
Repression Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"Watching people turn out in such force in the face of such repression was nothing short of inspiring."
"Under Xi, China has waged a campaign of repression against the Uyghurs, the ethnic minority in the western province of Xinjiang."
"If you bury ideas or trauma, it will for sure manifest itself somewhere else in an ugly way."
"One practical thing we can do is provide humanitarian pathways for those fleeing the Chinese government's repression."
"We're living through another repressive time when it comes to cinema."
"If you interfere even slightly with the government's agenda, your own government will dedicate a tremendous amount of resources to destroy your reputation, your finances, your career, and if it can, your sanity."
"There's a silent majority that agrees with this type of stuff that has been repressed for way too long."
"Unless people who believe in free speech... begin to get organized and speak up, I think we're going into a dark age of repression and suppression of the truth."
"If you repeatedly tell people they cannot speak, that is when they scream."
"Putin doubled down on censorship and repression."
"Female sexuality has, for as long as anyone can remember, being repressed in many ways all around the world."
"Repression is good. We all have inclinations and things that are a little weird about us that we ought to repress. Every single one of us does." - Michael Nolis
"They are so much afraid of this repression, they're really literally scared."
"If you don't let yourself imagine it, it's going to hijack your body and act itself out."
"Repression and grief, the silent burdens of a fractured family."
"A battle between democracy and autocracy, between liberty and repression."
"The Soviet home front is a story of deprivation, repression, and death."
"Repression against you is seen as legitimate as long as it aligns with the ruling ideology."
"There's a reason why there is secrecy. For centuries, if you were a member of anything outside the authoritarian framework, you were subject to repression, even death."
"Do you remember how everybody's repressed subconscious energy was underground and they were like literally all just in this tunnel this is a physical manifestation of your Shadow Self."
"If you want to have absolute freedom you need absolute repression."
"We're much, we may not see capitalism collapse, but we're definitely going to see more repression."
"Pornography is not good now moral stuff aside this isn't about like repressing your sexuality or whatever."
"Perhaps many are comparing themselves to Lee comparing their own repressed lives under the CCP regime to the almost humiliating life of Lee as a weak premier."
"The idea that people who are born with certain sexual desires should repress them, refrain from acting on them, that is fundamentally incompatible with the leftist worldview."
"Feeling is healing, not feeling or burying feelings or kidding ourselves that we don't want to feel things."
"You did not lose yourself in a relationship... you found a part of yourself in that relationship that you are normally very skilled at repressing."
"The real target of repression... was organized labor."
"The law of repression delves into the human tendency to bury certain emotions, desires, or memories that might be deemed unacceptable or painful."
"We repress the desire and the 'should' becomes what's dominant."
"These repressed parts of ourselves ultimately create inner conflict."
"White people in this country, particularly white working people, should begin to understand that they too are exploited and they too can be victims of repression."
"Feelings are unbearable, too painful, and we all are in a habit of suppressing them or repressing them."
"He thought that the world was full of injustice, disease, and repression."
"I think what it comes down to is it reminds you of something in yourself that you're trying to bury that you don't want to come to terms with that you have decided is terrible."
"Keeping it inside for so long is only going to hurt you."
"What you don't express in life you'll repress until it expresses as disease or dysfunction."
"This person is dealing with a lot of repressed or suppressed feelings, emotions, fears, anxiety, confusion."
"It's never about repressing your emotions."
"Suddenly, all the passion for music that Bodh had repressed to please his father comes to the surface, and he can no longer ignore his feelings."
"The first step is for us to allow ourselves to feel all of what we feel because we tend to repress that."
"Repressed memories and experiences are crucial for the maintenance of mental health."
"Keeping quiet for over 40 years had burned a hole in my soul."
"Feelings do the most damage when they're kept in."
"The more you hold back, the more unhappy you'll be."
"So I guess it's a good thing you all repressed your memories of me so I could become so powerful."
