yes, it does live up to the hype."
"Regardless of the age gap, making a sixteen year old kid have to defend the relationship between him and his girlfriend days before the biggest moment of his life is just shit."
"To be honest, you could self-proclaim truth today and decide that you want to be anything. People are automatically kind of pushed into a place to feeling like they're a bigot if they don't support you because of public bullying."
"The mob can't make you do what you don't believe or what you don't think."
"The success will be significant and it will then lead you to be able to fulfill further ambitions."
"Any company that prioritizes political ideology over meritocracy will suffer."
"Matching isn't fun if not everyone wants to match."
"Too much Ethan has been drifting into just saying whatever the left wants. And look at what happens."
"You spend your entire life feeling like and being told that you need to shrink, neglect, or apologize for critical parts about who you are."
"The more time and effort you put in trying to appear impressive or attractive to other people, the less impressive or attractive you felt inside."
"Women put an unrealistic standard on other women."
"There's no way you can be happy or be yourself if you're constantly walking around on eggshells."
"Don't let anybody push you into coming out or announce anything. Don't come out if you think it's going to impact your livelihood, your happiness, your job."
"I feel more confused though but something closer to I want the things that I say to be the things that I do and less about making other people happy online or virtual signaling."
"That pressure is there; it's like a tide sucking people in to that particular type of lifestyle and mentality."
"You don't have to prove to anyone that you're a good person, you know who you are."
"When your family is seen as icons and beauty... the pressure to maintain a certain image is going to be very intense." - Chloe Kardashian
"I've read so many terrible things about myself and just wanted to please this hypothetical."
"It's so hard to fake who you are for that long."
"You're not making sense. Who are you going ice skating with? They quiz me over and over and over again and then finally I just said, fine, yeah, I'm going ice skating with a guy."
"I think the more you talk about this and bring light to his case... pressure, pressure, pressure will be the one thing to crack this case."
"If you don't want to walk out, if you don't want to end the NBA season, then you're some sort of traitor to the social justice cause."
"You will build so much confidence you'll feel so free away from all of the pressure or expectations that other people who already know you have a view."
"I just wanted a freaking iPhone so I could feel accepted."
"What we are witnessing is not the everyday schedule of a well-balanced man; instead, it is the desperate scramble of a guy who has to reapply a facsimile of identity to his flesh in order to be functional and therefore accepted."
"People are too afraid of what other people think."
"The fact that no it doesn't count means that the person requesting to smile it's for them you're you're smiling for their reasons and that's what women go through all the time."
"You're going to go crazy if you always think about how someone's perceiving you or how that person is going to tell the next person. You've got to find comfort in that."
"It's absolutely essential that people stop being terrorized for holding garden-variety positions."
"I think now more than ever there's such a pressure in the world to not live in the moment."
"You have to be okay with social disapproval or rejection."
"I did get threatened if I don't use 'moo point' the mob shade."
"You better impress my family because I went out on a limb and convinced them that I should marry you."
"The pressure becomes so great to adapt and do what everybody else is doing."
"Pretending to be someone else just to fit in is not worth it."
"Sometimes you gotta force people into their humanity."
"It's not you, it's the people around you and the expectations they put on you."
"I do feel that pressure but I think the only way to relieve that pressure is just to have more people have these opportunities."
"It's like I'm enjoying myself but I know someone's gonna start asking me to sing and trying to get me to do it."
"Don't be a jerk about it. If you're going to go total Deku, do it, but don't make the mistake that we all have to fall in line under that banner just because it's popular."
"It's like imagine if you worked in a corporate office and you had a breakup and every time you come in the office all your co-workers are just like bombarding you about your breakup."
"You're letting other people censor what you have to say."
"It's harder with people being like why didn't you tell us or like oh my god."
"It's okay to feel a bit lost and want to fit in, but pretending to have a serious mental condition really isn't the way to go."
"They want to bully me out of my own town, out of my own city."
"Don't let anyone you know push you into the ground for having you for embracing your body hair that's not okay."
"This situation and the problems you have are already embarrassing enough, let alone to have somebody hang it over your head."
"It's really hard to stay quiet when hundreds of thousands of people are bashing you."
"Do not care too much about what people think."
"The fool is a rejection of the pressure to be serious and rational."
"Charlie is so sweet. I have to figure out what to tell people wanting to be home for Christmases."
"You know what the 10 most dangerous words in the English language are what will other people say and what will other people think you're the only person who needs to be okay with how you live your life."
"Honestly, we need to talk about people trying to pressure others into buying skins."
"Sometimes the worst thing when you get some bad news who you want something that everybody wants to talk to you about the worst thing is putting yourself in a position where you've got no choice but to talk about it."
"It takes serious courage to defend Candace against the mob."
"The temptation to conform to an ideal of beauty whatever the cost."
"Even in that position with nothing to lose, he still can't do it. He's terrified. He's terrified of making people mad at him."
"Shame your friends if they don't like Grilled Cheese."
"I don't want to feel worried that someone's gonna get mad at me because they're a fan of Selena if I don't like a product."
"Just stop worrying so much about what everyone thinks and just enjoy yourself a bit more."
"There's always this weird pressure to label yourself."
"Fear of missing out is a long-term phrase for stupidity."
"I'm horrible and I don't need the money, that I must hate children and their Christmas is ruined, and it's all my fault."
