
Emotional Mastery Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The benefits of meditation... one very important aspect is mastering your emotions."
"When you master your emotions, it trickles into everything you do."
"The most powerful lesson you can learn is how to master your feelings."
"You don't get up from your meditation until you've overcome that emotion."
"When you master emotional control, you become the thermostat and not the thermometer."
"A negative emotion that's associated with the memories is something that's crying out for mastery."
"When you master your emotions, life becomes very beautiful."
"If you can make decisions with a long-term intent rather than short-term, and if you could be patient and master yourself emotionally speaking, then I think we'll all do very well."
"We're not mastered by our passions; we rule our passions."
"If you can teach a person how to feel an elevated emotion and sustain it... they're dropping big stones that are producing bigger waves."
"If we are emerged in compassion and love for others we can make it through anything it takes time to master but we really can do it."
"They want to master their emotions, their passion, and act according to what they truly want."
"The faster you master calm surrender, happier, lucky, the faster you get out of the funk."
"The God of War is someone who is the master of emotions and stratagem."
"Your mind should stay calm under all circumstances. That's the ultimate prize in life."
"Once we learn to master our emotions and master our thought process, our reality shifts."
"The Secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you."
"Happiness is a skill you can develop and master."
"The great paradox is that the people who have learned to master their emotions, who have learned to be, who have learned to become comfortable in their own skin, these are the people who do big things."
"It's super important to also understand the market psychology and to master your own emotions when you trade."
"A grown woman moves on and she knows how to not she has mastered her emotion she has emotional intelligence."
"What if instead you get really good at feeling? What if you get really good at handling like feeling anxiety or sadness or grief?"
"When you're no longer responding to the same conditions in the same emotional way, you master your emotions, you master your creations."
"When we know how to master our emotions and the feelings in our bodies, we can actually become incredible money masters."
"The fundamental thing that people must do in order to have power over their lives... is to master your emotions."
"True mastery over your emotions and not even just mastery but controlling them in a way that they don't dictate your actions most of the time."
"Cultivating apathy or emotional detachment in the stoic sense is not about nullifying emotions, but refining them. It allows us to engage with life not as slaves to our feelings, but as masters of them."
"Mastering our thoughts and emotions allows us to navigate all of life's challenges with resilience."
"You are a master of your emotions, mastering the whole sea."
"Someone is moving towards Harmony, emotional Harmony, mastering their emotions, and that's making this person feel like they lost or they're losing."
"External circumstances should not dictate our internal state of being. Instead, we should channel our energy into mastering our thoughts and emotions."
"You have mastered your emotions to the next level."
"What if I told you there's a way off that ride, a path to mastering your emotions and discovering authentic joy?"
"Emotional control is when we are not like 'well he made me mad or she did this and then I'm angry.'"
"Emotional control is the biggest thing that you should be solving for."
"Maintaining your peace and mastering your emotions in every situation."
"Learn how to respond to things rather than always reacting to them."
"This course is specifically made for people who feel like they need to master their emotional life."
"...the journey toward emotional Mastery and genuine Joy is not a spectator sport, it's the very essence of life."
"If you can master your emotions, you won't even need discipline because you'll want to do it."
"We can learn from the spirits of Jinn by understanding how to master the heart we carry. It is the emotion and empathy we can discharge into the world that allows us to be better."
"As long as he is unable to control his moods and emotions, he is certainly not his own master."
"You cannot be the victim of emotions that you create."
"The mind can open infinitely, and if we can harness consciously the energy of the heart, master the emotions, that's how we advance in the practice."
"If you don't have the spirit of anger inside of you, you can never get angry."
"You don't have to succumb to the rage, you don't have to let it control you."
"Be a master of your own emotions, be a master of your own life."
"You're becoming a master of your heart."
"Being the master of your emotions, being able to sit with your emotions and be calm and quiet about them without reacting."