
Deserving Quotes

There are 2127 quotes

"You deserve every bit of peace, love, and blessing abundance opportunity happiness that is coming towards you."
"I don't think anyone deserves anything. I think if you're a shitty person, you don't deserve love."
"You deserve the best of the best of the best."
"Shower people with their flowers; they deserve it."
"Keep an open mind. You deserve love, and this could be the one."
"Sometimes life doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve so much more."
"She never deserved that. She deserves better."
"I think we want to bring justice to the people that really deserve justice."
"Everyone around the world deserves that healing."
"Competition, I think Avery is very deserving of it, and I just think Avery's a very genuine person."
"You absolutely deserve this blessing. What's happening for you, you absolutely deserve."
"You actually deserve this happy ending... you deserve love, you deserve happiness."
"You my sir, you deserve to be knighted honestly."
"No one deserves our help more than the brave men who served our country."
"Girls that ask for nothing women that ask for nothing deserve everything."
"Peace is the most important thing, we all deserve peace."
"He's a solid character and deserves to be on this list."
"That girl deserves to be happy. She truly does."
"You will get what you really need and deserve for yourself."
"Doofus Rick is just too pure for this cruel universe and he deserves The Gold without a doubt."
"You deserve love and this trusting relationship that you really desire."
"You guys absolutely deserve this ten of cups, ten of cups clarifying the ten of cups, that's a double happy ending."
"The best way to get what you want in life is just to deserve what you want."
"It's time for you to release that and love yourself enough to know that you do deserve the best and with this energetic upgrade, you're gonna see why you were born different."
"If she doesn't support you at your lowest, she doesn't deserve you at your best."
"Greenwood gets man of the match and I think he did just about deserve it."
"You are deserving of the opportunities coming through for you."
"You are deserving of all the love, healing, and truthful things in the world."
"They absolutely did deserve it, they were really good."
"You are one of the hardest working individuals that I know, one of the most deserving recipients."
"There's a difference between someone who deserves it the most and someone who needs it the most."
"If you are stupid enough to not spell 'harmonious' right, you don't deserve it."
"Toy probably deserves fairies the most out of anyone on this list."
"Hazel Wells comes across as someone who deserves fairies."
"You deserve it and work your butt off to get there."
"Your dreams are coming true, and you deserve it."
"You deserve everything that God outlined for you."
"I'm very happy you have that. It's deserved."
"Lupita Nyong'o not only deserves this award, but also the Oscars."
"He deserves better, he does. He deserves to be the champion and he's gonna be the champion."
"You guys be good to yourselves because you guys deserve it."
"It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person."
"You have a certain standard of what you want for yourself, and you deserve that."
"I love this moment and I think that Shinji absolutely deserves to be the one to score this hit after all they have so much history together."
"Crosby deserved the heart there, I think for sure."
"This is someone that authentically wants to give you what you deserve."
"You deserve connections, happiness, and love."
"She's a gem and she's an angel and she deserves the world."
"In my opinion, he is absolutely the deserving winner."
"You can use me as the prototype and say okay I need ab and C because you deserve the best."
"The universe doesn't care what you need, it rewards what you deserve."
"Being deserving is not to want, it's to create."
"This is it for you, I'm telling you, and you guys deserve it, you've been waiting for so long."
"You deserve love, but I think you guys deserve this, if you're gonna have a hard time accepting it but you deserve it."
"He deserves a bit of luck and he deserves some praise as well."
"You are deserving of this love, and it does not have to be a fight. You do not have to fight for love."
"It's like nothing because like you deserve it, you know?"
"Go towards the light, go towards the place of standing in your own integrity about what you deserve."
"I'm so happy her career really is blowing up because she totally deserves it."
"I admire you as this radiant being worthy of everything."
"I think that would definitely be one that deserves to be told."
"He fits a lot of the boxes that people are looking for as well as, you know, he's just so talented and so deserving of it."
"I'm happy to see them start to get the respect that honestly they've always deserved."
"There's something so tangible about it in that revelation of 'you're the one who actually deserves a wish.'"
"Made in Abyss deserves best score, hands down."
