
Individual Freedom Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"To achieve individual freedom, we could be no one's slave and no one's disciple."
"What's really real is me in my individual freedom."
"We can't be sure that this blind obedience is being praised; Tennyson can be seen to mourn the absence of individual freedom in the Armed Forces."
"The entire Bill of Rights is to ensure that big government doesn't encroach into the individual freedom of Americans."
"Capitalism is the best way people have yet discovered to improve living standards, to improve quality of life, and generally to make it possible for all of us to do things we want to do in our lives as individual human beings."
"Liberalism posits a vision of the world's built off individual freedom."
"It's no one's business how a woman chooses to dress."
"The liberty and dignity of each individual is your fundamental value."
"The ultimate goal is the well-being and freedom of the individual."
"The beauty of America is you don't have to give a crap what I think."
"The beauty of the country is that you don't have to care what I think."
"The liberal tradition is ultimately about allowing room for people to make the lives that they want."
"It's actually to break the box and to be free to experience life the way how you want."
"No individuals should be put in a position where they can't live their lives and do what they want to do with their lives."
"No government, no elite, and no authority has ever created prosperity and happiness by making itself lord over men and women who are all born to be free."
"I think history shows that the best way of producing prosperity is free markets and free individuals pursuing their own lives."
"I believe any individual should be able to do, or at the very least should be able to pursue, whatever happiness they have in their hearts in this country."
"Our cultural, religious, ideological, racial, sexual differences must all be put aside in the pursuit of a shared dream: individual communal freedom, democracy for all, freedom and control of our own lives."
"Individual freedoms are so important they act as a check and a balance, a great wall against the ever-growing power of the state."
"Fundamentally, who cares what they're doing if it makes them happy and they're not hurting anybody?"
"Governments should be functions of our will; we should not be the puppets of government."
"People can and should be able to choose their own lives for themselves and not be restricted or defined or limited by outdated arbitrary gender roles."
"We're a free country. If somebody wants to be gay or trans, that's their business."
"I just think people are so sick of constantly being bossed around, restricted, mandated all these different things, we've had enough of it and we want people to be able to make their own decisions."
"Feminism as a movement should be pro-choice to allow anyone to choose whatever path they want to have."
"I believe that we do have some level of moral obligation to try and support individual freedom throughout the world."
"We have the responsibility to stand up for people's individual rights and individual freedom."
"Everybody gets to do basically what they want associate with whom they want and it's none of the government's business."
"The ability to control your life and your body and your decisions has nothing to do with whether you have an R or D after your name."
"Freedom of choice, the one word I like is volunteerism. So if you and I are talking about something social, economic, or religious or anything else, everything should be voluntary."
"Technology must be used to liberate the individual."
"I support freedom, individuality, and meritocracy."
"Less government power is something I like to hear from politicians."
"Freedom is something that only exists if you individually exercise it."
"Every person can have the experience they wish to have in the world, whatever that is."
"Leave people, let them live their life and accept people for who they are individually."
"Everybody just do whatever you want, man. Just don't hate people, you know?"
"Gender is a cage to destroy. By destroying the cage, we free individuals up to more individual opportunity."
"Leave people alone and let people be who they want to be as long as they're not hurting you."
"Individual freedom is not opposed to collective social life."
"Donald Trump is a stone in their shoe because he actually does believe in the freedom of individuals."
"The constitution... is the only thing standing between individual freedom and fascism."
"Say what you [__] feel. Don't worry about the rest of the world."
"You don't have to follow it, this is America, you have the right to be wrong."
"Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life."
"Humanity is in a global society that they have planned for us; individual freedoms and liberties will be greatly restricted."
"We may not be able to reverse the global agenda ourselves, but we can remain a Remnant that will pass on to the Future a legacy of individual freedom."
"Democracy may die behind closed doors, but we as individuals are born behind those same closed doors, and we don't have to give up our privacy to have good government."
"I'm not gonna allow somebody to dictate when I exercise my rights."
"Just let her play basketball, let her live in the background."
"Prioritizing freedom of the individual is so, so important."
"I believe there should be as little government as necessary to maintain infrastructure, safety, and preserve people's ability to be free."
"The libertarian party is on your side, that you know best what's best for you not the politicians and special interests in Washington."
"Backing him is backing democracy. Backing America is backing the principle of individual freedom and democracy."
"Freedom will not come in the form of some rarified or elevated individual but we, because of the Awakening truth within you."
"I know trans people, they do their thing. I got no issue. I know people who have engaged in body modification, they do their thing. I really don't care."
"You know how we can all live in society together? We can lighten the eff up and leave each other alone."
"We sit on the northernmost boundaries of the Chihuahuan Desert."
"I've waited my whole entire life to let people see my life being full of whatever I like."
"If you want men to be free from social programming, then let them do whatever the [ __ ] they want to do."
