
Hurt Quotes

There are 460 quotes

"Forgiveness has to come from the people we hurt; no one else can forgive us in their place."
"Anger shows us where we have been hurt. Anger is a good emotion because it directs us to the places where we feel like we're not being defended, where we feel like we were in some way being neglected."
"Insofar as people are hurting people, it's often because they were hurt."
"Recognize that insofar as people are hurting people, it's often because they were hurt."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Not true."
"If you never heal from what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who never cut you."
"When you get hurt by someone you love, your tone changes, your energy changes, your whole mentality changes."
"Hurt people hurt people, that's why in the comments that are negative, it's because they're hurt."
"I have never been so upset about someone degrading me in my life."
"Hurting someone else is no good, even though you've been hurt."
"You're on point about this person, this person hurts you because there were third-party investments."
"Nothing hurts more than when people assume I need help."
"They think you've thrown your hands up, some of you they know they hurt you."
"Hurt people hurt people, but have faith in the journey's unfolding."
"You're opening yourself up and you're being vulnerable again to someone that really hurt you."
"The things he said about me, they really hurt."
"It's okay to kind of be hurt because a lot of times you hurt because you cared."
"Hurt people... have a sixth sense for finding other people with complementary wounds."
"You're hurting each other over and over again."
"The person who comforts you is also the person who hurts you."
"The most hurt we experience comes from the deepest relationships we have."
"A lot of people build businesses or just relationships off of hurt, not off a passion."
"I don't think you understand what you walked into, really hurt, realize who you talking to."
"Anger is just the armor for hurt. When we are deeply hurt, we are angry first."
"If you experienced it and it hurts you, why would you want to carry that pain onto somebody else?"
"It's all love at the end of the day and people were just hurt along the way."
"When people hurt you, it's a higher perspective to have compassion."
"The truth of the matter is that the truth hurts in every language, no matter which one you elect to use."
"People go through hurt in relationships, but when you hold on to it, it becomes harm."
"I'm just getting tired of the lies. It hurts."
"You would have really known what it was like to be hurt by someone beforehand."
"Davis was deeply hurt and embarrassed by the snub from President Kennedy."
"I feel hurt and betrayed by her and my trust in her has been damaged."
"He forgave me. Told me I was loved after everything I'd done. I mean, God that hurt the most."
"Your person has a lot of love for you, but they're trying to be undercover with it. They're not showing you exactly how they feel, but they're really hurt."
"'If all I'm doing is pressing down on a wound.'"
"It's hard enough when a stranger calls you a liar, but it hurts even more when it's someone you love."
"Arguments shouldn't involve hurting each other."
"Love doesn't hurt. It's not supposed to hurt."
"How did you know you could trust the people you opened up to?" "I didn't. Sometimes I got hurt and it took a long time."
"...the more hate we see in the world, I think what we're seeing is a tremendously hurting generation."
"The worst kind of hurt is betrayal. It means someone was willing to hurt you simply to make themselves feel better."
"The only comments that hurt are the ones that tell the truth."
"I feel I've been shanked multiple times."
"Everyone is hurting other people as a result of their own hurting."
"It was like the ultimate betrayal."
"What hurt me the most was I was actually pregnant at that time... and so I felt like it was unwarranted and it was for like no reason."
"I just feel hurt because I really love him."
"I feel like this person may have really hurt you, especially emotionally."
"I was terrified and I was hurt both physically and emotionally."
"How can you be angry or hurt when you have no expectations?"
"Silent treatment is what it feels like when your heart is shaking, when it bleeds."
"The pain of knowing that you wanted me dead is so deep inside that when I think about it, my heart hurts."
"One thousand million percent, yes. Absolutely. This hurts him. But he also feels vindicated."
"I told her I couldn't forgive her for what she did."
"Hurt is proportional to intimacy. The closer you are to someone, the deeper it hurts."
"When the human heart lets hurt sit in it too long, it eventually turns to hate."
