
California Quotes

There are 944 quotes

"When you live in California, it's fascinating to see how many people that don't live in California have strong opinions about it."
"This is the biggest solar plant in the United States, located in Kern, California. The Solar Star Plant is over 8 square miles and has a generation capacity of 579 megawatts, powering around 255,000 homes."
"Invest in California now. Now is the time. It's on the up."
"Hurricane Hillary ripped up Southern California."
"Christmas had come to California early, and it was a smash hit."
"The government in California, people who economists who study the matter have estimated we have about three and a half million too few homes in this state relative to the population and the family growth."
"California leads the state in individuals who are either hurt or killed as a result of these pursuits."
"California is stunning... it's worth it due to the weather, the mountains, the skiing, the ocean."
"Last year, Californian lawmakers set a goal of reaching 100% renewable energy for the state by 2045."
"California is a perfect place, a true golden state."
"California remains such a desirable location, spectacular geography, incredible climate."
"People really want to live here. I really want to live here."
"We're so rich in San Francisco, in California... it's probably fair to say are greater than really any other city or region in human history."
"The thoughts and plans that I have come inherently from within. Our vision for solving the problems that California has not some manuscript somewhere."
"When you hear my opinions on my plan, our solutions, and our research, my answers are Californian answers. They're not Democratic answers; they're not Republican answers."
"We can't solve a problem unless we tell the truth. So, I'm going to go up there and tell the truth about what's going on in California."
"While neither San Francisco nor California formally adopted the institution of chattel slavery, the tenets of segregation, white supremacy, and systematic repression and exclusion of black people were codified through legal and extra-legal actions."
"Being stuck in traffic is typical for Californians, still, he loves this New Year's Eve memory."
"California will be providing free period products like tampons and pads in all public schools serving grades 6 through 12."
"California really is, I mean California is not absolved of its problems, it certainly has its issues, but above all, California is probably one of the best run, if not the best run states in the nation."
"There is not enough housing in the state of California, especially in the Bay Area, and it's affecting whether people can live."
"recently purchased a home in california worth 14.7 million"
"California is practically already its own country."
"California as a failed state and collapsing."
"California is like the hyper-distilled version of America itself."
"If California voters choose to recall Gavin Newsom, the leading Republican candidate to replace him as governor would be a right-wing talk show host."
"Choose freedom, choose creativity, choose California."
"Every new truck sold in California will be zero emission by 2045." - California Air Resource Board
"California legislators are considering laws that I think will destroy the state and they are anti-scientific."
"The fires in California, you need forest management."
"California is savable because the people want the change."
"California is incredibly expensive. It's become unaffordable."
"Nearly 40 percent of Californians are living at or near poverty, and as a humane society, this is something we just shouldn't tolerate."
"California is facing a housing shortage as the median price of real estate exceeded seven hundred thousand dollars for the first time in the state's history."
"The vote to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom has failed."
"Good vibrations of California, one of our last living musical geniuses: Brian Wilson."
"Former UFC champion Tito Ortiz was elected as the mayor pro tem of Huntington Beach, California."
"We need to deregulate California and bring business back."
"You can't get no house for no four hundred thousand dollars in California."
"We're gonna run away... We're gonna go to California."
"People came to California to build up their lives, to build their families, to move forward, reinvent themselves. That's becoming harder and harder."
"The biggest reason seems to be housing costs."
"We should be looking at how to reform some of the property taxes but at the same time reducing the income tax."
"What is it going to do to retain and attract talented, motivated, entrepreneurial younger people to California?"
"There's definitely elements that were taken from reality, you know, the fact that it's based in California."
"Here are 10 key points every California progressive or liberal should consider before relocating."
"California is ready to turn red, a rebellion against the political class."
"Child care was ahead of even things like housing and college as the biggest expense for Californians surveyed."
"California get all the press when it comes to Bigfoot but in Clem 2 no one even questions the possibility they're just here and everyone knows it."
"California's is classy, perfect for the Golden State."
"California residents can now enjoy and go freely as they so wish without a mass mandate."
"Welcome back, it is home to one of the oldest plant species on earth, the giant sequoias which have been growing in this part of California for over 16 million years. That's pretty cool."
"The golden state is otherworldly in other categories as well UFO sightings."
"Mormon Island, a ghost town from the Gold Rush era, emerged from under Folsom Lake in California due to receding water levels."
"The average price of a home in California just hit $800,000."
"California could rise as much as nine feet by the end of this century."
"California would make a big dent if it left on its own."
"One of the big projects I've learned about is biochars, this project removes flammable dead wood from California's forests to help stop wildfires."
"California: the glitz, the glamour, the awesome weather."
"California's economic woes: from military decline to the rise of Silicon Valley."
"The once glorious California Dream is starting to erode."
"All That Glitters Is Not Gold, especially when you're poor in the Golden State."
"California is incredibly special. It is beautiful. It is the laboratory of creativity still in this country."