"No one should tell you this is the way you have to find your way."
"I have the courage to just be me, and I do it on a public platform. I'm me and everybody can see."
"Go Molly, you do your thing. And they just trust me."
"It's never in the best interest of a society to force people into an ideology."
"People should be able to live their lives as they see fit."
"Think of the freedom. It's a sense of Freedom."
"Style your body hair however you like, which is how it should be."
"People being compelled one way or the other by force is the issue we're dealing with here."
"Freedom means not only the freedom to work or not work... it also means the freedom to fail or succeed."
"But so just give everyone a break, let them be how they want to be, yeah, and don't tell them."
"In order for me to be free, you have to be free."
"The government cannot take away your rights as they are endowed by your creator."
"How hard is it for people to just live the life they want to live, love who you want to love, do what you want with your body?"
"It's the fulfillment of our duties as a citizen that allows us to be free both as individuals and as a people."
"We all have the right to some privacy in our lives, and that includes our internet usage."
"You should have the right of conscience regardless of whether or not the majority agrees, you should have the right to speak regardless of whether or not the majority wants to curtail that right."
"You can't completely constrain him; you have got to give him a little bit of free roam."
"You shouldn't force anyone to do anything, people should have their own will." - Against vaccine mandates, supporting freedom of choice.
"I'm not acquiescing, I'm not complying, I'm going to be a free human being."
"We're never going to shy away and be bashful about speaking up for those rights and for individuals to live as they deem fit, as they want to live."
"I believe in freedom for the individuals. I believe the government must justify their positions every single time."
"Live and Let Live, work together on economy first, work on that, you know, but why would you impose idea on people, you know, idea concept was completely different."
"Does your used to fly planes in the Air Force. Betty built rockets and rocket powered cars he's been in some bands he's been rich he's been poor he's a free spirit who does whatever he wants."
"I think a lot of people are attracted to that feeling because they feel personally that they are stifled and unable to say things that they believe."
"When the government is small, the individual is free."
"Don't let anybody ever put you in a box because that takes away something that's very valuable, very important for black people: freedom."
"I am invigorated by science completely, I love it."
"Let him do that, he has every right to do that."
"Rapture is a paradise for those who seek independence and a new life."
"Our values are old and true. They are universal because they're rooted in the fundamental belief that individual freedom enables both the greatest achievement and the gentlest kindness."
"As soon as you do not give a damn about what anybody thinks, you are absolutely free."
"We should live in a world where you get to be you, and I get to be me."
"Individual Freedom, individual ability to make choices for yourself."
"Each individual person should have the freedom and autonomy to make their own decisions."
"As long as it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anybody else, then it's fantastic."
"No one has a higher claim over your life and property than you."
"Liberals believe in the necessity of the freedom of the individual... to think for yourself, speak for yourself, and generally pursue your own interests."
"M's Victory is a symbol of a global shift away from leftist ideologies and a return to principles that prioritize individual freedom and economic stability."
"His win is not just a political shift, it's a Beacon of Hope for those who cherish Freedom, individual responsibility, and economic sanity."
"Confidence is freedom. If you live in your own world and continuously create your own reality independently from the rest of the human beings around you... you're free. You can do whatever you fuck want, you can achieve whatever you fuck want."
"The larger and more powerful the government is, the less Freedom people have."
"Community is the best hope for people who believe in individual freedom and sound money."
"Do what you want, do whatever you want as long as it makes you happy."
"If the law would just leave me alone, I'll be okay."
"You don't need to have the same values as everybody else, that's a thing that religion asks of you, we don't ask that of you."
"Believe what you want to believe, that's your business."
"Let people live, why do you care? It literally has zero impact on your life."
"Y'all we can't tell nobody how to live that life."
"I'm gonna play this the way I want to play it, I'm gonna have fun the way I like to have fun."
"People have sovereignty. They should own their lives. They can do anything they want, they can abuse themselves as long as they follow one rule and that is don't ever hurt anybody else."
"Go ahead and do your push-ups at night, do your push-ups in the morning, work on your car, I don't care."
"The only political system that leaves you free to live your life based on your values is capitalism."
"It's all about her. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but when someone goes, 'It's about herself, her purpose, her freedom, her life, what she wants,' as a woman, we're amazing."
"Live and Let Live. If it doesn't apply to you, it doesn't work for you, don't do it."
"Whatever consenting adult wants to do in their free time, they should be allowed to do it."
"Freedom, I don't think that's a word that gets defined enough in our society about the freedom to make choices with your life without someone telling you what to do."
"Postmodern ethics: liberating the self through choice and freedom."
"Your rights, inalienably given to you by God, by the creator."
"The responsibility of individuals and what freedom of the individual means."
"Showing the world that we can be exactly who we are however we choose to dress however we choose to present ourselves."