"It was really hurtful to me that these people didn't see me as an actual person."
"I'm really hurt by what is happening and feel like it'll be hard to trust her moving forward."
"Hurt people hurt people, so those people who leave mean comments on people's pages, they're probably going through something themselves."
"In their anger, you realize they're actually hurt."
"This hurt me a lot. I was heartbroken, not only were they insulting me, but my son as well."
"They feel deeply hurt by not feeling seen, valued, and appreciated."
"You hurt my family and you just took my sister."
"Somebody has betrayed me. I hope you're free."
"Never in a million years would I ever thought that somebody I loved so deeply would spit in my face."
"I'm hurt. Byrd, you know I loved you from all my heart from day one."
"Stop contacting me for a swap and then ghosting me, it really hurts my feelings."
"You hurt me real bad. You know it's true. How did she hurt him when he was the one acting the phony?"
"Do you understand the depth of that kind of hurt when you cheat on your wife?"
"I don't know at the end of the day, it was still extremely hurtful."
"'Cause I put my heart into that little girl. And to find out that she not mine, it hurts."
"I've never felt this way before, but he has broken something inside me."
"Definitely your person wasn't really showing face. They weren't really trying to show you the truth. All right, they were purposely hiding this situation, some sort of secret, and that really hurt. That really burned."
"Freedom from even the deepest hurt is available for you."
"It's not a good feeling when someone says everyone but they don't mean you."
"The worst day of my life is when you got powers. Wow, wow, that hurts much more than I thought it would."
"Oh [ __ ] that cut deep, that punch hurts the hardest, man."
"You're skeptical of them. They just hurt you, so why should you be so desperate to fix things?"
"I knew it was going to end up in the soul because this man was determined he was gonna hurt me."
"If I hurt you, I'm sorry. You hurt me too. Whatever you are, I really miss you."
"I feel hurt because I've told him before he doesn't give me my time."
"Rejection, it hurts you when you're going through it like damn."
"They did feel pain at some point, they have been hurt in this connection, like a wounded warrior."
"I wanted to break his heart like I got mine broken."
"You know how they say you hurt the ones you love the most? It definitely applies."
"Sometimes a man will hurt every woman that comes into his life because the love of his life is another man."
"Love is not meant to be pain. Love is not meant to be hurt."
"Hurting you was never my intention, but now it's hurting me too."
"If something really hurts, it's because they are showing something back to you that you have done before."
"Four years of trust and not getting it back, that would be really hurtful to me because I don't trust too many people."
"I was the walking, talking, crying product of his betrayal."
"This person really wanted to play on your emotions, this person really wanted to like, hurt you."
"Their heart acknowledges that past hurts have made them wary of love."
"You're always gonna forgive them, but you still have to deal with that hurt deep down. It's really hard."
"You hurt me, just because you were going through something doesn't absorb you of the fact that you hurt me."
"There is no pain and there is no hurt worse than when a family member abuses their family."
"Why did you do this after all I have given you? After everything I've done, after all the love, affection, and dedication that I have shown to you? Only someone twisted could behave this way."
"That's a slap in my face, that [__] hurt, that [__] hurt real bad."
"That's just how more war happens when we just let people sit in their hurt instead of trying to heal."
"For me, when you've been betrayed, that's a lot of feeling and emotional and hurt to deal with and to get over."
"The worst thing I've ever forgiven is betrayal."
"You have broken away a piece of my soul when you did this."
"Feelings of rejection, abandonment, and fear can set in when someone lies, cheats, or insults someone they love."
"I was mad and I was hurt behind it."
"'I work really hard for my diplomas, and you know what your mom said to me? She said, 'It doesn't matter what you study, six years, you're gonna be translated.' Like your mom said, 'You're gonna have your own so much money.' Okay? So she is hurt by what the mom was saying."
"I love that this mediator, this host, is pointing out the hurt. That's the core of all this stuff, Mika. You're hurt, makes sense."