"California right now is a bad bet long term."
"California plans to stop selling new gas-powered cars by 2035."
"Mark Twain would tuck away all sorts of experiences and stories he gained while spending time in the West, traveling to San Francisco and enjoying the weather and fruits that California had to offer."
"California is filled with some of the most insane heists you could imagine."
"California: where diversity and history collide."
"The world-famous Windows wallpaper depicting a lush green hill against a blue sky was actually taken in California's Napa Valley."
"California is now the epicenter of one of the largest industries in the world."
"Houses up here are in the 125,000 range which is super cheap for California."
"Hundreds filled the north steps of the state capital in Sacramento to protest against California's vaccine mandate."
"California wildfire is straight out of a horror movie."
"California ultimately is going to a system where their idea would be the state would have complete control over all business and they're just doing it indirectly."
"California High-Speed Rail: A reminder of the complexities of Mega projects."
"California, yes California, it doesn't need explaining."
"I just can't imagine what this must have been like. This is actually known as one of the worst aviation crashes in California's history."
"We truly felt that the ordinary were experiencing the extraordinary in the skies over California."
"California has been a state that people go to to chase their dreams."
"Coming up, California's governor says the state will fully reopen its economy on June 15th."
"California's governor has announced the state could fully reopen on June 15th."
"California Governor Gavin Newsom will face a recall election on September 14th."
"Gun safety saves lives I don't think it I know it and the data bears that out in the state of California."
"God wants to do something on the west coast, California, the entire coast." - Mondo
"This is the biggest legal scandal in California history, it's kind of a big deal."
"If you are in California, prepare to pay more for refrigerators here we go inflation going higher not just by the fed than pal but also new regulations."
"Do not park it on the street here in California. Do not park it on the street."
"California is facing an apparent exodus of high-income earners."
"California has a law to eventually ban gas-powered lawn equipment."
"California alone has a higher... has more money basically is crazy."
"Gavin Newsom was not recalled in the California election."
"California exodus... not only still happening, it's gotten worse."
"Protecting them is something that Californians recognize as part of their identity."
"Our very first rental vehicles are going to be available in California... in San Francisco and San Diego."
"Every California family deserves to feel safe."
"That's how the death cap snuck into California from Europe."
"A big earthquakes finally coming for California, I've actually intuitively think it's coming in the northern part."
"California has been the world leader in Cults for a very long time."
"Two million Californians will be without power."
"California is the place that people came because they were not afraid."
"California will start sending direct payments of $350 to $1,050 for 23 million Californians."
"It wasn't long ago people from everywhere wanted to move to the Golden State to enjoy a better life sadly the standard of living has been dropping in the past decade."
"Gavin Newsom has governed the state like garbage."
"We're tired of California being a state that is so beautiful, it has everything, but we always have to pay high taxes."
"More businesses have left California this year than have left all of last year."
"Welcome to California own ghosts ooh spooky oh you're scaring me oh my god!"
"Is there any hope for California? Oh hell yes."
"California might still be the Golden State, but it's lost its glitter."
"The fluctuating budgets, high inequality, and high costs of living are straining Californian society in unexpected ways."
"He was described as being the ultimate California guy."
"California: almost every type of scenery imaginable is here."
"It's good to see that there's some parts of California that are still holding on."
"California's record-breaking 2020 fire season has now become a fire year."
"California state voters may have a chance to increase their minimum wage once again."
"Banana peels, chicken bones, and leftover veggies soon won't be allowed in most California trash bins."
"Our time in California was priceless, like honestly."
"I want California to be great, to be exceptional like it used to be."
"California has a larger economy than three countries that have one and a half times the size of it."
"For those of you in California, you're very familiar with the term liquefaction."
"California is great, you guys have the ocean, you have the mountains."
"The old growth Redwood forest of Northern California are another reminder of how diverse this state is when it comes to outdoor beauty."
"This then is California, the Golden State, all things to all people, a great place to live, a wonderful place to visit, truly a vacation wonderland."
"The Golden State gave us the Gold Rush, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Golden Age of Hollywood."
"While California was once a symbol of American success, today under the radical left fascists and Marxists that run your state, it's becoming a symbol of our nation's decline."
"Together we will reverse the decline of America and we will end the desecration of your once great state, California."
"More than half of the unsheltered homeless people in America live in communist-run California."
"It was the coming of the automobile and the highway that this part of California was truly connected to the rest of the world."
"The variety of landscape in California is crazy; you can be on the beach and drive 2 hours and be skiing on the mountains."
"Imagine it's in the 1800s and you have all these people rushing out to come to California for the gold rush and this is what they see."
"Welcome to sunny California, Monterey to be precise, for Sea Otter Classic 2024."
"Where else should they go but California, the land of sunshine and oranges?"
"Being in California has had its advantages."
"It's an indoor-outdoor space that's really important to me, the weather is great here in California."
"Soaring over California is way better, the smells are better, the scenes are better, and it's wonderful."
