
Reevaluation Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"Is it time for us to reevaluate Bruce Wayne's benevolent billionaire status?"
"The exploration of these ruins is not just an archaeological journey but a reevaluation of human history and our place within it."
"Through constant rethinking and re-evaluation, you will have a much better chance of molding your life into the life you want and not the life that people say you should have."
"Recent events have prompted governments worldwide to re-evaluate their dependencies and re-analyze their manufacturing and assembly footprints."
"Just because something has been organized in the past, it doesn't mean it never needs to be reevaluated."
"It's forcing us to actually rethink what are the things that are really important."
"One of my favorite things to do in film criticism is to re-watch an old movie that I used to have very strong opinions about, to see if I still feel the same way."
"We need to regain our sense of what politics is."
"It makes me think that we need to rethink how we conceptualize happiness altogether."
"I think you have to rethink Free Speech. Hate to say it, I think you have to rethink it."
"But is Batman Forever a misunderstood masterpiece? In a way, yeah."
"We need radical re-evaluation of the very pillars of society."
"He's totally backed off using the Mad Dog. The Mad I think he realized the Mad Dog was far too cool of a nickname to give somebody who you don't like."
"Archaeological revelations: rewriting history with each new discovery."
"The retrogrades will have a lot to do with rethinking, revisiting how we socialize."
"This whole thing has made me just rethink if I wanted to leave my entire channel."
"Challenging the belief in heaven and hell can prompt a reevaluation of one's religious or spiritual worldview."
"You're ready to journey into the unknown, reevaluating your personal principles."
"While this fantastic discovery may not completely rewrite the history books, it does make us reimagine what the world looked like over 100,000 years ago."
"We reevaluate reality as a society... every few decades or so." - Dr. Simeon Hein
"It really is time for this party to re-examine what it stands for."
"Forcing us to totally rethink not just Richard but every royal."
"When something like this happens of this magnitude that is this heartbreaking, I think the most prudent thing and the smartest thing to do is just pause for a second and really re-examine how you're going to move forward."
"Your dedication to re-evaluating, reconsidering, and reorganizing your basic assumptions about life has expanded the expressions of civilization itself."
"The Vatican II texts have been the most ignored... it's not a bad time to revisit those texts."
"This discovery is prompting researchers to re-evaluate our understanding of Fallen Angels, Giants, and the legend itself."
"Caring isn't part of the job description. Well, maybe you should re-evaluate that."
"For many people, it's exposed that actually maybe the things we were placing our hope and our certainty and our confidence in are not actually what they were cracked up to be."
"God might allow COVID because it forces us to re-evaluate where we place our trust and find our meaning."
"Let him clear it up, and reapply when there’s another vacancy. But he should be done."
"Given that no one can actually agree upon what the most valuable and important kind of relationship is, it's really time for us to rethink relationships altogether."
"He just makes people stop and rethink what they thought was possible."
"It's nice to come back to something that's been gone every once in a while and reevaluate what makes it great."
"Be willing to challenge, question, and re-examine."
"It's like life, you know? We've been building up so high, we've been focusing on the highest highs. Let's take it down to the lowest lows and re-evaluate where we're at."
"Reset your value systems, how you utilize your natural talents or maybe your resources."
"If you feel like somebody is just really taking from you all the time, you need to reevaluate the situation."
"Dark World is so bad, it's finite. I liked it the first time I saw it, yeah, I did. The first time I saw it, I rewatched it, yeah, and it wasn't—it doesn't hold up."
"Wokeness is losing sight of its core issues and needs to go back to its roots."
"This entire [ __ ] has run amok and should be rethought from the ground up."
"Power world is a wakeup call, a lesson, a shining big red light that's telling these developers to stop and just re-evaluate for a minute."
"Watching it again, I was impressed with how many elements did hold up in terms of technology, size, scale, and performances. You legit feel the effort with every frame. It, in no way, feels like a lazy movie."
"You know, we used to think of it back in the 80s as this frozen wasteland you know that just produced comets and things like that but now we're finding as we actually probe it we're finding out it's way more interesting."
"We are compelled to re-evaluate the principles of honesty, integrity, and accountability."
"The crisis was sufficiently real and problematic for me to say I'm going to have to rethink."
"There's more to this guy than meets the eye."
"This is not just a think time, this is a rethink time of using your skills and talents and capabilities."
"Constant reevaluation, restructuring, and re-establishing the relationship."
"You shouldn't be afraid to reevaluate things on your wish list... never be afraid to do that."