"I could tell and, you know, it's the worst that I've ever seen him. You know, he was a broken man because he loved England, yeah, he loved playing for England and that really hurt him, I could tell."
"It's totally normal to have a lingering feeling of hurt."
"I'm hurt, and I'm angry, and I'm very confused. This whole thing has caused me to review my entire relationship with Charlie."
"When you're hurt, you close off your heart. It's nature. When someone hurts you, you stop trusting things you rely upon."
"I had to turn off comments on the video. It's so much more hurtful when people within your own community are telling you that you're not really trans."
"No one can hurt you like the ones you love."
"But when you did that to me, it just, it really hurt my feelings. It made me feel like you don't think I'm a trustworthy person."
"The funny thing is when you hurt somebody and you think you are helping."
"Love did not hurt you. Get it straight. When somebody loving you, that's gonna feel good. When somebody is hurting you, they are not operating from love. Therefore, love did not hurt you."
"Cheating is like killing someone's soul. It's stabbing someone in the heart with an imaginary sword. That's what it is."
"I never wanted you to see the damage that you've done to me."
"The power of your words: sticks and stones may break my bones but words may never hurt me. What a lie that is."
"Love didn't hurt you. Someone who didn't know how to love hurt you." - Jay Shetty
"I want all of us to not be dogged by nobody just because you've been hurt. Because hurt people hurt people."
"If those lies and that hurt is just too much, then maybe you should get divorced."
"Wow, what a way to end things once and for all. I mean, hearing that after just being so angry and then your neighbor saying that to you, that has gotta hurt so good."
"How happy would it make you to hurt me with impunity? That hurts my feelings. I would never. You wouldn't, only because there's consequences."
"I feel like this person really misses you. I'm not going to lie pile number one, but something about what they did to you, whether you left in silence, I think it hurt more."
"I love you and you're hurting me right now."
"Hurt is a reality but bitterness is a reaction."
"They made me feel like an insect."
"I was really hurt by that but do I really care the way I cared about the one the other day?"
"I trusted you Jerome," Heron hissed, hurt by the betrayal of one of the few people he'd ever trusted.
"I think that's why I'm so hurt, it's like these men were so nice to me and I was so nice to them."
"Just cuz you got your feelings hurt exactly exactly I feel attacked."
"Those who have church hurt and then attack the church are the biggest hypocrites on Earth in our generation."
"Two things just happened: you got hurt, which means you connected to someone else strongly enough to miss them."
"You have a right to be hurt and you have a right to be upset when people do [ __ ] to you."
"You wanted to hurt you before you hurt them. Yeah, number one, I really sense there was some blind-sidedness, if someone was trying to hurt you, and you were not down for that. You don't play by those rules, and it was really petty, and they know it."
"The only way to hurt you is to hurt them, so do that."
"You betray me, you humiliate me, you lie to me, you take my soul and shatter it, and you think you can change all that by stopping? Oh, you have no idea, no idea how badly you hurt me."
"It's crazy how someone that you don't know personally can put you in that position of hurt."
"When somebody's pushing your buttons and they're angry, it may be they're hurt."
"If I wanted to hurt her, I wouldn't try to save her life, to be honest."
"When you show your vulnerability to that person as a child, it doesn't end up well. You get hurt instead."
"I thought maybe closing my eyes would help remember one, you swear to God I was the only person who ever thought you would screw that, screw you."
"What hurt him the most was the pain he was causing his family."
"What Hurts the Most is the fact that he insulted it immediately without even looking at what I wrote in there first."
"Yes it hurts to be called out, um, that's kind of what you get for being a sucky parent, I'm sorry."
"Words matter. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me. That's a lie."
"You can't fall in love without getting hurt."
"You're a brilliant beautiful mind and I've broken it."
"He cheated on me. He cheated on my best friend. She cheated on the man that I've been loving since the day I met him."
"He doesn't want to deal with the hurt."