"There's clean pain here but the trick is for it to be clean pain as opposed to dirty pain and dirty pain is all the pain that we feel in order to avoid feeling the clean pain it's the pain of denial and repression and keeping ourselves away from other people."
"Narcissists repress their emotions."
"People are so sexually repressed and they're so desperate to get off in some way that doesn't feel like a sin."
"The Age of Innocence: the kind of film that builds up its power steadily until the final scenes, in which we feel the emotional legacy of a lifetime of repression."
"Mormonism really doesn't permit you to have a healthy sexual relationship with your own body."
"Forgetfulness is a positive faculty of repression, preserving psychic order and etiquette."
"People's perception of what the government can do to them shifted to accept more and more repressive actions."
"After that, I... couldn't really express myself. So this was all bottled up, really, and later on in life, in that state that I found myself in, it came up."
"The government responded to our legitimate demands by arms, by bloody repression, by torture."
"Meaning that the more that we repress our dark selves the darker they can become."
"If the unconscious remains repressed--the shadow that most of us try to keep at bay--perhaps we’re all susceptible to a writer tapping into and exploiting our darker impulses."
"The irony in life, I think, is that when you are repressing physically emotions whatever it is love pain, fear anxiety rather than being fully open to them, it's actually more excruciating."
"Repressing your feelings instead of dealing with them is almost a sure way to have aches and pains and sickness in your life."
"Don't make him be one of these people that just represses their tears."
"Now what happens when we repress guilt and sin? Well, it has a tremendous effect on our mind and sometimes on our body."
"The pursuit of external power has led to a repression of emotion."
"He explains that emotions are just wanting to be felt you shouldn't keep repressing them."
"I feel like the most homophobic guys are gay because they're just trying to suppress their own thoughts."
"You're going to come in contact with things you've been conditioned to repress, deny, and project."
"Sexual energy has been repressed across all cultures in the world, creating wounds that may be templated in us from generation to generation."
"If Society wasn't so repressive, then people wouldn't have violent reactions."
"There's a religious component, but the psychological component is that then you're repressing a part of your sexuality. It's not gone, it's still there but you're choosing to not engage."
"So much of our life we do that we stuff it down or we act out in another way to kind of offset what we're really feeling."
"Jane Eyre is a novel that is about repression and a free spirit."
"The regime survives by repression, by complete blockade on information."
"...when we know our needs, we know what to look for. When we don't know our needs and we repress them, we don't know what we like."
"Entities which have to repress knowledge in order to win are wrong."
"When it comes to this question, the reason these thoughts are coming back up... it's that all that stuff you've been stuffing down is coming out."
"For Freud, this part came from consciousness by and large. It was a repository of all the repressions of the things that my parents told me that I didn't want to hear."
"You keep everything bottled up, you're going to drive you crazy."
"Our everyday reality is structured not as a dream, but as a repression, for a trauma."
"I mean like anytime the dark side of stuff is like repressed it's going to like explode right?"
"When you keep something like this inside for too long it starts to eat away at you."
"The hidden reality of neoliberal states: more emphasis on physical repression than on freedom."
"Repression, suppression, or expression."
"The Puritans weren't as prudish and repressed as people think."
"Don't push things down like that."
"...black rage becomes both things... a means to pacify people but also means to repress people as well."
"I honestly gotta, I might as well have been in the closet."
"Cinema, like the detective story, makes it possible to experience without danger all the excitement, passion, and desirousness which must be repressed in a humanitarian ordering of life." - Carl Jung
"Problems that are suppressed and repressed don't go away; they keep popping up."
"Purity culture is like it blocks the flow winter all year round for ages it's like a damn."
"All culture, all civilizations, are coming from repression."
"If we stop privileging monogamy, we could become a less repressed society."
"When we get into trouble is when we repress death anxiety, when we bury it under the psychological bushes and it comes back to bear malignant fruit."
"He wants us not to repress our drives."
"Rather than repressing the drive, you redirect it."
"It's a matter of cause and effect: causing people to repress their sexuality leads them to act out in bad ways."