"If being woke means I don't care about anybody's characteristics, like just live your life, be yourself, be happy, be free, say what you want, do what you want, then yes I am woke."
"I think people should be individually free to make their decisions. If they can't do that, they're not conservatives. They're Christian extremists at the best case and they're freaking weirdos at the worst case."
"Here's the beautiful thing about America, you don't have to give a crap."
"I'll let people be free to make their own choices. They can be whoever they want to be."
"Because the idea that people can make you say things because they have enough power and they have enough influence it's patently wrong and backwards is a form of slavery that I will not accept."
"This tells me that maybe there are some people who still understand freedom and independence."
"I'm a Milton Friedman guy, I'm a free market, free people guy."
"The wild west of anything goes... you can be who you want to be."
"Because this is a decision that everybody has to make for themselves and that decision should be respected irrespective of which way it goes."
"If you want to have kids, great, have kids. Apparently, you like it, right? If you don't want to have kids, don't have kids. Why would I care what you do?"
"The state had no right to control individuals' movement on public roads unless the movement was obstructing the free movement of others."
"Allow yourself to just kind of be who you are."
"You are your own person, you make your own decisions, and you're free to do whatever you want."
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms is an individual right."
"We're lucky to live in a country where every person can decide to live how they so choose."
"We need more people who are willing to break free from The Matrix."
"If you want to be a humanitarian, then you do take on the institution and say, 'Hey actually society, this isn't the way we ought to think. Let's change things so that individuals have more freedom in their own lives.'"
"The possibilities are endless. Be a free spirit. If you're just like, 'You know what? I don't want to date,' be a free spirit then, babe. Travel or dream about traveling."
"Kanye might be the freest black man in this country right now he might be the freest black man in America."
"Embrace your freedom. Embrace your singledom."
"The most important thing is to play the game the way you want to play it."
"Doing what the state wants and not being able to do anything else than this then what the state wants... is the cornerstone of fascism."
"What you get gradually is an increase in the solidization and idealization of the notion of individual freedom."
"... Ronald Reagan's promotion of individual Freedom guided America Down A New Path."
"If somebody else is doing something that does not harm you, does not affect you, and does not harm anybody else, stay in your lane."
"How do we bind individual freedom when individual freedom's power becomes significant?"
"The economy is about people, free to pursue their own ideas in their own interests, in their own way, to support themselves and their family through the dignity of their own work."
"If somebody's living their life and they're not harming anyone, let people live their lives the way they want to live their lives."
"I do like to promote individual freedom."
"Sometimes we think about the freedom in terms of society, but what about freedom for me? What about my individual Freedom?"
"If it makes us happy and it ain't hurting you, mind your p's and q's."
"Quite apart from its instrumental value, Open Society also has an intrinsic value, namely the freedom of the individual."
"The value of individual freedom is likely to assume increasing importance in the immediate future."
"I'm merely showing what life is like, and I'm merely saying this: it's probably better to commit a bad act than to be so conditioned by scientific techniques that you cannot do anything unless the state wants you to do it."
"He concluded that for most people, an emphasis on economic freedom would lead to both individual and political freedom."
"The government's proper role was to protect those rights and allow people to go as far and as fast as they would like within their own life."
"It's this balance of the freedom of individuals and their rights versus, you know, for the common good."
"The free development of each is the condition for the free development of all."
"I want an India where everyone gets to do what we want to do and there is a respect, dignity of labor for the work that we do."
"We will never be able to have healthy relationships with the people we love the most unless we are set free individually."
"Everyone deserves to be a free individual."
"We should respect the freedom of individual conscience and of personal choice."
"When it comes down to personal choice, you can drink it neat, you can put ice, you can do soda, whatever the hell you want. You do you."
"I care about the individual freedom to the extent that it doesn't harm other people."
"Political science deals with the proper sphere of state action, the limits of political control, and the area of individual freedom."
"It's a society that protects individual freedom fundamentally."
"She's a defiant, but she's a war hero, Christian. She's earned her right to be a free-range Admiral."
"Freedom is the very nature of his being."
"I feel very strongly everyone should be free and ideally comfortable to be themselves."
"In the US, I feel like you're really encouraged here to be who you want to be and do what you want as long as you don't break the law or harm anyone."
"I just want nice small government, as little as you can, leave people alone."
"Freedom of the individual is of fundamental importance, and it's something that we've handed on to the Commonwealth and to the United States."
"Let people do what they want then if they're not hurting anyone, if they're not offending anyone."
"Communism was a society that would guarantee the freedom of individuals within a free association."
"We hope that Aaron Rodgers does whatever the hell Aaron Rodgers wants."
"Everybody can be whatever they want, right?"
"The whole reason why the First Amendment exists is to protect our individual freedoms and liberties."