"This book made me look at stuff belongings things that we own completely differently."
"Maybe they didn't take you that seriously, and now they're having to deal with it."
"Sometimes it's really nice to revisit an idea." - "You get a chance to kind of do it over."
"Our rethinking and our planning didn't go as planned."
"You don't have a career, you have an opportunity."
"For history and archaeology have now uncovered compelling reasons to reconsider the extraordinary claims of the Exodus story."
"This full moon seems to be asking you to reevaluate your life direction based on how it is impacted by what's happening in your partnership sector."
"Honestly, I truly think WWE needs to go back and reevaluate everything that's going on here and with this promo to be the go home—a thing of beauty."
"It's funny that you mentioned that because nothing in life that you grow up thinking is bad, you can instantly turn your mind and think it's good."
"It's a big rethink for people, isn't it, to get them to wrap their head around it when they see it on the ground?"
"From's back catalog is getting a critical reevaluation right now, and it seems like most people like these games now more than they did back then."
"You really should listen to opportunities people give you to rethink what you're doing."
"Sloths Force us to re-examine this paradigm for a sloth slowness isn't a defect but a feature."
"Love and romance is this whole subject that probably needs opening up and relooking at, from scratch."
"She just literally made our case in fact I'm gonna go back I'm gonna write this down."
"We rewrite because now we have redefined our values, our projects, our relationships."
"The establishment animal rights movement really needs to check itself on some not just priorities but also on impact."
"Starting over means whatever you were doing wasn't right. Work smarter, not harder."
"Weakness isn't a weakness at all, maybe weakness is your secret strength."
"Let's reevaluate this idea of what it means to be valuable as a human being."
"We really need to hit a reset, and rethink about machine learning from a data driven point of view."
"There's a re-evaluation here, and it's allowing to head in a new direction and experience things you've never experienced before."
"I think this further cracks wide open that case and really deserves the attention then of scholars to put some serious thought into this and see if that was not a conclusion that needs to be revised."
"You help others to reflect upon their beliefs, their values, to rethink things."
"Wesley Crusher, traveling between departments, history has finally allowed a re-evaluation of Wesley Crusher who was unfairly aligned in his early years aboard the Enterprise."
"Every single piece of evidence that they found is going to cause a reanalysis of every fact they already knew in the first instance."
"Maybe we were too hard on brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl."
"This changes everything. We need to re-evaluate our entire approach to the progenitor technology."
"Rethinking Traditions... if they are creating extra clutter that is frustrating for you."
"Sometimes it really be like, all right we need to put something else 'cause that project got some stink on it."
"It's okay to still like them even before said reevaluation."
"Your idea of success might not be the same after you've accomplished a few things."
"If you're asking me if we're asking someone to help out like, 'Hey, can you help me out with some material?' Like, come on, you better re-evaluate things."
"When this show was coming out, it wasn't viewed as the mixed bag that it's often framed as today. Even now, if you think this show was a complete fumble, go back and re-watch it. You'll probably have a good time, as long as you don't dwell on the messy themes too much."
"I needed to look for a path to start adding those important things back into my life."
"They're re-evaluating who they think you are now."
"These friendships opened me up to reevaluating my own conclusions."
"So, overwhelming, I don't understand. I feel like this makes me re-evaluate my understanding of the world and people's perceptions."
"Can we more specifically and re-situate objectivity from the white man to God?"
"I don't know if I loved it or hated it, and I would like to reread it at some point."
"Bart Allen, as Kid Flash, is a tragic and flawed character, someone who deserves some kind of re-examination."
"That made me kind of reevaluate or even think about what I wanted to do."
"You literally can't see everything in one viewing so if anybody wants to go back and re-watch this to try to catch some pieces, you literally can't catch it all."
"It's sort of tempting to say that perhaps our view of Neanderthals as sort of insensitive brutes may be wrong."
"We need a complete redefinition of retirement."
"I just need to do a big 360 scrub of my life."
"I'm glad I rewatched it as an adult."
"It's a return back to something. It's revising something. It's revisiting something that you thought was finished."
"That's a record that was somewhat derided at the time but now people love it."
"Revelation demands re-evaluation of your direction."
"...classics does need to be rethought in many ways...but the idea that classics should really just be abandoned completely, no, I don't think that's the slam dunk that many people are going to pretend that it is."
"Maybe we've been trying to fix something that isn't broken."
"After watching one of the most baffling and underwhelming series finales of all time, it seems only fair that this strange mess of a show has to be re-evaluated given new evidence that has come to light."