"The text said, 'Hey babe, I'll see you after work. Want me to save you any of my food?' That was from her to him, and it destroyed me."
"I feel like he's hurt by even that notion it's like that's just another dagger to his heart that he's received from this this lifestyle this family and it's just belittling him just even further making him feel even more inferior."
"Church hurt is so hard because I believe church hurt is about broken expectations."
"It will always be the people that need you, that use you, that hurt you the most."
"I felt like she was making me her storyline at the cost of my life, and that was hurtful for me because I'm like this is my real life Mia that you're affecting."
"Their plans in trying to hurt you only hurt them."
"You know you just hurt from your last relationship."
"It really hurt to give him everything and he was my first. For him to turn around and betray me like that really hurt."
"Their love for what they thought they could gain from hurting you was far greater than the love they ever had for actually being with you."
"If someone you really love says I mean you, doesn't it hurt?"
"Your feelings are valid. This has never happened to me. I have never felt this way. This is like different. This is like, 'Damn, like, you genuinely hurt me,' even though I was the one that ended things."
"The truth hurts more than it hurts her."
"That was only more fuel to the fire. I was obviously beyond hurt at what I had found out."
"Some people don't want you to feel good and I understand that that comes from hurt."
"It doesn't matter how much you love someone, one day you will hurt them and one day they will hurt you."
"A rose without thorns... a love without pain, a love without hurt."
"I think if anybody's ever been through that kind of hurt, like it's highly relatable."
"Everybody builds walls when we get hurt."
"My parents' silence hurt me more."
"Boundaries are important because unaddressed hurt will turn to hate."
"If you don't heal from the hurt in your heart, it's going to turn to hate."
"So when I was put on the block by the person I saw as family, oh did it hurt."
"Everyone is calling me a school shooter and it really [ __ ] hurts."
"Daniel I've been through many battle reals and I've gotten tons of bruises and cuts everywhere but you know you're probably the only person that's ever cut my heart."
"Why'd you do that to me? Why'd you treat me that way?"
"I felt hurt, like I've been living a life that maybe I shouldn't have been living."
"Sometimes people need to get their feelings hurt."
"The hurt is equivalent to how much you cared."
"I hate that he had an entire plan uh I'm so done everyone's getting hurt and you know what you know who's at the center of this hurt Bella Rina."
"Negativity always stems from hurt."
"Nothing is more hurtful or damaging than being hurt by the person who's supposed to be your source of comfort, safety, and love."
"You were the most important to her and that didn't mean anything to you."
"Your words cut me more than any knife."
"He suddenly froze and looked really hurt. He whispered, 'I'm sorry, sis. I can't explain.'"
"If you loved me, you wouldn't spit in my face."
"Love is best earned or best taken when you're hurt."
"Just because the person you hurt says they're okay does not mean that you didn't still hurt them."
"Because I love this man. I love this man so much. And it was so toxic. And for some reason, I couldn't get him to... I couldn't get him to not hurt me."
"If you can forgive all the hurtful and hateful things I've said to you, then I can forgive you for not trusting me."
"Why that of like people being scared to be with me because I require like help or whatever? But this is the first reason always, the first. So she's saying it's happened before, and it's always the first reason. Oh, it's just a dagger through the heart. It's like, why?"
"So I don't need to like decode the language to dissolve the fact that men are hurting people."
"But also know that hurt people hurt people."
"I hated the insult. It was like sending me back to second grade where the kids were laughing at me. It was too raw, even though I was much older."
"they went from idealizing to suddenly devaluing because of the hurt and they'll do anything to express that big emotion of anger"
"When you got that much influence it means more than money. I don't know what you're doing is more hurtful than any type of money that you have or money that you could give me."
"Those most hurt by alcoholism and drug addiction are often the most innocent."
"I was just going to hurt other people because I'd been hurt."
"It's the stories that you're telling yourself that's feeding these feelings of pain and hurt."
"I need you to fess up on this; lying is bad, and you're hurting my feelings when you lie to me."