"I'm obsessed with the views here in California."
"California is its own country, you've seen enough."
"This is a spinach harvest taking place in a field in the San Joaquin Valley in central California."
"Currently around 35,000 acres of land is used to grow strawberries in California."
"California is so expensive, the taxes are so high, I think people are gonna leave in droves."
"California Grill is well known for its Michelin recognized dining."
"Real Pro indoor volleyball female beach volleyball play volleyball in California and around the world tonight is the start of something magical"
"I grew up in Pasadena, California."
"California in general is just so fire."
"The reason why I left California honesty is just the cost the cost of living the cost of running a business regulations."
"If you define the American dream as living in a big house on a Big Lot yes it's easier to to live in Texas but California is still a great place for people to pursue their dreams depending on what they're looking for."
"California is the largest cannabis market in North America and the largest cannabis market in the world because of the federal illegality right now in the U.S."
"The original DCA entrance...looked as though the sun was setting...on a nice day in California."
"It's a celebration of what unites us tucked away in the heart of sunny California."
"California solved climate change. It rains now in L.A."
"Shant Valley has a population of around 650 people and it's located in Mono County, California."
"So, after I started seeing like YouTube channels, and I was like, it mostly was like out-of-town channels talking about California."
"This is the first event in California in a while, right?"
"Moving to California now, and I have to sell all my stuff and get a visa and do this all within like a month."
"There's a ton of fish and it's a weird place cuz if you're not from California it's kind of hard to picture this but you can be swimming in a kelp forest which is what we have in California and then see like tropical butterfly fish swim through."
"What is California's official state flower?"
"It started its life in California."
"It was incredible flying solo just off the coast of California."
"What's up Bros I'm California and California is the only state that has had both the summer and the Winter Olympics."
"Soft taco once you move to California and you have incredible tacos better than anywhere in the United States."
"Despite a genuine belief by many Californians at the time that the lynching curbed kidnapping, the opposite proved true."
"Fresno has the worst homeless problem of any city in the United States or in California."
"California: home to the Golden Gate Bridge, stunning coastlines, and 20 avocado toast. But more importantly, it's the home of an idea that ended up saving the internet."
"It's a perfect California kind of cruise muscle car from the 60s."
"In 1848, gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill near present-day Sacramento, California."
"The fight for California could prove to be a much longer affair"
"Palm Springs Chic" - laid-back and stylish, capturing the essence of California cool.
"California High-Speed Rail Project is an epic Venture into modernizing Transportation."
"oh look at that, another beautiful day in California"
"California is a state that needs little introduction."
"But like most places, California is definitely not without a darker side."
"California produces more than 85% of all carrots grown in the US."
"California gets all this land back and Texas actually might become in the lead very very soon."
"I just feel like this is a big reason why I just am going to feel so sad when we leave California because look at this every day like this is just this could be daily life."
"Built in California, this amphibious vehicle is a street legal Jeep on land, transforming into a powerful speedboat on water."
"Nobody does it like California, period."
"There's a place for everyone in California, regardless of race, gender, national origin, wealth, income, or political affiliation."
"California grows the most food in the United States, and quality fresh foods are available."
"On a high level, yes, California's a high-tax state, but for some retirees, it's not as bad as people make it out to be."
"Cali just got that feel to it like that [__] just feel good out there."
"That's what you did, I get like an update every month or two about from my parents about how much worse California was than before I left."
"The California coastal redwoods, they will take your breath away."
"California's Pacific Coast Highway 1, the world's most famous scenic drive."
"A night where we celebrate MMA in California and this Combat Sports Cathedral, the Shark Tank."
"I love it, people hate California, but they can't afford to live here."
"From 2017 to 2023 California forever operated as a company called Flannery Associates buying up $800 million worth of land in Solano County before ever revealing its plans."
"I wanted open spaces and indoor outdoor living because why else are we living in California if we don't get all of those things?"
"Pepperdine University Malibu California the next most beautiful college on our list is the prestigious Pepperdine University"
"California had to take out such a loan during the COVID business shutdowns and took on by far the most debt of any state. The current debt amounts to $18.8 billion."
"When I was a kid, I always wanted to live in California. It sounded like a fairy tale world."
"In the words of John Steinbeck, California was less a state of the union than a state of mind."
"It (Little Manila) represents a part of history that will forever be a part of California."
"Last night I was dreaming out loud. California sun was making my eyes dry. Next year in the winter, let's give it a try."
"I think California could be one of the best places in the world, but here we are, people are leaving, including myself."
"I know California, they're still in school for the next few weeks, but yes, Mason's officially on summer break."
"California's DUI laws apply to both alcohol and drugs."
"To this day you can still find hidden gold in the hills of California."
"California is a place where Anything Could Happen man."
"Seize greatness in beautiful Southern California."
"California is the most beautiful place in the world. I'm not leaving California."
"Places in California that still might be considered a cheap place to live."