"They're saying we want to give you the true choice here, so keep yourself open because we are answering this prayer and you deserve this."
"Richard definitely deserves it; he truly does deserve it."
"You're an adorable amazing person and you deserve the world."
"I think all three of you deserve the win on this one... none of you phoned it in."
"They deserve the success that they're currently experiencing."
"Know that you're deserving of everything that has been planted in your heart."
"You've put in the work, you deserve that next level."
"Someone who caters to you, because you deserve it."
"Few sets of fans deserve success more than the iron Union faithful."
"Don't you deserve presents that you want? That's what you should be got buying all this stuff for yourself."
"You're about to receive the recognition and rewards that you guys deserve."
"You deserve it, so you're getting it. Alright, either way, whatever side of the coin that you're on, Aries, it looks like you're having a new beginning in love that is deserved."
"Everyone that knew Celia knew that she was worth the type of love that she gave to others."
"This girl definitely deserves to feel love again and move on."
"You deserve the best of the best because you are at your peak."
"Never feel like you're asking for too much, because the empress deserves everything she deserves the world."
"If anyone deserves more than a few drinks, it's Shepard. Hit me with the good stuff."
"Who deserves this more than all the crypto holders on the planet?"
"She deserves every right to be able to reach those opportunities."
"Major major changes positive changes and you receive in the love and the respect that you truly deserve."
"You deserve a new car, you deserve a new house, you deserve happiness, you deserve joy."
"Regardless if you're giving or you're not giving, God is going to bless all of you because all of you deserve."
"This is your moment and you deserve it, it's yours and they can go sit in a corner and cry about it if they want to."
"Enjoy this moment, Libra, enjoy this moment, you deserve it."
"I just want to see you have all that you deserve and you deserve the very best."
"This is going to be a really beautiful month for you energetically. And you deserve it."
"Harmonix deserved so much better, it deserved the world."
"True justice is what you deserve, so manifest that."
"I'd love him to win it simply because I think he deserves it."
"You deserve all of the wonderful things in life."
"You deserve it, beautiful magic, manifestation."
"If you have a dream, INFJs, guess what, you really do deserve it because if God gave you a dream, it's yours, you need to live it."
"Forgive yourself, honey, you deserve it."
"You deserve the right people in your life, the right friends, the right support."
"You are nurturing yourself, you are attracting people that you deserve."
"You're about to get the attention that you deserve, the acknowledgement."
"I know I'm better than this; I know I deserve better because I truly am a good soul."
"You deserve somebody solid that you can rely on."
"If you could just see how incredible you are and all the good things in the world that you deserve."
"You absolutely deserve to earn a living."
"...kindness...you deserve to treat yourself with more kindness."
"You're getting everything that you deserve, you're cashing in your karma."
"Congratulations, you deserve it, you freaking deserve it, you've been through enough and it's only the best to come."
"You know you deserve way better than what you've been getting here."
"You deserve that and so much more."
"You deserve to do what is going to make you happy."
"I hope he has the day he deserves."
"I hope you have the day you deserve."
"You deserve to feel safe, when you feel happy."
"You deserve everything the person who has what you think you don't deserve thought they deserved it."
"So happy for you Victor, you deserve this."
"You deserve to have everything because you're a genuine person."
"You're going out for what you truly deserve because you put a lot of effort into your life."
"You deserve all the love and the happiness in the world."
"Sometimes people need love the most when they deserve it the least."
"You need to believe that you're worthy and deserving of this."
"Why on Earth are we settling for less than we deserve?"
"Make sure you enjoy it. You deserve to be entertained."
"She deserves to be a superstar beyond those who are just in the know."
"You are being granted stability, wealth, and abundance, and you deserve every single bit of it."
"God's literally reaching his hand out the clouds and blessing you with the blessings that you are deserving of."
"You still deserve to be able to put food on your table."
"You're the hardest worker in the room, you guys deserve it."
"This one deserves so much more love."
"Someone sees another person as deserving of love or they deserve better than what they're offering them."
"You are worthy and deserving of it."
"You're going to get exactly what you deserve; you're getting redeemed."
"Book a holiday, divine feminine, why? Because you deserve it."