"We've been so trained to control ourselves and to control our emotions and to keep everything in and bottled up."
"I just want to give you kisses and like lots of love and I think that this is something that this person is actually repressing though."
"But at some point it turns to rage because when you just hide and lie and pack these things down over an extended period of time it creates anger."
"Repression of healthy anger undercuts the activity of immune cells."
"...he deserves a place among the great pioneers, due to his legacy of overcoming ludicrous artistic repression and connecting with listeners through a mixture of intricate musical messages and sheer raw talent."
"What is most seductive is often what is most repressed."
"Repressing their anger manifested itself in negative ways like substance abuse problems."
"Repression only makes a religion flourish."
"It's quite destructive to repress away your inner opposite because it undermines your authenticity."
"Look what happened, look what happens when you don't let your kids just do what they want to do. I could have just been a regular gay working at a cell phone store and now I got to do all this because you repressed me."
"I know I have buried this memory for far too long over the last 25 years."
"The victim demands action, engagement, remembering. People don't want it, but more often continued attempts to repress fearful memories result in psychosomatic illnesses."
"Human sexuality poorly repressed unsettles the whole world."
"Sexuality poorly repressed unsettles some families, well-repressed it unsettles the whole world."
"Repression is the mind's power to block fearful thoughts, impulses, and memories. For example, a person may repress or forget painful childhood memories."
"People might have been weirder back in the day because they had to suppress a lot of stuff."
"These kinds of repressions make you love freedom more."
"This uncanny is in reality nothing new or alien, but something which is familiar and old-established in the mind and which has become alienated from it only through the process of repression."
"Repression is the complete exclusion from consciousness of anxiety-producing thoughts."
"I think we all as people need to work on ourselves and overcome some of the stuff that we like to repress."
"...the fact is he united these people. One of the things that I have always maintained is that repression is not necessarily a means to Unity. Repression can backfire, repression can cause Rebellion, Revolution."
"I think the great repressed today is beauty."
"I packed the event into a deep corner of my mind and shut out the lights of recognition."
"Transnational repression is part of the range of tactics that our adversaries employ to try to undermine our democracy, our economy, and our institutions."
"The question I would like to pose is not why are we repressed, but rather why do we say with so much passion and so much resentment against our most recent past, against our present, and against ourselves that we are repressed?"
"What sustains our eagerness to speak of sex in terms of repression is doubtless this opportunity to speak out against the powers that be, to utter truths and promise bliss."
"The mass mobilization of the Crimean Tatars is a part of nothing but a new way for repressions that began with the Russian full-scale invasion."
"A society that exists but doesn't coexist with one another manifests a cycle of repression and fear."
"Full liberation can be achieved only when all forms of repression are equally addressed."
"Acts of repression and violent violation of human rights cannot be considered as internal matters of sovereignty as they affect international obligations and because their effects transcend borders."
"Maybe your memories aren't gone, they're just repressed."
"It's a poem all about denial and repression, and its deepest and most powerful meanings emerge not through our sense of what the poem offers but our sense of what it's not offering or what it won't permit itself to offer."
"These findings support the theory that humor allows for a temporarily and relatively safe release of usually repressed urges."
"No other ideology has come from such brutal beginnings, experienced such intense repression, and still managed to rise to dominate so much of the world."
"There's this incredible amount of repression... which existed in comedy and in Show Business for most of the 20th century."
"There is a humanitarian situation in Cuba; the people went out to the street to protest, and the government started repressing the people and they cut off the internet."
"Believe whatever you want to believe, I personally think that the repression of innate sexuality is a form of control."
"This created a negative feedback loop where the government's repression of the students led to discontentment, which led to organizing, which led to further fears."
"The government response to protests is more and more repression."
"Sansa is my fave. I see her as this girl that had her wolf blood repressed."
"Crime is an antisocial act of such a nature that its repression is necessary to the preservation of the existing system of society."
"What we push down is what our Shadow Self is."