"Think you know the Astra? Maybe it's time to take another look."
"What does it mean to be human? We begin to rethink words that we understood in one way for so long and all of a sudden they take on new meaning."
"Let us then rethink Africa according to African ideals, let us reconfigure Africa on the basis of our own cultural unity."
"It was great to be at home because it made me re-evaluate things that were more important."
"Moroni's portraits reward and deserve another look."
"The experience of that and like reading the comments on that and like seeing how those affected those videos affected those fandoms and people who like those shows, made me really reevaluate how I was doing."
"I recommend anybody re-watching this with a different perspective and a different mindset."
"Putting things on the backburner during the pandemic has prompted a re-evaluation of priorities."
"RVing full-time made me realize and reevaluate the things that are important to me."
"This makes me want to re-watch the entire series."
"Get ready to be inspired, enlightened, and also maybe challenged as he invites us to reimagine our place in the world and reevaluate the deep connections between past, present, and the future."
"I definitely liked it more on the re-watch for sure."
"If you think you know what Zayre is all about, take another look."
"We should really rethink competition."
"We've been completely overhauling our lives the last 6 months, getting rid of anything that isn't of value, re-evaluating our family values, and moving toward a quieter, slower existence with the emphasis on building our relationships with ourselves and our kids."
"My duties include setting up a computer lab at the correctional facility and rethinking what it means to be an undergrad TA."
"I was just in a place of just total abandonment of everything that I grew up learning and just reevaluating life."
"I had to take a break and really get in touch with myself, get myself centered, you know, and really reevaluate what I wanted to do as a human being and as an artist."
"Part of what makes a cultural revolution such a significant event is that it compels us to rethink what are some of the most basic premises of emancipatory politics."
"I thought, 'No, that can't be!' so I went back and read it again."
"I definitely had some things I went through... that definitely shook my world and made me reevaluate a lot of things."
"Together we will rethink our lives."
"Suddenly, all the things that Turner had done wrong in the end of his career, his use of colour, his interest in light, his interest in form, which people didn't like in his own lifetime, now became exactly the very thing that people liked most."
"I promise you guys, when I do re-watch it again, it could a million percent climb higher."
"Even the craziest ideas and frameworks, they should make you re-examine why you believe what you believe."
"The best stories are the ones that make you re-evaluate everything you've been taught."
"The old world is ending and we have the opportunity to rethink everything."
"You need to reconsider what courage looks like, what love looks like."
"Once that's out of living memory as well, there will be a little bit of a kind of re-evaluation of what Germany is and what it stands for, I think."
"Now, mind you, on first viewing of this film I would have not said this, but this is a movie I've revisited and tend to appreciate a little bit now."
"A year is the passing of time in our cultures and an opportunity to redefine your priorities."
"Dr. Vajin Bom suggests that hypothesizing that the biblical Judges story was somehow written around the time of the Judges is just an outdated model which needs to be reexamined."
"If they win or at least get to the championship this year, start to reevaluate. But I don't think they're gonna win the championship."
"It's incumbent upon the donors and countries to start thinking, rethinking these stale kinds of models."
"You're re-evaluating your life here, you're re-evaluating your vision."
"Remember to respect something is to be able to look at it once and look at it again."
"We're going to have to think about how we as a society reevaluate the value of work and the value of people."
"Reevaluate your services and ask yourself if there is a more efficient way that I can do things."
"The film has been re-evaluated and recognized as a classic, blending fantasy swordsmanship with a slick, fresh look."
"We need to do a better job of looking at what an advantage is."
"I love that Barbie is being reevaluated and seen for the feminist icon that she is."
"We want to be critical thinkers, stop, re-examine what we have been taught all of these years."
"A healthy relationship for and respect for the land is critical for people modern people to start re-evaluating the way that they look at the world."
"What if the boredom that you're experiencing is actually peace, healthy, loving, secure, toxic-free peace?"
"This object is capturing this new philosophy that I want to return to and rethink what I mean by productivity."
"It gave me so much pause to reevaluate the way I train, the way I spar, moves that I will do, moves that I won't do."
"It remains our sincerest hope that by revisiting their story and others like them, these cases may be reevaluated by the authorities or other interested parties at some future point."
"It's time to rethink the paradigm, it's time to rethink what has happened to our society, what has happened to medical care, what has happened to our food."
"The idea is to press the refresh button on something that we think we know, and to actually look at it again from the top to the bottom, from the side to the side, every which way, and do it properly."