"If you don't buy into what they want you to think, you're slipping."
"Remember you can't please everyone. Once you can get past that, you don't absorb other people's energy."
"I know you guys really want her to have a baby but I don't think that's what she wants and I'm gonna kind of just respect her decision to do that."
"But when you have the mob coming after you and you bow and surrender and submit, then you've only fueled it."
"The pressure is so great and people don't want to see their organization sued, ruined, whatever, their reputation ruined..."
"It's really crappy thing to do as a person to pressure someone."
"You make people feel like they're not doing enough."
"Let's keep the support, keep the pressure on."
"Wokeness gives you the incentives because they're already getting pressure by these people."
"He's been taken over by the left in this country. They pressured him in his grave to speak out against us."
"They feel pressured to put on some sort of mask."
"Don't buy things you can't afford with money that you don't have to impress people that you don't like."
"I will never bend to a mob mentality. Never will it [ __ ] happen."
"They want somebody to blame, they need somebody to bully, somebody to take their [__] out on, you feel me?"
"I thought I don't feel comfortable talking about this but now I'm being held to the fire to talk about it because somebody else wants to talk about it." - Dita Von Teese
"The right to free speech goes beyond legal restrictions, considering social pressures that can silence non-conformists and marginal viewpoints."
"The fomo is real fam. Be aware of it, identify it when you start to feel it, and resist or get rekt."
"Don't let other people's ego make you feel bad for not going out there and protesting or for not posting a black square. You do what you feel called to do."
"Life just isn't worth living unless you're like everybody else."
"I hate that I have to be purity tested non-fucking stop."
"We're living in a society now where there's just constant bombardments of do this, be this, well this person's doing this, well I don't think you should do that."
"Think about the situation a lot of these young girls are in. They're made to feel guilty for wanting privacy."
"Don't let the internet force you to adopt their point of view so that you can feel sorry enough to give them what you want if you don't feel sorry and you stand behind what you did fucking you take the hate take it like a goddamn man."
"So many women and girls hate themselves and they want other women and girls to hate themselves as well, and it's very sad."
"A lot of girls get into relationships or deal with guys because they feel a certain necessity that they need you know what I'm saying they don't want to be alone so they just settle with someone"
"Being bullied into things because it's popping on tick-tock instagram..."
"Education is broken that's just one example of it but I need your help I need you to help me apply a little bit of pressure."
"Stressing about getting cancelled or doing something problematic and everyone turning their backs on you... just don't care what other people think about you."
"I don't know how many forms that could come in it seems like putting pressure by at least talking about the possibility of moving an all-star game out is maybe one way to do that."
"We really have a social epidemic with people pleasing and perfectionism and whether we want to believe it or not social media plays a huge role in that."
"I watch it... partly because people expect me to be up on it, and I feel like I have to have some knowledge."
"We're so worried about what people think that we don't really say what we think."
"So when this man takes himself off the market and he settled down and he's being bullied he's being alienated he's being ostracized, the one thing and the only thing he has is that woman."
"You use different cultures and religions, you get hate for appropriating them. You don't use different cultures and religions, and you're a racist. It's like damned if you do, damned if you don't."
"The most delicious in-joke of preppidom is the anxiety everyone feels about being carefree."
"Weddings are this perfect moment where we feel so much social pressure to do things in a very particular way."
"You need to do what makes you happy. Do not rush for social media, friends, or family."
"In my view, I think it's certainly seen a lot in recent years, is this FOMO, the fear of missing out?"
"People buy things they don't need with money they don't have trying to impress people they don't even like."
"People are spending money they don't have on things they don't need to impress people whose opinions don't matter."
"I personally don't think it's her fault and suspect social media or peer pressure is the cause of niece feeling bad about her body."
"It's like your village people do not like you celebrating me, T. I'm telling you I'm getting married and asking me have I prayed, is it the will of God? Are we on that now?"
"Very few people, like, maybe less than 10%, maybe 10% between 10 and 20% of people are going to be willing to go against the grain if it might also involve them being punished financially, socially, and so on, right?"
"I'm not an alcoholic. I'm just like... I'm just like, and their thing was always like but whenever you're at an event you have to have a drink."
"I find myself become less articulate about what I actually believe when the glare of social disapproval and all of that is being directed at me."
"It's hard to balance time between friends, family, and myself, and FOMO's a real thing."
"If you spend your life afraid of what others think, it is a life half lived."
"I've seen people... FOMO basically is the biggest killer I've seen."
"Maybe they feel bad, they feel obligated, like, 'I don't want everyone mad at me so I gotta go to this pool by the airport, you know? You gotta, you just have to do it."
"The impetus to disconnect from church family and biological family is really strong. And so I've seen that piece of advice bring a lot of relief to some of these people who, they don't know what to do."
"You're expected to hate, and if you don't, you're despised."
"Courage is lacking, men and women cave not because they've been tortured or threatened with execution, they are caving because their comfort is threatened or because they face social media cancel culture."
"A lot of the stuff we do in life is to impress other people, it's not for us."
"When somebody is not able to engage in that, people begin to feel like they're failing at a fundamental aspect of life."
"People spend money they don't have to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like."
"When you maintain inner silence, you begin to access strong inner strength and free yourself from social pressures."