"This place is about second chances, and who deserves more?"
"You don't deserve to be stuck with the wrong person, but you do deserve to find the right person."
"Bisping truly deserved it after all the setbacks he faced."
"You're worthy of receiving those things, and you're worthy of a life even better than the one that you've dreamed of."
"The man truly deserves to be called Beast."
"I never saw myself as someone who would be desired. I didn't think I deserved that. But guess what? I do."
"He truly deserves it, and he earned it."
"You deserve to strive for what is going to bring you more joy."
"You deserve all the roses, the flowers, all the accolades."
"You deserve to feel joyful, you deserve to feel good, and you deserve to have blessings in your life."
"Maybe deserving has got nothing to do with it; maybe it's just fate."
"You work hard, you deserve it, you should do it."
"The more you love yourself, the more you'll realize how much you deserve to achieve these dreams and how much you deserve wonderful things and all the abundance in the world."
"You're becoming more aware of your value and what you deserve."
"You always get the love you deserve when you stop looking."
"The moment you deserve Mercy or the moment you earn Mercy, it's no longer Mercy, it's Justice."
"You're worthy and deserving of love."
"Life is short, you deserve to find."
"Take some time for yourself; you deserve it."
"For once in my life, I'm glad to have earned something that I feel like I actually deserve."
"Life responds to deserve not need."
"I deserve someone who can see my potential and see my worth."
"The winners were very much deserving of their awards."
"Paige is so deserving of a ton of respect and attention."
"Please don't leave this world before you are given what you deserve, and that's happiness."
"You deserve so much more than that life."
"You deserve it all, you're only 25 once."
"Every woman wants a bit of glamour in their life, and after everything Joy has been through, she deserves a pad that she can live in, love, and respect."
"Life is about to get a hell of a lot better, and it's because you deserve it."
"Whatever this person has, they 100% deserve because it's their Blood, Sweat, and Tears."
"Don't give away your hard work to someone else who hasn't earned it."
"Everyone deserves to live the life that they want to live."
"I see Taylor going through an era where she almost feels undeserving of the things that she's had."
"You guys deserve this new Endeavor you guys deserve this this success."
"I deserve a clean and beautiful home."
"I am not accepting anything less than what I deserve."
"My inner child deserves the world. My inner child deserves to go to Disneyland. My inner child deserves to go on vacation, to have a Netflix and chill this weekend. Period."
"I live a life I deserve, blessed."
"She deserves to have the most perfect life partner."
"Not everyone deserves a happy ending, but you do."
"Hey, you yourself, as much as anybody else out there, deserves the best."
"You guys are sitting pretty on that throne, knowing that you deserve better."
"I just hate the fact that people will be jealous about something that you deserve so much."
"You have a lot of positive happiness coming in for you, happiness that you deserve."
"Respect isn't deserved, it's earned."
"Be open to receive, guys, because you deserve nothing but the best."
"I think that was righteous. This is the one I've seen where the winner truly deserved it."
"Great story, great movie, and it really did deserve better."
"Not everybody deserves to get your highest version."
"Remember, you deserve everything you wish for just because of how incredible you are."
"You are deserving of the world, the five-star treatment, queen treatment, king treatment."
"Ria Ripley deserves the chance to lead a division."
"You deserve everything under the sun if not more than most because of how much you've done for others."
"You are worthy and deserving of having consistent, beautiful, feel-good love."
"It is definitely time for you to receive that."
"They deserved it, I think, at the end of the day today."
"She doesn't deserve it in the slightest."
"You deserve someone who will muster up that strength."
"You deserve competent Medical Care."
"I deserve success. I am worth success."
"I am deserving of success. I am worthy of success."
"I'm deserving of phenomenal success in my field."
"I'm deserving of it. I'm worthy of it."
"If anyone deserved a happy ending it's Jesse Pinkman."
"Love is about connection, but yeah, you look like you look ambitious and you know what you're looking for, so go for it, you deserve better."
"This year you deserve to make more, you've been putting in so much work."
"You're just kind of stepping up the game here in 2024 and getting back what you put in getting back what you truly deserve."