"Revolution means constantly re-evaluating orthodoxy and convention, and being open to fundamentally changing how we view the world."
"I actually prefer this over Logan now, after re-watching it again."
"When you stop bringing in supplies, you start relooking at your supplies that you already own. Big benefit from that."
"It's an adventure if your relationship with the Lord puts a sour expression on your face and taste in your mouth, you might want to rethink it."
"It just kind of makes you rethink a lot of things and I think that's what we have to have an open mind of things and just kind of rethink your past."
"It feels like shining a flashlight on old things and looking at it in a whole new way."
"You always should think you can think again from the beginning if you can make it better."
"Everybody in this room needs to radically rethink how you communicate."
"This burger is making us question everything we thought we knew about Burgers."
"I think you have to re-evaluate your life, like what you're looking for in life if you're where you need to be."
"We're talking about serious business; we're talking about a standing the need to begin to re-evaluate everything that impacts upon our lives."
"What makes this twist such a great example of truly fantastic character development is that it not only adds a completely new dimension to Billy as a person but it also forces the viewer to re-examine everything that they thought they had already learned about the character."
"The change that happened just made us reevaluate what values we really wanted to be sharing as a brand."
"It's not often that a solid tire scooter can convince me of its worth, but the mosquito rewrote the rulebook."
"We need to completely rethink the whole story."
"I have a lot to reevaluate, think about some things."
"Many churches need to rethink some of the things they do because a lot of things they do are tradition."
"I'm currently going through and rethinking every single process that I do, from the ground up."
"If you know your experience teaches you that you are wrong, then you need to go back and reevaluate."
"You start questioning everything that you thought you knew and start looking for the truth of the matter."
"This battle has become unfavorable... It seems we will need to reevaluate Naruto Namikaze's strength."
"I love this movie and I'm pretty happy that as a whole a lot of people have finally come around to either re-evaluating their stance on this film as well as vocalizing their love for it."
"You retool your conceptions of morality itself by engaging with the things that most trouble and that are most troubling and distressful."
"Populism... forces us to reconsider the economy's duty."
"We're re-evaluating what the significance of a bit of fruit is, and there's something good about that."
"The implications of the findings are profound, suggesting that our understanding of ancient human history and the development of early civilizations may be incomplete."
"When I told her I was gay, she said, 'I have to rethink everything about what I have been thinking and what I think I love and how I love.'"
"Harvard's experience had led them to seriously question or rethink their beliefs about a race or ethnic group different than their own."
"They found a list of 100 people of interest in Rachel's case and started the process of re-interviewing every single person."
"God's got a way of revealing himself in one season in such a way that you got to go back and rename what you mislabeled in a previous season."
"We're definitely going to need to re-evaluate some of our inventions like private property in the future if we're all to be able to cohabit together."
"I start to reevaluate my life and I start to rediscover a very lost Christian faith."
"Riding the Stigmata truly makes you rethink your bike ride, your route, your speed, and your fun factor."
"The broader implications are our understanding of the physics, our understanding of just human science, everything need to be appended."
"Let's reconsider everything, maybe all the ways that we've been doing things in the past are wrong, we can come up with new ideas."
"There needs to be a refiguring of what the world looks for in energy."
"What if we were to redefine the relationship we have with sharks, to one based on scientific fact, reality, and logic, rather than the current one, based off of limited and biased information?"
"We propose a shift in the way we look at this problem. We should see waste as a valuable resource."
"This is a masterpiece. If you don't like fun, try if you're not a fan of Pad Thai, you think Pad Thai is a tourist dish, it will make you think again, guys."
"The bottom line for many of us, for all sorts of different reasons, work just isn't working."
"I think it's worth considering thinking about the nutritional framework a little differently and potentially focusing on the nutrient-rich foods that are least toxic."
"You either loved it or hated every CD, critics gave it a three, then three years later, they go back and re-rate it."
"It's time to start reexamining what we consider to be mental health issues."
"It's more a kind of sad, wistful story that takes you inside this man's head as he gets to the stage in life where he's sort of reevaluating everything that he held to be important."
"Potato should no longer be looked at as merely a resource for relieving hunger."
"This is a chapter that really got me to rethink and reevaluate how close we actually are to the end."
"I'm such a big advocate of paying attention to your life and honestly reevaluating your life."
"A lot of people are re-evaluating work-life balance, the priorities in their life."
"A time to reevaluate what you value in friendships."